Received by the Graduate Council—November 4, 2013 S

Received by the Graduate Council—November 4, 2013
First Meeting/2013-14 Academic Year
October 14, 2013
SECTION C – Items previously in Section B, now reported for inclusion in the 2014-15 Graduate Catalog
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Department of Finance
BOT/ Other catalog change:
Page 60, 2011-12 Graduate Catalog
Department of Finance (FINA)
Chair: Marc W. Simpson
Graduate Faculty
Master of Science in Financial Risk Management
The M.S. in financial risk management program provides advanced study to prepare students for careers in
risk management in banks, investment firms, and in corporate treasury departments. The program is
designed for full-time students. It focuses on the latest advances in hedging and risk mitigation techniques
incorporating the use of complex financial instruments, including swaps, futures, forwards, and options.
In addition to the College of Business standards listed under “Graduate Study in Business,” an applicant is
required to have a baccalaureate degree from an accredited institution with at least 15 semester hours in
finance or department approval.
Phase One
See Phase One Requirements listed under “Graduate Study in Business.”
The Phase One foundation courses will be included in a student’s program of study unless she or he has
earned a C or better in corresponding undergraduate courses or a B or better in equivalent graduate courses
elsewhere, or has passed the first and only attempt of the Phase One exemption examination.
In addition, those students who do not have 15 undergraduate semester hours in finance must complete
FINA 607, FINA 620, and FINA 650 (or their equivalents) with a grade of B or better in each course.
FINA 555 - Analysis of Derivative Securities (3)
FINA 560 - Financial Markets and Investments (3)
Received by the Graduate Council—November 4, 2013
First Meeting/2013-14 Academic Year
October 14, 2013
SECTION C – Items previously in Section B, now reported for inclusion in the 2014-15 Graduate Catalog
p. 2 of 4
FINA 575 - Financial Data Analysis (3)
FINA 603 - Seminar in Financial Research (3)
FINA 622 - Security Analysis (3)
FINA 623 - Investment Management (3)
FINA 630 - Analysis of Fixed Income Securities (3)
FINA 662 - Financial Management Strategies (3)
FINA 674 – Financial Risk Management I (3)
FINA 688 – Financial Risk Management II (3)
BOT 5/10/12, IBHE 8/7/13, GCCC Section B 11/14/11, Graduate Council 12/5/11
Department of Kinesiology and Physical Education
Other Catalog Change
Page 86; 2012-13 Graduate Catalog
Master of Science in Education in Kinesiology and Physical Education
The M.S.Ed. in kinesiology and physical education requires a minimum of 36 semester hours.
Students select from one of the following: a general program of study, a specialization in adapted
physical education, a specialization in exercise physiology/fitness leadership, or a specialization
in pedagogy, curriculum development in physical education. In consultation with an adviser, the
student selects a thesis or non-thesis option.
Students are required to take a minimum of 6 semester hours in the research core, a minimum of 3
semester hours of social science, and a minimum of 3 semester hours of science, all within the department.
In the general program of study, students are required to take 9 semester hours in the department in a
focused area of interest. Students electing to do a thesis option are required to take 6 semester hours of
thesis work with the remaining 9 semester hours of electives approved by the student’s adviser selected
from a list of courses either in the department and/or outside of the department. Students taking the nonthesis option are required to complete 15 semester hours of electives approved by the student’s adviser. A
minimum of 6 semester hours of electives must be selected from a list of courses within the department.
General Program of Study
The general program of study is designed to provide students with an opportunity to build a program of
study that suits their particular area of interest and/or combines several sport science areas of interest. The
Received by the Graduate Council—November 4, 2013
First Meeting/2013-14 Academic Year
October 14, 2013
SECTION C – Items previously in Section B, now reported for inclusion in the 2014-15 Graduate Catalog
p. 3 of 4
general program of study would be of particular interest to students wishing to develop a broader based
understanding of kinesiology and physical education. In consultation with an advisor, the student selects
either a thesis or non-thesis option.
In consultation with the adviser, students will select a minimum of 9 semester hours in one of the following
areas of interest: sport biomechanics, coaching, dance education, motor learning/motor development, or
sociocultural aspects of sport/physical education. One course may be used to satisfy more than one
program requirement; in this case, the number of elective hours will be increased.
Thesis Option (36)
KNPE 699A - Master's Thesis Credits: 1-6
Students must take 6 semester hours in this course.
Select two from the research core (6)
KNPE 545 - Assessment in Kinesiology and Physical Education Credits: 3
OR KNPE 645 - Application of Statistics to Research in Kinesiology and Physical Education
Credits: 3
KNPE 552 - Methods of Research in Kinesiology and Physical Education Credits: 3
Select one from the science core (3-4)
KNPE 514 - Neuromuscular Aspects of Physical Performance Credits: 3
KNPE 535 - Mechanical Analysis of Motor Skills Credits: 3
KNPE 557 - Applied Physiology of Exercise Credits: 4
KNPE 578 - Seminar in Motor Development Credits: 3
KNPE 635 - Biomechanics Credits: 3
KNPE 652 - Exercise Bioenergetics Credits: 3
KNPE 686 - Seminar in Motor Learning Credits: 3
Select one from the social science core (3)
KNPE 507 - History of Physical Education Credits: 3
KNPE 509 - Philosophy of Physical Education Credits: 3
KNPE 582 - Psychology of Sport and Exercise Credits: 3
KNPE 583 - Psychology of Coaching Credits: 3
KNPE 586 - Sport in Society Credits: 3
Course work related to the student’s degree objectives approved by an adviser (9)
A minimum of 9 semester hours in an area of interest selected in consultation with adviser (9)
Non-Thesis Option (36)
Same requirements as listed above except in lieu of the thesis students take six semester hours of course
work approved by an adviser.
BOT 3/21/13, GCCC Section B 11/12/12, Graduate Council 12/31/12
Received by the Graduate Council—November 4, 2013
First Meeting/2013-14 Academic Year
October 14, 2013
SECTION C – Items previously in Section B, now reported for inclusion in the 2014-15 Graduate Catalog
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Public Administration
Department of Political Science/Division of Public Administration
Other Catalog Change
Page 252, 2012-13 Graduate Catalog
Department of Political Science (POLS, PSPA)
Master of Public Administration
Specialization in Comparative Public Service
Through a study of public administration and management in a global context, students will gain an
advanced capacity to assume a leadership role and use management skills to enhance the mission of
government agencies and nongovernmental organizations in the U.S. and another country. In addition to
learning skills and strategies for leadership and management of U.S. agencies, students will demonstrate an
advanced ability to:
Lead and manage in public governance in a country outside the U.S.,
Participate in and contribute to the policy process in a country outside the U.S.,
Analyze, synthesize, think critically, solve problems and make decisions in a
country outside the U.S.,
Articulate and apply a public service perspective in a country outside the U.S.,
Communicate and interact productively with a diverse and changing workforce and
citizenry in a country outside the U.S.
Students must demonstrate ability to advance in one or more of the specialization competencies with a set
of four or more courses (equivalent to 12 semester hours) at a university outside the U.S. , approved in
advance by the division director.
GCCC Section B 3/18/13, Graduate Council 4/1/13, BOT 6/20/13