Course Approval and Accreditation Independent Subject Expert Report - Template and Guide The independent subject expert should complete this form electronically. Once completed, it should be sent to the provider so that any issues can be incorporated into the application. Application Details Organisation name: Course title: Date of report: Summary of subject expert’s qualifications and/or experience in relation to course subject areas: I confirm that I did not have any involvement in the development of this course. I have conducted an independent and impartial review of this course approval application and to the best of my knowledge the information supplied is correct. Name (Subject Expert) Signed: (Subject Expert) Telephone: (Subject Expert) Email: (Subject Expert) Date: Version 6: May 2011 New Zealand Qualifications Authority Purpose of the independent subject expert report The New Zealand Qualifications Authority (NZQA) is responsible for the quality assurance of courses for private training establishments, wānanga, government training establishments and course owners. This quality assurance role includes course approval and accreditation. Course Approval confirms that a course is based on clear and consistent aims, content, outcomes, and assessment practices which meet the gazetted criteria and requirements. Course Accreditation confirms that the provider is capable of delivering an approved course. All requests for course approval and accreditation are analysed by NZQA against a set of gazetted criteria that are set out in the Criteria, Requirements and Guidelines for Course Approvals and Accreditation on the NZQA website. To ensure the subject-specific elements of the course meet the criteria, NZQA requires all applications to include a report from an independent subject expert. This report provides independent verification to the applicant, and ultimately to NZQA, that the subject elements of the course are satisfactory. Guidelines for the independent subject expert report The report should be typed, not handwritten. Address all the questions in the report template. Please include a detailed explanation of your findings for each question. Positive feedback is as valuable as negative feedback. It may be necessary to make a site visit to complete the report. As this will be at the applicant’s expense it should be discussed with them prior to the visit. The report should be signed and provided to the applicant who will then address any concerns and forward a copy of the report to NZQA with the other application documentation. Version 6: May 2011 2 New Zealand Qualifications Authority Comments relating to the Course Please provide comments as indicated below. 1 Aims and coherence In your opinion, will this course achieve its aims? Comments: Is the the structure of the course appropriate for this subject? Comments: Is the length of the course clearly defined and appropriate? Comments: Version 6: May 2011 3 New Zealand Qualifications Authority 2 Delivery and learning methods Are the proposed modes of delivery (i.e face to face, on-line and delivery by distance) and delivery sites clearly identified and appropriate? Comments Are the methods of teaching appropriate to the nature of the course, the learning outcomes, the proposed modes of delivery, and the likely student body? Comments: In your opinion, would the delivery methods place learners or the public at risk (e.g. cultural, emotional or physical)? Comments: Version 6: May 2011 4 New Zealand Qualifications Authority 3 Assessment Is the theory assessment appropriate? Comments: In courses with practical, field or work-based components, is the assessment activity realistic and relevant to industry practice? Comments: Version 6: May 2011 5 New Zealand Qualifications Authority 4 Acceptability of the course How does the course meet the needs of the industry/profession? Comments: Version 6: May 2011 6 New Zealand Qualifications Authority 5 Regulations Are the requirements for admission to the organisation and to the course appropriate? Comments: Version 6: May 2011 7 New Zealand Qualifications Authority 6 Resources What qualifications or industry experience should a teacher of this course have? Comments: Is the job description appropriate? Comments: Does the provider have (or have evidence of a plan to acquire) appropriate and sufficient resources, equipment and facilities to deliver the course adequately? Comments: Version 6: May 2011 8 New Zealand Qualifications Authority Further comments Version 6: May 2011 9 New Zealand Qualifications Authority