
Faculty Committee on Extended Learning
November 28, 2012
Committee members present: Ardavan Asef-Vaziri, Rick Covington, Joyce FeuchtHaviar, Lynn Gordon, Robert Lopez, Luiz Mendes, Patricia Miller, Lou Rubino, Martin
Saiz, Carol Shubin, Shane Stecyk
Committee members absent: Jeanine Minge (excused), Theresa White
Guests: Jessica Isomoto, Henrik Minassians, Ravi Roy
Call to Order
Patricia Miller, Committee Chair, called the meeting to order at 3:17 pm. The meeting
was held in the Executive Conference Room in the Bookstore Complex.
Old Business
Approval of October 17, 2012, Meeting Minutes
The draft minutes from the October meeting were sent to the committee in advance
of the meeting. Patricia Miller suggested a few minor revisions, then asked if there
were any questions or comments about the draft minutes; there were none.
Board Action: Patricia Miller asked for a motion to approve the minutes with her
revisions. Robert Lopez so moved; Shane Stecyk seconded. Patricia Miller asked for
a vote on the motion. Three members were not present for the vote: Ardavan AsefVaziri, Lynn Gordon and Luiz Mendes. The minutes were unanimously approved by
the members that were present.
New Business
Presentation: New Master of Public Administration for Executives for the
California State Association of Counties (CSAC)
Patricia Miller introduced Henrik Minassians and Ravi Roy to brief the committee on
the development of a new Master of Public Administration (MPA) for Executives for
the California State Association of Counties (CSAC). Ravi Roy began with an
overview of CSAC, the largest professional association for county employees, mainly
consisting of senior executives, and the CSAC Institute for Excellence in County
Government, an internal training organization that offers professional continuing
education and partners with universities to offer degrees. At CSAC’s invitation, The
Tseng College submitted a proposal for an MPA program specifically designed for
executives with courses held entirely online. The proposal was successful with nearly
unanimous support. At the time of the meeting, CSAC Institute was already
promoting the MPA for Executives degree on their website.
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Henrik Minassians explained the differences between the standard MPA program
and the new MPA for Executives, which is planned to begin in Fall 2013. The new
program’s curriculum design makes it unique: it is specifically geared toward
executives, who likely have seven or more years of experience in an administrative
capacity, it has an increased integration of coursework and it includes more complex,
relevant case studies. The sequence of courses will be reworked in order to improve
consistency and coherency and to give students the sense of a complete experience.
In addition to online instruction, the program includes face-to-face, professional
workshops in Sacramento with well-known speakers. Henrik Minassians
acknowledged the support of the College of Social and Behavioral Sciences in
designing the curriculum thus far, and the work will continue: faculty members will
meet three times between November and January, then, in February, they will be
joined by the CSAC Institute director to further work on content mapping, curriculum
structure and case studies. Lou Rubino inquired whether or not this program follows
the “stackable curriculum” plan. Henrik Minassians affirmed that the core courses are
standard to the MPA program and students will complete the Public Sector
Management and Leadership track. Joyce Feucht-Haviar clarified that the learning
outcomes have not changed from the standard MPA program; the new program for
executives will reach a different target group but will not necessarily have a different
curriculum. Because the courses are existing CSUN courses, the MPA for
Executives does not require this committee’s or other curriculum committee’s review
or approval.
Lou Rubino shared that he had taught executives in the Master of Public Health
program and found the group to be very demanding with high expectations of new
information and technology. Ravi Roy confirmed that the MPA for Executives
curriculum is intended to offer an applied learning experience that will engage
students over real-time issues. Joyce Feucht-Haviar highlighted the interchange
between peer professionals as one of the benefits of the program. Martin Saiz asked
about the definition of “executive” in the field and the qualifications required for the
program. Henrik Minassians responded that students should be in a managing or
supervising role in which they understand the strategic issues of their own
department and are involved in implementing solutions. Martin Saiz followed up with
questions about the market and demand for the program. Henrik Minassians
explained that there are 58 counties in California and, as an example, that over 800
individuals attended a recent CSAC meeting. Joyce Feucht-Haviar pointed out that
only 25 students are needed for a cohort. The current plan is focused on California,
but the program can be opened nationally since the instructional format is fully
Patricia Miller inquired whether students will pay for themselves or will be CSACsponsored. Henrik Minassians confirmed that many students will pay on their own,
and pointed out that CSAC reviewed and approved the fee structure. He also
explained that some counties have funding for which students can apply, but that it
varies by county.
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Rick Covington asked whether the content is tailored solely to California’s
government system or is generalized. Henrik Minassians clarified that the case
studies are centered on California but are linked to regional and national issues. A
brief discussion continued on online instruction and interdisciplinary curriculum. Ravi
Roy distributed copies of the program brochure to the committee.
Discussion topic: Update on the “Elevate” campaign
Patricia Miller introduced the next agenda item by sharing her experience
participating in the “On the Forefront: Breakfast Speaker Series for Executive.”
Henrik Minassians explained that the workshops are part of the “Elevate” and “CSUN
Shine” campaigns to get the word out to government and business leaders about
innovative ideas and solutions that CSUN and the campus community can provide.
The next effort for the “Elevate” campaign will be a letter from President Dianne
Harrison to community business leaders to call attention to CSUN’s serious graduate
programs and research resources. In addition, Tseng College representatives
continue to attend civic meetings, chamber of commerce events, and other activities
to promote CSUN. Tseng College has successfully developed working relationships
with the Los Angeles County Metropolitan Transportation Authority (Metro) and
CleanTech LA. Joyce Feucht-Haviar discussed the campaign strategy of building
connections at professional group meetings and encouraging employers and
organizations to self-identify by attending the “Elevate” events. She attributed the
current success to having staff available to follow-up and immediately begin to help
potential partners explore pathways to campus resources. Patricia Miller
underscored the importance of increased visibility and new relationships for CSUN
students as leading to practicum placements and internships.
Discussion topic: Overview of proposed move of international programs
coordination from Graduate Studies to the Tseng College
Patricia Miller introduced Joyce Feucht-Haviar to discuss the proposed changes in
international programs and services on campus. After reassessing the current
systems, the Provost redistributed responsibilities for managing international
contracts and grants, visa administration, and student and faculty exchange
programs. More details and official announcements will be shared soon.
Announcement: Extended Learning committee Moodle site
Patricia Miller shared that she expects the Moodle site for the committee to be
available before the next committee meeting in February. Patricia Miller clarified that
the December meeting is optional and Joyce Feucht-Haviar confirmed that no
pressing agenda items warranted a December meeting.
Announcement: Introduction of John Binkley in the role of Deputy Dean
As John Binkley was unable to attend the current meeting, Patricia Miller announced
that this item will be postponed until he is available.
Announcement: Future discussion ideas and departmental concerns
Patricia Miller opened the floor to the committee. Robert Lopez shared flyers for an
upcoming film series.
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As there was no further business to discuss, the meeting was adjourned by Patricia
Miller at 4:41 p.m.
(No policy changes were discussed or recommended during this meeting.)
Prepared by Jessica Isomoto
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