ENGL201 Seminar Rubric & Summary Topic & Date: Listener: Speaker: Overall Grade: Observe and listen closely to the discussion during seminar and note your assigned speaker’s contributions in order to complete this rubric. At the conclusion of the seminar time, circle if your assigned speaker has fallen below, met, or exceeded expectations in the three areas below, giving details about why you evaluated them the way you did. Be specific about your details (e.g. his/her comment about Sal being lonely brought up new ideas that lead the group to an important concept about the Beat Generation). Also provide an overall grade (A, B, C, D, or F) for your assigned speaker (at the top of the page). Also be sure to complete the seminar summary on the second page. This assignment should be uploaded to Blackboard prior to the following class period. Preparation What does it seem the speaker has done to prepare? Falls Below Expectations -Very little -Readings partially completed and only briefly reflected upon Meets Expectations -Readings completed -Has thought about the importance -Notes or annotations may be used Exceeds Expectations -Readings completed -Has thought about importance and connections to other concepts -Notes or annotations used -Shallow or brief facts and observations -Facts and insightful observations -Analysis and interpretation -Facts and insightful or unexpected observations -Analysis and interpretation -Synthesis and evaluation -Ideas that push discussion forward -When directly called upon or voluntarily, but not often -Intermittent participation -Voluntarily -Responds to and questions others -Adds to the ideas of others -Ideas are unique or insightful -Consistent participation -Voluntarily and significantly -Responds to and questions others thoughtfully -Adds to ideas of others and combines ideas of multiple classmates -Ideas are unique, insightful, and shed new lights on the topic -Active and consistent participation Content What does the speaker offer? Contributions When, how, and how often does the speaker participate? This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License. Details ENGL201 Seminar Rubric & Summary Briefly summarize the questions that were discussed during seminar. Choose one of the questions you found most interesting and summarize the main points of the discussion had by the speakers. What are your thoughts on this question? Do you think that the speakers missed any key points or ideas on this topic? What were they? What new thing did you learn from discussion that you did not know or expect to learn? How did it increase your understanding of the text? This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.