Received by Undergraduate Coordinating Council—March 5, 2009 COMMITTEE ON THE UNDERGRADUATE CURRICULUM (CUC) Fifth Meeting/2008-09 Academic Year February 12, 2009 SECTION A – Recorded for inclusion in the Undergraduate Catalog p. 1 of 5 COLLEGE OF BUSINESS Department of Marketing Course revision Page 80, 2008-09 Undergraduate Catalog 425. SERVICES MARKETING (3). … PRQ: MKTG 310 or UBUS 310, and MKTG 325 or FCNS 468, or consent of department. Course revision Page 81, 2008-09 Undergraduate Catalog 443. MARKETING RESEARCH (3). … PRQ: MKTG 310 or UBUS 310 and UBUS 311, and UBUS 223 or STAT 301 or STAT 350. Other catalog change Page 79, 2008-09 Undergraduate Catalog Requirements in Department (21-24) MKTG 99 – Portfolio (0) MKTG 325 – Buyer Behavior (3) MKTG 350 – Principles of Selling (3) MKTG 443 – Marketing Research (3) MKTG 495 – Marketing Strategy (3) Electives in marketing, UBUS 485, or one of the following areas of study (9-12)1 ↓ COLLEGE OF EDUCATION Department of Counseling, Adult and Higher Education Course Revision Page 87, 2008-09 Undergraduate Catalog CAHA 490. WORKSHOP IN ADULT AND HIGHER EDUCATION (1-3). Opportunity provided to work cooperatively under the guidance and supervision of an experienced educator in adult and higher education contexts. Intensive analysis of specific programs of adult and higher education. Literature of the field and techniques of studying agency problems. Special projects assigned to each student for intensive study. May be repeated to a maximum of 6 semester hours. Enrollment in more than one section of this course during a semester is permitted. PRQ: Consent of department. Course Revision Page 87, 2008-09 Undergraduate Catalog CAHA 492. SPECIAL TOPICS IN ADULT AND HGHER EDUCATION (1-3). Topics announced. May Received by Undergraduate Coordinating Council—March 5, 2009 COMMITTEE ON THE UNDERGRADUATE CURRICULUM (CUC) Fifth Meeting/2008-09 Academic Year February 12, 2009 SECTION A – Recorded for inclusion in the Undergraduate Catalog p. 2 of 5 be repeated to a maximum of 9 semester hours when topics varies. Enrollment in more than one section of this course during a semester is permitted. COLLEGE OF ENGINEERING AND ENGINEERING TECHNOLOGY New Course Page 112, 2008-09 Undergraduate Catalog CIP Code: 14.99 UEET 245. FUNDAMENTALS AND APPLICATIONS OF NANOTECHNOLOGY II (3). Continuation of UEET 235. Theory and laboratory experiments on sensor and device aspects of nanotechnology. Topics covered are nanosensors, nanoporous material, nano self-assembly, and marketing aspects of nanotechnology-based products. PRQ: UEET 235. Course Revision Page 112, 2008-09 Undergraduate Catalog UEET 235. Fundamentals and Applications of Nanotechnology I (3). Other Catalog Change Page 112, 2008-09 Undergraduate Catalog Certificate of Undergraduate Study Nanotechnology The undergraduate certificate in nanotechnology prepares undergraduate students in sciences, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) areas in authentic team-based, interdisciplinary experiences in nanotechnology. Nanotechnology, by virtue of its convergent nature, provides ideal interdisciplinary learning experiences students need if they are to be successful 21st-century STEM practitioners. Requirements (9) UEET 101 - Introduction to Engineering (1) UEET 102 - Engineering Connection Seminar I (1) UEET 103 - Engineering Connection Seminar II (1) UEET 235 - Fundamentals and Applications of Nanotechnology I (3) UEET 245 - Fundamentals and Applications of Nanotechnology II (3) COLLEGE OF LIBERAL ARTS AND SCIENCES Received by Undergraduate Coordinating Council—March 5, 2009 COMMITTEE ON THE UNDERGRADUATE CURRICULUM (CUC) Fifth Meeting/2008-09 Academic Year February 12, 2009 SECTION A – Recorded for inclusion in the Undergraduate Catalog Course Revision p. 3 of 5 Page 177, 2008-09 Undergraduate Catalog Inter-Liberal Arts and Sciences (ILAS) ↓ 494X. WRITING CENTER PRACTICUM (1-3). Crosslisted as ENGL 494. Theoretical and practical instruction in tutoring, required for all undergraduate writing consultants in the University Writing Center. Includes research on cross-curricular writing tasks in a supervised, on-the-job situation. S/U grading. May be repeated to a maximum of 3 semester hours with consent of department. Other Catalog Change Page 165, 2008-09 Undergraduate Catalog Interdisciplinary Minors Any student completing the requirements for a baccalaureate degree may elect also to complete the requirements of an interdisciplinary minor. Successful completion of such requirements will be appropriately indicated on the transcript in conjunction with the student’s major at the time of graduation. An interdisciplinary minor is not a baccalaureate requirement and may not be substituted for the requirement of a major in a student’s degree program. Credit hours applied to satisfy the requirements for a major may not be counted again as satisfying the requirements for an interdisciplinary minor. An additional special restriction applies, as noted, to the minor in international studies. Department of Communication Studies Other Catalog Change Page 196, 2008-09 Undergraduate Catalog Emphasis 2. Media Studies Requirements in the Department (37) ↓ Five courses from the following in consultation with advisor (15) . . . Department of English Course Revision Page 212, 2008-2009 Undergraduate Catalog Writing Courses ↓ 494. WRITING CENTER PRACTICUM (1-3). Crosslisted as ILAS 494X. Theoretical and practical instruction in tutoring, required for all undergraduate writing consultants in the University Writing Center. Includes research on cross-curricular writing tasks in a supervised, on-the-job situation. S/U grading. May be repeated to a maximum of 3 semester hours with consent of department. Received by Undergraduate Coordinating Council—March 5, 2009 COMMITTEE ON THE UNDERGRADUATE CURRICULUM (CUC) Fifth Meeting/2008-09 Academic Year February 12, 2009 SECTION A – Recorded for inclusion in the Undergraduate Catalog Course Revision p. 4 of 5 Page 213, 2008-09 Undergraduate Catalog Teacher Certification Courses ↓ 485. STUDENT TEACHING (SECONDARY) IN ENGLISH (7-12). Student teaching for one semester. Assignments arranged with the coordinator of teacher education in English after approval by the Department of English. Not available for credit in the major. S/U grading. PRQ: ENGL 480 and consent of department. Department of Foreign Languages and Literatures Course Revision Page 225, 2008-09 Undergraduate Catalog General ↓ FLPT 485. STUDENT TEACHING (SECONDARY) IN FOREIGN LANGUAGES (12). Student teaching for one semester. Not available for credit in the major. See "Teacher Certification Requirements" for other regulations. S/U grading PRQ: FLMT 491 and consent of department. Other Catalog Change Page 218, 2008-09 Undergraduate Catalog Minor in French (30) FLFR 101 and FLFR 102 – Elementary French I and II (6) FLFR 201 and FLFR 202 – Intermediate French I and II (6) Course work from the following with advice and consent of adviser (18) FLFR 301 – Advanced French Grammar and Composition (3) ↓ Department of History Course Revision Page 241, 2008-09 Undergraduate Catalog General ↓ 400. Student Teaching (Secondary) in History/Social Sciences (12). Student teaching for one semester. Assignment arranged with the department’s office of teacher certification. S/U grading. PRQ: HIST 496 and permission of the department’s office of teacher certification. Department of Mathematical Sciences Received by Undergraduate Coordinating Council—March 5, 2009 COMMITTEE ON THE UNDERGRADUATE CURRICULUM (CUC) Fifth Meeting/2008-09 Academic Year February 12, 2009 SECTION A – Recorded for inclusion in the Undergraduate Catalog Course Revision p. 5 of 5 Page 253, 2008-09 Undergraduate Catalog 413. STUDENT TEACHING (SECODARY) IN MATHEMATICS (7-12). Student teaching for 10 weeks or for one semester. Assignments to be arranged with the Office of Teacher Certification in the College of Liberal Arts and Sciences after approval by the Department of Mathematical Sciences. Not available for credit in the major. See “Teacher Certification Requirements.” S/U grading only. PRQ: MATH 412 and consent of department. Department of Political Science New Course Page 268, 2008-09 Undergraduate Catalog Public Policy/Public Administration 327. E-GOVERNANCE (3). Examines the policy issues and management practices associated with the use of information and communication technologies in governance. Governance includes the production and delivery of public information and services as well as citizen and stakeholder participation in making those production and delivery decisions. Issues include information access, digital divide, electronic privacy and security, and online citizen participation. Topics on managing information technology in government include e-government web portals, information resource management, knowledge management, strategic information technology management, and others.