Assessment Schedule 7881 Standard: Title: 7881 Version 5 Level 1 (2 credits) Whiri tīpare and recall a traditional story associated with tīpare Activities Evidence Your task is to complete 3 tīpare. The candidate’s journal with attached photo’s and descriptions. Judgement / X The specifications for each tīpare are as directed by your kaitohu. The specifications will include The number of strands for each tīpare The colour/s for each tīpare The size of each tīpare. Write them down in your journals and read them before you start the assessment activities. Activity 1 Select the materials to complete three tīpare in accordance with the kaitohu specifications in regards to – number of strands colour size. Visual of candidate with selected materials and a description of the selection of materials to complete each tīpare in accordance with the specification as directed by the kaitohu. Materials selected for each tīpare met kaitohu specifications. Tīpare 1 Tīpare 2 Tīpare 3 The materials may include but is not limited to – harakeke, whenu, wool, jute, plastic. One type of material is required for all 3 tīpare; how-ever refer to the kaitohu specifications. (Performance criteria 1.1) Ngā Mahi ā te Whare Pora Assessment Schedule 7881 Page 1 of 3 Activity 1a Prepare the materials. Visual of candidate with prepared materials and a description of the preparation of materials that includes Prepare enough quality materials to complete each tīpare to the sizes as specified and directed by the kaitohu. The quantity, quality and size of the materials to complete each tīpare. The materials prepared for each tīpare met kaitohu specifications. Tīpare 1 Tīpare 2 Tīpare 3 (Performance criteria 1.2) Activity 1b Select and use tools appropriately to prepare the materials for each tīpare. Visual of candidate with selected tools and a description of the appropriate use of tools to prepare the materials for each tīpare. Selected appropriate tools to prepare the materials Used tools appropriately. Visual of candidate completing each whiri and of the candidate displaying each completed whiri showing the balanced designs. Each whiri was completed in accordance with the specifications as directed by the kaitohu. (Performance criteria 1.3) Activity 2 Whiri the tīpare in accordance with the specifications as directed by the kaitohu. the correct number of strands for each tīpare the colour of each tīpare Tīpare 1 Tīpare 2 Tīpare 3 the size of each tīpare Whiri each tīpare so the designs are balanced in accordance with the specifications as directed by the kaitohu. (Performance criteria 2.1 2.2) The designs on each tipare are balanced. Tīpare 1 Tīpare 2 Tīpare 3 Activity 3 Research and present either a local pūrākau or a pūrākau told by the kaitohu about the use of tīpare. (Performance criteria, 3.2) Ngā Mahi ā te Whare Pora Assessment Schedule 7881 Presentation of the pūrākau may be in visual, oral or written form. A traditional story associated with tīpare was presented in accordance with local pūrākau and/or as told by the kaitohu Page 2 of 3 Assessment Result: NA Not achieved A Achieved Candidate signature Dated Assessor signature Dated Assessor comments: If applicable, reasons why Candidate has not achieved unit standard: Ngā Mahi ā te Whare Pora Assessment Schedule 7881 Proposed re-assessment date: Page 3 of 3