Replacement High School Undisclosed Location | Maryland Alternate Mechanical System Mechanical System Redesign Solar Energy Conversion System (SECS) Hybrid geothermal system w/ a cooling tower to supplement for peak load conditions Alternate Delivery Method Structural Roof Redesign Façade Prefabrication To accommodate extra loads of the cooling tower Brady Sheerin | Construction Option Advisor: Dr. Chimay Anumba Replacement High School | Maryland Brady Sheerin | Construction Project Background Replacement High School | Maryland Brady Sheerin | Construction Presentation Outline: Project Background • Southern Maryland below Washington DC N • General Information • Project Participants Analysis 1: Mechanical System • Area: 254,878 GSF • Height: 3 Stories @ 70’ Analysis 2: Solar Energy Conversion INITIAL SITE LAYOUT System (SECS) Analysis 4: Façade Prefabrication Conclusion Acknowledgements • Cost: $74,250,000 • Dates of Construction: Dec. 2011 – Aug. 2013 • Delivery method: CM at Risk, Cost + Fee w/ GMP • To replace the outdated existing school PROGRESS PHOTO Replacement High School | Maryland Brady Sheerin | Construction Project Background Presentation Outline: Project Background • General Information • Project Participants Analysis 1: Mechanical System : Prince George’s County Public School (PGCPS) : HESS Construction + Engineering Services Analysis 2: Solar Energy Conversion System (SECS) Analysis 4: Façade Prefabrication Conclusion Acknowledgements : WMCRP Replacement High School | Maryland Brady Sheerin | Construction Replacement High School | Maryland Brady Sheerin | Construction Analysis 1: Mechanical System Presentation Outline: Project Background Analysis 1: Mechanical System • Background • Process High upfront cost of the school correlated to a lot of VE • Results Analysis 2: Solar Energy Conversion System (SECS) Geothermal system w/ 400 wells all at a depth of 400’ @ $6,500/Well Analysis 4: Façade Prefabrication Conclusion Acknowledgements Hybrid Geothermal system Replacement High School | Maryland Brady Sheerin | Construction Replacement High School | Maryland Brady Sheerin | Construction Replacement High School | Maryland Analysis 1: Mechanical System Brady Sheerin | Construction Presentation Outline: Project Background Analysis 1: Mechanical System • Background • Process • Results Analysis 2: Solar Energy Conversion System (SECS) Analysis 4: Façade Prefabrication Conclusion Acknowledgements Takeoffs # Zone Name 101 102 103 104 105 106 Gym Cafeteria Kitchen Classrooms Classrooms Lecture Hall Building Pieces I-A,B II-C III-C III-D IV-E N/A Centrla Core 107 Transition & Atrium 108 Admin V-B,F 109 Auditorium V1-G Floor (sf) 37700 19355 10343 20657 15980 2815 N E S W Flat Roof 4972 4973 10455 9360 - 6537 1227 5095 1814 2514 - 6076 13826 10826 7601 - 10608 1582 1583 3747 3747 2064 20593 12590 10343 20657 15980 2815 5746 1813 434 26638 3368 8973 1790 31176 7336 7475 - 1537 5746 22048 6271 7298 Roof 17033 9870 - 9291 7856 Height Occ 43.4 16 16 45.4 45.4 45.4 1397 127 1134 918 230 45.4 35 51 120 385 1587 # Extra Multi Floors Story SF 2 2 41314 31960 2 11492 Replacement High School | Maryland Brady Sheerin | Construction Analysis 1: Mechanical System Replacement High School | Maryland Brady Sheerin | Construction Presentation Outline: Project Background Analysis 1: Mechanical System • Background • Process • Results Total Peak Heating Load: 275 tons Total Peak Cooling Load: 738 tons Analysis 2: Solar Energy Conversion System (SECS) Analysis 4: Façade Prefabrication Conclusion Acknowledgements Total Cooling Capacity Installed(Geothermal+Equipment) Trace700 Building Cooling Load Profile % Deviation 718.47 738 2.72 Replacement High School | Maryland Brady Sheerin | Construction Presentation Outline: Project Background Analysis 1: Mechanical System • Background • Process • Results Analysis 2: Solar Energy Conversion System (SECS) Analysis 4: Façade Prefabrication Conclusion Acknowledgements Analysis 1: Mechanical System Replacement High School | Maryland Brady Sheerin | Construction Replacement High School | Maryland Replacement High School | Maryland Analysis 1: Mechanical System Brady Sheerin | Construction Presentation Outline: Brady Sheerin | Construction Marley NC8407M-1 Steel Cooling Tower Project Background Analysis 1: Mechanical System • Background • Process • Results Analysis 2: Solar Energy Conversion System (SECS) Analysis 4: Façade Prefabrication Conclusion Acknowledgements System Fully Geothermal Hybrid Geothermal Cost of Wells $2,840,500.00 $1,420,250.00 Cost of Difference in Yearly Difference in Difference in Cooling Tower Running Costs Maintenace Costs Structural Cost $68,005.00 - $5,846.70 $823.00 $4,896.60 Replacement High School | Maryland Brady Sheerin | Construction Analysis 1: Mechanical System Presentation Outline: Project Background Analysis 1: Mechanical System • Background $1,347,348.40 • Process • Results Analysis 2: Solar Energy Conversion System (SECS) • Purchase custom casework • Nicer Finishes • Telecom Package Analysis 4: Façade Prefabrication Conclusion Acknowledgements Current geothermal system at the site is not the most practical design should use a hybrid geothermal system. Replacement High School | Maryland Brady Sheerin | Construction Replacement High School | Maryland Brady Sheerin | Construction Analysis 2: SECS Presentation Outline: Project Background Analysis 1: Mechanical System Analysis 2: Solar Energy Conversion To create a state-of-the-art educational facility particularly in the field of science and technology System (SECS) • Background • Process • Results To determine whether or not a photovoltaic array would prove to be advantageous for the client Analysis 4: Façade Prefabrication Conclusion Acknowledgements Prove that a PV array would be a beneficial investment for the owner. Replacement High School | Maryland Brady Sheerin | Construction Replacement High School | Maryland Brady Sheerin | Construction Analysis 2: SECS Replacement High School | Maryland Brady Sheerin | Construction Presentation Outline: Project Background Analysis 1: Mechanical System 7:00 am 2:00 pm 5:00 pm 2:00 pm 4:00 pm 10:00 am Solar Shading on the Equinoxes Analysis 2: Solar Energy Conversion System (SECS) • Background • Process 8:00 am • Results 10:00 am Solar Shading on the Winter Solstice Analysis 4: Façade Prefabrication Conclusion Acknowledgements 6:00 am 10:00 am 2:00 pm Solar Shading on the Summer Solstice 6:00 pm Replacement High School | Maryland Brady Sheerin | Construction Analysis 2: SECS 9 12 15 18 30 Project Background Analysis 1: Mechanical System Analysis 2: Solar Energy Conversion System (SECS) • Background • Process • Results Analysis 4: Façade Prefabrication Acknowledgements Brady Sheerin | Construction Row Spacing Annual Energy System Performance (ft) (kWh) Factor Presentation Outline: Conclusion Replacement High School | Maryland Shading Due to Parapet Wall Shading Due to Modules 157116 197313 203286 205719 208048 58% 72% 75% 76% 76% Replacement High School | Maryland Analysis 2: SECS Brady Sheerin | Construction Presentation Outline: Project Background Analysis 1: Mechanical System Analysis 2: Solar Energy Conversion System (SECS) Replacement High School | Maryland Brady Sheerin | Construction With Row Spacing @ 15’ Roof Section Item Quantity D Module Mounting Rack Inverter 370 37 3 8/day/electrician 4/day/roofer 3/day/electrician 46.25 9.25 1 Module Mounting Rack Inverter 260 26 2 8/day/electrician 4/day/roofer 2/day/electrician 32.5 6.5 1 E Output Duration (days) Direct Capital Costs 630 Module 5 Inverter units units Balancing of System, equipment Installation labor Installer margin and overhead • Background • Process • Results Indirect Capital Costs Permitting, Environmental Studies Grid interconnection Sales Tax Analysis 4: Façade Prefabrication Conclusion Acknowledgements 0.2 kWdc/unit 30 KkWac/unit 151.304 149.85 kWdc kWac $/Wdc $/Wac $310,173.20 $55,444.50 $/Wdc 0.43 $/Wdc 0.48 $/Wdc 0.81 Total Direct Cost $65,060.72 $72,625.92 $122,556.24 $625,860.58 $/Wdc 0.23 $/Wdc 0.01 0% Total Indirect Cost $34,799.92 $1,513.04 $0.00 $36,312.96 Total Installed Cost: Cost/Capacity: $662,173.54 $4.38 2.05 0.37 Total Installed Cost Replacement High School | Maryland Brady Sheerin | Construction Replacement High School | Maryland Analysis 2: SECS Brady Sheerin | Construction Presentation Outline: Project Background Direct Capital Costs Module 630 Inverter 5 Analysis 1: Mechanical System Analysis 2: Solar Energy Conversion System (SECS) Provides 100% real tax exemption in Maryland units units Balancing of System, equipment Installation labor Installer margin and overhead • Background • Process 30% • Results Analysis 4: Façade Prefabrication 25% 151.304 149.85 kWdc kWac 2.05 0.37 $/Wdc $/Wac $310,173.20 $55,444.50 0.43 $/Wdc 0.48 $/Wdc 0.81 $/Wdc Total Direct Cost $65,060.72 $72,625.92 $122,556.24 $625,860.58 0.23 $/Wdc 0.01 $/Wdc 0% Total Indirect Cost $34,799.92 $1,513.04 $0.00 $36,312.96 Total Installed Cost: Cost/Capacity: $662,173.54 $4.38 Total Installed Cost Conclusion Acknowledgements Indirect Capital Costs Permitting, Environmental Studies Grid interconnection Sales Tax 0.2 kWdc/unit 30 KkWac/unit $120 deescalating at 10% over a 10 year period Replacement High School | Maryland Brady Sheerin | Construction Analysis 2: SECS Presentation Outline: Project Background Analysis 1: Mechanical System Analysis 2: Solar Energy Conversion System (SECS) Provides 100% real tax exemption in Maryland • Background • Process 30% • Results Analysis 4: Façade Prefabrication Conclusion Acknowledgements 25% $120 deescalating at 10% over a 10 year period Replacement High School | Maryland Brady Sheerin | Construction Replacement High School | Maryland Brady Sheerin | Construction Analysis 2: SECS Presentation Outline: Project Background Analysis 1: Mechanical System Analysis 2: Solar Energy Conversion System (SECS) 4.99 years • Background • Process 17 days given 4 roofers and 7 electricians • Results Analysis 4: Façade Prefabrication Conclusion Acknowledgements Minimal: activities don’t occur on the critical path PGCPS should consider implementing PV system based off of the potential reduction in utility bills and the short payback period. Replacement High School | Maryland Brady Sheerin | Construction Replacement High School | Maryland Brady Sheerin | Construction Analysis 4: Façade Prefabrication Presentation Outline: Project Background Analysis 1: Mechanical System Analysis 2: Solar Energy Conversion A two month delay on the notice-to-proceed reduced an already tight schedule to 18 months System (SECS) Analysis 4: Façade Prefabrication • Background • Process 69,000 SF of hand laid ground-face-CMU on a metal stud and masonry substrate. • Results Conclusion Acknowledgements Accelerate the schedule by utilizing a precast architectural façade. Replacement High School | Maryland Brady Sheerin | Construction Replacement High School | Maryland Brady Sheerin | Construction Replacement High School | Maryland Analysis 4: Façade Prefabrication Brady Sheerin | Construction Presentation Outline: Project Background Analysis 1: Mechanical System Analysis 2: Solar Energy Conversion System (SECS) Analysis 4: Façade Prefabrication Section D Facade Section E Facade Section C Facade • Background • Process • Results Conclusion Acknowledgements Section A & B Facade : 342 Height < 13’6” Section G Facade Section F Facade Replacement High School | Maryland Brady Sheerin | Construction Presentation Outline: Project Background Analysis 1: Mechanical System Analysis 2: Solar Energy Conversion System (SECS) Analysis 4: Façade Prefabrication • Background • Process • Results Conclusion Acknowledgements Analysis 4: Façade Prefabrication Replacement High School | Maryland Brady Sheerin | Construction Replacement High School | Maryland Brady Sheerin | Construction Analysis 4: Façade Prefabrication Presentation Outline: Project Background Analysis 1: Mechanical System : $2,233,500 : $35/SF Analysis 2: Solar Energy Conversion System (SECS) Analysis 4: Façade Prefabrication • Background • Process : $2,415,000 : $17,800 $22,700 • Results : $2,410,100 Conclusion Acknowledgements : ($176,600) Replacement High School | Maryland Brady Sheerin | Construction Replacement High School | Maryland Analysis 4: Façade Prefabrication Brady Sheerin | Construction Presentation Outline: Project Background Analysis 1: Mechanical System Analysis 2: Solar Energy Conversion System (SECS) Analysis 4: Façade Prefabrication Section # of Panels D E F G C A&B 89 83 33 48 57 32 Avg. Time/Panel 24 min 24 min 24 min 24 min 24 min 24 min Total Time (min) 2136 1992 792 1152 1368 768 Total Days Spent: • Results Conclusion Acknowledgements Section D: E: F: G: C: A&B: Original Duration Adjusted Duration Reduction In Schedule (8 Hr. Days) (8 Hr. Days) (8 Hr. Days) 60 46 19 32 41 27 4.45 4.15 1.65 2.4 2.85 1.6 Brady Sheerin | Construction Total Time (Work Days) • Background • Process Replacement High School | Maryland 55.55 41.85 17.35 29.6 38.15 25.4 4.45 4.15 1.65 2.4 2.85 1.6 17.1 Replacement High School | Maryland Brady Sheerin | Construction Presentation Outline: Project Background Analysis 1: Mechanical System Analysis 2: Solar Energy Conversion System (SECS) Analysis 4: Façade Prefabrication • Background • Process • Results Conclusion Acknowledgements Analysis 4: Façade Prefabrication Replacement High School | Maryland Brady Sheerin | Construction Replacement High School | Maryland Brady Sheerin | Construction Analysis 4: Façade Prefabrication Presentation Outline: Project Background Analysis 1: Mechanical System Analysis 2: Solar Energy Conversion System (SECS) $176,600 More expensive (8% more) Analysis 4: Façade Prefabrication • Background Greatly reduces installation time which allows other trades to start sooner • Process • Results Conclusion Acknowledgements Reduction of the critical path by 6 weeks Hess Construction should consider switching the installation method of the facade. Ultimately this decision lies with the design team. Replacement High School | Maryland Brady Sheerin | Construction Replacement High School | Maryland Replacement High School | Maryland Conclusions Brady Sheerin | Construction Brady Sheerin | Construction Presentation Outline: Project Background Analysis 1: Mechanical System Analysis 2: Solar Energy Conversion • Reduce first cost of system • More efficient system • Payback period validates change Implement System (SECS) Analysis 3: Alternate Delivery Method Analysis 4: Façade Prefabrication Conclusion Acknowledgements • • • • Minimal to no impact on schedule Short payback period Reduction in utility bills Minimal maintenance and repairs Implement • 6 week reduction in schedule • 8% more expensive • Safer site Implement Replacement High School | Maryland Brady Sheerin | Construction Presentation Outline: Project Background Acknowledgements Dr. Chimay Anumba Dr. Jeffrey Brownson Prof. Moses Ling Analysis 1: Mechanical System Analysis 2: Solar Energy Conversion System (SECS) Analysis 4: Façade Prefabrication Conclusion Acknowledgements Justin Peak and Charlie Ravenna of Hess Construction + Engineering Services Carl Wehmueller of Cummins-Wagner Melanie Fonner, AE Undergraduate Angie Veintimilla, AE Undergraduate Michael Palmer, AE Undergraduate Replacement High School | Maryland Brady Sheerin | Construction Replacement High School | Maryland Brady Sheerin | Construction Presentation Outline: Project Background Analysis 1: Mechanical System Analysis 2: Solar Energy Conversion System (SECS) Analysis 4: Façade Prefabrication Conclusion Acknowledgements Questions? Replacement High School | Maryland Brady Sheerin | Construction