Received by the Graduate Council—May 2, 2011 GRADUATE COUNCIL CURRICULUM COMMITTEE (GCCC) Fourth Meeting/2010-11 Academic Year April 11, 2011 Approved p. i of iv PRESENT: G. Bennardo (LAS/ANTH), B. Bond (Graduate School), E. Niemi (EDU/CAHE/Student), R. Orem (EDU/LTCY), J. Umoren (HHS/FCNS), L. Zittel (EDU/KNPE) CONSULTANTS: D. Smith (Catalog Editor/Curriculum Coordinator) GUESTS: D. Gough, N. Nuzzo, M. Pritchard Graduate Council curriculum Committee Chair Umoren called the meeting to order and congratulated Bond on his permanent appointment as dean of the graduate school and vice president for graduate studies. APPROVAL OF AGENDA Orem made a motion, seconded by Zittel, to APPROVE THE AGENDA. Motion passed unanimously. ANNOUNCEMENTS 1. Minutes from the March 21, 2011, meeting approved and sent electronically. 2. Items reported for inclusion in the Graduate Catalog by another standing committee of the Graduate Council—Section D. 3. CONSENT AGENDA Orem made a motion, seconded by Niemi, TO ACCEPT THE CONSENT AGENDA. Motion passed unanimously. The following college curriculum committee minutes with no graduate-level attachments were so received. College of Business #9 College of Health and Human Sciences #8 College of Health and Human Sciences #9 College of Health and Human Sciences #10 The following college curriculum committee minutes with graduate-level attachments were so received. None COLLEGE MINUTES FOR DISCUSSION College of Health and Human Sciences #11 Received by the Graduate Council—May 2, 2011 GRADUATE COUNCIL CURRICULUM COMMITTEE (GCCC) Fourth Meeting/2010-11 Academic Year April 11, 2011 Approved p. ii of iv Zittel made a motion, seconded by Orem, to ACCEPT THE GRADUATE-LEVEL CURRICULAR ITEMS IN COLLEGE OF HEALTH AND HUMAN SCIENCES #11 (3/25/11). Pritchard explained that the college recently added the D.P.T. program and the first cohort began last fall. But they still have licensed student enrolled who need a degree completion program and Nuzzo spearheaded the effort to add this transitional D.P.T. program for students with a bachelor’s or master’s in physical therapy. Nuzzo explained that their accrediting bodies will require the D.P.T. by 2015, and the transitional D.P.T. will enable current students to achieve that. Having this program will also allow NIU to be competitive with other institutions that offer the D.P.T. The transitional D.P.T. will consist of existing courses with the exception of the new course in digital imaging. The program will consist of both online and face-to-face courses with the face-to-face courses being held at the Wellness and Literacy Center. Nuzzo noted that due to the nature of the students, that they are clinical practitioners, the school felt they could eliminate the requirement of the GRE and asked that that sentence be removed. Bond stated that this is acceptable and the program will be added to the front of the catalog as well as a one of the programs that do not require an admissions exam. Nuzzo also stated that there are discussions to have Illinois be a direct access state; where patients may go directly to a physical therapist without a doctor’s prescription. But if this is to happen, the preference is to have those practitioners have a doctoral degree. Orem asked about the timeline for the transitional D.P.T. and it was reported that there would probably only be need for the program for about five years. It was clarified that faculty would not need additional training to offer the coursework online as most of them are already presenting their courses in this manner. Pritchard added that the college developed the online courses with strategic planning funds and will do additional training if need be. Orem asked about a capstone project and Nuzzo responded that students at the very least have to develop a publishable case study that includes a literature search. She added that this meets the standards of their accrediting body. Zittel made an amendment to the motion, seconded by Orem, to DELETE THE GRE REQUIREMENT AND ADD THE PROGRAM TO THE LIST OF PROGRAMS IN THE CATALOG THAT DO NOT REQUIRE AN ADMISSIONS EXAM. Motion passed unanimously. OLD BUSINESS 1. New forms for new courses/course revisions. No report. 2. CEDU #5 The GCCC tabled new courses LESM 552 and LESM 553 for verification of nonduplication from departments outside the College of Education and make parenthetical information the prerequisites. Smith reported that the department has revised the course outline for LESM 552 and will need to resubmit to the College of Business, so they have withdrawn this new course proposal at this time. She added that she received correspondence that the college has verification of nonduplication for LESM 553 from the Department of Leadership, Educational Psychology and Foundations, but has yet to receive the actual documentation. Zittel made a motion, seconded by Bennardo, to RECEIVE THE NEW COURSE PROPOSAL FOR LESM 553 PENDING VERIFICATION OF NONDUPLICATION AND CONFIRMATION THAT THE PARENTHETICAL TEXT BE CHANGED TO A PREREQUISITE. Motion passed unanimously. [Note: These items were received.] Received by the Graduate Council—May 2, 2011 GRADUATE COUNCIL CURRICULUM COMMITTEE (GCCC) Fourth Meeting/2010-11 Academic Year April 11, 2011 Approved p. iii of iv NEW BUSINESS 1. Revisions to the Academic Policies and Procedures Manual (APPM). Bond explained that in response to federal action; the Higher Learning Commission (HLC) will require institutions to report on courses and programs that can be offered via distance education. The HLC has provided a definition of distance education, which is included in the revisions to the APPM. Last year, NIU began collecting this information through a survey of all departments, asking them to note which courses are offered through distance education 50% or more of the time. In addition, if a program can be completed with 50% or more of courses that are identified as distance education, that program is identified as a distance education program. NIU currently has five programs, which have not been approved to be distance education with the IBHE or the HLC. NIU will be required to report what’s available in the distance modality beginning July 1, 2011. Therefore, going forward, a procedure needs to be in place to approve these courses and, subsequently, to approve the programs that can be completed with distance education courses. Therefore, revisions have been proposed to the APPM, which need to be approved first by the curriculum committees (GCCC, CUC), then by their respective councils (Graduate Council, Undergraduate Coordinating Council). Niemi asked if courses and programs identified as distance education have to be taken as such by students, or can be an option for students, and Bond responded that these are an option for students. Discussion followed regarding the approval process involved and suggestions for expediting approval as well as the pros and cons of online versus face-to-face delivery. It was also clarified that a distance education course or program is not noted as such on a student’s transcript and that faculty will need to receive training to be able to offer a course with a distance education modality. Bond noted that he will have a few minor revisions and will develop a cover sheet for new course proposals. Niemi made a motion, seconded by Zittel, to APPROVE THE REVISIONS TO THE APPM WITH REVISIONS TO COME FROM BOND. Motion passed unanimously. Zittel asked how this should be communicated to departments. Bond noted that the Graduate Council will vote on this and those representatives should report back to their colleges. He added that this can be reported to the curricular deans the next time that group meets. See also Appendix A. OTHER BUSINESS Umoren asked why the grade change proposal didn’t come to the GCCC and it was noted that it is not a curricular issue. She then thanked GCCC members for their time this year. Niemi made a motion, seconded by Orem to ADJOURN THE MEETING. Motion passed by acclamation. The meeting adjourned at 11:35. Received by the Graduate Council—May 2, 2011 GRADUATE COUNCIL CURRICULUM COMMITTEE (GCCC) Fourth Meeting/2010-11 Academic Year April 11, 2011 Approved p. iv of iv The next meeting of the Graduate Council Curriculum Committee is tentatively scheduled for October 10, 2011, 10:00, Conference Room 304, Lowden Hall. Respectfully submitted, Donna M. Smith