Received by Undergraduate Coordinating Council—December 4, 2008 S

Received by Undergraduate Coordinating Council—December 4, 2008
Third Meeting/2008-09 Academic Year
November 13, 2008
SECTION B – Recorded, but further approval needed before inclusion in the Undergraduate Catalog
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Department of Educational Technology, Research and Assessment
Course Revision
Page 88, 2008-2009 Undergraduate Catalog
ETR 430.Tests and Measurements (Elementary) Classroom Assessment in Elementary Education
Course Revision
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ETR 440 – Secondary Classroom Assessment Classroom Assessment Techniques Constructing,
administering, and scoring assessment activities and interpreting classroom assessment and standardized
tests results. Consideration given to cultural factors in educational measurement. Purpose and methods of
formal and informal classroom assessment for guiding and communicating instructional decisions.
Techniques for designing, using, and evaluating curriculum-aligned assessments through traditional (e.g.,
paper-and-pencil, standardized and standards-based assessments) and alternative methods (e.g.,
performance-based, authentic assessments). Emphasis placed on practical applications and data-based
decision making. Designed to be taken by students seeking initial teacher certification. PRQ: Minimum
2.50 GPA. Students taking this course are not eligible to take ETR 430. Limited to secondary education
Department of Kinesiology and Physical Education
Course Revision
Page 96, 2008-09 Undergraduate Catalog
KNPE 343. Elementary School Physical Education/Methods and Field Experience (3). Bases for planning
experiences in movement education for children, derived from study of human movement and
developmental needs of children. Field experiences including observations and the teaching of games and
sports to young children. PRQ: KNPE 340, KNDN 220, sSuccessful completion of the ICTS Basic Skills
Test, criminal background check, minimum 2.75 GPA, and proof of TB clearance. CRQ: KNPE 340,
KNPE 335, and KNDN 220.
Course Revision
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KNPE 365. Introduction to Adventure Education (3). Experience in teaching and participating in teambuilding, initiatives, challenge, and adventure activities. Creation of block, unit, and lesson plans for
curriculum development in adventure education. Grade of C or better required in this course for student
teaching. PRQ: KNPE 335 and physical education major or minor.
APASC 11/12/08
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Third Meeting/2008-09 Academic Year
November 13, 2008
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Course Revision
Page 96, 2008-09 Undergraduate Catalog
KNPE 366. Lifetime Sports and Activities (3). Experience in teaching and participating in activities
designed to develop lifelong patterns of physical activity. Creation of block, unit, and lesson plans for
curriculum development in a lifetime physical activities model. Grade of C or better required in this
course for student teaching. PRQ: KNPE 335 and physical education major or minor.
APASC 11/12/08
Course Revision
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KNPE 367. TACTICAL APPROACH TO TEACHING GAMES (3). Teaching experience using a
tactical approach to teaching games. Creation of block, unit, and lesson plans for curriculum development
in an invasion game (basketball), a net/court game (badminton), a target game (golf), and a run/scoring
game (softball). Grade of C or better required in this course for student teaching. PRQ: KNPE 335 and
physical education major or minor.
APASC 11/12/08
Course Revision
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KNPE 368. SPORT EDUCATION (3). Gain teaching experience using a sport education model. Create
block, unit, and lesson plans designed to teach a variety of roles in the sports of badminton, basketball, and
softball. Grade of C or better required in this course for student teaching. PRQ: KNPE 335 and physical
education major or minor.
APASC 11/12/08
Course Revision
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KNPE 421. Curriculum Designs in Middle and High School Physical Education (2). Study of school
program content in physical education. Classification of activities for selecting and organizing subject
matter. Comparisons and contrasts of the unique curricular concerns and values of middle and high school
programs. PRQ: KNPE 343, KNPE 446, sSuccessful completion of the ICTS Basic Skills Test and
minimum 2.75 GPA, or consent of department. CRQ: KNPE 449, KNPE 466, KNPE 467, and KNPE 468.
APASC 11/12/08
Course Revision
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Third Meeting/2008-09 Academic Year
November 13, 2008
SECTION B – Recorded, but further approval needed before inclusion in the Undergraduate Catalog
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KNPE 446. Measurement and Evaluation in Physical Education School Settings (3). Introduction and
application of measurement and evaluation tools and techniques in school-based physical education
programs. Emphasis on assessment of psychomotor performance and cognitive domains. PRQ: Successful
completion of the ICTS Basic Skills Test, and a minimum 2.75 GPA. CRQ: PRQ: KNPE 343.
Course Revision
Page 98, 2008-09 Undergraduate Catalog
KNPE 467. Field Experience in the Middle School (1). Practicum in supervised experiences that include
observations, small group teaching, and large group teaching in the public and/or parochial schools. CRQ:
KNPE 468 421 and consent of department.
Course Revision
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KNPE 468. Field Experience in the High School (1). Practicum in supervised experience that includes
observations, small group teaching, and large group teaching in the public and/or parochial schools. CRQ:
KNPE 466 421 and consent of department.
Course Revision
Page 98, 2008-09 Undergraduate Catalog
KNPE 483. Elementary School Student Teaching in Physical Education (6). Student teaching for eight
weeks in elementary school physical education. Also includes seminars on current issues in teaching
physical education. Assignments to be arranged with the department coordinator of clinical experiences.
See “Teacher Certification Requirements.” PRQ: EPS 405, or EPS 406, and consent of department.
Minimum 2.75 GPA, grade of C or better in KNPE 467, KNPE 468, KNPE 490, and KNPE 365 o KNPE
366 and KNPE 367 or KNPE 368.
APASC 11/12/08
Course Revision
Page 98, 2008-09 Undergraduate Catalog
KNPE 484. Middle School Student Teaching in Physical Education (6). Student teaching for eight weeks
in middle school physical education. Also includes seminars on current issues in teaching physical
education. Assignments to be arranged with the department coordinator of clinical experiences. See
“Teacher Certification Requirements.” PRQ: EPS 405, or EPS 406, and consent of department. Minimum
2.75 GPA, grade of C or better in KNPE 467, KNPE 468, KNPE 490, and KNPE 365 or KNPE 366 and
KNPE 367 or KNPE 368.
APASC 11/12/08
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Third Meeting/2008-09 Academic Year
November 13, 2008
SECTION B – Recorded, but further approval needed before inclusion in the Undergraduate Catalog
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Course Revision
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KNPE 485. Secondary School Student Teaching in Physical Education (6). Student teaching for eight
weeks in secondary school physical education. Also includes seminars on current issues in teaching
physical education. Assignments to be arranged with the department coordinator of clinical experiences.
See “Teacher Certification Requirements.” PRQ: EPS 405, or EPS 406, and consent of department.
Minimum 2.75 GPA, grade of C or better in KNPE 467, KNPE 468, KNPE 490, and KNPE 365 or KNPE
366 and KNPE 367 or KNPE 368.
APASC 11/12/08
Pres. Peters/Other Catalog Change
Page 131, 2008-09 Undergraduate Catalog
College of Health and Human Sciences
Department/School Names and
Undergraduate Programs Offered
School of Allied Health and Communicative Disorders
B.S. in clinical laboratory sciences 1
B.S. in communicative disorders
B.S. in health sciences
Pres. Peters 1/22/09. Does not need BOT approval. CUC Section C 2/12/09
School of Allied Health and Communicative Disorders
Pres. Peters/Other Catalog Change
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School of Allied Health and Communicative Disorders (AHCD, AHLS, AHPT, AHRS, COMD)
The School of Allied Health and Communicative Disorders offers majors in clinical laboratory sciences
(B.S.), communicative disorders (B.S.), health sciences, the undergraduate component of the physical
therapy program (B.S.), a minor in communicative disorders, and a baccalaureate degree completion
Received by Undergraduate Coordinating Council—December 4, 2008
Third Meeting/2008-09 Academic Year
November 13, 2008
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Pres. Peters 1/22/09. Does not need BOT approval. CUC Section C 2/12/09
Pres. Peters/Other Catalog Change
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Major in Communicative Disorders (B.S.)
Emphasis 1. Speech-Language Pathology/Audiology
Students in this emphasis major are … ….
Requirements outside Department School (27-34)
Total Hours for a major in Communicative Disorders Emphasis 1, Speech –Language
Pathology/Audiology: 82-93
Emphasis 2. Rehabilitation Services
Students in this emphasis are usually preparing as paraprofessionals or professionals providing
human/social services to persons with disabilities. The required courses provide a basic background in
disability and rehabilitation concepts, psychological principles and statistics. Paraprofessional positions
(e.g., job coach, rehabilitation aide) can be obtained by students with the baccalaureate degree. Students
desiring professionalpositions must obtain a master’s degree. The undergraduate curriculum is preparatory to
graduate study which meets the course requirements of the Commission on Rehabilitation Counseling
Requirements in School (28)
AHCD 318 - Medical Terminology (3)
AHRS 200 - Disability in Society (3)
AHRS 327 - Introduction to Rehabilitation Services (3)
AHRS 426 - Introduction to Clinical Procedures in Deafness Rehabilitation (1)
AHRS 430 - American Sign Language I (3)
AHRS 482 - Post-Employment Services in Vocational Rehabilitation (3)
AHRS 492 - Medical Aspects of Disability in Rehabilitation (3)
AHRS 493 - Counseling in Communicative Disorders (3)
COMD 220 - Introduction to Communicative Disorders (3)
COMD 403 - Language Development (3)
Requirements outside School (36-37)
*PSYC 102 - Introduction to Psychology (3)
*PSYC 225 - Lifespan Development: Childhood Through Adulthood (3)
*STAT 208 - Basic Statistics (3),
OR STAT 301 - Elementary Statistics (4)
Course work chosen with adviser’s approval from at least three
departments (27)
Total Hours for Emphasis 2. Rehabilitation Services: (64-65)
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Third Meeting/2008-09 Academic Year
November 13, 2008
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Pres. Peters 1/22/09. Does not need BOT approval. CUC Section C 2/12/09
Pres. Peters/Other Catalog Change
Page 136-137, 2008-09 Undergraduate Catalog
Physical Therapy Program
Major in Health Sciences
Total Hours for a Major in Health Sciences: 112-113
Major in Health Sciences (B.S.)
The Bachelor of Science in Health Sciences program is designed to prepare the student to enter allied
health and other health-related fields. The health sciences program focuses on providing the student with a
strong foundation through general education courses and a science-based curriculum. Students in the major
have the choice of two emphases: pre-physical therapy and rehabilitation services.
Emphasis 1: Pre-Physical Therapy
Students choosing this emphasis are typically interested in pursuing careers in health-related fields that
require a graduate degree for practice. The required course work provides the foundation needed to enter
health-related professional programs.
Requirements in School (21)
AHCD 318 -Medical Terminology (3)
AHPT 405 - Physical Therapy and the Rehabilitation Process (3)
AHRS 200 - Disability in Society (3)
AHRS 327 - Introduction to Rehabilitation Services (3)
AHRS 492 - Medical Aspects of Disability in Rehabilitation (3)
AHRS 493 - Counseling in Communicative Disorders (3)
One of the following courses:
COMD 323 - Anatomy and Physiology of the Speech and Hearing Mechanisms (3)
COMD 425 - Neuropathologies of Speech and Language (3)
COMD 494 - Workshop in Communicative Disorders (3)
Received by Undergraduate Coordinating Council—December 4, 2008
Third Meeting/2008-09 Academic Year
November 13, 2008
SECTION B – Recorded, but further approval needed before inclusion in the Undergraduate Catalog
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Requirements outside School (62 - 65)
BIOS 208 - Fundamentals of Biology I (3)
BIOS 209 - Fundamentals of Biology II (3)
BIOS 210 - Fundamentals of Biology I Laboratory (1)
BIOS 211 - Fundamentals of Biology II Laboratory (1)
BIOS 357 - Human Anatomy and Physiology (5)
OR BIOS 311 - Functional Human Anatomy (4)
BIOS 355 - Human Physiology (4)
*CHEM 210 - General Chemistry I (3)
*CHEM 211 - General Chemistry II (3)
*CHEM 212 - General Chemistry Laboratory I (1)
*CHEM 213 - General Chemistry Laboratory II (1)
*FCNS 201 - Human Nutrition (3)
*MATH 155 - Trigonometry and Elementary Functions (3)
OR *MATH 229 - Calculus (4)
*PHHE 206 - Contemporary Health Concepts (3)
*PHHE 295 - Ecology of Health (3)
*PHYS 210 - General Physics I (4)
*PHYS 211 - General Physics II (4)
*PSYC 102 - Introduction to Psychology (3)
*PSYC 225 - Lifespan Development: Childhood Through Adulthood (3)
OR *FCNS 280 - Human Development, the Family and Society (3)
PSYC 316 - Introduction to Psychopathology (3)
*STAT 208 - Basic Statistics (3)
OR STAT 301 - Elementary Statistics (4)
UHHS 310 – Introduction to Health and Human Sciences (3)
UHHS 460 - Introduction to Research in Health and Human Sciences (3)
Total Hours for Emphasis 1. Pre-Physical Therapy: (83 - 86)
Emphasis 2: Rehabilitation Services
Students in this emphasis are usually preparing as paraprofessionals or professionals providing
human/social services to persons with disabilities. The required courses provide a basic background in
disability and rehabilitation concepts, psychological principles and statistics. Paraprofessional positions
(e.g., job coach, rehabilitation aide) can be obtained by students with the baccalaureate degree. Students
desiring professional positions must obtain a master’s degree. The undergraduate curriculum is preparatory
to graduate study which meets the course requirements of the Commission on Rehabilitation Counseling
Received by Undergraduate Coordinating Council—December 4, 2008
Third Meeting/2008-09 Academic Year
November 13, 2008
SECTION B – Recorded, but further approval needed before inclusion in the Undergraduate Catalog
p. 8 of 17
Requirements in School (31)
AHCD 318 - Medical Terminology (3)
AHRS 101 - American Sign Language I (3)
AHRS 200 - Disability in Society (3)
AHRS 327 - Introduction to Rehabilitation Services (3)
AHRS 426 - Introduction to Clinical Procedures in Deafness Rehabilitation (1)
AHRS 482 - Post-Employment Services in Vocational Rehabilitation (3)
AHRS 492 - Medical Aspects of Disability in Rehabilitation (3)
AHRS 493 - Counseling in Communicative Disorders (3)
COMD 220 - Introduction to Communicative Disorders (3)
COMD 403 - Language Development (3)
One of the following courses:
COMD 323 - Anatomy and Physiology of the Speech and Hearing Mechanisms (3)
COMD 425 - Neuropathologies of Speech and Language (3)
COMD 494 - Workshop in Communicative Disorders (3)
Requirements outside School (36 - 37)
*FCNS 201 - Human Nutrition (3)
*PHHE 206 - Contemporary Health Concepts (3)
*PHHE 295 - Ecology of Health (3)
*PSYC 102 - Introduction to Psychology (3)
*PSYC 225 - Lifespan Development: Childhood Through Adulthood (3)
OR *FCNS 280 - Human Development, the Family and Society (3)
*STAT 208 - Basic Statistics (3)
OR STAT 301 - Elementary Statistics (4)
UHHS 310 – Introduction to Health and Human Sciences (3)
UHHS 460 - Introduction to Research in Health and Human Sciences (3)
Course work chosen with adviser’s approval (12)
Total Hours for Emphasis 2. Rehabilitation Services: (67-68)
Pres. Peters 1/22/09. Does not need BOT approval. CUC Section C 2/12/09
School of Family, Consumer and Nutrition Sciences
Other Catalog Change
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Received by Undergraduate Coordinating Council—December 4, 2008
Third Meeting/2008-09 Academic Year
November 13, 2008
SECTION B – Recorded, but further approval needed before inclusion in the Undergraduate Catalog
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Teacher Certification Family and Consumer Sciences
Requirements in School (61-62)
Nutrition, Wellness, and Hospitality (5)
FCNS 200B - Food Preparation Laboratory (2)
FCNS 202 - Introduction to the Hospitality Industry (3),
OR FCNS 301 - Introduction to Food Services (3),
OR FCNS 406 - Global Food and Nutrition Issues (3),
OR FCNS 424 – Cultural and National Food Patterns (3),
School of Nursing and Health Studies
Course Revisions
APASC also
Pages 161-162, 2008-09 Undergraduate Catalog
Public Health and Health Education (PHHE)
programs in middle and high schools. Methodologies, strategies, materials, and resources for teaching
health education. PRQ: Grade of C or better and minimum GPA of 3.0 in the following courses: PHHE
208, PHHE 300, and three content courses chosen from FCNS 201 or FCNS 405, and PHHE 404, PHHE
406, PHHE 408, PHHE 410, PHHE 412, or PHHE 472, or and consent of department school. CRQ:
PHHE 482.
402. COMMUNITY HEALTH PROGRAMS AND ISSUES (3). Provides conceptual tools for
understanding community health issues, introduces principles and methods for promoting health,
emphasizes community health perspectives based on the multilevel nature of health, discusses development
of effective health promotion programs based on interaction and interdependence of factors. PRQ: PHHE
208 or PHHE 295 or consent of school.
Course did not need CITC approval. Changed for 2009-10 catalog.
482. CLINICAL/FIELD EXPERIENCE IN HEALTH EDUCATION (1-3). Clinical/field experience in
public school health programs and related health resources under university and public school personnel
supervision. Emphasis on health instruction, health environment, and health service. Thirty clock hours of
participation required for each semester hour of credit. May be repeated once for a total of 3 semester
hours. PRQ: PHHE 400 and c Consent of school. CRQ: PHHE 300.
Course did not need CITC approval. Changed for 2009-10 catalog.
Received by Undergraduate Coordinating Council—December 4, 2008
Third Meeting/2008-09 Academic Year
November 13, 2008
SECTION B – Recorded, but further approval needed before inclusion in the Undergraduate Catalog
p. 10 of 17
APASC also
eight weeks in middle school health education. Also includes seminars of current issues in teaching.
Assignments to be arranged with the department health education teacher certification coordinator. of
clinical experiences. See “Teacher Certification Requirements.” PRQ: EPS 406, successful completion of
the Subject-Matter Knowledge Test, Pass ICTS Subject Area Test of Content Knowledge in Health
Education, complete all major requirements, grade of C or better and minimum GPA of 3.0 in the
following courses: PHHE 208, PHHE 300, PHHE 400, PHHE 404, PHHE 406, and PHHE 482, and
consent of school.
APASC also
teaching for eight weeks in secondary school health education. Also includes seminars of current issues in
teaching. Assignments to be arranged with the department health education teacher certification
coordinator. of clinical experiences. See “Teacher Certification Requirements.” PRQ: EPS 406, successful
completion of the Subject-Matter Knowledge Test, Pass ICTS Subject Area Test of Content Knowledge in
Health Education, complete all major requirements, grade of C or better and minimum GPA of 3.0 in the
following courses: PHHE 208, PHHE 300, PHHE 400, PHHE 404, PHHE 406, and PHHE 482, and
consent of school.
Other Catalog Change
Page 158-159, 2008-09 Undergraduate Catalog
Major in Health Education (B.S.Ed.)
Requirements in School (40-42)
PHHE 304 - Drug Use and Abuse (3),
OR PHHE 404 - Drug Education (3)
PHHE 306 - Human Sexuality (3),
OR PHHE 406 - Sexuality Education (3)
Additional Requirements
See “Teacher Certification Requirements” and program director health education teacher certification
coordinator. Students seeking middle grades endorsement are required to take TLCI 422 - Middle School
Organization and Instruction (3) and EPS 419 - The Middle School Child (3)
CITC-CC 10/29/08, CITC 12/5/08, CUC 2/12/09 Section C
Received by Undergraduate Coordinating Council—December 4, 2008
Third Meeting/2008-09 Academic Year
November 13, 2008
SECTION B – Recorded, but further approval needed before inclusion in the Undergraduate Catalog
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School of Art
New Course:
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CIP CODE 50.07
ARTE 343, DIGITAL ART MAKING AND TEACHING K-12 (3). Specifically designed for pre-service
art teachers to learn to make digital art for personal artistic development and conjointly to gain
understanding of the possibilities of forms of digital art making appropriate for application to K-12
contexts. Students will critically interrogate digital images, digital art media, and digital visual culture
environments as they simultaneously create the. CRQ: ARTE 342.
CITC-CC 10/29/08, CITC 12/5/08, CUC 2/12/09 Section C
New Course:
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CIP CODE: 50.07
ARTE 387, ASSESSING ART AND ART LEARNING K-12 (3). Techniques for assessing student art
learning K-12. Assists prospective art teachers to construct appropriate methods for the assessment of
learning in various genres of student artwork produced in multiple cultural and educational contexts.
Develop skills necessary for the interpretation of qualities found in traditional and electronic student art
portfolios referenced against psychological and culturally based theories of artistic development. Critical
analysis of the advantages and limitations of the use of quantitative methods in the art class will be
undertaken. Strategies designed to achieve reliability and validity of qualitative judgments through rubric
construction, visual benchmarking, and alternative moderation methods will be practiced. CRQ: ARTE
CITC-CC 10/29/08, CITC 12/5/08, CUC 2/12/09 Section C
Other Catalog Change
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Track 1. Teacher Certification
This track………………Illinois.
Requirements in School (74)
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Third Meeting/2008-09 Academic Year
November 13, 2008
SECTION B – Recorded, but further approval needed before inclusion in the Undergraduate Catalog
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ART 100 – Drawing Foundation I (3)
ARTE 342 – Introduction to Art Education: Content and Clinical Experience
at the Elementary Level (3)
ARTE 343 – Digital Art Making and Teaching K-12 (3)
ARTE 344 – Introduction to Art Education: Content and Clinical Experience
at the Middle Level (3)
ARTE 345 – Curriculum Development in Art Education: Content and Clinical
Experience at the High School Level (3)
ARTE 387 – Assessing Art and Art Learning K-12 (3)
ARTE 463 – Modern and Postmodern Art in Education (3)
ARTS 323 – Painting I (3)
One of the following pairs of courses2 (6)
ARTS 300 – Intermediate Drawing (3), and ARTS 301 – Drawing Composition and Techniques
ARTS 321 – Watercolor Painting I (3) , and ARTS 322 – Watercolor Painting II (3)
ARTS 323 – Painting I (3) ARTS 321 Watercolor Painting I (3) and ARTS 324
Painting II (3)
ARTS 327 – Illustration I (3), and ARTS 328 – Illustration II (3)
ARTS 368 – Papermaking (3), and ARTS 470D – Intermediate/Advanced Fiber Studio:
Papermaking (3)
ARTS 371 – Weaving (3), and ARTS 470A – Intermediate/Advanced Fibert Studio:
Weaving (3)
ARTS 374 – 3-D Forms in Fiber (3), and ARTS 470C – Intermediate/Advanced
Fiber Studio: 3-D Forms in Fiber (3)
OR any two of the following
ARTS 368 – Papermaking (3)
ARTS 371 – Weaving (3)
ARTS 372 – Surface Exploration of Fabric (3)
ARTS 374 – 3-D Forms n Fiber (3)
One of the following1 (3)
ARTS 321 – Watercolor Painting I (3)
ARTS 323 – Painting I (3)
ARTS 330 – Introduction to Printmaking (3)
One of the following2 (3)
ARTS 341 – Fundamentals of Ceramics (3)
Received by Undergraduate Coordinating Council—December 4, 2008
Third Meeting/2008-09 Academic Year
November 13, 2008
SECTION B – Recorded, but further approval needed before inclusion in the Undergraduate Catalog
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ARTS 368 – Papermaking (3)
ARTS 371 – Weaving (3)
ARTS 372 – Surface Exploration of Fabric (3)
ARTS 374 – 3-D Forms in Fiber (3)
One of the following2 (3)
ARTS 300 – Intermediate Drawing (3)
ARTS 327 – Illustration I (3)
One of the following2 (3)
ARTS 351 – Beginning Metalwork and Jewelry (3)
ARTS 361 – Beginning Sculpture I (3)
One of the following2 (3)
ARTS 341 – Fundamentals of Ceramics (3)
ARTS 351 – Beginning Metalwork and Jewelry (3)
ARTS 361 – Beginning Sculpture I (3)
ARTS 371 – Weaving (3)
ARTS 372 – Surface Exploration of Fabric (3)
One of the following2 (3)
ARTS 300 – Intermediate Drawing (3)
ARTS 321 – Watercolor Painting I (3)
ARTS 330 – Introduction to Printmaking (3)
ARTS 324 – Painting II (3)
ARTS 327 – Illustration I (3)
300- or 400-level art history courses (6)
ARTE 482 – Clinical Experiences (2)
18 12 semester hours in the following five three categories with no repetition of courses
CITC-CC 10/29/08, CITC 12/5/08, CUC 2/12/09 Section C
School of Music
New Courses:
Page 299, 2008-09 Undergraduate Catalog
CIP CODE: 50.09
Music Education
observation and supervised participation in elementary school general music classes. 30 hours are required
Received by Undergraduate Coordinating Council—December 4, 2008
Third Meeting/2008-09 Academic Year
November 13, 2008
SECTION B – Recorded, but further approval needed before inclusion in the Undergraduate Catalog
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for completion of requirement. PRQ: Grade of C or better in MUSC 102, MUSC 104, and MUSC 175;
minimum NIU cumulative GPA of 2.50; and successful completion of the ICTS Basic Skills Test. CRQ:
MUSC 275 or consent of instructor
observation and supervised participation in middle school and junior high general music classes,
instrumental and/or vocal music performance classes. 30 hours are required for completion of
requirement. PRQ: Grade of C or better in MUSC 202, MUSC 204, and MUSC 275, minimum NIU
cumulative GPA of 2.50; completion of MUSC 278; and admission to teacher certification program. CRQ:
MUSC 371 or consent of instructor.
MUSC 379. CLINICAL EXPERIENCE IN SECONDARY MUSIC (1). Directed observation and
supervised participation in middle school and junior high general music classes, instrumental, and/or vocal
music performance classes. 30 hours are required for completion of requirement. PRQ: Grade of C or
better in MUSC 202, MUSC 204, MUSC 360, and MUSC 371; minimum NIU cumulative GPA of 2.50;
completion of MUSC 378; and admission to teacher certification program. For students in the instrumental
music area of study, a grade of C or better in four of the following: MUSC 170, MUSC 171, MUSC 172,
MUSC 173, MUSC 174. CRQ: MUSC 372 or consent of instructor.
APASC 11/12/08, CITC-CC 10/29/08, CITC 12/5/08, CUC 2/12/09 Section C
New Course:
Page 299, 2008-09 Undergraduate Catalog
CIP CODE: 50.09
Music Education
MUSC 485. STUDENT TEACHING 6-12 MUSIC. (6). Exit student teaching experience at the secondary
level, including conducting instrumental or vocal (non-general) music ensemble, for half of one semester.
Placements arranged through the School of Music. PRQ: Successful completion of all courses and
requirements specified for the emphasis in music education including a grade of C or better in MUSC 275,
MUSC 371, and MUSC 372, and fulfillment of teacher certification requirements.
CITC-CC 10/29/08, CITC 12/5/08, CUC 2/12/09 Section C
Course Revisions:
Page 299, 2008-09 Undergraduate Catalog
MUSC 275. ELEMENTARY GENERAL MUSIC METHODS ( 4 3). Music materials, learning
experiences, and teaching techniques for the general music program in the elementary school. . Includes
clinical experience in elementary general music settings. PRQ: Grade of C or better…………or consent
Received by Undergraduate Coordinating Council—December 4, 2008
Third Meeting/2008-09 Academic Year
November 13, 2008
SECTION B – Recorded, but further approval needed before inclusion in the Undergraduate Catalog
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of school. CRQ: MUSC 278.
MUSC 371. MIDDLE SCHOOL/JUNIOR HIGH MUSIC METHODS ( 4 3). Music materials, learning
experiences, and teaching techniques for the general music and ensemble music program in the middle
school and junior high school. Includes clinical experiences in middle school/junior high school settings.
PRQ: Grade of C or better……or consent of school. CRQ: MUSC 378.
MUSC 372. SECONDARY MUSIC METHODS ( 4 3). Music materials, learning experiences, and
teaching techniques for the ensemble music program in secondary schools. Also covers some study of the
general music program at the high school level. Includes clinical experience in secondary settings. PRQ:
Grade of C or better……or consent of school. CRQ: MUSC 379.
MUSC 484. STUDENT TEACHING K-12 8 (12 6). Exit student teaching experience at the elementary
and secondary levels for one semester or middle school level, including general music experience, for half
of one semester. Placements arranged through the College of Visual and Performing Arts after approval by
the School of Music. PRQ: Successful completion ……certification requirements.
CITC-CC 10/29/08, CITC 12/5/08, CUC 2/12/09 Section C
Other Catalog Change:
Page 292, 2008-09 Undergraduate Catalog
Major in Music (B.M.)
Core Requirements (20-21)
Emphasis 1. Music Education
Requirements in School (83-86)
Core Requirements (20-21)
MUSC 175 – Introduction to Music Education/Field Experience in Public Schools (1)
MUSC 176 – Music Education Convocation (1)
MUSC 275 – Elementary General Music Methods ( -4- 3)
MUSC 278 – Clinical Experience in Elementary General Music (1)
MUSC 371 – Middle School/Junior High Music Methods ( 4 3)
MUSC 372 – Secondary Music Methods ( 4 3)
MUSC 378 – Clinical Experience In Middle School/Junior High Music (1)
MUSC 379 – Clinical Experience in Secondary Music (1)
MUSC 4841 – Student Teaching K-12 8 ( 12 6)
MUSC 4851 – Student Teaching 6-12 Music (6)
One of the following areas of study (37-39)
Received by Undergraduate Coordinating Council—December 4, 2008
Third Meeting/2008-09 Academic Year
November 13, 2008
SECTION B – Recorded, but further approval needed before inclusion in the Undergraduate Catalog
p. 16 of 17
CITC-CC 10/29/08, CITC 12/5/08, CUC 2/12/09 Section C
Other Catalog Change:
Page 292, 2008-09 Undergraduate Catalog
Major in Music (B.M.)
Emphasis 1. Music Education
Requirements in School (83-86)
Instrumental Music (37-38)
Vocal Music (37-38)
General Music (37-39)
MUSC 144 – Voice: Secondary (4)
MUSC 211 – Electronic and Computuer Music I (2).
OR MUSC 324 – Introduction to World Music I (3).
OR MUSC 325 – Introduction to World Music II (3)
MUSC 305 – Orchestration (2).
OR MUSC 307 – Wind and Percussion Scoring (2)
MUSC 308 - Choral Arranging (2)
MUSC 360 - Conducting I (2)
MUSC 361 – Conducting II: Instrumental (2)
OR MUSC 362 – Conducting III – Choral (2)
Theory and composition and/or history and literature courses (2-3)
200-level private keyboard study (8)
300- level private keyboard study (6)
Ensembles (7)
Course work from the following (5)
MUSC 390 – Vocal Ensemble (1)
MUSC 392 – University Bands (1)
MUSC 393A- Huskie Bands: Marching Band (1)
MUSC 394 – University Chorus (1)
MUSC 395 – Concert Choir (1)
MUSC 397 – Orchestra (1)
Other ensemble courses (2)
MUSC 399A – Senor Recital (0)
Received by Undergraduate Coordinating Council—December 4, 2008
Third Meeting/2008-09 Academic Year
November 13, 2008
SECTION B – Recorded, but further approval needed before inclusion in the Undergraduate Catalog
p. 17 of 17
CITC-CC 10/29/08, CITC 12/5/08, CUC 2/12/09 Section C