Art 691: MFA Seminar Tuesday 6:00-8:45pm ADC 333 Professor Samantha Fields Office Hours: T 4:30-6:00pm. Call advisement to make an appointment. email: SP14 ART 691A-Z. M.F.A. Seminar (3-3-3-3) Prerequisites: M.F.A.; Classified status. Orientation to the procedures and requirements of the MFA professional degree programs in Studio or Visual communication Arts. Exploration into career development, professional issues and writing about art. Philosophies pertaining to disciplines in the visual arts are examined through a series of guest lectures. 3 hours per week. Art Department goals met in this course: 5. Develop an appreciation and tolerance of diverse perspectives dealing with art, culture, teaching and learning. 6. Become involved in both individual and collaborative art experiences with other students, faculty, and community. 7. Develop a career path for an art profession or an art-related field; develop an understanding of the demands and expectations of that area of art profession or art field. Description: This course will focus on the following student learning outcomes: Students will learn professional practices in relation to the planning and execution of a show. Students will develop an artist statement. Students will photograph and prep photographs of their work for print. Students will learn to proof catalog copy, proofread thesis, and edit their work. Student will draft a written thesis as a requirement for graduation. Students will consult with gallery staff in the planning of their thesis installation. The course calendar for Art 691 will mirror the gallery schedule for Thesis Show. You will have set deadlines to meet your thesis show requirements. We will also cover other issues relating to showing your work, and will work on your written thesis as well. This class is required for graduation. Grading: Grading will be determined based on your ability to supply required materials on time, both to myself and to the gallery when requested. Professionalism will count as part of your grade. Attendance: This class only meets once per week. 2 absences will result in a lowered letter grade. Grade Breakdown: Digital Packet for Catalog: Digital Packet for catalog: Thesis Draft: 100 100 100 Consultation with Jim & Sam: Check in with Sam: Delivery of Work/Install: TOTAL: 50 50 100 500 Course Calendar SP 2014 / 691 Fields Class Deadlines are in BOLD, Gallery Deadlines are in GREY Week 1 1/21 Lecture: Introduction/syllabus, Professionalism, Dropbox Assign Digital Packet: List of work, Photographs, Statement. Assign Thesis Draft, go over guidelines via grad students site Jan 21- Feb. 18: Photos of all artwork taken preferably by the same photographer for consistency. Week 2 1/28 Gallery meeting with Jim Sweeters. Meet at the gallery at 6pm. Week 3 2/4 Artist Statement for catalog is due in class, we will critique and revise as a group. Week 4 2/11 Choose Images for catalog, everyone bring your images to class on a jump drive or in dropbox. Week 5 2/18 Thesis Drafts are Due in class / partner critique. Digital Packets: are DUE. 2/19: Digital Packets are DUE to the Gallery via Dropbox. Week 6 2/25 Thesis draft revisions due to Sam via email. Individual Meetings with Sam (3) If you are not meeting with me, you should be working on Thesis. Week 7 3/4 Individual Meetings with Sam (3) If you are not meeting with me, you should be working on Thesis. Week 8 3/11 Review of catalog cover/ invitation design by Jim, Michelle, Sam and grad students Thesis Planning form (if not already filed) is due to grad studies by March 14. Individual meetings with Sam (2) Week 9 3/18 In Class: Make final decision for cover and invitation. Thesis drafts due to your committee Chairs Week 10 3/25 Group Critique: Thesis Work Week 11 4/1 Group Critique: Thesis Work Week 12 4/8 SPRING BREAK Notice: April 11 is the graduate studies deadline for preliminary formatting of your thesis Week 13 4/15 Group Critique: Thesis Work Final thesis draft is due to remaining committee members Week of April 15: If haven’t done already, contact Jim to discuss your work and installation needs. Week 14 4/22 Group Critique: Thesis Work List of works for thesis show are due to sam via email Week 15 4/29 Short consultations with Sam May 1: Sam to email list of works including artist name, title and medium to Michelle Week 16 5/6 Short consultations with Sam Week 17: Finals week INSTALLATION Important Post Class Deadlines: May 13: Faculty Walkthrough May 9: Final deadline for thesis submittal to grad studies (with signatures) May 17- June 7: Run of Show June 9 & 10: Artwork Pickup NO EXCEPTIONS Assignments Digital Packet for the Catalog Due: 2/18 You will be assembling a digital packet of information for Michelle at the gallery, which will be used by the designer for the catalog. You will be delivering the packet via Dropbox. The packet will consist of the following: Artist Statement: This should be between 200-250 words, and encompass the work you are presenting for thesis show. This statement can also serve as the introduction paragraph for your thesis abstract. Images: You will include 4-5 digital images of your work. Digital images should be 8.75” on the longest side at 300 dpi. File names should begin with a number, followed by the title. This will correspond with your image list. (For example: 1. Doorway) The designer will choose which images are used in the final layout, so make sure you select work that you want to represent your thesis in the catalog. Most of you will not have images of the work that will actually be in the thesis show before the catalog deadline. In that case, you should choose images that best represent your work as a whole. For instance, if you did a shed show installation, and you are also planning an installation for thesis, those images would be appropriate. Likewise, photographs or paintings from a similar body of work. Image List: This list will detail the images in your packet. Please use this format and number the list so that it corresponds with the file names of your images. 1. ← (this number corresponds with the image file name) Title of artwork ← (italicize), Media, size ← (always H x W x D), year completed Example: 1. Doorway, acrylic on canvas, 48” X 48”, 2013 Thesis Drafts Due dates are listed below Some of you will have already begun your written thesis. For those who have not, begin your draft NOW! Information regarding thesis/deadlines: YOU ARE RESPONSIBLE FOR THIS INFORMATION: Download the thesis format guide at the link above. As you write your thesis, keep track of your sources via a bibliography. This a good resource for MLS or APA styles: We will be proofreading your first draft in class. The proofed draft will be due to your committee chair on 3/18. If you have difficulty writing, or if English is your second language, please use the writing center on campus to assist you before you bring your draft to class If you have serious trouble writing in English, please hire an editor. 2/18 2/25 3/18 4/11 4/15 5/9 First thesis draft is due in class This draft will be read by your peers, corrections and suggestions will be noted. Second thesis draft is due to Sam I will read for content and structure. Please make sure your grammar, spelling and punctuation usage is correct. I will not correct grammar, spelling and punctuation, but I will note when they are incorrect. Incorporate my suggestions and correct errors before submitting to your chair. Third thesis draft is due to your committee chair This draft should be pretty clean and nearly finished. You chair will read for content and structure. Preliminary formatting deadline (graduate studies) Final thesis draft is due to remaining committee members At this point, your thesis should be complete. Final Thesis due to graduate studies, with signatures Appointment: Consultation with Jim You are to make an individual appointment with Jim Sweeters to talk about any special needs or arrangements as we approach thesis installation.