Review of Waves Properties of electromagnetic waves in vacuum: Waves propagate through vacuum (no medium is required like sound waves) All frequencies have the same propagation speed, c in vacuum. Electric and magnetic fields are oriented transverse to the direction of propagation. (transverse waves) Waves carry both energy and momentum. E and B fields in waves and Right Hand Rule: f+ solution f- solution Wave propagates in E x B direction Special Case Sinusoidal Waves Ey (x, t) = f+ (x - vem t) = E0 cos [k(x - vem t)] E y (x, t) E0 Wavenumber and wavelength k = 2p / l l = 2p / k - E0 These two contain the same information Special Case Sinusoidal Waves Ey (x, t) = f+ (x - vem t) = E0 cos [k(x - vem t)] E y (x, t) 2p = kvemT E0 Introduce w = 2p / T f = 1/T - E0 Different ways of saying the same thing: w / k = vem fl = vem Polarizations We picked this combination of fields: Ey - Bz Could have picked this combination of fields: Ez - By These are called plane polarized. Fields lie in plane Which of the following are valid EM waves? Ex (z, t) = E0 cos[k(z - vem t)] 1. A. Yes B. No 2. A.Yes B. No E0 By (z, t) = cos[k(z - vem t)] vem Ey (y, t) = E0 cos [k(y - vem t)] E0 Bz (y, t) = cos[k(y - vem t)] vem 3. A.Yes B. No Ex (y,t) = E0 cos[k(y + vem t)] Bz (y,t) = 4. E0 cos[k(y + vem t)] vem What direction is this wave propagating in? A. B. C. D. Y Z X None of above Ex (y, z, t) = E0 cos[ky cos q + kz sin q - wt ] w= ? r B= ? z Direction of propagation ŷ cos q + ẑ sin q Ex . q By , Bz Wave Vector r k = k (ŷ cosq + ẑ sin q) y Ex (y, z, t) = E0 cos[ky cos q + kz sin q - wt ] w = kvem Ex By (y, z, t) = sin q vem E Bz (y, z, t) = - cos q x vem Energy Density and Intensity of EM Waves Energy density associated with electric and magnetic fields uE For a wave: r 2 0 E 2 uB r 2 B 2 0 r 1 r B E 0 0 E vem Thus: uE u B Units: J/m3 Energy density in electric and magnetic fields are equal for a wave in vacuum. We now want to expand the picture in the following way: EM waves propagate in 3D not just 1D as we have considered. - Diffraction - waves coming from a finite source spread out. EM waves propagate through material and are modified. - Dispersion - waves are slowed down by media, different frequency waves travel with different speeds - Reflection - waves encounter boundaries between media. Some energy is reflected. - Refraction - wave trajectories are bent when crossing from one medium to another. EM waves can take multiple paths and arrive at the same point. - Interference - contributions from different paths add or cancel. Waves emanating from a point source Wave crests When can one consider waves to be like particles following a trajectory? Motion of crests Direction of power flow • Wave model: study solution of Maxwell equations. Most complete classical description. Called physical optics. • Ray model: approximate propagation of light as that of particles following specific paths or “rays”. Called geometric optics. • Quantum optics: Light actually comes in chunks called photons l Comparable to opening size What is the difference? Diffraction. l Much smaller than opening size Diffraction Propagation of light through dielectric media In a dielectric the Electric field causes molecules/atoms to become polarized. Molecules align with field Medium becomes “polarized” What happens when the electric field oscillates in time? A current is induced. Iµ ŽE Žt How is the Ampere-Maxwell Law modified? Dielectric For S2 there is both displacement current and real current Real current given by dielectric constant I through = e0 (k - 1) ŽE Žt dF e dt Dielectric constant k Iµ Electric flux In a dielectric material r r dF e B³d S = m (e k ) 0 0 — Ú dt Bottom Line: k Replace e0 by e0 k Dielectric constant Static dielectric constants To complicate matters, dielectric constant depends on frequency. Dielectric function depends on frequency Consequences for EM Plane waves Ey (x, t) = f+ (x - vem t) + f- (x + vem t) Bz (x, t) = 1 ( f+ (x - vemt)- f- (x + vemt)) vem vem = 1 / m0 e0k = c / k Propagation speed changes in a material Refraction For sinusoidal waves the following is still true fl = vem Ratio of E to B changes Reflection w / k = vem Index of refraction n= speed of light in vacuum c = = speed of light in material vem k For sinusoidal waves the following is still true fl = vem w / k = vem Frequency is the same in both media Wavelength changes A light wave travels through three transparent materials of equal thickness. Rank in order, from the largest to smallest, the indices of refraction n1, n2, and n3. A. n1 > n2 > n3 B. n2 > n1 > n3 C. n3 > n1 > n2 D. n3 > n2 > n1 E. n1 = n2 = n3 Example: Optical fiber d Fused silica: n=1.48 In vacuum 0 r 2 I E 0 Vacuum wavelength l = 1550 nm Wavelength in fiber l/n = 1045nm D = 10 m P=1mW inside fiber I=P/A=? E=? Rays bounce back and forth Reflection from surface incident reflected Region 1 transmitted Region 2 v1 = 1 / m0 e0k 1 Reflection coefficient What if k 1 = k 2 , v1 = v2 v2 = 1 / m0 e0k 2 r= v2 - v1 v2 + v1 “Index matched” Ey, Bz How to calculate reflection region 1 For x<0 incident 0 At x=0 fields are continuous region 2 reflected x For x>0 transmitted Ey (x, t) = f+ (x - v1t) + f- (x + v1t) E y (x, t) = ft (x - v2 t) 1 Bz (x, t) = ( f+ (x - v1t)- f- (x + v1t)) v1 1 Bz (x, t) = ft (x - v2 t) v2 v1 = 1 / m0 e0k 1 v1 = 1 / m0 e0k 1 Continuity of Ey at x=0 x<0 x>0 Ey (0, t) = f+ (- v1t) + f- (v1t) = ft (- v2 t) Continuity of Bz at x=0 x<0 Bz (0, t) = x>0 1 1 f (v t)f (v t) = ft (- v2 t) (+ 1 1 ) v1 v2 Solve for reflected & transmitted pulses f- (v1t) = r f+ (- v1t) ft (- v2 t) = (1+ r ) f+ (- v1t) r= v2 - v1 v2 + v1 Example: what fraction of power is reflected at boundary between glass and air? Reflection coefficient Air: n1=1.0003 r= v2 - v1 n1 - n2 = v2 + v1 n1 + n2 Glass: n2 =1.5 n1 - n2 1- 1.5 r= = = - 0.2 n1 + n2 1+ 1.5 I=Power/Area 0 r 2 I E 0 I Refl 2 I Inc I Refl 0.04I Inc ratio of reflected to incident electric field amplitude ratio of reflected to incident intensity Suppose the wave was incident on the boundary from the glass side incident reflected Region 1 v1 = 1 / m0 e0k 1 n1=1.5 transmitted Region 2 v2 = 1 / m0 e0k 2 n2=1.0 v2 - v1 n1 - n2 What is reflection coefficient? r = v + v = n + n 2 1 1 2 incident reflected Region 1 v1 = 1 / m0 e0k 1 n1=1.5 What is reflection coefficient? A. =0 B. =.2 C. =-.2 D. =5 transmitted Region 2 v2 = 1 / m0 e0k 2 n2=1.0 v2 - v1 n1 - n2 r= = v2 + v1 n1 + n2 Region 2 has higher velocity r= v2 - v1 n1 - n2 = >0 v2 + v1 n1 + n2 Region 2 has lower velocity v2 - v1 n1 - n2 r= = <0 v2 + v1 n1 + n2 What if k 2 , n2 Æ • r= n1 - n2 Æ- 1 n1 + n2 Same as for reflection from a conductor Interference in 1 Dimension incident Incident and reflected fields add (superposition) reflected incident reflected Ey (x, t) = E0 cos [k(x - v1t)]+ r E0 cos [k(x + v1t)] Incident and reflected waves will interfere, changing the peak electric field at different points 1.5 Case #1: no reflection =0. No interference, 1 E (x,t) 0.5 y 0 E plotted versus x for several values of t -0.5 -1 -1.5 -10 -8 -6 -4 -2 0 x 1 E plotted versus t for a single value of x. y E (x,t) 0.5 0 Same peak value independent of x -0.5 Traveling wave -1 0 2 4 6 t 8 10 3 Case #2: total reflection = -1. Anti-nodes 2 E plotted versus x for several values of t 0 y E (x,t) 1 -1 -2 nodes -3 -10 -8 -6 -4 -2 0 x 3 How far apart are the nodes? Anti-nodes? What is peak E? 2 Case #3: total reflection = +1. y E (x,t) 1 0 E plotted versus x for several values of t -1 -2 -3 -10 -8 -6 -4 x -2 0 Emax Emin 2 Case #4: partial reflection = -0.5 1.5 1 y E (x,t) 0.5 E plotted versus x for several values of t 0 -0.5 -1 -1.5 -2 -10 -8 -6 -4 -2 x 0 How far apart are the minima? The Maxima? What is peak E? When reflection is not total there are still local maxima and minima. Emax 1+ r = Emin 1- r = VSWR Voltage Standing Wave Ratio Pronounced “vizwarr” Half Wavelength Window Eliminates Reflection incident incident reflected Region 1 n1 Region 2 transmitted Region 1’ n2 D D = ml 2 / 2 = ml Vac / (2n2 ) When dielectric #2 is an integer number of half-wavelengths thick, no reflection n1 CVD diamond window Manufactured by elementsix Summary 1. Waves are modified by dielectric constant of medium, k. 2. All our Maxwell equations are valid provided we replace e0 Æ e0k 3. Speed of waves is lowered. (Index of refraction - n) speed of light in vacuum c n= = = speed of light in material vem k 4. Frequency of wave does not change in going from one medium to another. Wavelength does. l = l vac / n 5. Waves are reflected at the boundary between two media. (Reflection coefficient) v2 - v1 n1 - n2 r= = v2 + v1 n1 + n2 6. Reflected waves interfere with incident waves. Distance between interference maxima/minima l / 2 Ratio of maximum peak field to minimum peak field (Voltage standing wave ratio) Emax 1+ r = Emin 1- r = VSWR Solution of the Wave equation Ž2 Ey (x, t) Žx 2 = m0 e0 Ž2 Ey (x, t) Žt 2 Ey (x, t) = f+ (x - vem t) + f- (x + vem t) Where f+,- are any two functions you like, and v = 1/ m e em 0 0 vem is a property of space. vem = 2.9979¥ 10 8 m / s f+ ,- Represent forward and backward propagating wave (pulses). They depend on how the waves were launched Shape of pulse determined by source of wave. Ey (x, t) = f+ (x - vem t) Speed of pulse determined by medium vem = 1 / m0 e0 What is the magnetic field of the wave? Ey (x, t) = f+ (x - vem t) + f- (x + vem t) Bz (x, t) = 1 ( f+ (x - vemt)- f- (x + vemt)) vem Notice minus sign Ey (V/m) The graph at the top is the history graph at x = 4 m of a wave traveling to the right at a speed of 2 m/s. Which is the history graph of this wave at x = 0 m? What is the frequency of this traveling wave? A. 0.1 Hz B. 0.2 Hz C. 2 Hz D. 5 Hz E. 10 Hz What is the phase difference between the crest of a wave and the adjacent trough? A. 0 B. π C. π /4 D. π /2 E. 3 π /2