Intro. Relativistic Heavy Ion Collisions The QCD Phase Transition Manuel Calderón de la Barca Sánchez Quarks (u,d,s,c,b,t) and gluons. Characteristic color charge. Forces between quarks: exchange of gluons. Asymptotic Freedom 2 2 2 a (Q ) ~ 1/ ln(Q / L ) Strong coupling “runs”: s Distance probed: R~1/Q (deBroglie) Confinement Free quarks not observed in nature Quarks only in bound states Responsible for > 98% of the visible mass in universe (not the Higgs!) 6/28/20 Phy 224C 2 At high energy and small distances, the strength of this force decreases! “Asymptotic freedom” Nobel Prize 2004 6/28/20 Phy 224C 3 Logarithmic decrease : 2 2 2 a (Q ) ~ 1/ ln(Q / L ) “Hard” Processes: s Large values of Q2 as < 0.2 Þ Q > 5 GeV Perturbative region Calculations similar to QED Feynman diagrams “Soft” Processes: Effective models Numerical solutions Lattice QCD “strong QCD” distances close to nucleon radius 6/28/20 Phy 224C Brinkmann, Gianotti, Lehmann Nucl. Phys. News 16 (2006) 15 4 Cornell Potential: a V (r) = - + s r r Coulomb term Linear term: “rubber band” or elastic string color flux tube between quark and antiquark D. Leinweber, et al., Center for Subatomic Structure. Physics Dept. U. of Adelaide, Australia. 2003. Increase r: attractive force increases. Quarks cannot be separated: confinement! Free quarks cannot be observed. Quarks are bound within hadrons 6/28/20 Phy 224C 5 E=mc2 Meson: bound state of quark and . Separating the quarks: increase energy in the color field. Energy > 2 mq: quark / pops out of the vacuum. New mesons are formed String model: Used in many event generators PYTHIA/Jetset 6/28/20 Phy 224C 6 Collins and Perry: Superdense matter consists of quarks rather than hadrons Cabibbo and Parisi: Deconfinement phase transition At high temperatures or densities: phase transition from hadrons to QGP should take place Low-energy, non-pertubative properties Lattice QCD numerical studies Our best way to connect to QCD However: Lattice QCD ≠ Heavy Ion Collisions Static, equilibrated vs. dynamic, exploding matter. 6/28/20 Phy 224C 7 Similarities and differences between QED and QCD Look at some of the properties of each theory. Visualize the more complicated structure of QCD Very basic brush of Lattice QCD Key Result: New phase of QCD at high T! 6/28/20 Phy 224C 8 QED Lagrangian y(x) : electrons, positrons Dirac (bi)spinor (4 components) spin ½ particles (fermions). † 0 :Dirac adjoint Dm = ¶m + ieAm gauge covariant derivative E = ¶A / ¶t - Ñf B = Ñ´ A y =y g Anti particle Am = (f / c, A) Fmn = ¶m An -¶n Am EM Field tensor e: coupling constant, electric charge of bispinor field Am : Covariant four-vector potential of EM field Note: only one type of photon, so only one Am 6/28/20 Phy 224C 9 There are now 8 “color” indices for gluons. Gluons: Adjoint representation of SU(3) The gluon field tensor is: a F mn = ¶m Ana -¶n Ama + gs [Am , An ]a a Am : 8 vector potentials of the gluon field gs : strong color charge a [Am , An ] : gluon self-interaction due to gluons having non-zero charge 6/28/20 Phy 224C 10 Experimental findings: Quark bags (hadrons) come in two types: Baryons (3 quarks) Mesons (quarks-antiquark) Both are color-neutral 3R Experiment: Strong force has 3 types of charge. Theory: Need an internal symmetry with a 3-D representation Must give rise to neutral combination of 3 particles Otherwise: No baryons! Simplest statement: linear combination of three charge-types is neutral red + green + blue = 0 6/28/20 Phy 224C 11 Postulate: Gluons must occur in color-anticolor units 9 combinations BUT: r+g+b = 0 rr rg rb gr gg gb br bg bb So, the linear combination: rr + gg + bb = 0 must be non interacting! This gluon can’t interact with anything. So it can’t be detected. So, for all intents and purposes, it doesn’t exist! 6/28/20 Phy 224C This is the “color singlet” 12 Gluons are the basis states of the SU(3) Lie algebra. SU(3) : group of 3x3 unitary matrices with det = 1. The state of a particle: given by a vector on a space Elements of SU(3) act on this space as linear operators 3-D representation: A 3x3 unitary matrix can act on a 3-row column vector (matrix multiplication) Quarks transform under this representation SU(3) : 3-D representation : 3 colors 6/28/20 Phy 224C 13 Red æ a b ç ç d e ç g h è Green c ö ÷ f ÷ i ÷ø Blue Antired 6/28/20 Phy 224C (1 æ 1 ö ç ÷ ç 0 ÷ ç 0 ÷ è ø SU(3) Matrix: 3x3 Unitary Matrix æ 0 ö ç ÷ 0 ç ÷ ç 1 ÷ è ø U = exp(iH) H : Hermitian Matrix det U = 1 implies Tr(H) = 0 Generators of SU(3) Traceless Hermitian Matrices æ 0 ö ç ÷ ç 1 ÷ ç 0 ÷ è ø ) 0 0 Antigreen ( 0 1 0 Antiblue ( 0 0 1 ) æ a b ç ç d e ç g h è c ö ÷ f ÷ i ÷ø ) 14 Alternately: Let the elements of SU(3) act on the traceless hermitian matrices T T ®UTU -1 Gluons transform under this representation. How many lin. indep. traceless hermitian matrices? 8 : (SU(N) : N2 -1 generators) Any other can be written as a linear combination. æ 0 1 0 ö æ 0 -i 0 ö ç ÷ l1 = ç 1 0 0 ÷ l2 = çç i 0 0 ÷÷ ç 0 0 0 ÷ ç 0 0 0 ÷ è ø è ø æ 0 0 -i ö ç ÷ l1 = ç 0 0 0 ÷ ç i 0 0 ÷ è ø 6/28/20 Phy 224C æ 0 0 0 ç l6 = ç 0 0 1 ç 0 1 0 è æ 1 0 0 ö ç ÷ l3 = ç 0 -1 0 ÷ ç 0 0 0 ÷ è ø ö ÷ ÷ ÷ ø æ 0 0 0 ö ç ÷ l7 = ç 0 0 -i ÷ ç 0 i 0 ÷ è ø æ 0 0 1 ö ç ÷ l4 = ç 0 0 0 ÷ ç 1 0 0 ÷ è ø æ 1 0 0 1 ç l8 = 0 1 0 3 çç è 0 0 -2 ö ÷ ÷ ÷ ø 15 æ 0 1 0 ö æ 0 rg 0 ö ÷ æ l1 + il2 ö ç ÷ ç ç ÷=ç 0 0 0 ÷=ç 0 0 0 ÷ è 2 ø ç ÷ ç ÷ è 0 0 0 ø è 0 0 0 ø æ 0 0 0 ö æ 0 æ l1 - il2 ö ç ÷ ç ç ÷ = 1 0 0 ÷ = ç gr è 2 ø çç ÷ ç è 0 0 0 ø è 0 0 0 ö ÷ 0 0 ÷ ÷ 0 0 ø is valid is valid Similarly for all 6 off-diagonal elements: 6 indep. gluons. Can you make æ 1 0 0 ç ç 0 0 0 ç 0 0 0 è ö æ rr ÷ ç ÷ = çç 0 ÷ ø è 0 0 0 ö ÷ 0 0 ÷ ÷ 0 0 ø or æ 0 0 0 ö æ 0 0 0 ç ÷ ç ç 0 1 0 ÷ = ç 0 gg 0 ç ÷ ç è 0 0 0 ø è 0 0 0 ö ÷ ÷ ÷ ø ? No! Tr ≠ 0. Can’t be linear combination of ls. You can make æ 1 0 0 ç ç 0 -1 0 ç 0 0 0 è ö ÷ ÷ ÷ ø or æ 1 0 0 ç ç 0 0 0 ç 0 0 -1 è ö ÷ ÷ ÷ ø or æ 0 0 0 ö ç ÷ 0 1 0 ç ÷ ç 0 0 -1 ÷ è ø But now, any one is a linear combination of the other 2. Hence: only 2 more indep. gluons. Total: 8. 6/28/20 Phy 224C 16 i,j : quark color indices (1,2,3 or r,g,b) q: quark flavor indices (u,d,s,c,b,t) a: 8 gluon indices (“color-anticolor”) i yq (x) : Dirac bi-spinor (4 components) describing the fermion (spin ½) fields of the theory: quarks. with flavor q, and color i. l : SU(3) Generators: Gell-Mann matrices a ij Coupling constant: 6/28/20 Phy 224C gs2 as = 4p 17 Propagators i Fermion gluon g pm - m Vertices: m dij -igmn ab d 2 p Expand Lagrangian 6/28/20 Phy 224C 18 Background electric field produces virtual e+e- pairs. these change the distribution of charges and currents that generated the original field QFT: vacuum is not just empty space virtual e+e- pairs pop in and out act as dipoles dipoles orient themselves partially cancel the original E field similar to Debye screening one-loop contribution shown in (b) 6/28/20 Phy 224C 19 QCD QED em ( m 2 ) 2 em (Q ) em ( m 2 ) Q 2 ln 2 1 3 m s (Q 2 ) s (m 2 ) Q2 (33 2 N f ) ln 2 1 12 m Vacuum polarization: Vacuum polarization: antiscreens the strength of the interaction at large distance. At large Q2 (small distance) interaction is weaker. screens the strength of the interaction at large distance. At large Q2 (small distance) interaction is stronger. 6/28/2016 s (m 2 ) Phy 224C 20 Experimental measurements of s . 6/28/20 Phy 224C Data analysis: S. Bethke, arXiv:0908.1135 21 1974: Kenneth Wilson (Nobel Prize 1982) Generate quark and gluon configurations Weigh each by Boltzmann factor: exp(-S) / Z Action: Partition function: Thermodynamic quantities are functions of Z or its E derivatives. Z = å e- k T s B Calculate expectation values of various operators on each configuration. Numerical integration: 4-D lattice in (x, y, z,t) . Typical sizes: few fm. Typical spacing: ~0.1 fm s 6/28/20 Phy 224C 22 Create a configuration of gluon and quark fields Quarks and antiquarks on each node balance. Balance each quark type independently. Calculate action: Sum of contour integrals over all elementary squares (plaquettes). x + an̂ x 6/28/20 Phy 224C x + am̂ + an̂ x + am̂ 23 Arrows: Parallel Transport operators Um (x) = exp(igaAm (x)) Nodes are “connected” by gluons fields. Action is determined by quark and gluon fields on nodes and through connections 6/28/20 Phy 224C 24 Randomly change the values of the field Recalculate action Retain configurations with lower values of S. Larger Boltzmann factor exp(-S) Process drives the system towards equilibrium. Reveals phase transitions. Physics result: limit of small lattice spacing “Continuum limit” Require a large amount of computing power! 6/28/20 Phy 224C 25 Gluon field configurations in vacuum QCD Volume: 2.4 x 2.4 x 3.6 fm3 Vacuum fluctuations Chromoelectric and Chromomagnetic fields are induced 50 sweeps to average over the gluon field configuration Plot: Action density, S. 6/28/20 Phy 224C 26 If one ignores quarks: “pure gauge” theory... Polyakov Loop :éN -1 F(r,T ) ù L(T ) = Tr êÕU 4 ( j,n)ú = lim e 2T êë j=0 úû r®¥ t Time-propagation of static quark Related to Free energy of single quark Below Tc: F(∞,T) diverges F(r) ~ V(r) ~ s r Polyakov loop vanishes L(T ) = 0 Above Tc: F(∞,T) remains finite F plateau decreases as T grows Polyakov loop grows as T grows 6/28/20 1st Order Phase Transition! 27 Pure glue: First order Polyakov loop: order parameter Massless flavors : First order Massless (u,d) but massive s: 2nd order or rapid crossover 6/28/20 Phy 224C 28 Step-like behavior at Tc~170 MeV Increase in # of deg. of freedom (dof) Transition from Hadron Gas to QGP. Pion Gas: dof = 3. (Including resonances: dof~10 − 15) 2 flavor QCD: dof= 6/28/20 7 (2 ´ 2 ´ 2 ´ 3)+ 8 ´ 2 = 21+16 = 37 8 Fermi/Boltzmann normalization * quark-antiquark,updown,spin,color + 8 gluons, 2 spins 29 QCD is the real deal for the strong interaction But it’s a tough theory Yet that is what makes it so interesting! Now if we do things numerically... Phase with more degrees of freedom than that of a pion gas above 170 MeV. Not quite a free gas of quarks. Open question: what are the degrees of freedom? But it is clear: whatever they are, they have to do with color! 6/28/20 Phy 224C 30