NZQF 3 Application for Approval of a Qualification at Levels 1-6 1. Qualification Developer Details Qualification developer name Provider No. Approval to Develop application Case No. Contact name and title Contact details Has the qualification been jointly developed? Select If YES, include other TEO name(s) and their Provider Number(s) 2. Changes to qualification details approved in the Approval to Develop a Qualification application Have there been any changes to the following details subsequent to approval to develop being granted? If you responded YES to changes to one or more details above, then - Qualification Type Select Qualification Level Select Strategic Purpose Statement Select Outcome Statement Select Confirm whether the change(s) have altered the overall purpose and/or intent of the qualification (as approved in the Approval to Develop a Qualification application) Select Complete Section 11 of this application 3. Qualification Details Title Level Credits Type NZSCED Strategic purpose statement Version 1.3 November 2011 NZQF 3 4. Outcome Statement Graduate profile Graduates of this qualification will be able to: Education pathway Employment pathway 5. Stakeholder Profile for Qualification Stakeholder name (Individual, group or organisation) Reason for inclusion (why they are appropriate, credible, representative) Version 1.3 November 2011 NZQF 3 6. Qualification Award 7. Review Period (in months) 8. Qualification Specification Arrangements for managing consistency Credit transfer and recognition of prior learning arrangements Minimum standard of achievement and standards for grade endorsements (where applicable) Pre requisites to meet regulatory body or legislative requirements (where applicable) Optional conditions for qualification 9. Conditions relating to specific outcomes Graduate Profile Outcomes (including indicative credit values) Conditions Mandatory or Optional Select Select Select Version 1.3 November 2011 NZQF 3 Select Select Select Select Select Select Select Select Select Explanation and justification where specific assessment standards are identified as mandatory conditions 10. Stakeholder Involvement in Qualification Development Stakeholder name Nature of involvement Reason for involvement Version 1.3 November 2011 NZQF 3 Explanation and justification for proceeding where one or more mandatory stakeholders have not supported the qualification 11. Explanation of changes to qualification details subsequent to the Approval to Develop a Qualification application Explanation and justification for changes Qualification type Qualification level Strategic Purpose Statement Outcome Statement List any NZQF qualifications that are substantially similar to the proposed qualification (additional to those previously advised in the Approval to Develop application) 12. Attachment Checklist Evidence required Attached Attestations completed and signed by each key stakeholder identified in Section 10 Select No. of attachments (using NZQA template: Involvement in Qualification Development Stakeholder Attestation (NZQF4)) Assessment standards identified in the Specification (Sections 8 and 9) that require Select approval in conjunction with this application Version 1.3 November 2011