California State University, Northridge, Center on Disabilities’ 30th Annual International

California State University, Northridge,
Center on Disabilities’ 30thth Annual International
Technology and Persons with Disabilities Conference
March 2- March 7, 2015 ~ San Diego, CA
Scholarships Are For First Time Attendees Only!
INTRODUCTION: Over the past twenty nine years, the Center on Disabilities at California State
University, Northridge has contributed hundreds of scholarships to people with disabilities and/or
their guardians. The demand is so great that scholarships must be limited to those who have
never had the opportunity to participate in the conference before.
GENERAL CONFERENCE REGISTRATION FEE WAIVER: A scholarship is a general conference
registration fee waiver only for conference attendees. Recipients may attend all general sessions,
exhibit halls and other activities open to participants during the conference. Individuals receiving
scholarships are responsible for their own expenses (rooms, meals, transportation, personal care
attendants, etc.).
CHARACTERISTICS OF SUCCESSFUL CANDIDATES: A person with disabilities (or their guardian) is
the target audience. It is clear that the scholarship should “make the difference” for the person to
attend. Please make no assumptions about receiving a scholarship until you receive an
“acceptance” or “regrets” letter from the Center on Disabilities.
PROCEDURES FOR APPLYING: Please complete the scholarship application and return it as soon
as possible to:
Center on Disabilities, Scholarship Application
California State University, Northridge
18111 Nordhoff Street
Northridge, CA 91330-8340
(818) 677- 2578 V
(818) 677- 4929 Fax
The deadline for scholarship applications is January 30, 2015.. Completion of this application
does not guarantee that you will receive a scholarship. All applicants will receive notification of
acceptance or denial on or about February 6, 2015. We regret that many people who are otherwise
eligible may not receive scholarships.
CSUN’s 30th Annual International Conference
“Technology and Persons with Disabilities”
March 2- March 7, 2015 ~ San Diego, CA
2015 Conference ~ Scholarship Application
___Do not include in 3rd party mailing lists
To better assist our decision process please include a letter (Under 200 words) explaining why you would be a worthy
candidate for our scholarship program.
□ Yes □ No
1. Are you an individual with a disability?
□ Yes □ No
2. Are you the guardian of a person with a disability?
Name of person with a disability:__________________________
His/Her Disability:________________________________
Your relationship to the person with a disability:_______________
4. Are you/your dependent a Department of Rehabilitation client?
□ Yes □ No □ Full Time
□ Part Time
□ Yes □ No
5. Have you attended the CSUN conference before?
□ Yes □ No
3. Are you currently employed?
If so, what year(s)?_______________________________
□ Yes □ No
6. Have you received a scholarship before?
If so, what year(s)?_______________________________
7. Are you associated/living with an ILC (Independent Living Community)?
ILC organization _______________________________
Accessibility Services:
__ Assistive Listening Device
__ Real Time Captioning (CART)
__ Sign Language Interpreter
__ Adapted Program:  Braille  Large Print
 Disk (ASCII)
□ Yes □ No
Care provider attending with me (first name, last name) ________________________________________________
Signature:________________________________________________ Date:_________________________
Please fill out and fax back with personal letter to: (818) 677-4929.