From 1 to 3.2… For range 0-1, converges to 0. For range 1 to ~3, convergence. From ~3 to 3.2 the iteration oscillates between 2 values. What happens in the range 3.2 - 4? 1 Logistic Map Discussion As the parameter r is increased in the interval 3 < r < 3.5699456… Fixed points obey the equation x= f(m)(x) there is “period doubling” “pitchfork bifurcations” increase the number of m-cycle periods by a factor of 2 at each bifurcation. f(m)(x) = f(f(f(…f(x)…))), m-times Each branch of the bifurcation diagram is a fractal. Self-similarity at all magnification scales. 2 Cobweb diagram: For each starting point, find the y value. Project back to the diagonal line Calculate r x(1-x) Set the y value to be the new x value. Repeat. Stable fixed points: inward spiral. Unstable: outward spiral. 3 Logistic Map, Cobweb diagram Period 2 orbit Period n orbit: more complex closed loop. Chaotic behavior: diagram converges to a rectangle. Cobweb diagram “fills out” the entire area. Infinitely many non-repeating values. For the r = 4 case, for almost all initial conditions: chaotic sequence. Nevertheless, there exist an infinite number of initial conditions which lead to cycles. There exist cycles of length k for all integers k ≥ 1. 4 Logistic map: scatterplots of the iteration for r=4 Stretching-Folding of the space: Produces an exponential divergence of the sequence of iterates! Chaotic behavior and unpredictability. Small error in initial conditions leads to (exponentially) large error in future evolution of the system. 5 For more information On the web: Course at UCD: Phy 30 (or Geo 30): Fractals, Chaos and Complexity. Further reading: “Chaos and Fractals”, by Peitgen, Jurgens, Saupe. “The Fractal Geometry of Nature”, by Mandelbrot. 6 Computational Lab in Physics: Solving Differential Equations. Steven Kornreich Frequently in Physics, we are faced with solving a differential equation. Finding solutions analytically can be difficult. We can use numerical methods to give us a good idea of the solution in many cases. Today’s topic: Solving Differential eqs. Newton’s Law: Maxwell’s Eqs: d 2r F =m 2 dt r , e0 Gauss’s Law No monopoles Ñ × B = 0, Faraday’s Law Ñ´E =- Ampere-Maxwell Ñ ´ B = m0 J + m0e0 Pendulum: Schrodinger Eq: Ñ× E = ¶B , ¶t ¶E ¶t d 2q g + sin q = 0 2 l dt æ 2ö 2 ¶y i = - ç ÷ Ñ y +V y ¶t è 2m ø 8 Ordinary Differential Eqs.: 1-variable Order of equation: Linear equations: each term has only 1st power of function and derivatives no 2nd or higher powers no cross-terms Homogeneous equations: highest derivative no function of the independent variable appears by itself. Physics, time evolution of a dynamical system: 2nd order eqs: need two initial conditions. 9 Simple and Driven Harmonic oscillator SHO 2 d x(t ) m kx(t ) 0 2 dt Driven Harmonic d 2 x(t ) Oscillator m kx(t ) F0 cos t 2 dt 10 Euler Method: Simplest way Approximate derivative: Rewrite y ( x0 h) y ( x0 ) y '( x0 ) ( x0 h) x0 Taylor expansion up to linear y( x0 term h) y( x0 ) hy '( x0 ) If we know: y(x0), h, y’(x0) Local information then we know y(x0+h) Drawback: Not very precise Error propagation is an issue 11 Example: Solve xy’+y=0 Analytic solution: dy = -y dx dy dx = ò y ò x ln y = -ln x + A C y= x x Numerical solution: dy y =dx x y(x0 ) y(x0 + h) = y(x0 ) - h x0 Start from a point x0, going up to xf, and use step size h. Initial condition: y(0.1) = 10 12 Comparison of Numerical/Analytic void eulerExample1() { TF1* analytic = new TF1("analytic","1/x",0.1,5); analytic->SetNpx(1000); TCanvas* euCnv1 = new TCanvas("euCnv1","ODE",500,500); analytic->Draw(); gPad->SetLogy(); } double xmin=0.1; double xmax=5.0; double step=0.01; int Nsteps=static_cast<int>((xmax-xmin)/step); const int maxPoints = 1000; if (Nsteps>maxPoints) { cout << "Need to declare array of larger size: " << Nsteps << endl; return; } cout << "Nsteps " << Nsteps << endl; double yVal[maxPoints]; double xVal[maxPoints]; xVal[0] = xmin; yVal[0] = 10; for (int i=0; i<Nsteps; ++i) { xVal[i+1]=xVal[i]+step; yVal[i+1]=yVal[i]-step*yVal[i]/xVal[i]; } TGraph* numerical = new TGraph(Nsteps,xVal,yVal); numerical->SetLineColor(2); numerical->Draw("L"); return; 13 Harmonic oscillator solution Transform 2nd order eq. into two coupled linear equations: Solution, with initial conditions v(0)=0 x(0)=A d 2 x(t) m + kx(t) = 0 2 dt dx m = mv dt dv m = -kx dt x(t) = Acos w t v(t) = -w Asin w t k w= m 14 Numerical Solution using Euler Method Equations become: dx = v Þ Dx = vDt Þ x(t + Dt) = x(t) + Dt × v(t) dt dv k k k = - x Þ Dv = - xDt Þ v(t + Dt) = v(t) - Dt × x(t) dt m m m Initial conditions: x(0) = 1 v(0) = 0 15 ROOT macro for SHO with Simple Euler Set m=k=1 for simplicity. void eulerExample2() { TF1* analytic = new TF1("analytic","sin(x+TMath::Pi()/2.0)",0.1,20); analytic->SetNpx(1000); TCanvas* euCnv2 = new TCanvas("euCnv2","SHOEuler",500,500); analytic->Draw(); double tmin=0.0; double tmax=20.0; double step=0.01; int Nsteps=static_cast<int>((tmax-tmin)/step); const int maxPoints = 2001; if (Nsteps>maxPoints) { cout << "Need to declare array of larger size: " << Nsteps << endl; return; } cout << "Nsteps " << Nsteps << endl; double vVal[maxPoints]; double xVal[maxPoints]; double tVal[maxPoints]; tVal[0] = tmin; xVal[0] = 1.0; vVal[0] = 0.0; for (int i=0; i<Nsteps; ++i) { tVal[i+1]=tVal[i]+step; xVal[i+1]=xVal[i]+step*vVal[i]; vVal[i+1]=vVal[i]-step*xVal[i]; } TGraph* numericalX = new TGraph(Nsteps,tVal,xVal); numericalX->SetLineColor(2); numericalX->Draw("L"); TGraph* numericalV = new TGraph(Nsteps,tVal,vVal); numericalV->SetLineColor(4); numericalV->Draw("L"); return; } 16 Result of Simple Euler Method for SHO Analytic solution Numerical solutions: x(t)=sin(t+p/2) in BLACK x(t) in RED v(t) in BLUE Problem: Amplitude of numerical solution grows! 17 Spring is gaining energy?! As particle propagates from say, x=0 to x=1: Force is evaluated at x(ti) Average displacement of spring during propagation: x(ti+Dt/2). Velocity value, v(ti)used is larger than average velocity over the displacement. Result: Restoring force is weaker than it should be. Acts on the particle a shorter amount of time. Displacement overshoots the true maximum. When returning to zero, force is overestimated… Cycle repeats. x(ti+Dt/2) xi xi+1 x 18 Modified Euler Method 1: Midpoint Simple Euler: derivative at the beginning of interval y( x0 h) y( x0 ) hy '( x0 ) Modified Euler derivative at the midpoint of interval h y ( x0 h) y ( x0 ) hy '( x0 ) 2 For first problem: dy y dx x h h y ( x0 ) y ( x0 ) y '( x0 ) 2 2 y ( x0 h / 2) y ( x0 h) y ( x0 ) h x0 h / 2 19 Modified Euler Method 2: Make the two errors “cancel” (to first order) in SHO. Original: dx v Dx vDt x(t Dt ) x(t ) Dt v(t ) dt dv x Dv xDt v(t Dt ) v(t ) Dt x(t ) dt Modified: calculate v(t+Dt) first: dv x Dv xDt v(t Dt ) v(t ) Dt x (t ) dt dx v Dx vDt x(t Dt ) x(t ) Dt v(t Dt ) dt 20 Simple vs Modified Euler: 1/x Much better agreement with Modified Euler Method. 21 Modified Euler Method 1 for SHO Need to first calculate x and v at midpoint. Use midpoint values to find x and v at end of interval t+Dt. Dt Dt vmid v t v(t ) x(t ) 2 2 Dt Dt xmid x t x(t ) v(t ) 2 2 x(t Dt ) x(t ) Dt vmid v(t Dt ) v(t ) Dt xmid 22 Simple vs Modified Euler: SHO Works better! 23 For smaller step size, can still have problems… With step size = 0.3, obvious problems as t grows. 24 Homework 6: Differential Equations From Chapter 8 Exercise 1 Exercise 2 Use the Modified Euler Method 2 to solve the SHO and show that this also gives a solution that conserves energy Show a plot where the amplitude doesn’t grow after 5 periods, compared to the analytic solution (see plot in slide 23) Extra Problem (Not in Book) Solve the full pendulum equation of motion (no approximations), using the modified Euler method 1 (midpoint). Use initial angle = p/2, initial angular speed = 0. Take gravity = 9.81 m/s2 and l=1 m. Make a plot of angle vs time. In that same plot, compare the plot to the SHO of frequency g/l and amplitude p/2 which starts at the same angle and same angular speed. 25