Received by the Graduate Council—November 5, 2007 GRADUATE COUNCIL CURRICULUM COMMITTEE First Meeting/2007-08 Academic Year October 8, 2007 SECTION A – Recorded for inclusion in the Graduate Catalog p. 1 of 5 COLLEGE OF EDUCATION Department of Counseling, Adult and Higher Education Other Catalog Change Page 75, 2006-07 Graduate Catalog. Doctor of Education in Counseling ↓ Course Requirements The Ed.D. in counseling requires a minimum of 105 semester hours including a maximum of 30 semester hours from the master’s degree plus a minimum of 75 additional semester hours normally distributed as follows. CAHC 5921 – Special Topics in Counseling (3), OR CAHC 5952 – Women and Careers (3), OR CAHC 6662 – Human Sexuality Counseling (3) ↓ EPS 605 – Advanced Seminar in Child Development (3) OR EPS 608 – Advanced Research Seminar in Adolescent Development (3) OR EPS 610 – Seminar in Lifespan Human Development (3), OR other course in human development approved by adviser (3) ETR 521 – Educational Statistics I (3) ETR 525 – Qualitative Research in Education (3) One research course with the consent of the student’s program committee (3) Two of the following2 (6) ETR 521 – Educational Statistics I (3) ETR 522 – Educational Statistics II (3) ETR 525 – Qualitative Research in Education (3) ETR 622 – Methods of Multivariate Analysis (3) Area of study3 (9) (6) _______________________________ 1Only if topic is counseling women or counseling men. 2Or other course work with the consent of the student’s program committee. 3Course work selected in consultation with the student’s program committee. Department of Educational Technology, Research and Assessment Course Deletion: Page 85, 2006-07 Graduate Catalog ETT 559. Instructional Television II (3). Received by the Graduate Council—November 5, 2007 GRADUATE COUNCIL CURRICULUM COMMITTEE First Meeting/2007-08 Academic Year October 8, 2007 SECTION A – Recorded for inclusion in the Graduate Catalog Course Deletion p. 2 of 5 Page 85, 2006-07 Graduate Catalog ETT 699. Doctoral Research and Dissertation (1-15) New Course Page 87, 2007-08 Graduate Catalog ETT 799A. Doctoral Research and Dissertation (3-15). May be repeated to a maximum of 60 semester hours. Student must accumulate 15 semester hours prior to graduation. PRQ: Candidacy for the doctoral degree and consent of chair of doctoral committee. New Course Page 87, 2007-08 Graduate Catalog ETT 799B. Doctoral Research and Dissertation (1). Students must have accumulated 15 semester hours in ETT 799A and have a scheduled dissertation oral defense. May not be repeated. PRQ: Consent of chair of doctoral committee. Course Revision: Page 84, 2006-07 Graduate Catalog. ETT 439 (538). Developing Educational Software for Computers (3). Department of Kinesiology and Physical Education Course Deletion Page 92, 2006-2007 Graduate Catalog KNPE 653. Cardiac Rehabilitation New Course: Page 91, 2006-07 Graduate Catalog KNPE 560. CARDIORESPIRATORY PHYSIOLOGY: RESPONSES AND ADAPTATIONS TO EXERCISE (3). Study of cardiorespiratory physiology with specific application to exercise conditions. Emphasis on the cardiovascular, ventilatory, and respiratory adaptations associated with acute and chronic exercise. PRQ: 452 or consent of department. Other Catalog Change Page 89, 2006-07 Graduate Catalog Master of Science in Education in Physical Education Specialization in Exercise Physiology/Fitness Leadership ↓ KNPE 514 - Neuromuscular Aspects of Physical Performance (3) KNPE 5451 - Assessment in Kinesiology and Physical Education (3), OR KNPE 6452 - Application of Statistics to Research in Kinesiology and Physical Education (3) Received by the Graduate Council—November 5, 2007 GRADUATE COUNCIL CURRICULUM COMMITTEE First Meeting/2007-08 Academic Year October 8, 2007 SECTION A – Recorded for inclusion in the Graduate Catalog KNPE 552 - Methods of Research in Kinesiology and Physical Education (3) KNPE 560 - Cardiorespiratory Physiology: Responses and Adaptations to Exercise (3) KNPE 652 - Exercise Bioenergetics (3) KNPE 653 - Cardiac Rehabilitation (3) At least one of the following (3) ↓ Other Catalog Change: Page 90, 2006-07 Graduate Catalog Master of Science in Education in Physical Education ↓ Specialization in Sport and Exercise Psychology ↓ Thesis Option (36) ↓ Specialization Core (9) ↓ One of the following (3) ↓ Select one from the science core (3-4) KNPE 452, Applied Physiology of Exercise (4) KNPE 514, Neuromuscular Aspects of Physical Performance (3) KNPE 535, Mechanical Analysis of Motor Skills (3) KNPE 578, Seminar in Motor Development (3) KNPE 635, Biomechanics (3) KNPE 652, Exercise Bioenergetics (3) KNPE 653, Cardiac Rehabilitation (3) KNPE 686 (3) Sport in Society Seminar in Motor Learning (3) Elective coursework related to the students specialization approved by an adviser (12). KNPE 599A, Master’s Thesis (6) ↓ Department of Literacy Education Course Deletions: Pages 107-108, 2006-07 Graduate Catalog LTLA 403X. LANGUAGE DEVELOPMENT IN CHILDREN (3). LTRE 431. TECHNIQUES OF TUTORING AND LEARNING ASSISTANCE (3). p. 3 of 5 Received by the Graduate Council—November 5, 2007 GRADUATE COUNCIL CURRICULUM COMMITTEE First Meeting/2007-08 Academic Year October 8, 2007 SECTION A – Recorded for inclusion in the Graduate Catalog p. 4 of 5 Department of Teaching and Learning Course Deletions: Pages 116-124, 2006-07 Graduate Catalog TLCI 491. Special Topics in Curriculum and Instruction TLCI 492. Special Topics in Curriculum and Instruction (1 to 3). A. Curriculum B. Professional Development Leadership TLEC 492. Special Topics in Early Childhood Education (1 to 3). TLEE 492. Special Topics in Elementary Education (1 to 3). TLSE 490.Workshop in Special Education (1 to 3). COLLEGE OF ENGINEERING AND ENGINEERING TECHNOLOGY Department of Electrical Engineering Course Deletion : Page 129, 2006-07 Graduate Catalog ELE 650. MODERN SIGNAL PROCESSING ALGORITHMS AND APPLICATIONS (3) Department of Industrial and Systems Engineering Other Catalog Changes: Page 130, 2006-07 Graduate Catalog Master of Science in Industrial and Systems Engineering ↓ Requirements ↓ Thesis Option ↓ Non-Thesis Option Complete 1 semester hour of ISYE 595, Graduate Seminar, 18 semester hours of industrial and systems engineering courses, including 1C3 semester hours of graduate project, ISYE 599B or ISYE 598, Master’s Paper, on a topic approved by the student’s adviser, and 12 additional semester hours of College of Engineering and Engineering Technology graduate courses, as approved by the department. For both options, at least fifty percent of the hours must be at the 500 level or above, excluding ISYE 599A, Received by the Graduate Council—November 5, 2007 GRADUATE COUNCIL CURRICULUM COMMITTEE First Meeting/2007-08 Academic Year October 8, 2007 SECTION A – Recorded for inclusion in the Graduate Catalog p. 5 of 5 ISYE 599B, or ISYE 598. ↓ COLLEGE OF HEALTH AND HUMAN SCIENCES School of Allied Health and Communicative Disorders New Course Offering: Page 152, 2006-07 Graduate Catalog COMD 607. LANGUAGE DISORDERS IN SCHOOL-AGE POPULATIONS (3). Relationships between spoken and written language development and the identification of language disorders in school-age children, including impact on school performance. Principles and methods of prevention, language and literacy assessment, and intervention techniques. PRQ: COMD 603. Other Catalog Change: Page 149, 2006-07 Graduate Catalog Master of Arts in Communicative Disorders ↓ Specialization in Rehabilitation Counseling Because this program is fully accredited by the…..specialization may complete COMDAHRS 430, American Sign Language I, COMDAHRS 431,…. ↓ If the student in this specialization has already completed COMDAHRS 492 School of Family, Nutrition and Consumer Sciences Course Revision: Page 159, 2006-07 Graduate Catalog 500 (600). Seminar (1 to 12). A. Nutrition and Dietetics B. Family and Child Studies C. Marriage and Family Therapy D. Family and Consumer Sciences Education E. Textiles and Clothing Readings and reports in the designated areas of family, consumer, and nutrition sciences. May be repeated to a maximum of 12 semester hours when topic changes. PRQ CRQ for A: FCNS 504 604 or consent of school. PRQ for C.: FCNS 684, or consent of school.