Received by the Graduate Council—March 4, 2013 GRADUATE COUNCIL CURRICULUM COMMITTEE Fourth Meeting/2012-13 Academic Year February 11, 2013 SECTION A – Recorded for inclusion in the Graduate Catalog p. 1 of 6 COLLEGE OF BUSINESS Department of Operations Management and Information Systems Course revision: Page 67, 2012-13 Graduate Catalog 694. ADVANCED TOPICS IN INFORMATION SYSTEMS (3-9). In-depth study of … … repetition of topic occurs. Concurrent enrollment in multiple sections and topics is permissible with a maximum of 6 semester hours per semester. PRQ: Consent of department. COLLEGE OF EDUCATION Department of Literacy Education Course Revision Page 112, 2012-2013 Graduate Catalog LTRE 525X. READING INTERESTS OF ADULTS (3). Crosslisted as ETT 525. Exploration of … … in libraries. COLLEGE OF HEALTH AND HUMAN SCIENCES New Courses Graduate Catalog CIP code 51.99 UHHS 710. SCIENTIFIC UNDERPINNINGS AND SEMINAL READINGS IN THE HEALTH SCIENCES (3). Analysis of the origin, nature, methods, and limits of scientific knowledge as applied to the health and human sciences. Emphasis placed on reading and discussing seminal works of theory, policy and empirical research that shaped lines of investigation and practice. PRQ: Consent of program. UHHS 720. CONTEMPORARY HEALTH SCIENCE TOPICS (3). Intensive examination of the literature for selected topics crucial to interdisciplinary health and human sciences research and practice. Emphasis placed on reading and discussing key works of theory, policy and empirical research that shape contemporary issues in research and practice. PRQ: UHHS 710 or consent of program. UHHS 730. RESEARCH DESIGN, CONDUCT, AND ANALYSIS IN THE HEALTH SCIENCES I (3). Focus on advanced concepts and skills necessary to plan, conduct, evaluate, and analyze quantitative research from an interdisciplinary perspective within health and human sciences. Practical experience in formulating original research questions and conducting a comprehensive literature review are included. PRQ: A graduate course in statistics or consent of program. Received by the Graduate Council—March 4, 2013 GRADUATE COUNCIL CURRICULUM COMMITTEE Fourth Meeting/2012-13 Academic Year February 11, 2013 SECTION A – Recorded for inclusion in the Graduate Catalog p. 2 of 6 UHHS 731. RESEARCH DESIGN, CONDUCT, AND ANALYSIS IN THE HEALTH SCIENCES II (2). Continuation of UHHS 730 with an emphasis on qualitative and mixed research designs and the proper dissemination of research findings. Also requires development of a formal research proposal with an appropriate quantitative, qualitative, or mixed methods research design and a detailed plan for data collection and analysis. PRQ: UHHS 730. UHHS 740. DATA ANALYSIS IN THE HEALTH SCIENCES (3). Advanced quantitative methods in health sciences including statistical analysis of health indicators, vital statistics, population and demographic variables, and other data important to the practice of health sciences. Introduces and applies the biostatistics tools and analytical base for population-based and community health assessment and evaluation. Focus on providing a broad understanding of biostatistics, with more advanced methods included as appropriate. Combines data collection, design of data gathering instruments, data analysis, and report writing into a practical method of understanding the role of biostatistics in the field of health sciences. PRQ: PHHE 605, or STAT 573 and STAT 573A; or consent of school. UHHS 750. FUNDING AND POSITIONING RESEARCH: IDENTIFICATION OF RESEARCH CULTURE AND FUNDING AGENCIES (1). Identify the scientific community, related clinical fields, and funding agencies as consumers of the proposed project and subsequent line of research. Position the research within the identified community and develop milestones to progress in establishing a programmatic line of research. In-depth guided literature searches, on-line explorations of government, non-profit, and public funding sources, critique of literature on funding issues, and facilitated discussions leading to development of a fundable research plan. PRQ: UHHS 720 and UHHS 730; or consent of program. UHHS 751. FUNDING AND POSITIONING RESEARCH: GRANTMANSHIP SKILLS (1). Based on previous course work, doctoral students choose a specific funding agency and develop a feasible grant through a comprehensive literature search, development of specific aims, identification of research collaborators, formulation of a research plan, and completion of a budget proposal. PRQ: UHHS 750 or consent of program. UHHS 752. FUNDING AND POSITIONING RESEARCH: ETHICS AND PROFESSIONAL RESPONSIBILITIES (1). In-depth investigation into research ethics for scientific and clinical communities, identification and integration of professional responsibilities within the greater health science research community, acquisition of necessary training for responsible conduct of research within a given research community, facilitation of research collaborations and use multiple methods of research dissemination. PRQ: UHHS 750 or consent of program. UHHS 760. KNOWLEDGE INTEGRATION IN THE HEALTH SCIENCES (3). Integration of knowledge from Core Courses as well as the Individual Program of Study. Analyses of case studies will focus on the role of collaboration in research and practice in health and human sciences. Emphasis on interprofessional approach to the development of a proposed dissertation topic. PRQ: Consent of program. Received by the Graduate Council—March 4, 2013 GRADUATE COUNCIL CURRICULUM COMMITTEE Fourth Meeting/2012-13 Academic Year February 11, 2013 SECTION A – Recorded for inclusion in the Graduate Catalog p. 3 of 6 UHHS 770. INDEPENDENT STUDY (1-3). Independent course work focusing on student’s Individual Program of Study. Multiple sections may be taken in same semester. A maximum of 15 hours may count toward the degree. PRQ: Consent of adviser. UHHS 798. CANDIDACY EXAMINATION (1). Written examination based on the core courses, research and statistics, and student’s Individual Program of Study. PRQ: Consent of adviser. UHHS 799. DOCTORAL RESEARCH AND DISSERTATION (1-12). Students must complete 12 hours prior to graduation. May be repeated with a maximum of 12 hours that can count toward the degree. PRQ: UHHS 798 and consent of adviser. COLLEGE OF LIBERAL ARTS AND SCIENCES New Course Page 178, 2012-13 Graduate Catalog CIP Code: 05.02 LGBT 602. INTERNSHIP (3). Work as an intern in activities related to LGBT issues, or with organizations that serve the LGBT community. Reading and paper preparation under supervision of a faculty member in the College of Liberal Arts and Sciences. May be repeated to a maximum of 6 semester hours. S/U grading. Department of Anthropology New Course Page 179, 2012-13 Graduate Catalog CIP Code: 45.02 504. PEOPLES AND CULTURES OF THE CARRIBEAN (3). A holistic view of the Caribbean region examining scholars and outsiders’ representations. Topics include slavery and its impacts on racial/ethnic identities and categories, economies, food production, trade and the region’s rich and diverse expressive culture. Contemporary sociopolitical and economic aspects are discussed. 523. ENVIRONMENTAL ANTHROPOLOGY OF THE MIDDLE EAST: CULTURAL AND POLITICAL ECOLOGIES (3). Anthropological approaches to humans in their environments, particularly cultural ecology and political ecology, to examine the Middle East and North Africa. Study of the particular political systems, livelihoods, landscapes, and belief systems that have developed there. 529. INTERNATIONAL NGOS AND GLOBALIZATION (3). Review of the history of international nongovernmental organizations (INGOs) particularly changes since the advent of neoliberal globalization Received by the Graduate Council—March 4, 2013 GRADUATE COUNCIL CURRICULUM COMMITTEE Fourth Meeting/2012-13 Academic Year February 11, 2013 SECTION A – Recorded for inclusion in the Graduate Catalog p. 4 of 6 beginning in the late 1980s that heralded an “NGO boom.” An ethnographic examination of the political roles of INGOs and challenges negotiating multiple relationships with communities, governments, and social movements. PRQ: Junior standing or consent of instructor. 564. DISASTERS WITHOUT BORDERS (3). Social construction of disasters with an emphasis on the disaster response and forces that contribute to the vulnerability of a community, nation, or region. Covers social policy, humanitarian aid, media coverage and a range of local, national, or global forces such as inequality, land tenure, social exclusion, and mass urbanization. Department of Biological Sciences New Course Page 188, 2012-13 Graduate Catalog CIP Code: 26.01 619. MICROBIAL SYSTEMATICS AND DIVERSITY (3). Understanding the metabolic diversity of bacteria and archaea through selective culturing, isolation, and determinative testing. Cultivate and characterize microbial species of importance to the environment, human health, and the food and biofuel/bioenergy industries. Weekly lecture and two three-hour laboratory sessions. Department of Geology and Environmental Geosciences All University Sections Other Catalog Change Page 11, 2012-13 Graduate Catalog Graduate Concentrations and Certificates of Graduate Study ↓ Certificates of Graduate Study ↓ Director of Special Education Earth Science Education Eating Disorders and Obesity ↓ Other Catalog Change Page 14, 2012-13 Graduate Catalog Directory for Correspondence ↓ Digital Systems: Chair, Department of Electrical Engineering Earth Science Education: Teacher Certification Coordinator, Department of Geology and Environmental Geosciences Received by the Graduate Council—March 4, 2013 GRADUATE COUNCIL CURRICULUM COMMITTEE Fourth Meeting/2012-13 Academic Year February 11, 2013 SECTION A – Recorded for inclusion in the Graduate Catalog p. 5 of 6 Eating Disorders and Obesity: Chair, School of Family, Consumer, and Nutrition Sciences ↓ Department Section Course Deletion Page 225, 2012-2013 Graduate Catalog 580. THEORETICAL PETROLOGY (3). New Course Page 217, 2012-13 Graduate Catalog CIP Code: 40.06 507. GLOBAL CLIMATE CHANGE THROUGH TIME (3). Exploration of past climate and how this is relevant to modern and future climate change. Sedimentary rocks, ice, and a variety of organic remains are our libraries housing a diverse number of proxies that paleoclimatologists can use for their detective work in deciphering how Earth’s climate has changed in the past and to attribute causes that have driven those changes. Course Revisions Page 227, 2012-13 Graduate Catalog 675. ADVANCED IGNEOUS PETROLOGY (3). … …. 680. ADVANCED METAMORPHIC PETROLOGY (3). Study of chemical … …. Other Catalog Change Page 223, 2012-13 Graduate Catalog Department of Geology and Environmental Geosciences (GEOL) ↓ Certificate of Graduate Study Earth Science Education (18) This certificate is designed for individuals wishing to attain graduate-level preparation in content and pedagogy for teaching earth science in middle and high schools. It is open to those concurrently pursuing an initial teaching certificate. Credit earned for the certificate may be applied toward the M.S. degree in geology with approval of the department. EPS 501 – Psychological Foundations of Education (3), OR EPS 508 – Theories and Research in Adolescent Behavior and Development (3) GEOL 529 – Inquiry-Based Field Experiences for Earth Science Teachers (3) GEOL 595X – Teaching of Physical Sciences (3) One of the following (3) EPFE 510 – Philosophical Foundations of Education (3) Received by the Graduate Council—March 4, 2013 GRADUATE COUNCIL CURRICULUM COMMITTEE Fourth Meeting/2012-13 Academic Year February 11, 2013 SECTION A – Recorded for inclusion in the Graduate Catalog EPFE 511 – Philosophical Analysis of Current Educational Thought (3) EPFE 520 – Historical Foundations of Education (3) EPFE 521 – Historical Foundations of Education in the United States (3) Additional course work in geosciences courses numbered 600 and above (6) p. 6 of 6