Update PASTOR (version 2 => version 4)

Update PASTOR (version 2 => version 4)
PASTOR is a Technical Coefficient Generator for the generation of inputs and outputs of
herds, pasture land use systems and feed supplements. PASTOR is explained in Chapter
4 of this book, and a complete description and user manual is provided on this CDROM
(as found in \PASTOR\PASTOR4\MANUAL\pmanual.doc). It is advised to study the
manual before proceeding with the installation and running of PASTOR. The PASTOR
version supplied on this CDROM is version 4, called PASTOR4. PASTOR4 is
scientifically the same as PASTOR version 2 as described in the user manual supplied,
but differs in the following three aspects:
1. Minor programmatic errors have been dealt with.
2. A third herd type has been introduced: double-purpose. The generation of doublepurpose herds is the same as that of breeding (cria) herds with respect to input file
structure (see manual). The PASTOR4 model for generating double-purpose herds is
called DOBLE.
3. The generated output files, *.PRN, are structured in a way that they are semiautomatically read by the linear programming model REALM (REALM is explained
in Chapter 5 of this book). Therefore, PASTOR should be run using batch files that
execute a number of the separate PASTOR models in the correct sequence, as
explained in detail below.
PASTOR4 running
PASTOR4 is fully geared towards generating files that are semi-automatically read by the
linear programming model REALM: files that contain the generated technical coefficient
files, and files that contain the SET definitions (see Brook et al., 1992 for GAMS
software explanation). This way, there is no need to update or change REALM every
time that new technical coefficients are generated However, this also means that there is
fixed sequence in running the various models of PASTOR4:
 For herds: CRIA (breeding herds), DOBLE (double-purpose herds), GORDO
(fattening herds)
 For pastures: PASTOF (fertilized pastures), PASTOU (unfertilized pastures)
 SUPP (feed supplements)
To simplify the use of PASTOR4, batch files have been made that run the PASTOR4
programs in the correct sequence:
 HERD.BAT for herds
 PASTURE.BAT for pastures
 FEED.BAT for feed supplements
 TOTAL.BAT for herds, pastures and feed supplements
Note: NEVER run individual models from their own sub-directories as explained in the
Manual. ALWAYS run the batch files (located straight under in the main PASTOR4
If only one of the several model is to be run, so-called 'dummy' input files for the others
should be specified in the CONTROL.DAT file in the relevant subdirectory. For
example: if one wants to generate only breeding herds, then the relevant herd data files
should be entered in the CONTROL.DAT in the MOD_CRIA directory (see Manual); a
dummy file should be entered as herd characteristics file in the CONTROL file in the
MOD_DOBL directory: DUMD.DAT (instead of DPHRD.DAT); and a dummy file
should be entered as herd characteristics file in the CONTROL file in the MOD_GORD
directory: DUMG.DAT (instead of GORDHRD.DAT). The same applies to the
generation of pasture data. Moreover, no reruns should be made for the model specified
as dummy (e.g. put asterixes in front of all lines in the RERUNS.DAT file). The
following table gives the name for the relevant dummy files for the five relevant
Breeding herd
Double purpose herd
Fattening herd
Fertilized pasture
Unfertilized pasture