Презентация ИДКТК: содействие предоставлению технической помощи государствам-членам

Facilitating the Provision of Technical
Assistance to Member States
Counter-terrorism Committee Executive Directorate
7 March 2013
CTED work on facilitating technical
Monitoring and promoting the implementation of resolution 1373
CTED role in facilitating technical assistance aimed at increasing
the capabilities of Member States in the fight against terrorism by
addressing their counter-terrorism needs.
Engaging international, subregional organizations and relevant
United Nations Bodies (INTERPOL, CTITF Office, UNODC,
Expert groups of other Security Council Bodies)
Evolution in the work of CTED
Increased focus on multi-segmented events
Facilitation of meetings for practitioners at regional &/or thematic
level to discuss & address issues of common concern
General new features - chance for regional counterparts &/or
experts in dealing with counter-terrorism to:
• meet at working level
• share experience, good practices
• improve regional cooperation
• identify concrete shortfalls and priorities that affect frontline officials
• Significant UN/IRO/RO input/participation
• Increasing involvement of wide range of donor States
Examples of the evolution in the work of
 Follow-on activities which directly address critical capacity needs
identified by participants of regional/thematic meetings facilitated
Example: Multi-year training programs emanating from 5 South
Asian workshops for police officers, prosecutors and judges on
effectively countering terrorism (began in November 2009)
– 3-year project to train South Asian judges on effectively
adjudicating terrorism cases
– 2-year (joint project with UNODC) for the protection of
witnesses and law enforcement personal in South Asia
– 3-year project (to be run by Center on Global Counterterrorism
Cooperation) for involving civil society in addressing terrorism
and violent extremism in South Asia
Examples of the evolution in the work of
 Security Council 1963 (2010) and the development of technical
assistance activities specific to resolution 1624 (2005)
– Further to plan of action (approved by Committee in April
2011), focus on identifying TA needs
– Launch of series of regional workshops to identifying good
Utilizing the CTED trust fund
– Established in 2011
– Followed by creation of internal special projects unit
Integration of human rights
– Collaboration with OHCHR and within the CTITF
Selection of success stories since July
Subregional workshop for the Maghreb and Sahel on the implementation of
resolution 1624 (2005)
Joint expert seminar on countering terrorism and building capacities. CTED
and the Inter-American Committee against Terrorism of the Organization of
American States (OAS/CICTE) organized a joint expert seminar for States of
the Caribbean region on countering terrorism.
South-East Europe workshop on countering violent extremism (CVE). The
workshop was held in October in Istanbul and was jointly organized by CTED,
the Southeast European Law Enforcement Center (SELEC) and the Regional
Cooperation Council (RCC)
Strengthening Member States’ capacity to implement effective freezing
mechanisms. In October, CTED held the first global expert meeting on the
freezing requirement of resolution 1373 (2001), in Amsterdam.
Protection of non-profit organizations (NPOs) from terrorist financing abuse.
CTED and the Center on Global Counterterrorism Cooperation, acting on
behalf of the Working Group on Tackling the Financing of Terrorism of the
Counter-Terrorism Implementation Task Force (CTITF). ), held a regional
meeting on preventing terrorist abuse of the non-profit sector, in Doha.
Opportunities with new partnerships
New working groups of the Counter-Terrorism Implementation
Task Force
UN Counter-Terrorism Centre
Global Counter Terrorism Forum
International Center of Excellence for Countering Violent
Think Tanks (e.g. Center on Global Counterterrorism
Cooperation, Institute for Security Studies , etc.)
Civil Society
Private Sector
Challenges and possible solutions
Limited resources & prospects for enhancing cooperation
– Given downturn in availability of funding, need to do more with
– Serves as impetus to partner with new and established partners
where areas of overlapping interest exist
– Avoid unnecessary duplication in technical assistance activities
Sustainability of assistance and impact assessment
– No ‘one-off’ exercise but need to continue engagement with and
commitment by assistance providers to ensure sustainability and
– Answers priority needs of recipient States (Effective and relevant
– Assessment of impact and effectiveness of assistance – need to
measure and follow up
Thank you