Received by the Graduate Council—May 4, 2009 GRADUATE COUNCIL CURRICULUM COMMITTEE (GCCC) Sixth Meeting/2008-09 Academic Year April 13, 2009 SECTION C – Items previously in Section B, now reported for inclusion in the Graduate Catalog p. 1 of 3 COLLEGE OF EDUCATION Department of Teaching and Learning CITC Course Revision Page 120, 2008-09 Graduate Catalog TLSE 514. METHODS FOR TEACHING SECONDARY STUDESTS WITH HIGH-INCIDENCE DISABILITIES (3). Instructional theories, curricula, methods, and materials as they relate to teaching secondary-aged students with high-incidence disabilities. Emphasis on instructional procedures and adaptations. , and progress monitoring systems. PRP: ETR 434 or ETR 534, TLSE 540, or consent of department. CITC-CC 2/4/09, CITC 2/27/09, GCCC Section B 11/10/08 COLLEGE OF HEALTH AND HUMAN SCIENCES School of Family, Consumer and Nutrition Sciences CITC Other Catalog Change Page 157, 2008-09 Graduate Catalog Teacher Certification Family and Consumer Sciences ↓ Requirements in School (61-62) ↓ Nutrition, Wellness, and Hospitality (5) FCNS 200B - Food Preparation Laboratory (2) FCNS 202 - Introduction to the Hospitality Industry (3), OR FCNS 301 - Introduction to Food Services (3), OR FCNS 406 - Global Food and Nutrition Issues (3), OR FCNS 424– Cultural and National Food Patterns (3), CITC-CC 2/4/09, CITC 2/27/09, GCCC Section B 11/10/08 COLLEGE OF LIBERAL ARTS AND SCIENCES Department of Biology Pres. Peters/Other Catalog Changes Page 180, 2008-09 Graduate Catalog BOT (insert immediately above Doctor of Philosophy in Biological Sciences) Received by the Graduate Council—May 4, 2009 GRADUATE COUNCIL CURRICULUM COMMITTEE (GCCC) Sixth Meeting/2008-09 Academic Year April 13, 2009 SECTION C – Items previously in Section B, now reported for inclusion in the Graduate Catalog p. 2 of 3 Specialization in Biology Teaching A minimum of 36 semester hours is required for the M.S. degree with specialization in biology teaching. Students pursuing this specialization must have a B.S. degree in the natural sciences (biology, chemistry, earth and space science, or physics) and a current ISBE teaching certificate (Type 09 certificate or a B.S. degree with a Type 03 certificate and a minimum of 32 semester hours of science content). The candidate must have one year or more of teaching experience in science. The student will be required to take a proficiency examination in biology at the beginning and end of their program. In addition, the student will be required to conduct an approved action research project including submitting a written paper as well as present and defend the project (BIOS 770 or BIOS 699). The action research project will be developed under the supervision of the graduate adviser and conducted in a school setting with district approval. If the student has completed the equivalent of BIOS 570X (or BIOS 572X and BIOS 573X), and ETR 521 and ETR 522 (or BIOS 670) as an undergraduate with a grade of C or better, the courses may be waived as a requirement in the graduate program and other course work substituted with the approval of the student’s graduate committee. Requirements BIOS 570X - General Biochemistry (3) BIOS 605 - Institute for Science Teachers in Biology (3) BIOS 684 - The Processes and Practices of Science (3) BIOS 761 – Seminar (minimum of 2 semester hours credit) BIOS 770 – Independent Study (4-6), OR BIOS 699 – Masters Thesis (4-6) ETR 521 and ETR 522 – Educational Statistics I and II (6) EPS 523 – Application of Psychological Research to Educational Practice (3) PHYS 605 – Institute for Science Teachers; Instructional Technology (3) Biology Electives Minimum of 9 semester hours of credit of graduate-level courses within the department BOT 3/26/09, GCCC Section B 11/17/08 Note: This was added for the 2009-10 Graduate Catalog. Department of English [CITC] Course Revisions General ↓ Page 204, 2008-09 Graduate Catalog Received by the Graduate Council—May 4, 2009 GRADUATE COUNCIL CURRICULUM COMMITTEE (GCCC) Sixth Meeting/2008-09 Academic Year April 13, 2009 SECTION C – Items previously in Section B, now reported for inclusion in the Graduate Catalog p. 3 of 3 646. THE TEACHING OF LITERATURE IN MIDDLE AND HIGH SCHOOLS (3). Methods, materials, and curriculum materials for teaching literature and reading in the middle and high schools. Attention is given to teaching literature and reading to diverse students and to using appropriate instructional technology. PRQ: ENGL 647 or Cconsent of department. CRQ: ILAS 301 or consent of department. 647. THE TEACHING OF WRITING IN MIDDLE AND HIGH SCHOOLS (3) Approaches to teaching and evaluating composition in the middle and high school, with emphasis on the multicultural classroom. PRQ: Admission to teacher certification in English or Cconsent of department. CRQ: ILAS 3201 or consent of department. (3) 648. MATERIALS AND METHODS OF TEACHING ENGLISH IN MIDDLE AND HIGH SCHOOLS (3) Methods, devices, techniques, and curriculum materials for teaching English in the middle and high school. Attention given to teaching English to diverse students. PRQ: ENGL 646, 647, and Ssix semester hours of graduate-level course work in literature in the department, and or consent of department. CRQ: ENGL 482 or consent of department. [CITC] Other catalog change Page 204, 2008-09 Graduate Catalog Teacher Certification ↓ Courses in English Required for Certification (42-45) ENGL 207 – Fundamentals of English Grammar (3), unless exempted by examination At least 6 semester hours of American literature, ordinarily to include work in American literature before 1865 At least 12 semester hours of English literature, ordinarily to include Shakespeare At least 3 semester hours of linguistics At least 3 semester hours of advanced writing or rhetoric Three semester hours in teaching of composition Three semester hours in methods of teaching English ENGL 647 – The Teaching of Writing in Middle and High Schools (3) ENGL 646 – The Teaching of Literature in Middle and High Schools (3) ENGL 648 – Materials and Methods of Teaching English in Middle and High Schools (3) Twelve semester hours in student teaching (ENGL 485) ENGL 647, 646, and 648 must be taken in that order and in separate semesters. ↓ CITC-CC 2/4/09, CITC 2/27/09, GCCC Section B 11/10/08