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Cameron University Banner Project
Meeting Agenda and Notes
June 28, 2016
Banner Technical Team
Committee/Meeting Name
February 8, 2010
Time Convened
Time Terminated 10:30am
Julie Duncan
Location Admin 201
Sherry Hendrix, Dawne Massey, Debbie Goode, Rick Clyburn, Angela Melton, Julie Duncan, Greg Duncan, Kurt Jn Marie,
Members Present
Chase Bailey, Kelly Simon
Members Absent
Minutes from Jan 25
Next meeting Feb 15
Update from Sherry
Discussion, Information
1. ODS: Dawne and Kurt are administrators
a. Update: Cognos training:
Student and Financial Assistance Cognos Training
scheduled February 1st – 3rd for Business Authors and
Business Authors will be attending various consumer
trainings for basic navigation skills. An email will be sent
out the week of the 11th.
Monday, February 15
AM: Consumer Training (would include various Business
Authors also)
PM: Consumer Training (would include various Business
Authors also)
Tuesday, February 16
AM: Consumer Training (would include various Business
Authors also)
PM: Consumer Training (would include various Business
Authors also)
Action Taken, Decisions, Recommendations, Time Line
Cognos update for week:
 We now have a PROD instance of Framework Manager on a
separate box. TEST remains on STU04.
 Training was rescheduled for February 15-17 in the Burch Lab
 Kurt, Greg, Julie and I met this week to visit about Cognos
Reporting, E-Print and how that ties into Luminus. It was a very
productive meeting. One of the things we discussed was the
possibility of individual departments paying for their own
Cognos license upgrades. Some of you already know this, but
Hillary wrote a report a couple of weeks ago that included a
prompt to select a person and then display their giving records.
In Query Studio, the only prompt available is a drop-down box.
There is a limit on the number of entries that can be included in
the drop-down box prompts and therefore it only included those
with a last name beginning with ‘A’ through ‘C’. We brought
that report into Report Studio, which has many options as far as
prompts are concerned. After changing the prompt type where a
name can be entered and some possible names displayed, it
worked well for them. Hillary indicated that type of prompt will
need to be used on many of their reports. So that leaves two
1) Hillary completes her report and tests it with the prompt
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Cameron University Banner Project
Meeting Agenda and Notes
Discussion, Information
Action Taken, Decisions, Recommendations, Time Line
Wednesday, February 17
AM: Business Author Training
PM: Business Author Lab
Cognos licensing costs just had a decrease:
BI Administrator 10,480
BI Business Author 1,096
BI Consumer 672
BI Advanced Business Author 1,264
BI Professional Author 2,104
Annual maintenance is approx 13.5% of license
Do we want Sherry to seek Glen’s advice regarding upgrading
of licenses?
Common Matching – from Jennifer Bowen: I think we might
need to reexamine common matching. We might need to put some
criteria other than name, social and date of birth in place.
Hillary just ran into a situation where she was getting ready to add a
female constituent and could not find them. She had their name,
address, phone number, and e-mail in GOAMTCH. When she ran
the duplicate check, there were no records found. She was getting
ready to go back into box to create a new record and realized there
was a different last name in the person’s e-mail. When she went to
search under that last name, she found them. However, their address,
phone and e-mail was identical to what she had entered on
June 28, 2016
that is available to her. At that point she lets Angie know it
is complete and Angie changes the prompt type.
2) Advancement purchases their own Report Studio license.
Report Studio is a Professional Author license.
Sherry will visit with Glen about whether or not the additional
licenses can come out of department budgets as necessary.
Report writer may take additional training. We may need to
schedule additional sessions with Paul in the future.
Another thing we discussed was the student master report.
Right now in legacy the student master report can be ran by
term and major code. In Banner, if we run the student master
report daily (this could be scheduled through Cognos) and
include the major, E-Print can be used to look at that major code
column and only pull the entries with that particular major
code. Since there is an E-Print channel on Luminus and no
license constraints, this seems to be the optimal solution. As an
added bonus, we would have an archive available of student
master lists. If they want, departments could compare the list
day to day or compare to a year ago. We will all be working
together to get this tested in the near future. If this concept
works, it could be utilized for quite a few reports.
Need to get ILT’s blessing to add email to common matching
as a criteria. They should decide if they want to add it to test
first and test or just add to both at the same time.
I am afraid we have the possibility of creating multiple records on
people who have changes in last name. We probably should
reexamine common matching or at least figure out how to search by
these criteria before we add constituents.
3. Nolij: Kelly is the administrator (Julie is helping with general
a. GP Sync Update
Kelly is still testing NOLIJ SASR Sync on test
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Cameron University Banner Project
Meeting Agenda and Notes
Discussion, Information
b. SASR Update
e-Print: Greg, Chase and Kurt are the administrators
a. Update
E-Vision: Rick and Cheryl are the administrators
a. Update: Email package for FormFusion to allow purchase
orders to be emailed to the requesting department is
AppWorx: Greg and Chase are the Administrators; Angela is
the technical lead
a. Update: nothing new
Workflow: Greg and Rick are the administrators
a. Training for ST needs to be rescheduled
Luminis: Julie is the administrator
a. Update: load testing => Carlos ran into internal issues and
PROD test load not complete
Update on interfaces/extracts
a. Early Alert: 9/10/10
b. Blackboard Connect-Ed: 8/15/10
c. ID Card: 8/1/10
d. Library interface: 11/30/09 Pretty much done.
e. Diplomas: 12/1/10
f. Directory Labels: 11/23/09 Cheryl working with Kelly
June 28, 2016
Action Taken, Decisions, Recommendations, Time Line
Rick checking with Ninette regarding adding the email module at a
cost of $6,000 + annual maint. Claim delivered 1/20/10 at 7 p.m.
How is testing of claim? Still testing.
Status of pur approvals? This is in the process of being moved
to PROD. It may be July before it’s ready to use.
Luminis: Went live this morning. May send an email
reminding staff to not use myCU login.
Blackboard extract is using BOX still for students. This will
change in August.
Library Interface for staff done. Will do students in August.
Directory interface is closer – maybe 80% done.
10. Informational: Chase loaded the FA updates on PROD on 2/6.
11. FI needs PROD copied to TEST for testing claims.
NOLIJ SASR Sync would also benefit and would like to copy
Linda Phillips’ concern re: the copy: ‘If PROD is copied to TEST
again, I'm going to lose changes I recently made to forms,
AGAIN. Who needs it copied? Every time it's copied over, I have
to start from square one on a lot of forms dealing with enrollment,
SFARSTS, SFAESTS, SOATERM, etc. We're spending 4 hours a day
in S SHP until we go live and I just now have things so we can
test enrollment and more.’
Angie’s input: ‘Not for DEVL or TRNG - DEVL has the FA 8.6
upgrade which FA is working on in prep for go-live.
FA 8.6.2 upgrade (includes patch) is scheduled for delivery
on February 15. This will need to be installed on DEVL asap as
TRNG should definitely not be overwritten for awhile because it has the
old data.
Luminis and Evisions only link to TEST or PROD.
Dawne will visit with Linda and see if she can give a list of the forms that
shouldn’t be overwritten. If it’s not long, it might could be saved and put
back in.
The FA 8.6.2 is an upgrade and because of scheduling down time and
patch release schedule, it will probably be March before FA goes live.
Would like to plan on the 20th for the install on PROD. If it’s a short
install, we might could do DEVL on Feb 16 in the afternoon.
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Cameron University Banner Project
Meeting Agenda and Notes
Discussion, Information
Anna will be on site for go-live this week. Could we plan for the
FA 8.6.2 upgrade to be installed on PROD this week or the
weekend of February 20th?
The FA Spring Regulatory release 8.7 is scheduled for delivery
Mar 31, 2010.’
12. How soon will MyCU come down after ST go live in August?
Linda Phillips says they will need access to historical rosters,
enrollment transactions, class schedules, etc.
Task Lists
Tech Team & ITL
Tech Team
Continue to update:
W:\workgrps\its_share\Banner\BANNER Data handling.docx –
OSRHE info needs to be added and which DBs it will be reported
Research best practices for keeping 3rd party software in sync with
Banner upgrades and patches
Update Milestone Certification & keep up-to-date
Reviewing critical programs for go live and all programs required
@ go live
Identify what needs to be setup through FormFusion and
Actionline support procedure
Download Bookshelf 8.x
Rick and Angie
For the duplicate entries for vendors and donors, Rick and Angie
will look into this and come back with a recommendation.
ILT & Tech
June 28, 2016
Action Taken, Decisions, Recommendations, Time Line
They are on old versions of windows and they need to be
decommissioned as soon as possible. It would take $3000 to have the stu
servers upgraded and reinstalled. Dawne will talk to Linda about specific
requirements and possibilities.