Please mark the camp session for which you are applying:
[ ] Camp Session I - - July 14-19, 2013 Beg IE - Adv IE - Beg LD - Int LD - CX Debate
( One Division in CX with Beg & Adv Labs)
[ ] Camp Session II - - July 21-26, 2013 Beg CX - Int CX - Adv CX - Beg LD - Int LD - Adv LD
Applications will be forwarded to division coordinators. The coordinators of each division of the camp select their own Jr. Staffers. We at the Camp Office process all
the paper work. Notification will be mailed by April 15. Students will have three weeks to confirm they are coming to camp as a Jr. Staffer by mailing back the Camp
Confirmation Form and the Payroll Action forms. You will need a photocopy of your driver's license and social security card to mail in with the payroll forms.
Previous Junior Staffers must re-apply. Do not assume you will be automatically chosen a second time.
Applications are due no later than March 1. Traditionally, Junior Staffers are students who have won Regional and State contests and who are mature enough to help
coach younger students. Please note the following requirements for Junior Staffers:
- IE Division
Jr. Staffers must: 1) have coach attending camp, 2) be a student who graduates in May 2013 or older, 3) have attended camp
- Debate
Jr. Staffers should be a senior in high school or older student. Because of the low number of Debate Jr. Staffers available, we do not
require that a Debate Jr. Staffer be a previous camper. Preference will be given to students who have graduated from high school
and who have attended camp previously.
First year Jr. Staffers receive an honorarium of $120.00 and receive free room/board and no camp fees. Second year Jr. Staffers will receive an honorarium of $185.00,
receive free room/board, and no camp fees. Some Jr. Staffers may be housed in triple room accommodations.
Name_____________________________________________________________ High School Attended__________________________________________________
Mailing Address___________________________________________________________City____________________________________ State_____Zip________
How long is the above address valid? _____________ Phone for above Address (_______) _____________________ Cell: (________) ________________________
(All your camp mail will come in April, May, June,)
Next Year's School/College____________________________________________________ Next Year's Grade/Class)_____________________________________
Permanent Address:________________________________________________ City__________________________________________ State______ Zip___________
Permanent Phone (_______) _________________________________________
Your Age during Camp _________
(Please circle)
Present E-mail ____________________________________________________ May, June, July E-mail__________________________________________________
(Please Print in all Caps)
May, June, July Address (if different from above)_______________________________________________________________________________________________
T-Shirt Size:
X Large____
Have you been to camp before? Yes___ No___
2X Large____
3X Large____
If yes, how many times?__________ What years?_______________________________________
I have been to camp as a CAMPER in the following division(s):
Beg IE___
Adv IE___
Beg CX___
Int CX___
Adv CX___
Beg LD___
Int LD___
Adv LD___
I have been to camp as a JR. STAFFER in the following division(s): Please list number of years you attended as a Jr. Staff.
Beg IE___
Adv IE___
Beg CX___
Int CX___
Adv CX___
Beg LD___
Int LD___
Adv LD___
DIVISION PREFERENCE: (You can apply for only one division in each camp session. You may list first choice, second choice, and third choice in a division.)
Camp Session I: Beg IE___
Camp Session II: Beg CX___
Adv IE___
Int CX___
Beg LD___
Adv CX___
Int LD___
Beg LD___
Int LD___
Adv LD___
List all relevant experiences which qualify you to be a Junior Staff member ( e.g. tournament experience and awards, speech club offices, team responsibilities such
as coaching novices, etc) Sell yourself!!! (You may attach separate pages)
Will your coach be attending camp? Yes____ No____ List two Senior Speech Camp Staff Members, your Coach, or other character references you have
known who can comment on your speech experiences, responsibility/work ethic. 1) Name_________________________________ Phone:_______________________
2) Name________________________________________________ Phone_______________________________________
Please attach two letters of recommendations for first time Junior Staff applicants:
Please mail application and letters of recommendation from your high school coach and/or Senior Camp Staff Members to:
Tony Allison, Camp Coordinator
Dept Secretary: Norma Schmall
Cameron University/Communication Dept
Allison's Office/Camp Office: 580-581-2249
2800 W. Gore Blvd
Allison’s Cell: 580-284-6238
Lawton, OK 73505
E-mail: tallison@cameron.edu
Dept Office: 580-581-2359
Fax: 580-581-2562
I.E. Junior Staffers:
If you are in I.E., what event and selection could you demonstrate? What are your contest records for each event?
Title of Selections
Contest Records
1. __________________ ___________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________
2. __________________ ___________________________________________________________
3. __________________ ___________________________________________________________
4. __________________ ___________________________________________________________
5. __________________ ___________________________________________________________
This will be the 39th year for the Cameron University Speech Camp. Junior Staffers play a very special role in the success of the camp. The energy and level of
commitment of Junior Staffers have enabled our camp to continue to be a driving force for competition in our eight state region. We appreciate your willingness to
spend a week of your summer to pass on the legacy of excellence in competition. In order to be most effective, please review the following rules for Junior Staffers:
1. Junior Staffers are required to be on duty during regular camp hours. Junior Staffers may not leave the dorm after the 11:00 p.m. Camper Bed Check without
the approval of Niki Alderson or Jason Mitchell. This is one of the most important times for you to be on the dorm floors to ensure quiet time.
2. Junior Staffers have a curfew of 1:30 a.m. to be on their floors. It is too difficult being an enthusiastic leader without sleep.
If a Junior Staffer needs to leave campus during the day or night. He/She much check out with Alderson or Mitchell.
Junior Staffer may not establish personal relationships with campers (e.g. date campers).
Never touch a camper. No back or neck massages. Never be alone with a camper.
6. NO OBSCENITIES!!! Choose carefully the language you use with campers. Campers will be on the phone to parents by the end of the day reporting use of
7. Junior Staffers will follow the same Dress Code as the campers: Casual dress is acceptable. Shoes must be worn at all times (exception is inside dorm rooms). No
obscene or suggestive slogans, words, writings, messages, or drawings on clothing will be permitted. No tube tops allowed. Clothing that is backless or shoulderless is
not permissible. Shorts need to be long enough that all body parts are satisfactorily covered. Midriff clothing must not show more than one inch of waist line. The
dress code applies at all sessions including all social functions.
8. Junior Staffers cannot smoke in any campus building including the dorm. The university has stopped all smoking in the dorm rooms. If we have Junior Staffer
under the age of 18, you will not be able to smoke at camp.
Junior Staffers will follow the same rules of conduct as the campers.
10. No campers can ride in a Junior Staffer's car either on or off campus during the week of camp.
11. Junior Staffers under the age of 18 must submit a Health Form. The form will be mailed to Jr Staffers along with Confirmation form and Payroll Action forms.
12. Any use of drugs or alcohol will result in immediate dismissal.
13. Junior Staffers are responsible for their own medical costs including any medications.
14. Squads may meet for breakfast meeting. No meeting may be held prior to breakfast hours.
15. No meetings may be held at times that would prohibit campers from eating a meal.
16. Positive attitudes of Junior Staff are critical to the success of the camp. the campers look to you for leadership and example in the cafeteria, in the halls, in the
library, on the dance floor, and on the dorm floors.
________ Yes, I want to serve on the camp staff this summer and will abide by the Jr. Staff Camp Rules.
Please mail application and letters of recommendation from your high school coach and/or Senior Camp Staff Members to:
Tony Allison, Camp Coordinator
Dept Secretary: Norma Schmall
Cameron University/Communication Dept
Allison's Office/Camp Office: 580-581-2249
2800 W. Gore Blvd
Allison’s Cell:580-284-6238
Lawton, OK 73505
E-mail: tallison@cameron.edu
Dept Office: 580-581-2359
Fax: 580-581-2562
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