Intro. Relativistic Heavy Ion Collisions Cross Sections and Collision Geometry Manuel Calderón de la Barca Sánchez Scattering Experiment Monoenergetic particle beam Beam impinges on a target Particles are scattered by target Final state particles are observed by detector at q. 2 Flux : N aDt Number of particles/ unit area / unit time Area: perpendicular to beam For a uniform beam: particle density ni = N V Number of particles / unit volume Consider box in Figure. Box has cross sectional area a. Particles move at speed v with respect to target. Make length of box Dx = vDt a particle entering left face just manages to cross right face in time Dt. Volume of Box: So Flux V = aDx = avDt N Nv = = = ni v aDt V How many targets are illuminated by the beam? Area a L Multiple nuclear targets within area a Target Density, r = m /V Number of targets per kg: N A / (A ×10-3 kg) Recall: 1 mol of a nuclear species A will weigh A grams. i.e. the atomic mass unit and Avogadro’s number are inverses: (NA x u) = 1 g/mol So: 6/28/20 Phy 224C æ NA ö Nt = ç ÷ r La -3 è A ×10 kg ø Density r 4 Scattered rate: Area a Proportional to L Incident Flux, Nt size (and position) of detector For a perfect detector : N s æ Ni ö µç ÷ Nt Dt è aDt ø Constant of proportionality: Dimensional analysis: Must have units of Area. Density r 6/28/20 Phy 224C 5 For a detector subtending solid angle dW æ Ni ö dRs µ ç ÷ N t dW è aDt ø If the detector is at an angle q from the beam, with the origin at the target location: æN ö dRs = s (q ) ç i ÷ N t dW è aDt ø ds (q ) º s (q )dW 6 Compute: Fraction of particles that are scattered Area a contains Nt scattering centers Total number of incident particles per unit time Ni=Fa Total number of scattered particles per unit time Ns=F Nt stot So Fraction of particles scattered is: Ns/Ni =F Nt stot / (F a) = Nt stot / a Cross section: effective area of scattering Lorentz invariant: it is the same in CM or Lab. For colliders, Luminosity: dN s Rate: = Ls dt 7 Quantum Mechanics: Fermi’s (2nd) Golden Rule Calculation of transition rates In simplest form: QM perturbation theory dN s Ls dt Golden Rule: particles from an initial state a scatter to a final state b due to an interaction Hamiltonian Hint with a rate given by: dN s 2p = b H int a dt 6/28/20 Phy 224C 2 r ( E) 8 Quantum Case: Yukawa Potential Quantum theory of interaction between nucleons 1949 Nobel Prize Limit m → ∞. Treat scattering of particle as interaction with static potential. Interaction is spin dependent First, simple case: spin-0 boson exchange Klein-Gordon Equation - ( ) =- 2 ¶ f x,t 2 ¶t 2 ( ) Static case (time-independent): () Ñ 2f x = () M x2c 2f x 2 ( ) c Ñ2f x,t + M x2c 4f x,t 2 2 - r R - g2 e e V (r) = -gf (r) = = -a 4p c r r r R Steps to calculating and observable: Amplitude: f = Probability ~ |f|2 . Example: q f H int (x) qi Non-Relativistic quantum mechanics Assume a is small. Perturbative expansion in powers of a. Problem: Find the amplitude for a particle in state with momentum qi to be scattered to final state with momentum qf by a potential Hint(x)=V(x). q = momentum transfer q = qi - qf -i q f ×x q f V (x) qi = 3 d ò xe q f V (x) qi = 3 d ò x V (x) e V (x) e i q×x Use V(x) = Yukawa Potential 2 2 -g f (q2 ) = 2 q + M X2 c 2 i qi ×x = f (q2 ) QFT case, recover similar form of propagator! Applies to single particle exchange -g f (q ) = 2 2 2 q + MXc 2 2 2 Lowest order in perturbation theory. Additional orders: additional powers of a. Numerator: product of the couplings at each vertex. g2, or a. Denominator: Mass of exchanged particle. Momentum transfer squared: q2. Plug In relativistic case: 4-momentum transfer squared qmqm=q2. into Fermi’s 2nd Golden Rule: Obtain cross sections dN s 2p = b H int a dt 2 r ( E) Nuclear forces are short range Range for Yukawa Potential R~1/Mx Exchanged particles are pions: R~1/(140 MeV)~1.4 fm Nuclei interact when their edges are ~ 1fm apart 0th Order: Hard sphere s geom = p ( R1 + R2 ) = p r ( A + A 2 r0 =1.2 fm 2 0 1/3 1 ) 1/3 2 2 Bradt & Peters formula 2 2 1/3 1/3 s geom = p r0 ( A1 + A2 - b) b decreases with increasing Amin J.P. Vary’s formula: 2 1/3 1/3 -1/3 -1/3 2 s geom = p r0 ( A1 + A2 - b0 (A1 + A2 )) Last term: curvature effects on nuclear surfaces 6/28/20 Phy 224C 13 s geom = p r ( A + A - b0 (A 2 0 s So: A11/3 + A21/3 1/3 1 1/3 2 -1/3 1 -1/3 2 +A )) 2 A1-1/3 + A2-1/3 = p r0 - p r0b0 1/3 1/3 A1 + A2 Bevalac Data Fixed Target Beam: ~few Gev/A AGS, SPS: works too 6/28/20 Phy 224C 14 Vernier Scan Invented by S. van der Meer Sweep the beams across each other, monitor the counting rate Obtain a Gaussian curve, peak at smallest displacement Doing horizontal and vertical sweeps: zero-in on maximum rate at zero displacement Luminosity for two beams with Gaussian profile 1,2 : blue, yellow beam Ni: number of particles per bunch Assumes all bunches have equal intensity 6/28/20 Exponential: Applies when beams are displaced by d Phy 224C 15 van der Meer Scan. A. Drees et al., Conf.Proc. C030512 (2003) 1688 Cross Section: s BBC = 2p Rmax (s x12+ s 2x2 )(s y12+ s 2y2 )kb / frev STAR: s = 26.1± 0.2 ±1.0 ± 0.8 mb 6/28/20 Phy 224C BBC 16 World Data on pp total and elastic cross section PDG: RHIC, 200 GeV tot~50 mb el~8 mb nsd=42 mb s tot = 48 + 0.522 ln2 p +(-1.85)ln p CERN-HERA Parameterization LHC, 7 TeV tot=98.3±2.8 mb el=24.8±1.2 mb nsd=73.5 +1.8 – 1.3 mb (TOTEM, Europhys.Lett. 96 (2011) 21002) 6/28/20 Phy 224C 17 Froissart Bound, Phys. Rev. 123, 1053–1057 (1961) Marcel Froissart: Unitarity, Analiticity require the strong interaction cross sections to grow at most as ln 2 s for s ®¥ Particles and Antiparticles Cross sections converge for s ®¥ Simple relation between pion-nucleon and nucleonnucleon cross sections s pN 6/28/20 Phy 224C 2 » s NN 3 18 6/28/20 Phy 224C 19 Charge densities: similar to a hard sphere. Edge is “fuzzy”. 20 Woods-Saxon density: R = 1.07 fm * A 1/3 a =0.54 fm A = 208 nucleons Probability : r (r) = r0 1+ e r-R a µ r 2 r (r) 21 Each nucleon is distributed with: P(r,q , f ) = r(r)dV = r(r)r 2 drd(cosq )df Angular probabilities: Flat in f, flat in cos(q). 22 Like hitting a target: Rings have more area Area of ring of radius b, thickness db: Area proportional to probability 2p bdb 23 2 Nuclei colliding Red: nucleons from nucleus A Blue: nucleons from nucleus B M.L.Miller, et al. Annu. Rev. Nucl. Part. Sci. 2007.57:205-243 24 After 100,000 events Beyond b~2R Nuclei miss each other Note fuzzy edge Largest probability: Collision at b~12-14 fm Head on collisions: b~0: Small probability 25 If two nucleons get closer than d<s/p they collide. Each colliding nucleon is a “participant” (Dark colors) Count number of binary collisions. Count number of participants 26 Nuclear Collisions 27 ds /dNh- (b) Multiplicty Distributions in STAR Au+Au, ÖsNN = 130 GeV STAR, p^ > 100 MeV/c, |h| < 0.5 -1 10 Hijing 1.35 (default settings) STAR, 5% most central -2 10 -3 10 -4 10 -5 10 0 50 100 150 200 250 300 350 MCBS, Ph.D Thesis Phys.Rev.Lett. 87 (2001) 112303 6/28/20 Phy 224C 400 Nh- 28 Each nucleon-nucleon collision produces particles. Particle production: negative binomial distribution. Particles can be measured: tracks, energy in a detector. CMS: Energy deposited by Hadrons in “Forward” region 29 From CMS MC Glauber model. CMS: HIN-10-001, JHEP 08 (2011) 141 30