Received by the Graduate Council—March 3, 2014 S


Received by the Graduate Council—March 3, 2014


Third Meeting/2013-14 Academic Year

February 10, 2014

S ECTION C – Items previously in Section B, now reported for inclusion in the 2014-15 Graduate Catalog


All University Changes

Pres. Other Catalog Change


The Graduate School

Page 10, 2013-2014 Graduate Catalog

Graduate Programs

Department of Literacy and Elementary Education

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Directory for Correspondence

Other Catalog Change Pages 13-14, 2013-2014 Graduate Catalog

Graduate Degree Programs, Specializations, and Departments

Curriculum and Instruction: See Leadership, Educational Psychology and Foundations; and Literacy and

Elementary Education

Elementary Education: See Literacy and Elementary Education

Literacy and Elementary Education: Jennifer Berne, Ph.D., chair of department

Science, Social Studies and Environmental Education Integration: See Literacy and Elementary Education

Graduate Concentrations and Certificates of Graduate Study

Teaching English as a Second Language and Bilingual Education: Chair, Department of Literacy and

Elementary Education

Pres. Baker 12/5/13, GCCC Section B 10/14/13, Graduate Council 11/4/13

Teacher Certification Information

Pres. Other Catalog Change Pages 34, 2013-2014 Graduate Catalog

Received by the Graduate Council—March 3, 2014


Third Meeting/2013-14 Academic Year

February 10, 2014

S ECTION C – Items previously in Section B, now reported for inclusion in the 2014-15 Graduate Catalog


Entitlement Program

Standard Elementary

Academic Department/School

Certificate (K-9) Literacy and Elementary Education

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All College Change

Pres. Other Catalog Change


College of Education

Pages 71, 2013-2014 Graduate Catalog

p. 2 of 14

Dean: La Vonne I. Neal, Ph.D.

Department of Literacy and Elementary Education

Department of Special and Early Education

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Department of Literacy Education

Other Catalog Change Pages 111-114 2013-2014 Graduate Catalog

Department of Literacy Education Department of Literacy and Elementary Education

The Department of Literacy and Elementary Education offers the M.A.T. specialization in elementary education, M.S.Ed. degrees in elementary education and in literacy education and the Ed.D. degree in curriculum and instruction with a two specializations: in literacy education, and specialization in Sscience,

Ssocial Sstudies and Eenvironmental education Iintegration. A list of requirements for each program is available in the department office. Several courses of study leading to certification, endorsement, and teacher approval are also offered. The department offers course work pertaining to literacy, intercultural, and language education across the lifespan, including work in reading, the language arts, children’s literature, bilingual education, English as a second language, social studies, science education, elementary teacher education and multicultural education.


Received by the Graduate Council—March 3, 2014


Third Meeting/2013-14 Academic Year

February 10, 2014

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p. 3 of 14

The Department of Literacy and Elementary Education offers graduate … … and consult with an adviser.

Master of Science in Education in Literacy Education


The Department of Literacy and Elementary Education seeks … … at a later date.


A candidacy examination … … common requirements. Application for the examination can be made at the

Department of Literacy and Elementary Education.

Postsecondary Developmental Literacy and Language Instruction

The certificate of graduate study in postsecondary developmental literacy and language instruction is an interdisciplinary and intercollegiate program of study administered by the Department of Literacy and

Elementary Education in the College of Education and is available to any graduate-level student in good academic standing at Northern Illinois University. … ….

Certification at the Graduate Level

Approval to teach English as a second language and bilingual education can be earned through a program of 18 semester hours of combined course work in the Departments of Literacy and Elementary Education,

English, and Leadership, Educational Psychology and Foundations. These approvals must be attached to a

Type 03 (elementary) or Type 09 (secondary) initial teacher certificate.

Students who wish to make application for certification and/or endorsement should contact the Department of Literacy and Elementary Education for further information.

Pres. Baker 12/5/13, GCCC Section B 10/14/13, Graduate Council 11/4/13



Northern Illinois University

Received by the Graduate Council—March 3, 2014


Third Meeting/2013-14 Academic Year

February 10, 2014

S ECTION C – Items previously in Section B, now reported for inclusion in the 2014-15 Graduate Catalog

Other Catalog Change Page 8, 2011-12 Graduate Catalog

p. 4 of 14

Accreditation and Affiliation

In the College of Liberal Arts and Sciences, the Master of Public Administration within the Department of

Political Science Public Administration is accredited by the … … Psychological Association.

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The Graduate School

Other Catalog Change Page 11, 2011-12 Graduate Catalog

Graduate Programs

College of Liberal Arts and Sciences

School of Public and Global Affairs

Department of Anthropology

Department of Political Science

Master of Arts (M.A.)

Master of Public Administration (M.P.A.) with specialization in

Comparative and Developmental Administration

Fiscal Administration

Human Services Administration

Public Management and Leadership

Urban Management

Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D.)

Department of Political Science

Master of Arts (M.A.)

Master of Public Administration (M.P.A.) with specialization in

Fiscal Administration

Nonprofit Management

Local Government Management

Received by the Graduate Council—March 3, 2014


Third Meeting/2013-14 Academic Year

February 10, 2014

S ECTION C – Items previously in Section B, now reported for inclusion in the 2014-15 Graduate Catalog

p. 5 of 14

Public Management and Leadership

[Note: this program is not being deleted, it is being moved to the Department of Public Administration.]

Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D.)

Department of Psychology

Department of Public Administration

Master of Public Administration (M.P.A.) with specialization in

Fiscal Administration

Nonprofit Management

Local Government Management

Public Management and Leadership

[Note: this program is not new, it is being moved here from the Department of Political Science.]

Department of Sociology

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Directory for Correspondence

Other Catalog Change Page 14, 2011-12 Graduate Catalog

Graduate Degree Programs, Specializations, and Departments

Public Administration: Kurt M. Thurmaier, Ph.D., director of division chair of department

Graduate Concentrations and Certificates of Graduate Study

Public Management: Director, Chair, Division Department of Public Administration

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General Regulations

Other Catalog Change Page 23, 2011-12 Graduate Catalog

Received by the Graduate Council—March 3, 2014


Third Meeting/2013-14 Academic Year

February 10, 2014

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p. 6 of 14

Graduate Students in Law Courses

With the approval of the office … … Department of Accountancy; the M.P.A. program, with approval of the Division Department of Public Administration; and the Ph.D. in political science, with the approval of the Department of Political Science. These institutions … … degree at NIU.

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School of Public and Global Affairs (SPGA)


Other Catalog Change Page 251-253, 2011-12 Graduate Catalog

School of Public and Global Affairs (POLS, PSPA, SPGA)

Director: TBA

The School of Public and Global Affairs is created as an entity that spans academic boundaries within the university to foster interdisciplinary programs and collaborative relationships among students, staff, and faculty throughout Northern Illinois University. Membership of the School takes the form of both organizational units (Departments of Political Science (POLS) and Public Administration (PSPA)) and individual memberships, especially faculty engaged with specific interdisciplinary degree programs.

The School is focused on the interdisciplinary nature of governance problems and issues, with an emphasis on public, private and nonprofit collaborative relationships that seek to improve communities and individuals in the US and around the world. The School fosters and supports collaboration by member units and individuals to address public affairs challenges with interdisciplinary curricula, scholarship, training, and professional and public services with a local, national, and global perspective.

BOT 12/6/12, IBHE 12/10/13, GCCC Section B 4/9/12, Graduate School 5/7/12

Department of Political Science (POLS, PSPA)

Other Catalog Change 2011-12 Graduate Catalog

Department of Political Science (POLS, PSPA)

Received by the Graduate Council—March 3, 2014


Third Meeting/2013-14 Academic Year

February 10, 2014

S ECTION C – Items previously in Section B, now reported for inclusion in the 2014-15 Graduate Catalog

p. 7 of 14

Chair: Matthew Streb

Graduate Faculty

Larry Arnhart, Presidential Research Professor, Ph.D., University of Chicago

James M. Banovetz, adjunct professor emeritus, Ph.D., University of Minnesota

Andrea Bonnicksen, Distinguished Research Professor, emeritus, adjunct, Ph.D., Washington State


Michael Buehler, assistant professor, Ph.D., London School of Economics and Political Science

Barbara C. Burrell, professor, Ph.D., University of Michigan

Yu-Che Chen, associate professor, Ph.D., Indiana University

Seung-Whan Choi, assistant professor, Ph.D., University of Missouri

Michael Clark, assistant professor, Ph.D., University of California, Santa Barbara

Ross J. Corbett, assistant professor, Ph.D., University of Toronto

Paul J. Culhane, adjunct professor emeritus, Ph.D., Northwestern University

Gerald T. Gabris, Distinguished Teaching Professor, Ph.D., University of Missouri

Rebecca J. Hannagan, assistant professor, Ph.D., University of Nebraska

Judith Hermanson, associate professor, Ph.D., George Washington University

Aaron M. Hoffman, associate professor, Ph.D., University of Pittsburgh

Dwight Y. King, adjunct professor emeritus, Ph.D., University of Chicago

Heidi O. Koenig, associate professor, Ph.D., Syracuse University

Frederick D. Mayhew, assistant professor, Ph.D., North Carolina State University

Kimberly L. Nelson, assistant professor, Ph.D., North Carolina State University

Michael T. Peddle, associate professor, Ph.D., Northwestern University

John G. Peters, professor, Ph.D., University of Illinois

J. Mitchell Pickerill, associate professor, Ph.D., University of Wisconsin

Andrea Radasanu, assistant professor, Ph.D., University of Toronto

Alicia M. Schatteman, assistant professor, Ph.D., Rutgers University

Scot Schraufnagel, assistant professor, Ph.D., Florida State University

Matthew J. Streb, associate professor, Ph.D., Indiana University

Brendon Swedlow, associate professor, Ph.D., University of California, Berkeley

Kurt M. Thurmaier, director, Division of Public Administration, professor, Ph.D., Syracuse University

Kheang Un, assistant professor, Ph.D., Northern Illinois University

Daniel H. Unger, associate professor, Ph.D., University of California, Berkeley

Artemus Ward, associate professor, Ph.D., Syracuse University

Curt H. Wood, associate professor, Ph.D., University of Kansas

Mikel Wyckoff, associate professor, emeritus, adjunct, Ph.D., University of Maryland

Received by the Graduate Council—March 3, 2014


Third Meeting/2013-14 Academic Year

February 10, 2014

S ECTION C – Items previously in Section B, now reported for inclusion in the 2014-15 Graduate Catalog

p. 8 of 14

The Department of Political Science offers graduate programs leading to the M.A., M.P.A., and Ph.D. degrees. Six fields are available in political science: American government and politics, public administration, political theory, comparative politics, international relations, and politics and the life sciences.

Graduate study may lead to careers in government service (federal, state, and local), international business, teaching, and professional writing and research. The public administration program offers professional preparation, including internship opportunities in government agencies as part of course work, toward a graduate degree; active efforts are made to place students in career government positions upon completion of their studies. Foreign study and overseas internship opportunities also exist. All programs are related to the students’ career objectives by their departmental advisers.

In addition to the requirements below, students are expected to comply with the regulations contained in the appropriate graduate handbook appropriate to their program available from either the department or the division of public administration.

BOT 12/6/12, IBHE 12/10/13, GCCC Section B 4/9/12, Graduate School 5/7/12

Other Catalog Change 2011-12 Graduate Catalog

[Note: the MPA is not being deleted, it is moving to the new Department of Public Administration]

Master of Public Administration

The mission of the … … and non-profit sectors.



Public Policy/Management Core (27)


Specialization in Fiscal Administration

Specialization in Nonprofit Management

Specialization in Public Management and Leadership

Received by the Graduate Council—March 3, 2014


Third Meeting/2013-14 Academic Year

February 10, 2014

S ECTION C – Items previously in Section B, now reported for inclusion in the 2014-15 Graduate Catalog

p. 9 of 14

Specialization in Local Government

Simultaneous Enrollment in M.P.A. and J.D. Degree Programs

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Other Catalog Change Pages 254, 2011-12 Graduate Catalog

[Note: The CGS is not being deleted, it is moving to the Department of Public Administration.]

Certificate of Graduate Study

Public Management (15)

At least three of the following (9-15)

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Other Catalog Change Pages 254-258, 2011-12 Graduate Catalog

[Note: PSPA courses are not being deleted, they are moving to the Department of Public Administration.]

Course List (POLS)

Political Science (POLS)

Course Numbering System

Public Administration (PSPA)

501. PHILANTHROPY AND VOLUNTEERISM (3). Discussion of the role of philanthropic activities in a civil society, the process of philanthropy, and the contribution that volunteerism makes to nonprofit organizations. Examination of techniques, methods, and policies concerning the management of volunteers in nonprofit organizations.

Received by the Graduate Council—March 3, 2014


Third Meeting/2013-14 Academic Year

February 10, 2014

S ECTION C – Items previously in Section B, now reported for inclusion in the 2014-15 Graduate Catalog

p. 10 of 14

735. SEMINAR IN COMMUNITY GOVERNANCE (3). Survey of the scholarly literature focusing on the systems of governance in American communities and on the problems confronting community governance, with emphasis on urban issues.

BOT 12/6/12, IBHE 12/10/13, GCCC Section B 4/9/12, Graduate School 5/7/12

Other Catalog Change Graduate Catalog

[Note: The majority of the text below was moved from the Department of Political Science. Insert this new department after the Department of Psychology. Yellow is text that is moving. Strike-out and green text are changes.]

Department of Public Administration (PSPA)

Chair: Kurt Thurmaier

Graduate Faculty

James M. Banovetz, adjunct professor emeritus, Ph.D., University of Minnesota

Yu-Che Chen, associate professor, Ph.D., Indiana University

Paul J. Culhane, adjunct professor emeritus, Ph.D., Northwestern University

Gerald T. Gabris, Distinguished Teaching Professor, Ph.D., University of Missouri

Heidi O. Koenig, associate professor, Ph.D., Syracuse University

Frederick D. Mayhew, assistant professor, Ph.D., North Carolina State University

Kimberly L. Nelson, assistant professor, Ph.D., North Carolina State University

Michael T. Peddle, associate professor, Ph.D., Northwestern University

Alicia M. Schatteman, assistant professor, Ph.D., Rutgers University

Kurt M. Thurmaier, chair, professor, Ph.D., Syracuse University

Curt H. Wood, associate professor, Ph.D., University of Kansas

Master of Public Administration

The mission of the Department of Public Administration is to advance excellence in public management.

The M.P.A. program focuses principally on the dynamics of public policy formulation and administrative leadership for persons who wish to address political, social, economic, environmental, and administrative problems in the public and non-profit sectors.


Application for admission to the M.P.A. program is made directly to the Graduate School. A completed application consists of the Graduate School application, a twopage statement of career goals, three letters

Received by the Graduate Council—March 3, 2014


Third Meeting/2013-14 Academic Year

February 10, 2014

S ECTION C – Items previously in Section B, now reported for inclusion in the 2014-15 Graduate Catalog

p. 11 of 14 of recommendation, transcripts from all undergraduate and graduate institutions attended, and the official score report on the Graduate Record Examination (GRE) General Test.

Pre career students should request at least two letters of recommendation from previous instructors who can judge their ability to do graduate work. If pre career students have public sector experience, they should request a letter from an employer who can judge their potential as future public administrators.

In service students should request at least one letter of recommendation from a previous instructor and remaining letters from public sector employers.

Prerequisites for admission to the program are 9 semester hours in the social sciences, including at least one course in U.S. government, and appropriate undergraduate work in mathematics or statistics. With the approval of the student’s adviser, a maximum combined total of 15 semester hours of graduate credit transferred from other accredited institutions plus graduate credit earned in courses at Northern Illinois

University as a student-at-large may be counted toward meeting the requirements of the M.P.A. degree.

The limit on student-at-large hours may be waived in special circumstances, with the approval of the director of the Department of Public Administration.


The M.P.A. degree normally requires the completion of a minimum of 39 to 50 semester hours of approved graduate study in the public policy/management core and a selected specialization. The student must complete a minimum of 39 semester hours of course work exclusive of internship hours.

In addition to credit-hour requirements, students must also develop a basic familiarity with the utilization of computers; submit a capstone paper while registered for PSPA 699; and pass a comprehensive examination. The capstone paper is a culminating research/analysis presentation, based on an approved research design, which is expected to be of professional, publishable quality. Every student must complete at least 5 semester hours of PSPA 699 prior to graduation. Each student must enroll for 2 semester hours of

PSPA 699 after the completion of 9 semester hours of course work. Students must have completed a minimum of 27 semester hours of approved graduate study, exclusive of internship courses; have maintained a GPA above 3.00; be carrying no “incompletes”; and have completed a minimum of 4 semester hours of PSPA 699 to be eligible to sit for the comprehensive examination. After the completion of 30 semester hours of course work, the student must maintain continuous enrollment in PSPA 699 until graduation or capstone requirements are met.

Public Policy/Management Core (27)

PSPA 600 - Scope and Dynamics of Public Administration (3)

PSPA 601 - Data Analysis in Public Administration (3)

PSPA 604 - Public Program Evaluation Methods (3)

PSPA 605 - Organization Theory and Behavior (3)

Received by the Graduate Council—March 3, 2014


Third Meeting/2013-14 Academic Year

February 10, 2014

S ECTION C – Items previously in Section B, now reported for inclusion in the 2014-15 Graduate Catalog

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PSPA 609 - Human Resources Management in Public Service Organizations (3)

PSPA 610 - Public Budgeting and Financial Management (3)

PSPA 611 - Public Revenue Analysis and Financial Management (3)

PSPA 612 - Information Technology and Management in Public Service Organizations (3)

PSPA 699 - Public Service Research (3)

Students with appropriate previous course work or professional experience may petition program faculty for permission to substitute elective courses for PSPA 601, PSPA 609, or PSPA 610. Permission for such a substitution involving PSPA 601 will not be granted until after the student has demonstrated his or her competence by passing an examination administered by the faculty for that purpose. In no case will any semester hours be waived. Students are also held responsible on the comprehensive examination for knowledge/skill areas from all public policy/management core courses, irrespective of any approved substitutions.


Students must also complete the requirements of one of the following specializations, thus permitting the development of expertise in a particular field of academic and professional interests. Students will normally be expected to select elective courses from curricula other than public administration (PSPA) courses.

Specialization in Fiscal Administration

The critical examination of techniques and problems in the areas of fiscal management, accountancy, budgetary policy, and political economy.

PSPA 653 - Intermediate Public and Nonprofit Financial Management (3)

PSPA 657X - Accounting for Public Administration (3)

PSPA 695 2 - Internship in Public Administration (1-3)

Approved graduate course work (6)

Specialization in Nonprofit Management

A study of the unique challenges posed by the administration of nonprofit organizations in both the domestic and global contexts, including communication and promotion, fundraising and grant writing, and intersectoral collaboration with the public and private sectors.

PSPA 624 - Resources Management for Nonprofit Organizations (3)

PSPA 626 - Nongovernmental Organizations and Governance (3)

PSPA 656 - Management of Not-for-Profit Organizations (3)

PSPA 695 2 - Internship in Public Administration (3)

Approved graduate course work (3)

Specialization in Public Management and Leadership

Received by the Graduate Council—March 3, 2014


Third Meeting/2013-14 Academic Year

February 10, 2014

S ECTION C – Items previously in Section B, now reported for inclusion in the 2014-15 Graduate Catalog

p. 13 of 14

A study of public administration focusing principally on knowledge of and leadership skills for the management of public organizations.

PSPA 650 - Leadership in Public Sector Organizations (3),

OR POLS 620 - Study of Public Policy (3),

OR PSPA 660 - Ethics and Public Service in America (3)

PSPA 695 2 - Internship in Public Administration (1-3)

Approved graduate course work (9)

Specialization in Local Government Management

An analysis of local government problems, especially the political and administrative problems of city management and community organization activities.

PSPA 630 - Local and Metropolitan Government (3)

Two of the following:

PSPA 631 - Urban Planning and Zoning (3)

PSPA 632 - Local Government Administration (3)

PSPA 633 - Citizen Participation (3)

PSPA 634 - New Governance (3)

PSPA 635 - Local Economic Development Policy (3)

PSPA 660 - Ethics and Public Service in America (3)

PSPA 665 - Innovation Management Credits (3)

PSPA 695 2 - Internship in Public Administration (1-3)

Approved graduate course work (3)

Simultaneous Enrollment in M.P.A. and J.D. Degree Programs

The Division Department of Public Administration and the College of Law offer the opportunity for simultaneous enrollment in the M.P.A. and J.D. degree programs to qualified graduate students. Students must be admitted to both the M.P.A. program and the J.D. program. Matriculation in the two programs must be within 18 months of each other.

Since students enroll in two separate degree programs, to receive both degrees students must meet all of the graduation requirements for both degree programs. A student may obtain either degree prior to completing all requirements for the other degree. Under the simultaneous enrollment plan, students are required to take at least 111 total semester hours, 81 from the College of Law and 30 from the Division

Department of Public Administration (not including the internship). Up to 9 semester hours of College of

Law course work may be applied toward the 39 semester hours required for the M.P.A. degree, and up to 9 semester hours of M.P.A. course work with a grade of B or better may be applied toward the 90 semester hours required for the J.D. degree.

Certificate of Graduate Study

Received by the Graduate Council—March 3, 2014


Third Meeting/2013-14 Academic Year

February 10, 2014

S ECTION C – Items previously in Section B, now reported for inclusion in the 2014-15 Graduate Catalog

p. 14 of 14

Public Management (15)

Offered by the Division of Public Administration, tThis certificate should be of interest to public sector employees and professionals as well as students enrolled in other NIU graduate degree programs and individuals who hold a master’s degree in a related discipline. Credit earned for a certificate may be applied toward the M.P.A. degree with the advice and approval of the division department director chair.

Admission to pursue the certificate is based on an overall assessment of the applicant’s education needs and career objectives. Each applicant must complete an admissions form furnished by the Division

Department of Public Administration and submit a written statement describing the applicant’s work experience in the public sector. Additionally, a brief statement indicating how the applicant’s career objectives can be enhanced by completing the certificate should be submitted.

A student’s program of study must be reviewed and approved by the division department director chair or the assistant to the chair.

M.P.A. coordinator. A maximum of 3 semester hours earned in another department or program may be applied toward the certificate with the consent of the division department director chair or M.P.A. assistant to the chair.

M.P.A. coordinator.

At least three of the following (9-15)

PSPA 600 - Scope and Dynamics of Public Administration (3)

PSPA 601 - Data Analysis in Public Administration (3)

PSPA 604 - Public Program Evaluation Methods (3)

PSPA 605 - Organization Theory and Behavior (3)

PSPA 609 - Human Resources Management in Public Service Organizations (3)

PSPA 610 - Public Budgeting and Financial Management (3)

PSPA 612 - Information Technology and Management in Public Service Organizations (3)

Other 600-level PSPA courses with the exception of PSPA 661, PSPA 671, PSPA 692, PSPA 695, and

PSPA 699 (0-6)

Course List

Public Administration (PSPA)



BOT 12/6/12, IBHE 12/10/13, GCCC Section B 4/9/12, Graduate School 5/7/12
