EPIC Medium-Scale Optical Design Huan Tran Brad Johnson Mark Dragovan April 2009 EPIC-IM optical layout EPIC-IM optical properties •Crossed Dragone •ABS, Clover, QUIXOTE, QUIET …. •Unprecedented Large FOV • 30x20 degrees •Extreme Compact design •Maximize resolution/throughput in shroud •Telecentric •NO refractive elements EPIC-IM optical properties Oversize mirrors “force” telecentric focal plane => cold aperture EPIC-IM aberration performance • Elliptical focal plane – Limited by vignetting in Y – Limited by aberration in X • Multiband – High Frequencies in center – 30—800 GHz • 11,000 bolometers 850 GHz 30 deg/ 160 cm 30 GHz EPIC-IM cold vs warm Main Beam Simulations • Beam shapes – No Refracting elements – Calculated with Perfect Gaussian Feed horns – Calculated for each “Hex” • Polarized beam-scale distortions – Fit Gaussians to beams – Compare to benchmarks PO co and cross–pol beams for single feed 30 GHz beam, from Grasp 9 Spot diagram, from Zemax PO vs GO sanity check Main beam effects vs benchmark EPIC-IM mirrors alone are below benchmarks w/o modulation Sidelobes • Analyzed with Physical Optics(PO) an Geometric Theory of Diffraction (GTD) • Aperture Integration Method – Optics box • Galaxy Convolution EPIC-IM straylight EPIC-IM farsidelobes Co-pol beam, no baffling ~15d simulation time Aperture Integration method Set J =0 outside Calculate Equiv J 28d sim time Polarized Far Sidelobes (QT2 + UT2 + VT2)1/2 2 x15d sim time Galactic Contamination • In order to evaluate the effect of the signal from the far sidelobes, we convolve the qt beam maps with a 150 GHz sky model. • The beam patterns have the primary beam masked, so only the response to the sidelobes are evident in the output. The sky data is an all sky map at long wavelengths (150 GHz). Since the beam is asymmetric, it is necessary to rotate the beam with respect to the sky at each point to get the complete convolution. The convolutions were done using the totalconvolver code developed by the Planck community. (Gorski et. al.) • • • M.Dragovan (above) The 150 GHz sky map with which the beams are convolved. Units are log(uK). (below) The results of the convolution, qt beam with the above sky . Units are (uK). M.Dragovan In order to further quantify this result, we make two histograms: the number of pixels with a given intensity (left plot), and the integrated histogram giving the total number of pixels less than a given intensity (right plot). This is similar to the plots that are shown for site surveys. Goal 1nK By inspection one can see that fully 90% of the pixels are <0.2nK. M.Dragovan GTD and Polarization of sidelobes • Our Far sidelobe simulations were for 3.25 –f –l, but Conclusions • EPIC-IM has enormous throughput • Systematic beam effects are below benchmark • Sidelobes are manageable – More analysis time required to be sure