Received by Undergraduate Coordinating Council—December 3, 2009 S

Received by Undergraduate Coordinating Council—December 3, 2009
Third Meeting/2009-10 Academic Year
November 12, 2009
SECTION B – Recorded, but further approval needed before inclusion in the Undergraduate Catalog
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Department of Management
New course:
Page 81, 2009-10 Undergraduate Catalog
CIP code: 52.01
402. Survey of resource strategies for nongovernmental public service organizations; including
fundraising, grant writing, volunteer management, and oversight roles.
(Note: The parallel proposal for PSPA 402 has yet to be received.)
APASC/ Other catalog change:
Page 80, 2009-10 Undergraduate Catalog
Minor in Business Innovation and Entrepreneurship
The minor in business innovation and entrepreneurship is available to NIU undergraduate students in good
academic standing. Students with a major in Management may take a minor in business innovation and
entrepreneurship. Retention in the business innovation and entrepreneurship minor requires a C or better
in all courses in the minor. Enrollment in MGMT 427 is competitive based on the student’s overall GPA.
Students must complete an application for the business innovation and entrepreneurship minor by the
semester deadline. Applications and deadline dates are available in the Department of Management.
Requirements (15-24)
ACCY 288 - Fundamentals of Accounting1 (3)
OR ACCY 206 - Introductory Financial Accounting (3) AND
ACCY 207 - Introductory Cost Management (3)
MGMT 320 - Foundations of Business and Entrepreneurship1 (3)
OR UBUS 310 - Business Core: Lecture (9)
MGMT 327 - Creativity, Innovation, and Entrepreneurship (3)
MGMT 427 - Entrepreneurship and Business Models (3)
MGMT 437 - Entrepreneurship (3)
One of the Following (3)
ACCY 306 - Financial Accounting Information for Business Decisions (3)
ACCY 307 - Managerial Accounting Information for Decisions and Control (3)
ACCY 309 - A Survey of Income Taxes (3)
FINA 320 - Principles of Finance1 (3)
Received by Undergraduate Coordinating Council—December 3, 2009
Third Meeting/2009-10 Academic Year
November 12, 2009
SECTION B – Recorded, but further approval needed before inclusion in the Undergraduate Catalog
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MGMT 333 - Principles of Management1 (3)
MGMT 335 - Organizational Behavior (3)
MGMT 447 - Leadership (3)
MGMT 457 - Managerial Decision Making and Negotiation (3)
MKTG 310 - Principles of Marketing1 (3)
MKTG 325 - Buyer Behavior (3)
MKTG 365 - Principles of Retailing (3)
MKTG 425 - Services Marketing (3)
OMIS 338 - Principles of Operations Management1 (3)
OMIS 450 - Service Operations (3)
Footnote: 1Course not open to College of Business majors.
APASC 11/11/09, 12/9/09
Department of Operations Management and Information Systems
Other catalog change: Page 87, 2009-10 Undergraduate Catalog
Certificates of Undergraduate Study
Information Systems (9)
Coordinator: Steven Kispert, Department of Operations Management and Information Systems
This certificate is designed to provide non-OM&IS students with a set of courses focused on information
systems and technology. Organizations depend on information technology to achieve competitive
advantage. A certificate in information systems will allow students to understand how the application of
information technology can improve business processes.
Students must maintain good academic standing within the university, achieve a minimum grade of a C in
each course applied toward the certificate, and complete all certificate course work within a period of four
calendar years. Only courses taken at NIU may be applied toward the certificate. Courses used to satisfy
the requirements for the certificate may only be applied toward an undergraduate degree with approval of
the major department. Some courses may have prerequisites that are not part of the certificate curriculum.
Students interested in the certificate should apply no later than the beginning of their final semester prior to
graduation, but they are urged to apply as soon as they complete UBUS 310 so the coordinator may advise
students regarding course scheduling. Applications are available in the Department of Operations
Management and Information Systems.
Received by Undergraduate Coordinating Council—December 3, 2009
Third Meeting/2009-10 Academic Year
November 12, 2009
SECTION B – Recorded, but further approval needed before inclusion in the Undergraduate Catalog
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Three of the following five OMIS courses:
OMIS 352 - Managing Projects in Business (3)
OMIS 452 - Database Management for Business (3),
OMIS 462 - Business Systems Analysis, Design, and Development (3)
OMIS 475 - Internet and Web Computing Technologies (3)
OMIS 478 - Supply Chain Systems (3)
APASC 12/9/09
Department of Industrial Engineering
Other Catalog Change
Page 123, 2009-10 Undergraduate Catalog
Major in Industrial and Systems Engineering (B.S.)
Total Hours for an Emphasis in Manufacturing Systems Engineering: 108
Emphasis 3. Engineering Management
Requirements in Department (45)
ISYE 220 – Engineering Economy (3)
ISYE 250 - Introduction to Lean Systems Engineering (2)
ISYE 310 - Work Measurement and Work Design (3)
ISYE 334 - Probability for Engineering (3)
ISYE 335 - Statistics for Engineering (3)
ISYE 350 - Principles of Manufacturing Processes (3)
ISYE 370 - Operations Research: Deterministic Models (3)
ISYE 371 - Operations Research: Probabilistic Models (3)
ISYE 410 - Human Factors Engineering (3)
ISYE 430 - Quality Control (3)
ISYE 440 - Production Planning and Control (3)
ISYE 450 - Lean Manufacturing Systems (3)
ISYE 460 - Facilities Planning and Design (3)
ISYE 480 - Simulation Modeling and Analysis (3)
ISYE 493 - Engineering Management Design Project (4)
Requirements outside Department (48)
Received by Undergraduate Coordinating Council—December 3, 2009
Third Meeting/2009-10 Academic Year
November 12, 2009
SECTION B – Recorded, but further approval needed before inclusion in the Undergraduate Catalog
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*CHEM 210- General Chemistry I (3)
*CHEM 212 - General Chemistry Laboratory I (1)
CSCI 240 - Computer Programming in C++ (4)
*ECON 260 - Principles of Microeconomics (3)
ELE 210 - Engineering Circuit Analysis (3)
*MATH 229 - Calculus I (4)
MATH 230 - Calculus II (4)
MATH 232 - Calculus III (4)
MATH 336 - Ordinary Differential Equations (3)
MEE 209 - Engineering Mechanics:Statics and Dynamics (4)
MEE 270 - Engineering Graphics (3)
*PHYS 253 - Fundamentals of Physics I: Mechanics (4)
*PHYS 273 - Fundamentals of Physics II: Electromagnetism (4)
*PSYC 102 - Introduction to Psychology (3)
UEET 101 - Introduction to Engineering (1)
Technical Courses (15)
Select three courses (9)
ISYE 442 - Engineering Project Management (3)
ISYE 475 - Decision Analysis for Engineering (3)
ISYE 490 - Systems Engineering Management (3)
OR TECH 485 - Risk Management (3)
MGMT 333 – Principles of Management (3)
OR ECON 301 - Labor Problems (3)
OR PSYC 372 - Social Psychology (3)
OR TECH 404 - Supervision in Industry (3)
Select one course (3)
ACCY 207 - Introductory Cost Management (3)
ACCY 288 - Fundamentals of Accounting (3)
ECON 360 - Intermediate Microeconomics (3)
Select one course (3)
COMS 302 - Introduction to Organizational Communication (3)
COMS 361-Business and Professional Communication (3)
MGMT 346 - Business Communication (3)
Total Hours for an Emphasis in Health Systems Engineering: 108
↓Integrated B.S./M.S. Sequence
Received by Undergraduate Coordinating Council—December 3, 2009
Third Meeting/2009-10 Academic Year
November 12, 2009
SECTION B – Recorded, but further approval needed before inclusion in the Undergraduate Catalog
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Department of Technology
Other Catalog Change
Page 133, 2009-10 Undergraduate Catalog
CIP Code: 15.000
Minor in Electrical Engineering Technology (20)
Minor in Energy Technology (24)
Students majoring in Technology may also complete the Department of Technology may also complete the
requirements for the Energy Technology minor.
TECH 245 – Pollution, Pestilence, Prevention, and the Cost of Doing Business (3)
TECH 305 – Green Technologies (3)
TECH 406 – Facilities Management Technology (3)
TECH 416 – Heating, Ventilating and Air Conditioning (3)
TECH 417 – Design for Energy Efficiency and Green Materials (3)
TECH 418 – Bio-Based Fuels and Alternative Energy Applications (3)
TECH 419 – Energy Auditing (3)
TECH 484 – Energy Management (3)
All University Section
Other Catalog Changes
Page 33 and 37, 2009-10 Undergraduate Catalog
Designation of BIOS 105 as a general education class.
General Education Requirements
Distributive Studies Area Course Descriptions
Sciences and Mathematics (7-11)
105. GENERAL BIOLOGY LABORATORY (1). Laboratory component of BIOS 104. Designed for
students who have had BIOS 103 or its equivalent and need BIOS 104 or its equivalent. Not open for
Received by Undergraduate Coordinating Council—December 3, 2009
Third Meeting/2009-10 Academic Year
November 12, 2009
SECTION B – Recorded, but further approval needed before inclusion in the Undergraduate Catalog
p. 6 of 6
credit for majors in biological sciences or to students with previous credit in BIOS 104 or its equivalent.
PRQ: BIOS 103 or its equivalent and one semester of college chemistry CHEM 110.
107. EVOLUTION FOR EVERYONE (3) Beginning with core principles, exploration of evolutionary
theory from an integrative and interdisciplinary perspective, with topics ranging from the biological
sciences to all aspects of humanity. Not open for credit for majors in the biological sciences.
Department of Philosophy
BOT/ Other Catalog Change Page 265, 2009-10 Undergraduate Catalog
Major in Philosophy (B.A. or B.S.)
Requirements outside Department (B.A, 0-12; B.S., 10-15)
For the B.A. degree
Fulfillment of B.A. foreign language requirement (0-12)
(See “Foreign Language Requirement for the B.A. Degree”)
For the B.S. degree
Laboratory science/mathematical/computational skills sequence (10-15)
(See “College Requirement for the B.S. Degree”)
Total Hours for a Major in Philosophy: 33-45 (B.A.) or 43-48 (B.S.)