(Section 44 and rule 7)
Please complete in bold block capitals.
1. CUIN (Incorporation Number)
2. Name of the Company
3. Existing capital structure of the
(An attested copy of the memorandum and the articles and the latest audited balance-sheet and profit and loss account should be attached).
4. Precise reasons for conversion:
5. Number of members at the time decision for conversion was taken.
6. Names and addresses of the major creditors indicating the amount due to each:
Name Address Amount due
7. Names & voting power of the members present at the meeting in which the decision was taken:
No. Name
Voting power
8. Names of the members of the company who voted in favour of the proposal for conversion and their respective shareholding and proxies held by them.
No. Name
Share holding
9. Names of members, if any, who voted against the proposal for conversion and their respective shareholding and proxies held by them.
No. Name
Share holding
10. Date of filing of the special resolution with Registrar
(copy of resolution be attached)
(Their objection should also be stated in detail and an attested copy of the minutes of the meeting attached).
11. Fee Paid (Rs.)
Name of Bank
Standard Chartered Bank Limited
MCB Bank Limited
Branch of the Bank
Receipt No. Date
(Bank Challan to be attached in original)
13. Verification I do hereby solemnly and sincerely declare that: a) I am the Chief Executive/Secretary of this company; b) the information submitted in this application is correct and that nothing has been withheld or suppressed; and c) I make this solemn declaration conscientiously believing the same to be true.
14. Signature of Chief Executive/
15 Name of CEO/Secretary
16. CNIC No. of Signatory
17. Date