VOLUNTEER RESEARCH ASSISTANT APPLICATION – Grippo Lab Please read the following information and return the bottom portion of this form to me (keep the top for your reference). Also provide for me a copy of your resume or curriculum vita (CV). Complete this form legibly or type the requested information below (use additional paper if necessary). Leave completed application and your resume/CV in my mailbox (Psychology Office, PM 400), or email both documents to me at: angelagrippo@niu.edu. I will contact you about availability (decisions based on availability and applicant qualifications). Brief description of our research: See our website for specific information about our research and our laboratory: www.grippo.weebly.com. We conduct research in several areas: (a) stress and the brain, (b) overlap of behavior and cardiovascular function, and (c) animal models of psychological disorders and stress. The research conducted in our laboratory is with animals (rodents). General notes: Students should plan on spending approximately 6-9 hours per week in the lab. The more time you are able to devote to the laboratory activities, the more useful your experience will be. Students should plan on spending at least 2 semesters involved in research to allow for a useful experience. After one semester of volunteering in the lab, students may be invited to continue in the lab for Psyc 485 credit (Independent Study). An active email account that is checked regularly will be required. Students will be involved in the following activities: Working with behaving animals, e.g., collecting data (schedule-permitting) Analyzing behavioral tasks, cardiovascular data, and neurobiological data Periodic lab meetings Reading and discussing journal articles or career/educational issues on relevant topics Return this portion and your resume/CV to Dr. Grippo, PM 400 or angelagrippo@niu.edu Name: Phone:_____________________________ Email: Year: Major: Z ID#: ________________________ Semester(s) you are interested in (mark all that apply): SPRING SUMMER Do you have previous research experience? (mark one) YES NO GPA: FALL If yes, describe: (use the back or another page if necessary) Why are you interested in being involved in our laboratory, and how is this relevant to your career/educational goals? (use the back or another page if necessary)