DRAFT Faculty Committee on Extended Learning March 19, 2014 Minutes Committee members present: Alexander Alekseenko, Ardavan Asef-Vaziri, Rick Covington, Joyce Feucht-Haviar, Lynn Gordon, Gary Katz, Patricia Miller, Jeanine Minge, Denise Sandoval, Shane Stecyk Committee members absent: Luiz Mendes (excused), Lou Rubino (excused), Theresa White Guests: John Binkley, Patrick Colabucci, Jessica Isomoto Call to Order Patricia Miller, Committee Chair, called the meeting to order at 3:21 pm. The meeting was held in the Executive Conference Room in the Bookstore Complex. Old Business Approval of February 19, 2014, Meeting Minutes by Committee Members The draft minutes from the February meeting were sent to the committee in advance of the meeting. Patricia Miller asked if there were any questions or comments about the draft minutes, there were none. Board Action: Gary Katz moved to approve the minutes; Lynn Gordon seconded. Patricia Miller asked for a vote: the minutes were unanimously approved. (Ardavan Asef-Vaziri and Jeanine Minge were not present for the vote.) New Business Announcements Patricia Miller shared items from the Faculty Senate meeting: new printing policy, the campus budget, and the current review of the disqualification policy for graduate students. Patricia Miller also announced that Luiz Mendes has accepted the nomination for committee chair, and that Rick Covington has agreed to shadow next year’s chair for a future Discussion Topic: Internationalization of the curriculum Joyce Feucht-Haviar reminded the committee that Tseng College had recently assumed broader responsibilities for international programs, services, and policies. Last year, the former Graduate Studies, Research and International Programs department had been reconfigured and the components had been redistributed to various campus groups or Page 1 of 3 DRAFT academic colleges. One of the recent changes was that the university will now distinguish between visiting scholars invited by CSUN and visiting academics or professionals who apply to study or work at CSUN. Joyce Feucht-Haviar discussed the goal of internationalizing the curriculum as different from internationalizing the student experience, and introduced the International Education Council (IEC). John Binkley, IEC chair, shared that the council had recently established a charge, a meeting schedule, and a definition of the Department International Liaison role. The IEC serves not as a policy-making body like the Faculty Senate Standing Committees, but a place in which topical issues in international education could be discussed and a resource for faculty and students to learn about international opportunities. John Binkley presented the meeting topics from the last meeting: strategic partnerships, international research, and a discussion on the concept of students as global-literate or globally-conscious citizens Discussion Topic: Distance learning- evolving approaches Joyce Feucht-Haviar announced that some of the college’s Distance Learning staff were currently attending the 29th Annual International Technology and Persons with Disabilities Conference in San Diego, an event for sharing knowledge and best practices in the field of assistive technology. Access issues have been an increasingly important component of distance learning curriculum development, and Tseng College staff members have sought out training and new ideas in this area. Joyce Feucht-Haviar discussed the Tseng College’s Distance Learning unit and its goal to work with faculty to develop curriculum in a more comprehensive way that goes beyond the learning management system in order to provide engaging online learning experiences for students. The college had recently hired two staff members with backgrounds in educational technology and instructional design; at present, a search was also open for the vacant Director of Distance Learning position. Discussion Topic: Semester at CSUN program Joyce Feucht-Haviar provided an update on the Semester at CSUN program: how it has grown in the past two years since the program had been redesigned and where it is heading in the near future. The format is similar to the Open University program, with the addition of advising for the Semester at CSUN students to ensure that appropriate courses are selected and that course prerequisites are met. Patrick Colabucci, Director of Global Studies, shared the program’s current demographics, the substantial market around the world for study abroad programs, and the anticipated growth of the program. Joyce Feucht-Haviar also explained how the pay structure worked for the general enrollments and for the case in which Tseng College funds an additional class section in order for a department to better accommodate the Semester at CSUN students. Another benefit of this strategy is that additional class sections can also accommodate state-side matriculated students at no additional cost to the department. A brief discussion followed about the student demographics and the caliber and academic readiness of the visiting international students. Discussion Topic: Summer Session and CSU CourseMatch Joyce Feucht-Haviar overviewed the campus-wide improvements on how online courses were coded in the computer system so that courses are more easily and accurately tracked for data purposes. Another benefit of these improvements is that Page 2 of 3 DRAFT courses are better searchable to students who are looking for online options. In keeping with the CSU-system’s distance learning goals, the Chancellor’s office asked all CSU campuses to advertise online courses in a centralized list, called CourseMatch. Jessica Isomoto shared the CourseMatch website on-screen—Winter/Spring classes were available; Summer term was not yet active. Over 100 online courses in CSUN’s selfsupport Summer Session will be posted to the CourseMatch website. Joyce Feucht-Haviar and Jessica Isomoto also presented on Tseng College’s targeted marketing effort for the “virtual summer session,” the over 100 online courses available to all CSU students, students from other universities, and the general public. Announcement: Chair Nominations for 2014-15 As previously announced, Luiz Mendes had accepted the nomination for chair. Patricia Miller stated that electronic ballots will be distributed next month. Adjournment (No policy changes were discussed or recommended during this meeting.) Having no further business to discuss, Patricia Miller adjourned the meeting at 4:52 p.m. Prepared by Jessica Isomoto Page 3 of 3