Financial Services Don’t print electronic documents Use recycled paper forms List FAQ on website o Example: disbursement, parking permits Budget - see calendar & confirm. This will better serve customers. Have this calendar as a view only option Consult the check review process for accuracy o There are too many reviews. o There should be a map of who reviews the check process o For the checks, set dollar amount limit to $1,000 and change process with chancellor’s office. Interface between cash net and student financial to reduce all staff review/time receipt. System limitations o Create a process patch or a new program to adapt to limitations within programs by using student help as fieldwork for course credit or thesis project. Encourage all staff to get direct deposit. This will eliminate hard copy payroll stubs. Have forms more accessible on websites within ABA Announce a system meeting Hire a student assistant to be a floater in Financial Services to do filing. This task currently takes hours of staff time in Accounts Payable and Accounting Services o This is not an effective use of staff time when paid as Accounting Tech I & II & III and Accountants I & II to be spending so much time on filing. o Cost could be split between departments and student can be hired in central area like AVP 47700. Eliminate 5 copies of paper contracts by sending 1 PDF through e-mail and sending 1 paper copy to file. Create a template for CCE invoices o Have a conference call for approvals. This will create faster changes on invoices Contract Process: Request 4 copies of contract: 1 Hard copy and 3 PDF’s o (1 emailed to contractor customer, 1 e-mailed to departments, 1 to AP, 1 Contractor & Customer responsible print & sign 2 copies) New process for CCE invoicing o Send request to SFSC o SFSC creates invoices o Customer calls SFSC for questions and/or charges o Forward to CCE o CCE inverts template to upload to Billing System GAAP Audit o Reduce 8 binders to 2 binders. Submit most papers electronically. Minimum amount requisitions o Examples: Requirements should have a $50 minimum. Utilize petty cash for less than $50. Do payroll stubs, extra copies of invoices, timesheets need to have a signature? Can we do an electronic signature instead? E-refund: Use e-refund, e-paper checks. It will save on paper and postages. Modify the student financial aid checks. I am for advisors. Have an advisor line for SFSC that can answer questions for students. This will assist in providing information and will prevent staff from taking time away from work. Put caller ID in back desk phone. Scan documents that don’t require originals. Share via shared drive access or email attachment. Use e-mail whenever possible rather than hard copy distribution of flyers Implement a one stop center for the Financial Services Center supplies. Take everybody’s reception supplies, copiers, scanners, mail drop, student assistants, utilities, etc. and place them in one spot. Also locate in one building shared conference rooms, a reception, store rooms, etc. Fully utilize the finshare (P) drive to reduce paper waste and requests of other offices. Better communicate what is and should be out there. o Examples: Procurement & Contracts, AS, AP, BPA, Procurement + Facilities, Business Partners documents, etc. Public Safety Improve Inter-office communication by putting on information panels instead of using paper. Improve informational bulletins by using an electronic bulletin board Utilize shared drives for GO manual Review dispatch log to cut down on paper, print out copy once Create a daily log online where everyone can access it to sign in and out of their shifts. Compare fuel prices on and off campus and utilize the best deal. Simplify report writing to use less paper Submit reports electronically in the computer aided dispatch instead of submitting paper reports. Have central location for memos a) in this center have a binder where everyone initials b) electronic distribution memos, check e-mail twice a day (requirement) Back up- use flash drive PowerPoint instead of packets Scanning process vs. paper process. Better if forms are scanned and centralized by adding the forms to the computer aided dispatch. Proofread documents to save time and money Risk Management Use shared drives. It will be an internal benefit because it will back up data Make the request form electronic to request event using Astra electronic. Require electronic requests to be done thru the website link Develop injury database in cooperation with workers compensation o Shared (WC and EHS) database & WC input employee injuries o EHS input everyone else’s data (currently both areas are maintaining separate databases). Injury & illness database will resolve communication inconsistencies between RM, EHS, + HR Audit tracker II- closing the loop of audit findings. Clearing of findings will be automated. See Tom Custer about new process. Facilities Chemicals - use one chemical that disinfects and cleans Work Orders - Reduce the amount of work orders Eliminate paper towels by using blowers Try space planting in the right place to avoid problems in the future, less maintenance, work with nature as opposed to working against it Reduce repeated manual entry of data which gives no value added to the customer Time tracking not related to chargeback work orders. Time Overall Management: time is wasted by starting work later than classes start when it comes to cleaning and picking up debris, leaves, branches covering the sidewalks and common areas used by students, faculty, and staff. Think of what a workman’s comp slip fall costs! Efficiency: we are losing an hour of very important time, which is needed to use equipment around the classrooms and parking lots. Trying to do these jobs after the students start arriving is unsafe for all Turn up air conditionings and heating down in the offices-people will adjust to the new temperatures. Lock the T-Stats Don’t buy unnecessary equipment such as 400 new computers to replace year old ones Energy Waste! o Cooling unoccupied building during summer (use summer configuration suites) o Unnecessary lighting (garages, etc) -- Nat’s working on it (more motion detectors) Cut back on Travel Cut down handouts/fliers (make a “Monday Bulletin”) Use a bulletin board. Duplication of mail reduced, announcements. Take and use information from the foot soldiers Waste Energy: Light on, skylight with light bulbs, turn lights off. Energy consumption ~$250,000/ month gas $ ~75,000/month Eliminate pest problems by keeping food stored appropriately Coordination with rec sports in cleaning Yosemite north & south gyms. Set time certain to begin service at 11:00 pm. Staff doesn’t have to wait to begin work better use of time. Custodial sign in & key check: Implement one card process. Card swipe by staff to computer system. Sign in with one card for punching into & out of work, eliminate three cards. Custodial supply purchasing: Example; $430k per year paper purchase annually more competitive bidding o Less small business preference in purchasing, past experience we are paying more for supplies to meet small business goals of ~5%. Reduce use of paper: Direct deposit hard copy slip. Scan more- digital filing instead of hardcopies. Print to PDF & file digital instead of print to hardcopy. Direct deposit hard copy-only use digital; currently available online. Less paper/handouts at meetings. Night time crew-use of electricity Change gas vehicles to electrical Old books, manuals, RECYCLE. Use more recycled paper Turn off machines at night Better screening of rapid calls so that you are not engaged in over producing. Better prioritizing on job screenings. Less interrupts driven during performance of your job (able to stay on job and get job done) More emergency and blue light phones in parking lot Sweeping the parking lots in housing Plan Review-Construction Projects Take and use information from the foot soldiers: Review comments of staff which are not considered at times. Not reviewing comments brings up maintenance issues after building have been completed. This is money that has to be spent later for initial cost savings that could have been avoided. Have a longer review process/sustainability issues considered in review. Review this issues with all of decision makers. Constructions documents need to be labeled so they are user friendly for all shops. Chancellor’s office-need to accept electronic files. Watering mid day. Is it really necessary to water mid day? Have smoking section on campus instead of having ash trays all over campus. Facilities have to clean up cigarettes butts all over campus. This makes campus look bad Eliminate half the irrigation. We run well pumps to pump the water-> use of electricity. The water goes down the drain then when the water has be to pumped into the river-> more use of electricity Require 3 quotes for everything over $1,000 an item Require contractors to finish what they start. Example: they break irrigation lines but they don’t fix them. They don’t finish the contracted work so the department has to use in house labor. Work order requests should have detailed customer information and contact info so that the assigned staff can seek more information easily when necessary Communication needs to be improved, it should be timely so as to allow the staff to plan their schedules Accordingly. Lack of communication leads staff to be disorganized and under unnecessary pressure when trying to deal with urgent or emerging situations Get rid of small toilet paper rolls and use only one kind Access to information o Solution: allow access to computer labs. Increase communication to order supplies. Check work related e-mail, saves paper & time. Place computer in central location Have more drought resistant plants to cut back on water usage and maintenance Business & Administrative Services Reduce useless memos Streamline approval process. Example: Time off request Make Distribution Lists: Appropriate distribution of materials Fraud reports (unused reports) are these necessary? Define categories: Human resources take over defining categories; which department or employee type needs to have each type of document. Regular staff members do not need faculty notifications. Example: faculty, mpp, staff Centralize toner recycling collection areas. Mailroom is being asked to pick them up- impacts mail runs. Time Management: Improving communication between information booths and office. Utilizing laptop to overview campus events allowing us to communicate to over campus visitors. Training all staff members to navigate and utilize our T2/CMS systems Processing: Improve training to avoid confusion. CMS system Assets: Inventory office supplies to reduce unnecessary orders. Know what we have stored Talent: Training- proper training regarding job duties in order to reduce errors made. Use better communication regarding easier suggestion process and notification of what is being done to resolve issues at hand (new ideas/procedures) Batteries: Rechargeable batteries/flashlights. Self-generated powered flashlights Replace vehicles with bikes & scooters New program to distribute event permits. Distribute parking arrangements on recons instead of paper Change push to talk to Nextel smart phone-reduce paper and connection time Campus wide distributions: It is a paper waste. The flyers that say email revise please post is also a waste. Use departmental name to consolidate information.