Appendix 4 Health and Disabilities, Social Services and Whānau Ora Qualifications Mandatory Review Hui notes and response from Governance Group to the latest consultation The main issues raised that require a response from the Governance Group: ISSUE RAISED I am seriously disappointed and gravely concerned … I would like to conclude this submission by imploring you to seriously reinstating the Māori Public Health qualifications into the Whānau Ora suite of qualifications. - - - RESPONSE Maori Public Health will be placed back on the framework, Māori Public Health will be called Kaupapa Māori Public Health as Kaupapa Maori and Public Health are already well established philosophies. Māori Public Health focuses on Maori health priorities within the context of the wider environment. Kaupapa Māori Public Health needs to sit at levels 4, 5, 6 leading into a degree. ACTION: A suite of qualifications – Kaupapa Māori Public Health (Levels 4, 5 and 6) will be added to the current map. This graphic would be added to the programme delivery at the different levels. Adapted from Dahlgren and Whitehead 1991]1 Ensure a Whanau Ora graduate is able to engage in practicum by being placed within an organisation that can provide this knowledge and skills – this involves the way they practice and understand Whanau centred modalities and frameworks. - - National Whanau Ora standards and systems need to be established and implemented. Whānau Ora - Policies and procedures need to be established and implemented. Programme level and Placements – Community Exercise There is not one specific Whanau ora system. They have developed organically in the absence of a standard measure. ACTION: 1 Dahlgren G. and Whitehead M. 1991 Policies and Strategies to Promote Equity in Health. Copenhagen. World Health Organisation Regional Office for Europe. Whārangi 1 ISSUE RAISED RESPONSE Added to programme guidance/conditions Placement is a provider programme statement. This should be added into the programme content section of the qualification documentation The four points should be added the programme content section of the qualification documentation - Relationship building and networking need That part of the curriculum includes relationship to be included in the content as it is building and networking as this is a major thing essential to programme requirement when working n social services ACTION: It has been added to the programme guidance/conditions. Whanaungatanga is a foundation as a key component in the social services qualifications to ensure that building on relationships with whānau, hapu, iwi, hapori and stakeholders is vital when working within this field. - Include basic language acquisition – Te Reo There needs to be a section on boundaries within Māori, mihimihi to be in the Guiding work settings and culturally appropriate Principles boundaries. A Māori worker should be better equipped to engage in the Pōhiri process, building client rapport and whanau, able to converse in Te Reo Māori ACTION: The MMEQA qualifications have tikanga and te reo Māori as the foundation building blocks to encourage advancement of te reo Māori and tikanga Māori. It is an expectation that they will be added to programme guidance/conditions - Legislation knowledge Know the Health and Disability Code of Rights, - How to do Cultural Assessments cultural competencies of a service and able to do - Models and Frameworks cultural assessments and what models and theoretical framework that would be and look like ACTION: Provider to ensure this is in their programme. Added to programme guidance/conditions. Legislative or compliance requirements e.g. Code of Rights, Health and Safety? First Aid? Would become mandatory in the Qualification outcomes section of the qualification docs. - Suggest a suite of 4 comprehensive courses Within the mandatory review of reducing the or 8 similar courses number of qualifications, offering a suite of EIGHT - Do we look at 8 – 4 – 12 qualifications that are closely related - in content - Going back to Points of Difference or and specification – is counterproductive. I would looking at going back to the drawing board. suggest FOUR quality qualifications, at most, are better than eight. The range needs slimming down and rationalising. ACTION: To maintain the qualification map/landscape and to keep the integrity of the qualifications in their specialised areas, there are now 12 qualifications. - Strands rather than separate qualifications More work needs to be done on what is the - Which qualifications are best to use point-of-difference between theses qualifications - in order to justify why so many different levels and permutations are needed. Can some of these permutations be gained by offering specialty options WITHIN qualifications, (strands) rather than whole extra quals? ACTION: The point of difference is that the career pathway is specific to each Hauora field. The pathway would be toward a degree at a level 6 + onwards. At the lower levels (3, 4) they would work in the specific area i.e. ‘KMPH, ‘tiaki kuia, koroua’, then later cross credit to a higher level qualification Whārangi 2 ISSUE RAISED RESPONSE working towards a degree. The justification is in the pathway to the levels that reflect rather the number of quals. Whānau ora Level 3 - Entry level for High School Students – We are seeking clarification on the rationale for Pathway to academia the inclusion of a level 3 Whanau Ora - Introduces basic skills and qualities qualification. We disagree that there is a need for - Encourage rangatahi into this field a level 3 qualification. - Entry level for whānau with no formal qualifications - Pathway from STAR programmes in schools ACTION: To maintain the integrity of the qualifications in their specialised areas it was suggested that Whānau Ora qualification will be offered at Levels 3, 4, 5, 6 Whanau Ora Level 4: - TEC – NZQA To research path way The consultation information to date has - Whanau Ora Level 4 suggested the level 4 qualification would be a 120 - 60 Credits – 120 Credits credit programme and as it is a pathway into the - Review to look at going back to original diploma TWoA feel there is a strong base knowledge required to ensure learner success at the diploma level and therefore support a certificate at 120 credits to ensure learner success. We are seeking clarification on the proposed level 4 qualification and why this is now a 60 credits qualification. ACTION: Credits are ‘localised’ e.g. 120 credits is a prerequisite on the programme/qualification documentation from a provider and NOT across the board for all qualifications. It is up to the GG/WG to decide how many credits they want for each qualifications e.g. 40 credits for a certificate 120 credits for a Diploma with 72 credits at the diploma level. Pou tautoko i te ora qualifications Level 4 and 5 - Go back to working parties to ensure general comments consultation is open and clear. We are concerned about the substantive change - The qualifications for Social Services need to these qualifications have undergone and there stay in their own field as each area has its does not appear to be a strong social services own specific career pathway. visibility any longer which also include the change - The health sector has similarities across the in qualification title and seek clarification on the board which are reflected in the GPO’s, title change. however it is how the different services During the development of these qualifications engage with whānau that creates the there were several concerns that there was different context which will reflect in the duplication between the whānau ora and social Levels 3-6. services qualifications and that the working group - Whānau Ora and Social Services had similar needed to ensure that they were distinctly GPO’s. Disabilities, Elderly care and Māori different qualifications. Public Health had clear distinctions. The working group set out to ensure that these - Moving forward it would be best to go back suites of qualifications were distinctly different to the original bullet points to capture what however in viewing the proposed qualification was originally created to see what the TWoA feel that both suites of qualifications have distinct differences were from each of the become strongly aligned with the Whanau Ora different areas created from a kaupapa qualification which raises a concern about Māori perspective. duplication. - Two distinct qualifications - Needs to ensure Social Services and Whārangi 3 ISSUE RAISED - RESPONSE Whānau Ora show differences Changes to the content have been in consultation with stakeholders. The Qualification Developer (MQS) word-smith the responses into academic language ACTION: Qualification suite name: The Qualification Developer (QD) is currently working with GG/WG to acquire an appropriate name. Content is updated post consultation and hui. Graduate profile outcomes - Go back to working group We suggest take out the words whanau-centred - What is the whole profile outcome and leave in health (hauora) and social services in statement? – Needs clarification both levels and also replace Whānau Ora with Mātauranga Māori principles. ACTION: Relevant/appropriate /specific wording is revised post consultation/hui and reworked across all the qualifications to align with Health Sector and appropriate Hauora terminology. Pathways - Employment pathways The employment pathways of both qualifications - Add Range of Qualifications don’t seem to have a lot of social services - Research Qualifications outcomes and it is suggested that social services - Add Qualifications to list pathways are included. - Having levels 2, 3 leading to higher Education pathways show health options and qualifications at levels 6 therefore also include social services pathways which should also include pathways to degrees as these are a valid pathway for learners. ACTION: Targeted feedback from working groups. Search on the NZQF for NZ quals in the specific area (see QDF). Whanau Ora (Tiaki Kuia, Koroua) - Working party to extend and include clinical TWoA feel that the development of this operational guidelines pathway. programme was not specific enough in terms of - Kaumatua care (Strand but developers the delivery of the true needs required for elderly wanted a specific qualification) care and suggest further investigation into this qualification. ACTION: Will work with WG to address this. Recommendation: start with ‘roles’ and work back to graduate profile or where the qualification is not meeting the true needs of programme delivery. Add into programme guidance/conditions There is a risk that TWoA will be unable to develop - Whanau Ora and Social Services and a programme to meet these qualifications and Hauora Outcomes more work is required to ensure a clear social - Future Proofing needed service and hauora outcome to ensure it meets - Research that the qualifications pathways the needs of the sector - That the GPO’s guide each field Maori area and are clear - Working group come together to help provide information what is needed from a Governance Group level ACTION: Whārangi 4 ISSUE RAISED Further consideration for the inclusion of the suite of Public Health qualifications. RESPONSE Whanau ora and working party to look at Social Services and Hauora outcomes ACTION: Done. Suite of KMPH (levels 4, 5, 6) is added to map. He Mihi Māori Qualifications Services would like to thank all of those who were able to provide valuable feedback, not only for this round of consultation, but also for the previous consultation rounds. You feedback has been invaluable in shaping this suite of qualifications. Mokori anō kia rere ngā mihi ki a koutou katoa! Whārangi 5