Received by Undergraduate Coordinating Council—November 6, 2008 COMMITTEE ON THE UNDERGRADUATE CURRICULUM (CUC) Second Meeting/2008-09 Academic Year October 16, 2008 SECTION B – Recorded, but further approval needed before inclusion in the Undergraduate Catalog p. 1 of 10 COLLEGE OF EDUCATION Department of Kinesiology and Physical Education CITC New Course Page 96, 2008-09 Undergraduate Catalog KNPE 364. FITNESS EDUCATION METHODS FOR K-12 STUDENTS (3). Teaching methods using a fitness education model, development and assessment of personal fitness plans. Create block, unit, and lesson plans for curriculum development for learners’ health-related fitness from grades K-12 using Illinois and NASPE standards. CRQ: KNPE 452. CITC Course Revision Page 95, 2008-09 Undergraduate Catalog KNPE 209. TUMBLING (½). Skills and techniques of tumbling. PRQ: Kinesiology or physical education major or minor, or consent of department. CITC Course Revision Page 95, 2008-09 Undergraduate Catalog KNPE 227. RHYTHMIC AND COOPERATIVE GYMNASTICS (½). Rhythmic sequences of gymnastics movements with a variety of rhythmic gymnastics implements. Creative and cooperative gymnastics movement sequences on balance beam and floor. PRQ: Physical Education major or minor. CITC Course Revision Page 95, 2008-09 Undergraduate Catalog KNPE 313. MECHANICAL KINESIOLOGY OF MOTOR SKILLS (3). Study of anatomical and mechanical principles of human movement and application of these principles to the analysis and teaching of motor skills. PRQ: BIOS 311 or BIOS 357, or consent of department physical education major or minor. CITC Course Revision Page 95, 2008-09 Undergraduate Catalog KNPE 340. GROWTH AND MOTOR DEVELOPMENT (3). Growth and maturation factors that influence the development and learning of motor skills. Developmental changes in motor behavior from infancy to adulthood. A developmental approach to the teaching of new motor skills. PRQ: Physical education major. CITC Course Revision Page 95, 2008-09 Undergraduate Catalog KNPE 348. EDUCATIONAL DANCE FOR CHILDREN (2). Communication and expression through movement with emphasis on creative rhythms and dance for children. Includes observations and teaching experiences. PRQ: Kinesiology or Physical education major or dance minor, KNDN 216, or consent of department. Received by Undergraduate Coordinating Council—November 6, 2008 COMMITTEE ON THE UNDERGRADUATE CURRICULUM (CUC) Second Meeting/2008-09 Academic Year October 16, 2008 SECTION B – Recorded, but further approval needed before inclusion in the Undergraduate Catalog p. 2 of 10 APASC Course Revision Page 102, 2007-08 Undergraduate Catalog KNPE 445. MEASUREMENT AND EVALUATIO IN EXERCISE SCIENCE (3). Introduction to measurement and evaluation concepts and processes. Emphasis on affective and psychomotor assessment in non-school settings. Does not meet teacher certification requirements. PRQ: Junior standing, KNPE 217, and a grade of C or better in the university’s English and mathematics core competencies, excluding MATH 201. PRQ: 2.50 GPA. APASC Course Revision Page 103, 2007-08 Undergraduate Catalog KNPE 452. APPLIED PHYSIOLOGY OF EXERCISE (4). Cardiovascular, respiratory, metabolic, and neuromuscular aspects of human function at rest, during exercise, and as the result of training. Three hours per week of lecture plus arranged laboratory experience. PRQ: BIOS 311 or BIOS 357 and grade of C or better in the university’s English and mathematics core competencies except MATH 201. PRQ: 2.50 GPA. APASC Course Revision Page 103, 2007-08 Undergraduate Catalog KNPE 453. EXERCISE PROGRAMS FOR ADULT SPECIAL POPULATIONS (3). Examination of characteristics, physiological responses, and exercise adaptations of adult special populations. Includes exercise testing, physical activity prescription, and clinical experiences. Emphasis on exercise limitations, responses, and adaptations which differ from the non-disabled. PRQ: KNPE 452 and 2.50 GPA. CRQ: KNPE 493 for 1 semester hour. APASC Course Revision Page 103, 2007-08 Undergraduate Catalog KNPE 454. EXERCISE GERONTOLOGY (3). Examination of characteristics of, physiological responses to, and adaptations to exercise of older adult populations. Includes exercise testing and prescription, programmatic concerns, and exercise limitations for older adults. PRQ: BIOS 357 or KNPE 452 and 2.50 GPA. CRQ: KNPE 493 for 1 semester hour. APASC Course Revision Page 103, 2007-08 Undergraduate Catalog KNPE 457. ANALYSIS AND TECHNIQUES OF TRAINING AND CONDITIONING (3). Design of training and conditioning programs; development of exercise leadership skills. PRQ: KNPE 217, KNPE 241, KNPE 242, and 2.50 GPA. CRQ: KNPE 451 or KNPE 452. APASC Course Revision Page 103, 2007-08 Undergraduate Catalog KNPE 458. STRESS TESTING (3). Theory, techniques, and procedures of graded exercise stress testing for diagnostic and functional assessment of individuals. PRQ: KNPE 452 with a grade of C or better and 2.50 GPA. Received by Undergraduate Coordinating Council—November 6, 2008 COMMITTEE ON THE UNDERGRADUATE CURRICULUM (CUC) Second Meeting/2008-09 Academic Year October 16, 2008 SECTION B – Recorded, but further approval needed before inclusion in the Undergraduate Catalog p. 3 of 10 APASC Course Revision Page 103, 2007-08 Undergraduate Catalog KNPE 459. PHYSICAL FITNESS PROGRAMMING (3). Development, organization, implementation, and administration of physical fitness programs. Includes field experience. PRQ: KNPE 458 with a grade of C or better and 2.50 GPA. APASC Course Revision Page 103, 2007-08 Undergraduate Catalog KNPE 460. CARDIOPULMONARY DISEASE AND REHABILITATION (3). Development and administration of cardiopulmonary rehabilitation programs. Emphasis on prevention, etiology, basic pathophysiology, understanding the physician’s diagnosis of cardiopulmonary disease, and the role of an exercise specialist in the rehabilitation of patients in a clinical setting. CRQ: KNPE 458 and 2.50 GPA. CITC Course Revision Page 103, 2007-08 Undergraduate Catalog KNPE 483. ELEMENTARY SCHOOL STUDENT TEACHING IN PHYSICAL EDUCATION (6). Student teaching for eight weeks in elementary school physical education. Also includes seminars on current issues in teaching physical education. Assignments to be arranged with the department coordinator of clinical experiences. See “Teacher Certification Requirements.” PRQ: EPS 405, or EPS 406, or EPS 508 and KNPE 465, and consent of department. CITC Course Revision Page 103, 2007-08 Undergraduate Catalog KNPE 484. MIDDLE SCHOOL STUDENT TEACHING IN PHYSICAL EDUCATION (6). Student teaching for eight weeks in middle school physical education. Also includes seminars on current issues in teaching physical education. Assignments to be arranged with the department coordinator of clinical experiences. See “Teacher Certification Requirements.” PRQ: EPS 405, or EPS 406, or EPS 508 and KNPE 465, and consent of department. CITC Course Revision Page 103, 2007-08 Undergraduate Catalog KNPE 485. SECONDARY SCHOOL STUDENT TEACHING IN PHYSICAL EDUCATION (6). Student teaching for eight weeks in secondary school physical education. Also includes seminars on current issues in teaching physical education. Assignments to be arranged with the department coordinator of clinical experiences. See “Teacher Certification Requirements.” PRQ: EPS 405, or EPS 406, or EPS 508 and KNPE 465, and consent of department. APASC Course Revision Page 103, 2007-08 Undergraduate Catalog KNPE 493. SUPERVISED CLINICAL EXPERIENCE IN EXERCISE GERONTOLOGY (1-3). Implementing an exercise program for healthy adult populations. Includes practicum. May be repeated to a Received by Undergraduate Coordinating Council—November 6, 2008 COMMITTEE ON THE UNDERGRADUATE CURRICULUM (CUC) Second Meeting/2008-09 Academic Year October 16, 2008 SECTION B – Recorded, but further approval needed before inclusion in the Undergraduate Catalog p. 4 of 10 maximum of 3 semester hours. PRQ: KNPE 452 or consent of department and 2.50 GPA. CRQ: KNPE 453 or KNPE 454. APASC Course Revision Page 103, 2007-08 Undergraduate Catalog KNPE 494. INTERNSHIP IN KINESIOLOGY (1-6). Internship experience for students in B.S. degree program in kinesiology. May be repeated to a maximum of 6 semester hours. PRQ: Minimum overall 2.15 GPA, minimum 2.50 GPA in required courses in the major, and consent of department. APASC Other Catalog Change Pages 23-24, 2007-08 Undergraduate Catalog Limited Admissions Requirements The majors, emphases, and areas of study listed below, offered by the departments and schools indicated, have limited admissions. Admission into these majors, emphases, and areas of study is based on additional criteria. Students planning to pursue these courses of study must fulfill additional requirements such as GPA, specific course work, supplementary documents, and sophomore or junior standing. ↓ Athletic Training Emphasis (Department of Kinesiology and Physical Education) The Department of Kinesiology and Physical Education limits the number of students admitted to the B.S. in kinesiology emphasis in athletic training depending on the resources available. To graduate in a timely manner, students are encouraged to apply by January 15 of freshman year. Transfer students compete with other transfer students for admission to the program, and nontransfer students compete with other nontransfer students. The admission requirements outlined below are subject to revision on an annual review. The current admission requirements and admission packet can be obtained in the office of the department adviser. ↓ Continued enrollment in the emphasis in athletic training is contingent on selection for admission by the Athletic Training Admissions Committee, maintenance of a minimum cumulative GPA of 2 .50 on a 4.00 scale, and completion of all required courses outlined above with a grade of C or better. ↓ APASC 10/15/08, CUC Section C 11/13/08 Department of Teaching and Learning CITC Course Revision Page 109, 2008-09 Undergraduate Catalog Received by Undergraduate Coordinating Council—November 6, 2008 COMMITTEE ON THE UNDERGRADUATE CURRICULUM (CUC) Second Meeting/2008-09 Academic Year October 16, 2008 SECTION B – Recorded, but further approval needed before inclusion in the Undergraduate Catalog p. 5 of 10 TLSE 440. ACCESSING MIDDLE SCHOOL/SECONDARY GENERAL CURRICULUM (3). Curricula, methods, and materials as they relate to teaching secondary-aged students with high-incidence disabilities. Emphasis on instructional procedures to teach independent learning skills, curriculum and instructional adaptations, and progress monitoring systems. PRQ: TLSE 375. CITC Course Revision Page 109, 2008-09 Undergraduate Catalog TLSE 472. COMMUNICATION SYSTEMS USED BY PERSONS WITH VISUAL IMPAIRMENTS (3). Techniques in teaching the use of communications systems developed or adapted for individuals who are blind or visually impaired. Includes methods for teaching braille, typing, script, note-taking, sound reproduction systems, listening skills, electronic reading devices, and calculation with emphasis on abacus usage. Laboratory experiences. PRQ: TLSE 451 and 470. GPA of at least 2.50, and successful completion of the PPST/Praxis I or the ICTS Basic Skills Test. APASC/ Course Revision Page 109, 2008-09 Undergraduate Catalog CITC TLSE 473. INSTRUCTIONAL SYSTEMS FOR TEACHING STUDENTS WHO ARE VISUALLY IMPAIRED (3). Methods, materials, and techniques employed in the assessment and instruction of learners with visual impairments. Emphasis on curriculum planning and adaptation of subject matter areas. Includes preschool through high school and learners with multiple disabilities. PRQ: GPA of at least 2.50 and successful completion of the PPST/Praxis I or the ICTS Basic Skills Test. GPA at least 3.0, successful completion of ICTS Basic Skills Test, and consent of department CITC Course Revision Page 109, 2008-09 Undergraduate Catalog TLSE 474. BASIC ORIENTATION AND MOBILITY FOR TEACHERS OF PERSONS WITH VISUAL IMPAIRMENTS (3). Emphasis on concept development, sensory skills, organizational techniques, precane skills, and full range of mobility options. Exploration of historical background and current issues in orientation and mobility. Includes blindfold and simulator experience. PRQ: Consent of department. APASC/ Course Revision Page 110, 2008-09 Undergraduate Catalog CITC TLSE 485 STUDENT TEACHING IN ELEMENTARY SPECIAL EDUCATION (3-18). A. Learning Behavior Specialist I C. Vision Impairments Supervised student teaching of exceptional adolescents in public school or special institution settings with diverse populations at the secondary level. All students must satisfy the regulations governing student teaching. May be repeated to a maximum of 18 semester hours for students seeking more than one certification. PRQ: Completion of professional education and related course work. GPA at least 3.00, successful completion of ICTS Basic Skills Test, and consent of department. Received by Undergraduate Coordinating Council—November 6, 2008 COMMITTEE ON THE UNDERGRADUATE CURRICULUM (CUC) Second Meeting/2008-09 Academic Year October 16, 2008 SECTION B – Recorded, but further approval needed before inclusion in the Undergraduate Catalog p. 6 of 10 APASC/ Course Revision Page 110, 2008-09 Undergraduate Catalog CITC TLSE 486 STUDENT TEACHING IN SECONDARY SPECIAL EDUCATION (3-18). A. Learning Behavior Specialist I C. Vision Impairments Supervised student teaching of exceptional adolescents in public school or special institution settings with diverse populations at the secondary level. All students must satisfy the regulations governing student teaching. May be repeated to a maximum of 18 semester hours for students seeking more than one certification. PRQ: Completion of professional education and related course work. GPA at least 3.0, successful completion of ICTS Basic Skills Test, and consent of department CITC Other Catalog Change Page 110, 2007-08 Undergraduate Catalog Department of Teaching and Learning (TL--) ↓ Major in Elementary Education ↓ Special Requirements ↓ Elementary education students receiving a D, F, or I in any component course in the first professional semester will not be permitted to enroll in or receive credit for courses in the second professional semester until the deficiency has been removed with a grade of S, C, or better. Elementary education students receiving a D, F, U, or I in any course in the second professional semester will not be permitted to enroll or receive credit for any course in the third professional semester until the deficiency has been removed with an S, C, or better. In order to remain a major in elementary education, students must have a grade of C or better in each of the following courses: ARTE 383, EPFE 201, EPFE 410, EPS 300, EPS 304, EPS 450X, ETR 430, ETT 229, ETT 401A, ETT 401B, HIST 260, HIST 261, KNPE 245, LTLA 341, LTLA 362, LTRE 300, LTRE 311, MATH 201, MATH 402, MUSC 373, PSYC 102, TLCI 300, TLCI 340, TLEE 342, TLEE 344, TLEE 461, TLSE 240, and TLSE 456. In addition, students must have a grade of S in the following courses: EPS 282X, TLEE 282, TLEE 382, TLEE 383, and TLEE 485. APASC 10/15/08 Received by Undergraduate Coordinating Council—November 6, 2008 COMMITTEE ON THE UNDERGRADUATE CURRICULUM (CUC) Second Meeting/2008-09 Academic Year October 16, 2008 SECTION B – Recorded, but further approval needed before inclusion in the Undergraduate Catalog p. 7 of 10 COLLEGE OF LIBERAL ARTS AND SCIENCES Pres. Peters/ Other Catalog Change Page 166, 2008-09 Undergraduate Catalog BOT Minor in Chinese/Japanese Studies Coordinator: Katharina Barbe, Department of Foreign Languages and Literatures The interdisciplinary minor in Chinese/Japanese studies offers students an opportunity to gain in-depth knowledge of cultural, historical, economic, and sociological issues pertaining to the Far East, particularly Japan and China, while becoming more proficient in either Chinese or Japanese. Knowledge of Chinese or Japanese is useful for students who anticipate careers in government (particularly in foreign service) or in international business or academic institutions which offer programs dealing directly or peripherally with China and/or Japan. Students electing this interdisciplinary minor should declare the minor at the office of the division coordinator of German, Russian, classics, and Asian languages, Watson 120. Option 1. Chinese Studies (21) FLCH 101 - Beginning Chinese I (3) FLCH 102 – Beginning Chinese II (3) FLCH 201 - Intermediate Chinese I (3) FLCH 202 – Intermediate Chinese II (3) FLCH 361 – Introduction to Chinese Culture (3) Two of the following from departments other than the student’s major (6) ARTH 379A – Far Eastern Art: China (3) ECON 341A – Economic Area Studies: Asia (3) FLCH 311 – Advanced Chinese Conversation (3) FLCH 320 - Advanced Chinese Reading (3) FLCH 381 – Introduction to Chinese Language and Business Practices (3) HIST 344 – History of Ancient China (3) HIST 345 – History of China Since the T’ang Dynasty (3) HIST 346 – Women in Asian History (3) HIST 445 – The Chinese Revolution (3) HIST 470 – America and Asia (3) HIST 498J – Special Topics in History: Asian (3) MUSC 432 – Music of China PHIL 382 – Chinese Philosophy (3) POLS 372 – Politics of China, Japan, and Korea (3) Received by Undergraduate Coordinating Council—November 6, 2008 COMMITTEE ON THE UNDERGRADUATE CURRICULUM (CUC) Second Meeting/2008-09 Academic Year October 16, 2008 SECTION B – Recorded, but further approval needed before inclusion in the Undergraduate Catalog p. 8 of 10 POLS 387 – East Asia and International Politics (3) Option 2. Japanese Studies (21) FLJA 101 – Beginning Japanese I (3) FLJA 102 – Beginning Japanese II (3) FLJA 201 – Intermediate Japanese I (3) FLJA 202 – Intermediate Japanese II (3) FLJA 362 – Introduction to Japanese Culture (3) Two of the following from departments other than the student’s major (6) ARTH 379B – Far Eastern Art: Japan (3) ECON 341A – Economic Area Studies: Asia (3) FLJA 301 – Advanced Japanese Grammar and Composition I (3) FLJA 302 – Advanced Japanese Grammar and Composition II (3) FLJA 311 – Advanced Japanese Conversation (3) FLJA 321 – Introduction to Japanese Literature (3) FLJA 381 – Introduction to Japanese Language and Business Practices (3) FLJA 411 – Modern Japanese (3) HIST 346 – Women in Asian History (3) HIST 350 – Japan to 1600 (3) HIST 351 – Japan Since 1600 (3) HIST 352 – Popular Culture in Japan (3) HIST 444 – Japanese Empire (3) HIST 470 – America and Asia (3) HIST 498J – Special Topics in History: Asian (3) POLS 372 – Politics of China, Japan, and Korea (3) POLS 387 – East Asia and International Politics (3) Six or more semester hours in the minor must be taken at NIU. Department of Computer Science GEC Course Revision Page 204, 2008-09 Undergraduate Catalog CSCI 205. Introduction to Computing (3). … PRQ: MATH 110, 155, 206, 210, 211, or 229; or consent of department. GEC 10/23/08, CUC 11/13/08 Section C Received by Undergraduate Coordinating Council—November 6, 2008 COMMITTEE ON THE UNDERGRADUATE CURRICULUM (CUC) Second Meeting/2008-09 Academic Year October 16, 2008 SECTION B – Recorded, but further approval needed before inclusion in the Undergraduate Catalog p. 9 of 10 Department of English GEC Course Revision Page 31 & 212, 2008-09 Undergraduate Catalog ENGL 105. RHETORIC AND COMPOSITION (3). … PRQ: Placement only through English Core Competency Examination or a score of 30 or higher on the ACT Writing Test. APASC 10/15/08, GEC 10/23/08, CUC 11/13/08 Section C Department of Foreign Languages and Literatures Pres. Peters/Other Catalog Change BOT Page 218, 2008-2009 Undergraduate Catalog [Insert under Minors in Foreign Languages before French Minor] Minor in Chinese Studies (24) Required (18) FLCH 101- Beginning Chinese I (3) FLCH 102 – Beginning Chinese II (3) FLCH 201 – Intermediate Chinese I (3) FLCH 202 – Intermediate Chinese II (3) FLCH 311 – Advanced Chinese Conversation (3) FLCH 361 – Introduction to Chinese Culture (3) Electives (6) Two of the following from departments other than the student’s major (6): ARTH 379A – Far Eastern Art: China (3) ECON 341A – Economic Area Studies: Asia (3) FLCH 320 – Advanced Chinese Reading (3) FLCH 381 – Introduction to Chinese Language and Business Practices (3) HIST 344 – History of Ancient China (3) HIST 345 – History of China Since The T’ang Dynasty (3) HIST 346 – Women in Asian History (3) HIST 445 – The Chinese Revolution (3) HIST 470 – America and Asia HIST 498J – Special Topics in History: Asian (3) MUSC 432 – Music of China (3) Received by Undergraduate Coordinating Council—November 6, 2008 COMMITTEE ON THE UNDERGRADUATE CURRICULUM (CUC) Second Meeting/2008-09 Academic Year October 16, 2008 SECTION B – Recorded, but further approval needed before inclusion in the Undergraduate Catalog p. 10 of 10 PHIL 382 – Chinese Philosophy (3) POLS 372 – Politics of China, Japan, and Korea (3) POLS 387 – East Asia and International Politics (3) Nine or more semester hours in the minor must be taken at NIU. Pres. Peters/Other Catalog Change BOT Page 219, 2008-2009 Undergraduate Catalog [Insert under Minors in Foreign Languages after Italian Minor] Minor in Japanese Studies (24) Required courses (18): FLJA 101 – Beginning Japanese I (3) FLJA 102 – Beginning Japanese II (3) FLJA 201 – Intermediate Japanese I (3) FLJA 202 –Intermediate Japanese II (3) FLJA 311 – Advanced Japanese Conversation (3) FLJA 362 –Introduction to Japanese Culture (3) Electives (6): TWO of the following from departments other than the student’s major (6) ARTH 379B – Far Eastern Art: Japan (3) ECON 341A – Economic Area Studies: Asia (3) FLJA 301 – Advanced Japanese Grammar and Composition I (3) FLJA 302 –Advanced Japanese Grammar and Composition II (3) FLJA 321 –Introduction to Japanese Literature (3) FLJA 381 –Introduction to Japanese Language and Business Practices (3) FLJA 411 – Modern Japanese (3) HIST 346 – Women in Asian History (3) HIST 350 – Japan to 1600 (3) HIST 351 –Japan since 1600 (3) HIST 352 –Popular Culture in Japan (3) HIST 444 – Japanese Empire (3) HIST 470 –America and Asia (3) HIST 498J – Special Topics in History: Asian (3) POLS 372 –Politics of China, Japan, and Korea (3) POLS 387 –East Asia and International Politics (3) Nine or more semester hours in the minor must be taken at NIU.