Health and Disabilities, Social Services and Whānau Ora qualifications Governance and Working Group Notes Date Wednesday 28 January 2015 Venue Wellington Airport Conference Room Attendance Barney Cooper, Carla Te Anga, Maraea Johns, Rangimahora Reddy, Riripeti Haretuku, Terry Huriwai, Waereti Tait-Rolleston, Wi Keelan, Wheturangi Walsh-Tapiata Facilitation: Dinah Paenga, Josie Pulman, Emmett Isaac Minute taker: Anatoa Tekira Apologies Keri-Anne Stephens, Sandre Kruger, Julie Haggie, Marleina Nelson, Hana Tukukino, Maaka Tibble, Moana Eruera Notes 1 Proposed changes to the suite of qualifications Māori Qualifications Services (MQS) presented rational to support a change to the current landscape. 1.1 The current landscape (map), consists of eight qualifications. The new landscape (map) has four qualifications. (see appendix 1). 1.2 A proposed landscape is four Whānau Ora qualifications at L3, L4, L5 and L6 with a qualifier that denotes the specific context e.g. Tiaki Kuia, Koroua / Disabilities / Māori Public Health / Te Toko i te Ora. 1.3 The proposed landscape was acknowledged, however discussion referred to version 2 of the landscape (see appendix 2). Action: The consensus was to recreate a version 4 landscape/map (see appendix 3). 2 Analysis of feedback from (November/December) consultation – GG and WG responses. See appendix 4 2.1 The Social Services qualifications need to retain their own field as each strand has its own specific career pathway. There was some concern that Whānau Ora and Social Services looked too much alike. 2.2 The Whānau Ora qualifications do not currently segue into higher qualifications. They do provide an academic pathway for learners such as Māori community health workers and school leavers. 2.3 The Kaupapa Māori Pubic Health is a qualification that can provide an academic pathway for graduates of Whānau Ora qualifications into degree levels and needs to be placed back onto the framework at Levels 5 and 6. 2.4 All these qualifications will grow leaders within whānau, hapu, iwi and also provide a pathway of study for clinicians/ specialist and support their ability to engage positively with whanau. \\Zeus\main\SHARE\QS\MQS\FIELD MAORI - Current Projects\Hauora\Hui\2015\28 Jan GG & WG\Minutes\Minutes 280215.docx Health and Disabilities, Social Services and Whānau Ora qualifications Governance and Working Group Notes 3 Nga Matāpono As the current wording in the matāpono looked very similar, we split into groups and spent time revising and rewriting the matāpono. Each suite of qualifications will be informed by nga Matāpono but the student graduate profile is key in terms of expected outcomes. Action: MQS to work with individual groups on the matāpono/guiding principles in preparation for the WG hui. 4 Final notes/round the room input 4.1 Ensure we are meeting the qualification requirements e.g. qualification pathways. 4.2 Ensure matāpono/guiding principles ‘guide’ each suite of qualifications we are developing. 4.3 Working Group will progress work/qualifications from this hui. 4.4 Check to see that we agree on the levels for each qualification. 4.5 Once awarded does the qualification ‘give’ the graduate comparable remuneration? What or where is the employer input/impact on the finished qualification? 4.6 Governance Group can give a written and/or verbal testimony when a qualification is put in for analysis. 4.7 Work together as a team. 4.8 Work with stakeholders to market the qualifications once they are listed on the NZQF. 4.9 Get Māori workforce related to the content. 4.10 Keep Chair informed of any changes. Finish 03:00 pm \\Zeus\main\SHARE\QS\MQS\FIELD MAORI - Current Projects\Hauora\Hui\2015\28 Jan GG & WG\Minutes\Minutes 280215.docx Health and Disabilities, Social Services and Whānau Ora qualifications Governance and Working Group Notes Appendices Appendix 1 (map ver MQS) NZ Diploma in Whānau Ora (L5) NZ Certificate in Whānau Ora (L4) NZ Certificate in Whānau Ora (L3) Suggested qualification titles… New Zealand Certificate in Whānau Ora (Tiaki Kuia, Koroua) (Level 3) New Zealand Certificate in Whānau Ora (Disabilities) (Level 4) New Zealand Certificate in Whānau Ora (Māori Public Health) (Level 5) New Zealand Certificate in Whānau Ora (Te Toko I Te Ora) (Level 3) Appendix 2 (Map ver 2) \\Zeus\main\SHARE\QS\MQS\FIELD MAORI - Current Projects\Hauora\Hui\2015\28 Jan GG & WG\Minutes\Minutes 280215.docx Health and Disabilities, Social Services and Whānau Ora qualifications Governance and Working Group Notes Appendix 3 (Map ver 4) Appendix 4 (Response from Governance Group and Working Group to consultation) See attached. \\Zeus\main\SHARE\QS\MQS\FIELD MAORI - Current Projects\Hauora\Hui\2015\28 Jan GG & WG\Minutes\Minutes 280215.docx