Igneous Rocks and Their Origin Chapter 3

Igneous Rocks and Their Origin
Chapter 3
The Rock
• A rock is composed of grains of one or more minerals
• The rock cycle shows how one type of rocky material is transformed
into another
Three Types of
Geologic Rocks
• Igneous rocks
- Formed from volcanic eruptions
- either intrusive or extrusive
• Sedimentary rocks
- Formed from deposition and
erosional processes
• Metamorphic rocks
- Deforming of rocks above from
exposure to high pressure and
The Rock Cycle and Plate Tectonics
• Magma is created by melting
above a subduction zone
• Less dense magma rises and cools
to form igneous rock
• Igneous rock exposed at surface
gets weathered into sediment
• Sediments transported to low areas,
buried and hardened into sedimentary rock
• Sedimentary rock heated and squeezed at depth to form
metamorphic rock
Volcanism and Extrusive Rocks
(Chapter 4)
Mount St. Helens
What differences do you see in these two volcanoes ?
How are these Volcanoes Different?
Mt St. Helen's
Types of Volcanoes
1. Shield Volcano (Hawaiian)
- Low viscosity “runny” lava
- Shallow slopes (shield volcanoes)
- Low silica content
2. Strato Volcano (Mt. St. Helens)
* Strombolian
-Intermediate explosivity
-Can eject showers of lava
* Plinian
- High viscosity lava
- Steep slopes (stratovolcanoes)
- High silica content
Shield Volcano
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Flood Basalts
from Snake River Plates, Idaho
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Steep slopes formed by high viscosity, silica rich magmas
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How a stratovolcano is formed
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Extrusive Volcanic Rocks:
- Large volcanic bombs
- Intermediate tephra
- Small ash
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Volcanoes and Volcanic Hazards
Mount Etna, Sicily experienced a Strombolian eruption in 2002
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Lakes of Death in Cameroon
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Volcanic Gases
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Deadly eruptions
Figure 6.10
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Laki Volcano, Iceland
- Fissure eruption 1783 – 1784
- Largest lava flow in recorded history
- Winter after eruption temperature
dropped 1oC - 2.5oC.
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Volcanic Gases form Earth's Atmosphere and Oceans
* Gas clouds from volcanic eruptions help form our atmosphere
* How would this process explain the different atmospheres on other
planets and habitability ?
Volcanic Gases form Earth's Atmosphere and Oceans
Mount St. Helens
* Which type of volcano do you think releases more gases into the
atmosphere during an eruption ?
- Shield Volcano
- Strato Volcano
Volcanoes on Mars
* Which type of volcano do you think Olympus Mons is on Mars ?
* How would Olympus Mons contribute to it's atmosphere ?
Mars Atmosphere
Carbon dioxide
Trace amounts only
Atmospheric pressure is only 1% of Earth so does not protect
surface from Sun's radiation
What Causes Volcanic Eruptions ?
Press & Siever
Fig. 1.16
Types of Igneous Rocks
• Magma is molten rock
• Igneous rocks form when magma
cools and solidifies
– Intrusive igneous rocks form when
magma solidifies underground
• Granite is a common example
– Extrusive igneous rocks form when
magma solidifies at the Earth’s
surface (lava)
• Basalt is a common example
Extrusive Volcanic Rocks:
- Large volcanic bombs
- Intermediate tephra
- Small ash
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How do we Know Igneous Rocks Formed at Depth?
Torres del Paine,
• Mineralogy / Chemistry ?
• Grain size (coarse vs fine grained)
• Lab experiments require high P & T to form large grains
• Outcrops: See intrusions into country rock
-Contact/chill zones, baked and metamorphosed
• Xenoliths of country rock found in igneous intrusions
Igneous Rock Textures
• Texture refers to the size, shape and
arrangement of grains
• Texture of igneous rocks is controlled by
cooling rate
• Extrusive rocks cool quickly at the Earth’s
surface and are fine-grained (small <1 mm)
• Intrusive rocks cool slowly deep beneath
Earth’s surface and are coarse-grained
(large >1 mm)
Fine-grained igneous rock
Coarse-grained igneous rock
Special Igneous Textures
• A pegmatite is a very coarse-grained rock
(crystals >5 cm) formed when magma cools
very slowly at depth
• A glassy texture contains no crystals at all,
and is formed by rapid cooling
• A porphyritic texture includes two crystal
sizes, formed first during slow cooling (large
crystal) and then forming small crystals
during rapid cooling
Pegmatitic igneous rock
Porphyritic igneous rock
Igneous Rock Identification
Igneous rock names are based on texture (grain size) and
Textural classification
Coarse-grained: Plutonic rocks (gabbro-diorite-granite) cooled slowly
at depth
Fine-Grained: Volcanic rocks (basalt-andesite-rhyolite) cooled rapidly
at the Earth’s surface
Compositional classification
Mafic rocks (gabbro-basalt) contain dark-colored ferromagnesian
minerals, iron rich (50% silica)
Intermediate rocks (diorite-andesite) contain roughly equal amounts of
dark- and light-colored minerals
Felsic rocks (granite-rhyolite) light-colored minerals, silica rich (65%)
Igneous Rock
Igneous names
are based on
1) texture and
2) mineralogic
Intrusive Rock Bodies
Intrusive rocks exist in bodies or structures that penetrate
or cut through pre-existing country rock
Shallow intrusions: Dikes and sills
Form <2 km beneath Earth’s surface
Chill and solidify quickly in cool country rock
Intrusive Rock Bodies
Plutons: deep
magmatic intrusions
- Form at considerable
depth beneath the
surface when rising
blobs of magma
(diapirs) get trapped
within the crust
Pluton in Ship Rock, New Mexico
Intrusive Rock Bodies
Volcanic neck
Shallow intrusion formed when magma
solidifies in throat of volcano
Light-colored dikes
Tabular intrusive structure that cuts across
any layering in country rock
Tabular intrusive structure that parallels
layering in country rock
Basaltic sill
Sierra Nevada batholith