Received by Undergraduate Coordinating Council—April 2, 2009 COMMITTEE ON THE UNDERGRADUATE CURRICULUM (CUC) Sixth Meeting/2008-09 Academic Year March 19, 2009 SECTION A – Recorded for inclusion in the Undergraduate Catalog p. 1 of 7 COLLEGE OF BUSINESS Department of Management New Course: Page 77, 2008-09 Undergraduate Catalog CIP: 52.01 311. SOCIAL ENTREPRENEURSHIP (3). Examination of the factors that support the development and growth of sustainable ventures to generate economic, social, and environmental change, including understanding the social value proposition, sustainable business models, and management practices related to resource acquisition, organization, and performance management frameworks. PRQ: Junior or senior standing, or consent of department. New Course: Page 77, 2008-2009 Undergraduate Catalog CIP: 52.01 411. ENTREPRENEURSHIP IN MICROFINANCE ORGANIZATIONS (3). Study of the purposes, management, and effects of microfinance organizations. Topics to be covered include a review of current status of microfinance organizations, clients, management and operational issues, evaluation of different microfinance organizations and models, and sustainability. PRQ: MGMT 311 or consent of department. COLLEGE OF HEALTH AND HUMAN SCIENCES School of Allied Health and Communicative Disorders Course Revision Page 137, 2008-09 Undergraduate Catalog Clinical Laboratory Sciences (AHLS) ↓ 301. IMMUNOLOGY/IMMUNOHEMATOLOGY (2-3) (3). Theory and application of general immunology, and genetics principles and investigative techniques to clinical immunology and immunohematology as applied in the clinical laboratory. Clinical specimens utilized in laboratory. 302. HEMATOLOGY/HEMOSTASIS (2-3) (3). Principles and investigative techniques of hematology and hemostasis. Examination of the chemical, biological, and technical bases basis for clinical laboratory procedures and quality assurance strategies. Development of proficiency in hematologic and coagulation procedures including and data interpretation. Clinical specimens utilized in laboratory. Received by Undergraduate Coordinating Council—April 2, 2009 COMMITTEE ON THE UNDERGRADUATE CURRICULUM (CUC) Sixth Meeting/2008-09 Academic Year March 19, 2009 SECTION A – Recorded for inclusion in the Undergraduate Catalog p. 2 of 7 311. IMMUNOLOGY/IMMUNOHEMATOLOGY LABORATORY (1-2) (2). Practical laboratory application of Ttheory and analytical application of genetics and immunologic principles and investigative techniques related to the clinical immunology and immunohematology lectures as applied in the clinical laboratory. Includes manual and automated procedures for assessment of clinical specimens. Clinical specimens utilized in laboratory. CRQ AHLS 301. 312. HEMATOLOGY/HEMOSTASIS LABORATORY (1) (2). Practical laboratory application of theory and analytical Principles and investigative techniques of related to the hematology and hemostasis lectures. Examination of the chemical, biological, and technical bases for clinical laboratory procedures and quality assurance strategies. Development of proficiency in hemostatic analyses and data interpretation. Manual and automated procedures for assessment of hematology and hemostatis will be performed. Clinical specimens utilized in laboratory. CRQ: AHLS 302 336. CLINICAL DIAGNOSTIC MICROBIOLOGY/MYCOLOGY/PARASITOLOGY (2-3) (4). Theory and application of general microbiology principles and laboratory techniques to diagnostic microbiology practices as routinely applied in the clinical laboratory. Introductory studies of the processes and clinical laboratory strategies for cultivation/identification of pathogens in the human. Theory and application of general principles and laboratory techniques for the identification of pathogenic fungi and parasites in the clinical laboratory. Clinical specimens utilized in laboratory. PRQ: BIOS 213 or BIOS 313. 337. CLINICAL DIAGNOSTIC MICROBIOLOGY/MYCOLOGY/AND PARASITOLOGY LABORATORY (1) (2). Practical laboratory Theory and application of theory and analytical general principles and laboratory techniques related to the clinical Microbiology, Mycology and Parasitology lectures. Includes manual procedures for the identification and assessment of pathogenic microorganisms including fungi and parasites in the clinical laboratory. Clinical specimens utilized in laboratory. CRQ: AHLS 336. Other Catalog Change Page 134-134, 2008-09 Undergraduate Catalog Major in Clinical Laboratory Sciences (B.S.) ↓ Requirements in School (52 - 65) (60-68) ↓ AHLS 301 - Immunology/Immunohematology (2-3) (3) AHLS 302 - Hematology/Hemostasis (2-3) (3) AHLS 308 - Body Fluids (1) AHLS 311 - Immunology/Immunohematology Laboratory (1-2) (2) AHLS 312 - Hematology/Hemostasis Laboratory (1) (2) AHLS 336 - Clinical Diagnostic Microbiology /Mycology/ Parasitology (2-3) (4) AHLS 337 - Clinical Diagnostic Microbiology /Mycology/ Parasitology Laboratory (1) (2) ↓ Received by Undergraduate Coordinating Council—April 2, 2009 COMMITTEE ON THE UNDERGRADUATE CURRICULUM (CUC) Sixth Meeting/2008-09 Academic Year March 19, 2009 SECTION A – Recorded for inclusion in the Undergraduate Catalog p. 3 of 7 AHLS 448 - Introduction to Research in Clinical Laboratory Sciences (2) OR PHHE 467 – Public Health Research and Evaluation (3) UHHS 460 Introduction to Research in Health and Human Sciences (3) AHLS 470 - Topics in Applied Clinical Laboratory Sciences, ( 20 -22) ↓ School of Nursing and Health Education New Course Page 161, 2008-09 Undergraduate Catalog CIP CODE: 51.2201 PHHE 325. BIOSTATISTICAL APPLICATIONS IN PUBLIC HEALTH (3). Fundamental methods and concepts of biostatistics and their application to problems in public health. Exercises and analyses of data from public health settings, the role of statistical principles and analysis in public health and health sciences research, interpretation and utilization of data for public health problem solving and decision making. PRQ: MATH 210, MATH 211, STAT 208, STAT 301, or UBUS 223 and declared public health major, declared public health minor, or consent of school. Course Revision Page 162, 2008-09 Undergraduate Catalog PHHE 455. PUBLIC HEALTH EPIDEMIOLOGY (3). Principles, concepts, and uses of public health epidemiology. Discussion and application of epidemiological approaches to studying public health problems. PRQ: MATH 210, 211, or 229 with a grade of C or better and a course in college-level statistics. PHHE 325. Course Revision Page 162, 2008-09 Undergraduate Catalog PHHE 467. PUBLIC HEALTH RESEARCH AND EVALUATION (3). Study of the process and models used in research and evaluation in public health. PRQ: A course in statistics PHHE 325. Other Catalog Change Page 157-159, 2008-09 Undergraduate Catalog Major in Public Health (B.S.) ↓ B.S. in Public Health Completion Program ↓ Emphasis 1. General Public Health ↓ Requirements in School (34) (37) PHHE 295 - Ecology of Health (3) PHHE 315 – Introduction to Public Health Programs and Issues (3) Received by Undergraduate Coordinating Council—April 2, 2009 COMMITTEE ON THE UNDERGRADUATE CURRICULUM (CUC) Sixth Meeting/2008-09 Academic Year March 19, 2009 SECTION A – Recorded for inclusion in the Undergraduate Catalog p. 4 of 7 PHHE 325 - Fundamentals of Quantitative Methods in Public Health (3) PHHE 351 - Elements of Environmental Health (3) ↓ Two of the following (6) ↓ Requirements outside School (47-65) (44-61) ↓ *STAT 208 - Basic Statistics (3), OR STAT 301 - Elementary Statistics (4) ↓ Total Hours for Emphasis 1, General Public Health: 78-91 81-98 ↓ Emphasis 2. Health Administration ↓ Requirements in School (37) (43) PHHE 295 - Ecology of Health (3) PHHE 325 - Fundamentals of Quantitative Methods in Public Health (3) PHHE 351 - Elements of Environmental Health (3) PHHE 441 – Supervision in Health Care Facilities (3) ↓ ↓ Total Hours for Emphasis 2, Health Administration: 95-102 98-105 COLLEGE OF LIBERAL ARTS AND SCIENCES Department of Foreign Languages and Literatures Other Catalog Change Page 217, 2008-09 Undergraduate Catalog Major in German (B.A.) Emphasis 1. Language and Literature Requirements in Department (46) FLGE 101 and FLGE 102 – Beginning German I and II (6) FLGE 201 and FLGE 202 – Intermediate German I and II (6) ↓ ↓ Course work from 400-level German literature courses (618), a minimum of 6 semester hours must be from literature courses. Received by Undergraduate Coordinating Council—April 2, 2009 COMMITTEE ON THE UNDERGRADUATE CURRICULUM (CUC) Sixth Meeting/2008-09 Academic Year March 19, 2009 SECTION A – Recorded for inclusion in the Undergraduate Catalog p. 5 of 7 Course work from other 400-level German courses (12) ↓ Department of Geography Course Revisions Page 230, 2008-09 Undergraduate Catalog 390. TOPICS IN GEOGRAPHY (1-3). Current or special interest topics in the subfields of geography. May be repeated to a maximum of 9 semester hours as subject varies. Students may register for multiple sections of GEOG 390 simultaneously. PRQ: Consent of department. 391. INTERNSHIP (1-6). A. Physical Geography ↓ K. Mapping/Geovisualization Work as an intern in an off-campus agency or firm. A students completes intern tasks as assigned, does readings and prepare a paper under the supervision of a faculty member. Each letter category may May be repeated to a maximum of 6 semester hours, but only 3 semester hours will apply to the degree program. S/U grading. PRQ: Consent of department. 407. TECHNICAL HAZARDS (3). Study of the spatial problems associated with technical (humanmade) hazards, impacts on human activities and the environment, and risk mitigation response. Current state of emergency response, planning, and management. Examination of the social and cultural contexts of human crises and regulatory issues in risk management. Focus on risk perception, risk analysis, assessment and management using geospatial technologies and decision methods. PRQ: GEOG 359. 458. GEOVISUALIZATION (3). Theories, principles and approaches of geographic visualization. Fundamentals of cartographic representation, theoretical and practical issues of geovisualization, and developing methods in exploratory spatial data analysis, animation, 3D representation, and virtual environments. Lecture and laboratory. PRQ: GEOG 359 or consent of department. 498. SEMINAR IN CURRENT PROBLEMS (3) A. Physical Geography ↓ K. Mapping/Geovisualization Selected topics in the various subfields of geography. May be repeated to a maximum of 6 semester hours as the topic changes. Students may register for multiple sections of GEOG 498 simultaneously. PRQ: Consent of department. Other Catalog Changes Page 227, 2008-09 Undergraduate Catalog Major in Geography (B.A. or B.S.) Received by Undergraduate Coordinating Council—April 2, 2009 COMMITTEE ON THE UNDERGRADUATE CURRICULUM (CUC) Sixth Meeting/2008-09 Academic Year March 19, 2009 SECTION A – Recorded for inclusion in the Undergraduate Catalog p. 6 of 7 Requirements in Department (36) ↓ Electives chosen from one of the following four course groupings or any combination for 12 semester hours. Both GEOG 391 and GEOG 491 may be included in these 12 hours for no more than 3 semester hours of credit in each. ↓ 1 GEOG 491 may be included in these 12 hours for no more than 3 semester hours of credit. Area Studies Course work from the following GEOG 303 – Water Resources and the Environment (3) ↓ GEOG 338 - Geography of Asia (3) GEOG 391D - Internship: Regional Geography (1-3) ↓ Geographic Information Systems Course work from the following GEOG 391J - Internship: Methods and Techniques (1-3) GEOG 391K - Internship: Mapping/Geovisualization (1-3) GEOG 407 - Technical Hazards (3) GEOG 455 - Land-Use Planning (3) ↓ GEOG 468 - Workshop in GIS (3) GEOG 491 - Undergraduate Research in Geography (1-3) Natural Environmental Systems2 Course work from the following GEOG 302 - Soil Science (4) ↓ GEOG 322 – Geography of World Plant Communities (3) GEOG 324X – Women in Sciences (3) GEOG 370 – Regional Climatology (3) GEOG 391A - Internship: Physical Geography (1-3) GEOG 391B - Internship: Environmental Management (1-3) GEOG 402 - Pedology (4) GEOG 403 – Soil Geography and Land Use Planning (3) GEOG 404 - Soil Description & Interpretation (2) Received by Undergraduate Coordinating Council—April 2, 2009 COMMITTEE ON THE UNDERGRADUATE CURRICULUM (CUC) Sixth Meeting/2008-09 Academic Year March 19, 2009 SECTION A – Recorded for inclusion in the Undergraduate Catalog p. 7 of 7 GEOG 406 – Natural Hazards and Environmental Risk (3) ↓ GEOG 490 – Community Geography (3) GEOG 491 - Undergraduate Research in Geography (1-3) GEOG 492 – Hydrology (3) ↓ Urban/Economic Systems Course work from the following GEOG 304 - Transportation Geography Credits: 3 GEOG 324X - Women in Science (3) GEOG 362 – Geography of Urban Systems (3) GEOG 391G - Internship: Urban/Economic Geography (1-3) GEOG 403 – Soil Geography and Land Use Planning (3) GEOG 407 - Technical Hazards (3) GEOG 430 – Population Geography (3) ↓ Department of Psychology New Course Page 273, 2008-09 Undergraduate Catalog 434. INDUSTRIAL-ORGANIZATIONAL PSYCHOLOGY LABORATORY (4). Introduction, training, and practice in the research techniques used in the study of industrial-organizational psychology. PRQ: At least junior standing, PSYC 305, and one of the following: PSYC 332, PSYC 372, PSYC 471, or consent of department.