The most beautiful, deepest result in theoretical physics.... 28 June 2016 Manuel Calderón de la Barca Sánchez Physics 105A Analytical Mechanics Noether’s Theorem: Symmetries and Conservation Laws. 28 June 2016 Manuel Calderón de la Barca Sánchez Conserved Quantities Before: Used F=ma and assumed momentum conservation (3d Law) Proved that Energy is conserved. Lagrangian formalism: Do we need to assume momentum conservation? Can we prove that Energy is conserved in the Lagrangian formalism? 28 June 2016 Manuel Calderón de la Barca Sánchez Symmetry 1: balanced proportions ; also : beauty of form arising from balanced proportions 2: the property of being symmetrical ; especially : correspondence in size, shape, and relative position of parts on opposite sides of a dividing line or median plane or about a center or axis — compare bilateral symmetry , radial symmetry 3: a rigid motion of a geometric figure that determines a one-to-one mapping onto itself 4: the property of remaining invariant under certain changes (as of orientation in space, of the sign of the electric charge, of parity, or of the direction of time flow) —used of physical phenomena and of equations describing them 28 June 2016 Manuel Calderón de la Barca Sánchez Cyclic Coordinates Thrown ball in 3-D 1 2 2 2 L = m(x + y + z ) - mgz 2 3-D Cylindrical Coords: Linear and Angular Momenutm 1 2 2 2 2 L = m(r + r q + z ) -V (r) 2 Spherical coordinates with V(r,q). 28 June 2016 Manuel Calderón de la Barca Sánchez Translational and Rotational Invariance What if I told you, that if you moved a few meters, you couldn’t tell the difference? Or that if you looked turned by any angle, you couldn’t tell the difference either? 28 June 2016 Manuel Calderón de la Barca Sánchez The Hamiltonian: Energy Conservation Useful for Lagrangians which don’t explicitly depend on time. Definition of the Hamiltionian: Theorem: If the Lagrangian doesn’t depend explicitly on time, then the Hamiltonian is a conserved quantity. If , then For systems with no external forces: Hamiltonian is the total energy! 28 June 2016 Manuel Calderón de la Barca Sánchez Emmy Noether: Symmetries and Conservation Laws In the judgment of the most competent living mathematicians, Fräulein Noether was the most significant creative mathematical genius thus far produced since the higher education of women began. In the realm of algebra, in which the most gifted mathematicians have been busy for centuries, she discovered methods which have proved of enormous importance in the development of the present-day younger generation of mathematicians. Albert Einstein, in a letter to New York Times 28 June 2016 Manuel Calderón de la Barca Sánchez Noether’s Theorem For each differentiable symmetry of the action, there is a corresponding conservation law. Allows a generalization on all constraints of motion. Examples: Observation: system looks the same regardless of how it is oriented in space, i.e. Lagrangian is rotationally symmetric. Consequence: Angular momentum is conserved. Doubly Important: Provides an explicit way to calculate and derive conservation laws. Allows one to consider general properties of Lagrangians that preserve given symmetries: insight!!! 28 June 2016 Manuel Calderón de la Barca Sánchez Noether’s Theorem: Stewie, old chap! Is your Lagrangian symmetric? Pray, differentially, of course! As your peers say nowadays: Fo shizzle! So, you down with that? Symmetric? In what way? Ah, yes, you mean to say invariant to first order under the infinitesimal change of coordinates qi qi Ki (q) Of course! I always have what is intellectually necessary. I am NOT one of those... simpleton, anorexic babies from the diaper commercials What the deuce?! That was just what I needed to bring dozens of kinematical objects under control. Victory is mine! Very well! Then the quantity N ¶L K i (q) i=1 ¶qi P(q,q) º å is conserved. Can you dig it? 28 June 2016 MCBS Example: Find the Conserved Momenta Lagrangian with linear potentials in x and y… 1 2 2 L = m(5x - 2xy + 2 y ) + C(2x - y) 2 Mass-Spring in x-y plane 28 June 2016 Manuel Calderón de la Barca Sánchez Discussion In general, the K’s can depend on the coordinates, but they don’t have to. They can be constants. Cyclic coordinates: special case of Noether’s Theorem. Theorem requires invariance to 1st order. Cyclic coordinates: invariance to all orders. Symmetry: when we change the coordinates (geometry), and the system (Lagrangian) does not change. Conservation Laws Useful to know if something doesn’t change with time. – Useful for quantities that depend on coords, and velocities only. Integrated form of E-L equations. 28 June 2016 Manuel Calderón de la Barca Sánchez Small Oscillations: Many deg. of freedom A mass m is free to slide on a frictionless table. It is connected via a string which passes through a hole in the table to a mass M that hangs below the table. Assume that M only moves up or down. Assume that the string always remains taut. Find the Lagrangian. Under what condition does m undergo circular motion? What is the frequency of small oscillations about the circular motion? 28 June 2016 MCBS r m ℓ-r M q Frequency of small oscillations: procedure Write down Lagrangian and E-L equations. Find the equilibrium point q = q = 0 in appropriate coordinate. Set q(t) = q + d (t) where q0 is the equilibrium point. 0 let Taylor expand, with d (t) Obtain (and solve) d equation… Insert into E-L equation. q0 If q0 =0, simpler procedure: ignore terms in Eq of motion higher than first order. 28 June 2016 MCBS Limits: If m>> M then 3M g w » »0 m r0 2 Inertia from the mass m dominates. – Oscillation has an infinite period (no oscillation at all). All time scales are bigger than w: everything moves slowly compared to the oscillation frequency. r g 2 If M>>m then w 3 m r0 Can we make 28 June 2016 wr = q ? MCBS ℓ-r M q For 2m=M, Top view of motion 28 June 2016 MCBS