PHOENIXVILLE EARLY LEARNING CENTER AND ELEMENTARY SCHOOL phoenixville, pennsylvania NOLAN JAMES AMOS D r. W i l l i a m B a h n f l e t h , F a c u l t y C o n s u l t a n t architectural engineering senior thesis mechanical option P H O E N I X V I L L E E A R LY L E A R N I N G C E N T E R A N D E L E M E N TA RY S C H O O L site conditions Rendering property of SHRADERgroup Architecture overview NOLAN JAMES AMOS |ae senior thesis P H O E N I X V I L L E E A R LY L E A R N I N G C E N T E R A N D E L E M E N TA RY S C H O O L architectural features 2 Stories – 41’-10” Area: 152,000 SQ. FT. Occupancy: 1526 Grades: K-5 Rendering property of SHRADERgroup Architecture Rendering property of SHRADERgroup Architecture Rendering property of SHRADERgroup Architecture overview NOLAN JAMES AMOS |ae senior thesis P H O E N I X V I L L E E A R LY L E A R N I N G C E N T E R A N D E L E M E N TA RY S C H O O L WATER-SIDE EXISTING SYSTEM Unit B-1 B-2 B-3 overview AIR-SIDE EXISTING SYSTEM SPACE CONSIDERATIONS Major Equipment: Boilers Gas Boiler Tons Input Output 166.7 160 166.7 160 166.7 160 existing mechanical system GPM LWT 190 190 190 140 140 140 Boiler Boiler HP Motor HP 57.4 57.4 57.4 Zone Area (SF) 1A 251 1B 72 1C 34 1D 309 Floor Space Lost 1E 2A 159 272 2B 155 2C 21 2D 183 2E 119 1.18 1.18 1.18 NOLAN JAMES AMOS |ae senior thesis Total 1575 P H O E N I X V I L L E E A R LY L E A R N I N G C E N T E R A N D E L E M E N TA RY S C H O O L MODELED ENERGY LOADS ERV -1 ERV -2 ERV -3 ERV -4 ERV -5 ERV -6 ERV -7 ERV -8 ERV -9 ERV -10 Model System Design Loads Airflow (CFM) Total Capacity (Tons) Sq Ft Supply Exhaust Heating Cooling 27605 22394 10258 42.5 54.9 19080 25187 7553 48.3 62.4 12808 19751 6196 37.4 49.8 23263 11174 7060 23.6 30.6 8940 3591 2950 6.55 11.4 10980 11226 2351 18.3 27.8 6255 5925 0 2.9 12.1 6600 6539 90 3.9 12.9 9870 5471 84 3.2 12.9 24415 21369 6748 32.3 51.7 Total 149816 132627 43290 218.95 Accuacy of Energy Model Airflow (%) (%) Sq Ft Supply Exhaust 11.1 0.38 3.64 % Accuracy overview 326.5 Total Capacity (%) Heating Cooling 6.81 1.63 existing energy consumption MONTHLY UTILITY USAGE SUMMER AND WINTER DESIGN CONDITIONS charts designed with tool from cal berkley Summer Design Conditions Energy Rates Source Rate Natural Gas $8.90 Electric $0.08 Units /MMBTU /KWh Annual Fuel Cost ($) Electric $71,369.00 Natural Gas $8,599.00 Winter Design Conditions Conditioned Spaces (°F) Season DB WB RH Summer 79 68.2 \ Winter 70 \ 30 NOLAN JAMES AMOS |ae senior thesis P H O E N I X V I L L E E A R LY L E A R N I N G C E N T E R A N D E L E M E N TA RY S C H O O L project goals PROJECT GOALS i n c r e a s e e n e r g y e ff i c i e n c y space utilization ease of maintenance lower costs maintenance upfront lifecycle Rendering property of SHRADERgroup Architecture mechanical depth ALTERNATIVES CONSIDERED 1. ground-coupled heat pump system 2. variable refrigerant flow system 3. centralized air handling unit BASE SYSTEM 1. water source heat pumps NOLAN JAMES AMOS |ae senior thesis P H O E N I X V I L L E E A R LY L E A R N I N G C E N T E R A N D E L E M E N TA RY S C H O O L energy analysis ENERGY AND EMISSIONS ANALYSIS mechanical depth NOLAN JAMES AMOS |ae senior thesis P H O E N I X V I L L E E A R LY L E A R N I N G C E N T E R A N D E L E M E N TA RY S C H O O L WSHP GSHP VRF AHU Typical Replacement Life Median Service Equipment Name Live Years Cooling Tower >22 Boilers >22 Heat Pumps >24 DX Air Dist Equip >24 Geothermal Pumps 20 Heat Pumps >24 Pumps 20 Condensate pumps 15 Condensors, evaporative 20 Rooftop air conditioners 15 maintenance MAINTENANCE % Replaced mechanical depth 14 21 / 15 / / / / / / NOLAN JAMES AMOS |ae senior thesis P H O E N I X V I L L E E A R LY L E A R N I N G C E N T E R A N D E L E M E N TA RY S C H O O L space considerations SPACE CONSIDERATIONS Ground Source Heat Pumps Closets in Corridors – 1575 sqft + ~150,000 sqft borefield mechanical depth NOLAN JAMES AMOS |ae senior thesis P H O E N I X V I L L E E A R LY L E A R N I N G C E N T E R A N D E L E M E N TA RY S C H O O L space considerations SPACE CONSIDERATIONS Variable Refrigerant Flow system Terminal Units in Classrooms Control Units in Corridors mechanical depth NOLAN JAMES AMOS |ae senior thesis P H O E N I X V I L L E E A R LY L E A R N I N G C E N T E R A N D E L E M E N TA RY S C H O O L space considerations SPACE CONSIDERATIONS Centralized Air Handling Unit Multiple Units on Ceiling = Centralized Air Handling Unit mechanical depth NOLAN JAMES AMOS |ae senior thesis cost analysis P H O E N I X V I L L E E A R LY L E A R N I N G C E N T E R A N D E L E M E N TA RY S C H O O L Cost Analysis VRF – Did not pay back AHU – Did not pay back WSHP GSHP LCC NPV @ 25 Years $ 7,662,769.02 $ 4,453,323.65 $ 7,444,722.42 $ 4,446,055.87 Simple Payback = 9.34 years D i s c o u n t P a y b a c k = 11 . 3 7 y e a r s mechanical depth NOLAN JAMES AMOS |ae senior thesis project goals P H O E N I X V I L L E E A R LY L E A R N I N G C E N T E R A N D E L E M E N TA RY S C H O O L BREADTH STUDIES Electrical Breadth – Electrical Load Results: VRF System used Less Power Construction Breadth – Scheduling and cost impacts of geothermal system breadth NOLAN JAMES AMOS |ae senior thesis bore field design P H O E N I X V I L L E E A R LY L E A R N I N G C E N T E R A N D E L E M E N TA RY S C H O O L GEOTHERMAL BORE FIELD Required Number of Bores Bore Depth Number of Bores 20% Safety 100 669 803 200 334 401 300 223 268 400 167 201 500 134 161 To t a l H e a d L o s s t h r o u g h well field: 363 feet Rendering property of SHRADERgroup Architecture breadth NOLAN JAMES AMOS |ae senior thesis bore field design P H O E N I X V I L L E E A R LY L E A R N I N G C E N T E R A N D E L E M E N TA RY S C H O O L WELL FIELD LAYOUT GEOTHERMAL BORE FIELD Construction Schedule Impact Number of Days Cost WSHP 5 $150,000.00 GSHP 42 $1,540,000.00 breadth NOLAN JAMES AMOS |ae senior thesis P H O E N I X V I L L E E A R LY L E A R N I N G C E N T E R A N D E L E M E N TA RY S C H O O L CONCLUSIONS Energy Emissions: GSHP Space Utilization: VRF Maintenance: GSHP/WSHP Cost: GSHP Rendering property of SHRADERgroup Architecture conclusions NOLAN JAMES AMOS |ae senior thesis P H O E N I X V I L L E E A R LY L E A R N I N G C E N T E R A N D E L E M E N TA RY S C H O O L AKNOWLEDGEMENTS Dr. Bahnfelth Barton Associates SCHRADERgroup Architecture Phoenixville School District AE Class of 2016 My Parents Rendering property of SHRADERgroup Architecture conclusions NOLAN JAMES AMOS |ae senior thesis P H O E N I X V I L L E E A R LY L E A R N I N G C E N T E R A N D E L E M E N TA RY S C H O O L Questions? Rendering property of SHRADERgroup Architecture conclusions NOLAN JAMES AMOS |ae senior thesis Bore hole calculations P H O E N I X V I L L E E A R LY L E A R N I N G C E N T E R A N D E L E M E N TA RY S C H O O L Appendix 𝑅 𝑅 𝑎 = 𝑎 = 𝐺 −𝐺1 𝑅 𝑘 (0.943 − 0.562) = 0.228 1.67 𝑅 𝑚 = 𝑚 = 𝐺1 −𝐺2 𝑘 (0.562 − 0.220) = 0.205 1.67 𝐹𝑜 = 𝑠𝑡 = 𝑠𝑡 = 0.220 = 0.132 1.67 4𝛼 𝜏 𝑑2 4∗1.06∗(3680.25−3650 ) 0.52 𝐹𝑜1 = 𝑅 𝐺2 𝑘 𝑅 = 513.04 𝜏1 = 3650 𝑑𝑎𝑦𝑠 𝐹𝑜2 = lf f L D V g Required Number of Bores Bore Depth Number of Bores 20% Safety 100 669 803 200 334 401 300 223 268 400 167 201 500 134 161 4 ∗ 1.06 ∗ (3680.25 − 3680) = 4.24 0.52 𝜏2 = 3650 + 30 = 3680 𝑑𝑎𝑦𝑠 1039592 Lost Head 0.025 Moody Friction Factor 69600 length of pipe, ft 0.105417 Diameter of pipe ft 63.66183 average velocity, ft/sec 32.174 acceleration due to gravity, ft/sec^2 𝐹𝑜 = 4 ∗ 1.06 ∗ 3680.25 = 62417 0.52 𝜏 = 3650 + 30 + 0.25 = 3680.25 𝑑𝑎𝑦𝑠 𝐶 ℎ = = 𝑞 𝑎 𝑅 𝑎 +(𝑞 ℎ −3.41𝑊ℎ ) 𝑅𝑏 +𝑃 𝐹𝑚 𝑅 𝑚 +𝐹𝑠𝑐 𝑅 𝑑 𝐸 𝑇+ 2 𝑡 − 𝑞 𝑎 𝑅 𝑎 +(𝑞 𝑐 −3.41𝑊𝑐) (𝑅𝑏 +𝑃 𝐹𝑚 𝑅 𝑚 +𝐹𝑠𝑐 𝑅 𝑑 ) 𝐸 𝑇+ 2 𝑡 − 𝑇 +𝑡 𝑝 𝑇 +𝑡 𝑝 Cooling 1.04 1 248319 0.228 0.132 0.205 0.09 54 1.8 79 89 401040 4474.2 62275 Heating 1.04 1 248319 0.228 0.132 0.205 0.09 54 1.8 40 34 376200 4474.2 66882 Variable Fsc PLFm qa Rga Rgd Rgm Rb tg tp ELT LLT qlc/qlh Wc/Wh Lc/ Lh Bore Length Calculation Description Short-circuit heat loss factor Part-load factor Net annual average heat transfer to the ground Thermal resistance of the ground (annual pulse) Thermal resistance of the ground (daily pulse) Effective thermal resistance of the ground (monthly pulse) Thermal resistance of bore Undisturbed ground temperature Ground temperature penalty heat pump entering liquid temperature heat pump leaving liquid temperature Building design block load Pump Power Required bore length (4) ( appendix NOLAN JAMES AMOS |ae senior thesis P H O E N I X V I L L E E A R LY L E A R N I N G C E N T E R A N D E L E M E N TA RY S C H O O L Appendix vrf analysis appendix NOLAN JAMES AMOS |ae senior thesis