Interference in Coherent Vector Meson Production in UPC Au+Au Collisions at √s = 200GeV Brooke Haag UC Davis STAR Collaboration Meeting, MIT, July 2006 1 Outline • Ultra Peripheral Heavy Ion Collisions (UPCs) • What is a UPC? • Vector Meson Production / Interference • STAR detectors / Triggers • Analysis of UPC events • Fitting Scheme • Observation of interference effects in t spectrum • Systematic Errors and Outlook STAR Collaboration Meeting, MIT, July 2006 2 Ultra Peripheral Collisions • What is a UPC? • Photonuclear interaction • Two nuclei “miss” each other (b > 2RA), electromagnetic interaction dominates over strong interaction • Photon flux ~ Z2 .. Au • Weizsacker-Williams Equivalent Photon Approximation d 3 N(k,r) Z 2 x 2 2 2 2 K1 (x) 2 dkd r kr • No hadronic interactions x kr STAR Collaboration Meeting, MIT, July 2006 Au 3 Exclusive ro Production Au+Au Au+Au+ro • Photon emitted by a nucleus fluctuates to virtual qq pair • Virtual qq pair elastically scatters from other nucleus • Real vector meson (i.e. J/, ro) emerges • Photon and pomeron are emitted coherently • Coherence condition limits transverse momentum of produced r h pT 2RA STAR Collaboration Meeting, MIT, July 2006 4 ro Production With Coulomb Excitation Au+Au Au*+Au*+ro Au Au* r0 (2+) P • Coulomb Excitation • Photons exchanged between ions give rise to excitation and subsequent neutron emission • Process is independent of ro production Au (AuAu Au* Au* r o ) Au* d bP r (b)P 2 XnXn Courtesy of S. Klein STAR Collaboration Meeting, MIT, July 2006 5 (b) Interference Nucleus 1 emits photon which scatters from Nucleus 2 -Or- Nucleus 2 emits photon which scatters from Nucleus 1 Courtesy of S. Klein • Amplitude for observing vector meson at a distant point is the convolution of two plane waves: Ao (x o, p,b) A( p , y,b)e i[ (y ) p (x xo )] A( p ,y,b)e i[ (y ) p (x xo )] • Cross section comes from square of amplitude: A2 ( p , y,b) A2 (p , y,b) 2A(p , y,b)A(p ,y,b) cos[(y) (y) p b] • We can simplify the expression if y 0: 2A2 (p ,b)(1 cos[ p b]) STAR Collaboration Meeting, MIT, July 2006 6 STAR Analysis Detectors Time Projection Chamber Zero Degree Zero Degree Calorimeter Calorimeter Central Trigger Barrel STAR Collaboration Meeting, MIT, July 2006 7 Triggers UPC Topology • • • Central Trigger Barrel divided into four quadrants Verification of r decay candidate with hits in North/South quadrants Cosmic Ray Background vetoed in Top/Bottom quadrants UPC Minbias • • • Au+Au Au+Au+ro Au+Au Au*+Au*+ro Minimum one neutron in each Zero Degree Calorimeter required Low Multiplicity Not Hadronic Minbias! Trigger Backgrounds • Cosmic Rays • Beam-Gas interactions • Peripheral hadronic interactions • Incoherent photonuclear interactions STAR Collaboration Meeting, MIT, July 2006 8 Studying the Interference • Determine r candidates by applying cuts to the data qTot 0 nTot 2 nPrim 2 |zVertex| < 50 cm |rVertex| < 8 cm rapidity > 0.1 < 0.5 MInv > 0.55 GeV < 0.92 GeV pT > 0 GeV < 0.1 GeV STAR Collaboration Meeting, MIT, July 2006 9 Studying the Interference • Generate similar MC histograms STAR Collaboration Meeting, MIT, July 2006 10 Studying the Interference • Generate MC ratio • Fit MC ratio R(t) Interference(t) No interference(t) R(t) a b c d e (t 0.012) (t 0.012) 2 (t 0.012) 3 (t 0.012) 4 STAR Collaboration Meeting, MIT, July 2006 11 Measuring the Interference • Apply overall fit dN Aekt (1 cR(t)) dt • A= overall normalization • k = exponential slope • c = degree of interference C = 1.034±0.131 C = 1.034±0.131 C=0 c=1 expected degree of interference c=0 no interference STAR Collaboration Meeting, MIT, July 2006 12 Results Minbias Au+Au Au*+Au*+ro Topology Au+Au Au+Au+ro C = 1.009±0.081 C = 0.8487±0.1192 2/DOF = 50.77/47 2/DOF = 87.92/47 STAR Collaboration Meeting, MIT, July 2006 13 Results Summary c 2/dof Minbias 0.1 < y < 0.5 1.009± 0.081 50.77/47 0.5 < y < 1.0 0.9275 0. 1095 80.18/47 0.1 < y < 0.5 0.8487± 0.1192 87.92/47 0.5 < y < 1.0 1.059 0.2 08 83.81/47 Topology STAR Collaboration Meeting, MIT, July 2006 14 Interference routine for minbias 0 > y > 0.5 ~10% • flat ratio • statistics STAR Collaboration Meeting, MIT, July 2006 15 Systematic Error Study zVertex Standard Cut Varied Cut Data Set Entries Uncertainty |zVertex| < 50 0.1 < y < 0.5 zVertex > 0 minbias 811 0.0422 topology 1989 0.1883 minbias 637 0.1526 topology 1100 -0.323 minbias 826 0.1188 topology 1844 0.0379 minbias 628 0.0454 topology 955 -0.414 minbias 2014 0.093516 |zVertex| < 50 0.5 < y < 1.0 |zVertex| < 50 0.1 < y < 0.5 |zVertex| < 50 0.5 < y < 1.0 rapidity 0.1 < y < 0.5 zVertex > 0 zVertex < 0 zVertex < 0 0 < y < 0.5 STAR Collaboration Meeting, MIT, July 2006 Systematic Error Study R(t) a R(t) a b c d e (t 0.012) (t 0.012) 2 (t 0.012) 3 (t 0.012) 4 b c d e f (t 0.012) (t 0.012) 2 (t 0.012) 3 (t 0.012) 4 (t 0.012) 5 Fit Data Set Uncertainty 6 parameter minbias 0.013 1.3% topology 0.008 0.9% The 5 parameter fit is sufficient -- adding another parameter doesn’t improve the analysis. STAR Collaboration Meeting, MIT, July 2006 17 Paper Proposal STAR Collaboration Meeting, MIT, July 2006 18