Graduate Studies Committee Minutes of September 16, 2008 Members present: Debi Prasad Choudhary, Thomas Devine, Leilani Hall, Vickie Jensen, Bruno Osorno, Jared Rappaport, Jennifer Romack, Merril Simon, Jackie Stallcup, Mary Woodley Excused: Philip Gorman, David Moguel Executive Secretary: Mack Johnson Guests: Elizabeth Adams, Beverly Cabello, Deborah Cours, Robert Espinoza, Magnhild Lien, Diane Schwartz, Christina von Mayrhauser Staff: Hedy Carpenter, Gloria Roberts I. Call to Order The meeting was called to order at 2:04 p.m. II. Announcements Gloria Roberts announced that the EPC has setup a subcommittee to update the curriculum proposal forms. Roberts asked if a member from the GSC would like to serve on the subcommittee. Jackie Stallcup volunteered to serve as the GSC representative. Hedy Carpenter reported that over 200 students attended the New Graduate Student Orientation. She announced that the 10th Annual Advancement to Graduate Education (AGE) Conference would be held on October 11, 2008. She explained that AGE is an all day event for CSUN students to gain information on how to apply for masters and Ph.D. programs. Graduate coordinators were sent an invitation letter to participate in the graduate fair. Carpenter also reported that several new graduate coordinators attended the Graduate Coordinators Breakfast. Graduate coordinators were encouraged to contact Graduate Studies Office if they have any topics of interest or issues for the GSC to discuss. Mack Johnson announced that enrollment for new graduate students has increased from last year. The current number of students seeking graduate degrees is around five to six thousand. He explained that credential and PBU students are counted as graduate students, but students enrolled in self-support programs are not viewed as matriculated students and do not generate FTES. Johnson reported that departments are increasingly proposing new graduate programs through self-support rather than state support. III. Curriculum Assignments and Schedule The committee received curriculum from six colleges. Consistent with GSC practices, two members were assigned to lead the review and discussion of 1 curriculum from each of the colleges. Additionally, the month/meeting of the review was determined. Following is a listing of the colleges, GSC representatives, and month of review. College of Arts, Media, and Communication – Debi Prasad Choudhary (Physics & Astronomy) and Merril Simon (Educational Psychology & Counseling) – October College of Engineering and Computer Science – Jennifer Romack (Kinesiology) and Mary Woodley (Oviatt Library) – October College of Science and Mathematics – Bruno Osorno (Electrical & Computer Engineering) and Jackie Stallcup (English) – October College of Heath and Human Development – Thomas Devine (History) and Leilani Hall (English) – November College of Humanities – Vickie Jensen (Sociology) and Jared Rappaport (Cinema and Television Arts) – November College of Social and Behavioral Sciences – Philip Gorman (Management) and Jennifer Romack (Kinesiology) – November IV. Program Review Assignments Biochemistry/Chemistry - Jennifer Romack Communication Studies - Vickie Jensen FCS - Jackie Stallcup Geography - Debi Prasad Choudhary Health Sciences - Leilani Hall Linguistics - Bruno Osorno (continuing from last year) Physical Therapy - Merril Simon Psychology - Phil Gorman (continuing from last year) V. Experimental Topics Courses GSC approved the following new and previously offered experimental topics course proposals for Spring 2009: Mike Curb College of Arts, Media, and Communication Art 1. ART 496WD-Advanced Web Design (2nd offering) Music 1. MUS 496ME-Music Entrepreneurship (3rd offering) 2 College of Business and Economics Business Administration 1. GBUS 695F-Experimental Topics in Portfolio Management (2nd offering) Michael D. Eisner College of Education Elementary Education 1. EED 595J-Lesson Design Study: Developing Best Practices (3rd offering) 2. EED 595MM-Making Sense of Learning and Teaching through the Research Process (2nd offering) Secondary Education 1. SED 595JG-Lesson Design Study: Developing Best Practices (3rd offering) College of Engineering and Computer Science Computer Science 1. COMP 595OSE-Open Source Software Engineering (2nd offering) Mechanical Engineering 1. AE 595AFD-Atmospheric Flight Dynamics (2nd offering) 2. ME 496ALT-Alternative Energy (3rd offering) 3. ME 496GDT-Geometric Dimensioning and Tolerancing (4th offering) College of Health and Human Development Communication Disorders and Sciences 1. CD 595L- Overview of Speech and Language Pathology (3rd offering) 2. CD 595P-Advanced Study of Articulation and Phonologic Disorders in Children (2nd offering) Environmental and Occupational Health 1. EOH 595RA-Advanced Risk Analysis (1st offering) Kinesiology 1. KIN 695DA-Dance Seminar (1st offering) College of Humanities Chicana/o Studies 1. CHS 595A-Health Issues in Chicano/Latino Communities (2nd offering) 3 College of Science and Mathematics Biology 1. BIOL 496CM/CML-Computer Modeling in Molecular Biology and Lab (2nd offering) 2. BIOL 496MF/MFL-Food Microbiology and Lab (2nd offering) 3. BIOL 496TB/TBF-Tropical Biodiversity and Field Studies (2nd offering) 4. BIOL 595TB/TBF-Graduate Tropical Biodiversity and Field Studies (2nd offering) Chemistry 1. CHEM 595N-Structure Based Drug Discovery Methods (1st offering) approved with the following caveat: Add learning outcomes to the syllabus and correct minor typos Geological Sciences 1. GEOL 595GD/GDL-Geodynamics of the Earth and Planetary Interiors and Lab (1st offering) approved with the following caveat: Add names with dates for Record of Consultation on item #14 Mathematics 1. MATH 496F/FL-Mathematics for Digital Animation and Laboratory (1st offering) approved with the following caveat: Correct one typo Physics and Astronomy 1. PHYS 595CMP-Computational Materials Physics (2nd offering) VI. Curriculum Review A. College of Science and Mathematics Biology 1. Program modification proposal to delete the Genetic Counseling Program was approved. Two committee members did not approve the proposal and one member abstained. VII. Discussion Items Magnhild Lien announced that she is the Senate Executive Committee representative that will be reviewing the minutes for new policies approved by the GSC. She distributed the Graduate Studies Committee’s charge/mission for the members to review. She explained that a member should notify the Faculty Senate Office if they could no longer participate on the committee 4 during their term. Also, if any faculty member is interested in serving on the committee they should contact the Faculty Senate Office. The committee discussed some questions and issues to raise with Provost Hellenbrand’s at the next GSC meeting. The committee decided to discuss issues relating to the graduate differential and asked if funds could be dedicated to the growth of graduate programs, faculty workload, and resources associated with graduate programs. Johnson explained that the essence of the differential is the reduction of units necessary to generate a Full-time Equivalent (FTE) from 15 to 12 units, which would change the formula used in generating FTES. Johnson reported that he has had some discussions with the provost about utilizing the funding for graduate programs and stated that the provost is cognizant of the issue. VIII. Adjournment The meeting was adjourned at 3:45 p.m. 5