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Received by Undergraduate Coordinating Council—October 1, 2009
First Meeting/2009-10 Academic Year
September 10, 2009
SECTION A – Recorded for inclusion in the Undergraduate Catalog
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Course revision:
Page 69, 2008-09 Undergraduate Catalog
UBUS 310. BUSINESS CORE: LECTURE (9). … PRQ: All 100- and 200-level College of Business
core requirements with a C or better in ACCY 206, ACCY 207, MGMT 217, and UBUS 223, a
cumulative GPA of at least 2.75, and junior standing. PRQ: A grade of C or better in each of the
following: ACCY 206, ACCY 207, ECON 260, ECON 261, ENGL 104 or ENGL 105, MATH 211 or
MATH 229, MGMT 217, PSYC 102, OMIS 259, and UBUS 223; a cumulative GPA of at least 2.75; and
junior standing.
APASC 9/2/09
Other catalog change:
Page 67, 2008-09 Undergraduate Catalog
Limited Retention Requirements
All business majors must complete UBUS 310 in the first semester in which they enroll in 300- or 400level business courses. Prerequisites for UBUS 310 are: completing all required 100- and 200-level
courses in the Business Core; earning a C or better in ACCY 206, ACCY 207, MGMT 217, and UBUS
223; a grade of C or better in each of the 100- and 200-level courses in the Business Core; having a 2.75 or
better cumulative GPA; and having junior standing. To continue as a business major, students must earn a
C or better in UBUS 310. UBUS 311 must be completed no later than the semester or term immediately
following completion of UBUS 310. Additional retention requirements for each major can be found under
Department Requirements.
APASC 9/2/09
Other catalog change:
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Business Core (45-50)
The business core must be completed by all students majoring in business.
100- and 200-Level Courses
ACCY 206 – Introductory Financial Accounting (3)
*PSYC 102 – Introduction to Psychology (3)
OMIS 259 – Introduction to Business Information Systems (3)
UBUS 223 – Introduction to Business Statistics (3)
One of the following (3)
*ANTH 120 – Anthropology and Human Diversity (3)
*GEOG 202 – World Regional Geography (3)
*GEOG 204 – Geography of Economic Activities (3)
Received by Undergraduate Coordinating Council—October 1, 2009
First Meeting/2009-10 Academic Year
September 10, 2009
SECTION A – Recorded for inclusion in the Undergraduate Catalog
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*HIST 171 – The World Since 1500 (3)
*PHIL 170 – World Religions (3)
*PHIL 231 – Contemporary Moral Issues (3)
*POLS 260 – Introduction to Comparative Politics (3)
*SOCI 170 – Introduction to Sociology (3)
*WOMS 235 – Women Across Cultures and Centuries (3)
Department of Management
Course revision:
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468. STRATEGIC MANAGEMENT (3). … PRQ: Senior standing and ACCY 331 (for ACCY majors);
FINA 330, FINA 340, and FINA 350 (for FINA majors); MGMT 335 and MGMT 355 (for MGMT and
business administration majors). CRQ: OMIS 498 (for OMIS majors); MKTG 495 (for MKTG majors); or
consent of department. PRQ: Senior standing for all business majors. ACCY 331 (for ACCY majors);
OMIS 450 or OMIS 452 or FINA 410 (for business administration majors); FINA 330, FINA 340, and
FINA 350 (for FINA majors); MGMT 335 and MGMT 355 (for MGMT majors). CRQ: MKTG 495 (for
MKTG majors); OMIS 498 (for OMIS majors); or consent of department.
Department of Leadership, Educational Psychology and Foundations
Other Catalog Change
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Certificates of Undergraduate Study
Foundations of Educational Studies (12)
This interdisciplinary certificate enables students to draw on a variety of disciplinary perspectives and research
methodologies when studying educational theories, policies, and practices. It allows students to focus their
examination on, among other topics, the origins and organization of knowledge, education and schools;
prominent educational philosophies or the work of an individual thinker; the interconnectedness of race,
gender, and socioeconomic class and the effect on learning; and educational policies. This certificate is
designed for those students—whether they are future teachers, parents, researchers, policymakers, or informed
citizens—who seek a richer understanding of education and schools and who wish to delve more deeply into
educational policies and practices.
Students will work closely with faculty members in the Foundations of Education program area to develop an
appropriate course of study. In fulfilling the requirements for this certificate, students will use the tools and
Received by Undergraduate Coordinating Council—October 1, 2009
First Meeting/2009-10 Academic Year
September 10, 2009
SECTION A – Recorded for inclusion in the Undergraduate Catalog
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disciplinary perspectives at the heart of Foundations of Education: philosophy, history, and sociology. The
capstone for the certificate is the independent study, the internship, the workshop, or the capstone course in
the student’s major. The independent study may be a research project, a service project, or a creative and
artistic project. The internship or workshop is designed for those students who wish to assist a faculty
member with teaching a particular course in the Foundations of Education program area.
Students may elect to specialize in one disciplinary area or to embrace a broader approach that draws from the
different disciplinary perspectives. Students will develop their plans of study in consultation with a certificate
adviser. With the consent of the student’s major department, courses applied toward the certificate may meet
major and general education requirements. Study toward the certificate is open to any NIU undergraduate
student with consent of department. All requirements for the certificate must be completed within six
calendar years.
The certificate of undergraduate study in foundations of education requires a minimum of 12 semester hours.
Course work from the list below is chosen in consultation with certificate adviser.
Three of the following:
*EPFE 201- Education as an Agent for Change (3)
EPFE 321- History of American Education (3)
EPFE 400 - Foundations of Education (3)
EPFE 410 - Philosophy of Education (3)
EPFE 492 - Special Topics in Foundations of Education (3)
One 300- or 400-level course in the department of history, philosophy, or sociology
One of the following:
EPFE 486 - Internship in Educational Foundations (3)
EPFE 497 - Independent Study (3)
EPFE 490 - Workshop in Education (3)
Relevant capstone course in the major (3)
* Available for general education credit.
Department of Literacy Education
New Course
Page 102, 2008-09 Undergraduate Catalog
LTIC 415. READING FOR BILINGUAL POPULATIONS (3). Theoretical bases, approaches, materials,
Received by Undergraduate Coordinating Council—October 1, 2009
First Meeting/2009-10 Academic Year
September 10, 2009
SECTION A – Recorded for inclusion in the Undergraduate Catalog
p. 4 of 7
and strategies facilitating the development and assessment of second language reading for bilingual school
CITC-CC 4/1/09, CITC 4/17/09. LTIC 415 was initially approved at the 4/16/09 CUC meeting, pending
verification of nonduplication from FL&L, which was received 5/1/09.
New Course
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THE CONTENT AREAS (3). Examine, apply, and assess instructional approaches and materials for
teaching English language learners (ELLs) in school settings. Focus on collaborative teaching across the
content areas.
CITC-CC 4/1/09, CITC 4/17/09. LTIC 420 was initially approved at the 4/16/09 CUC meeting, pending
verification of nonduplication from FL&L, which was received 5/1/09.
Department of Electrical Engineering
Other Catalog Change
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Major in Electrical Engineering (B.S.)
Emphasis 1. Electrical and Computer Engineering
Requirements in Department (41)
Requirements outside Department (47)
Electives (18)
Electives may be any ELE course numbered 400 or higher with the exception of ELE 491, ELE 429, ELE
492, and ELE 497. With the approval of the Department of Electrical Engineering, other mathematics,
sciences, or engineering courses may be used as electives. At least 12 of these 18 semester hours must be
from the Department of Electrical Engineering, and a minimum of two courses must be selected from one
of the following four areas.
Received by Undergraduate Coordinating Council—October 1, 2009
First Meeting/2009-10 Academic Year
September 10, 2009
SECTION A – Recorded for inclusion in the Undergraduate Catalog
Electromagnetics: ELE 470, ELE 471, ELE 474, ELE 475, ELE 477
Total Hours for a Major in Electrical Engineering: 106
Department of Technology
Course Revision
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A. General
V. Safety
W. Woodworking Environmental Health and Safety
Other Catalog Change
Page 126-127, 2008-09 Undergraduate Catalog
Minor in Environmental Management Systems
Perspective Study Requirements (12-13)
Business Perspective
Engineering Technology Perspective
TECH 245 – Pollution, Pestilence, Prevention, and the Cost of Doing Business (3)
TECH 265 – Basic Manufacturing Processes (3)
TECH 401 – Ethics in Technology (3)
TECH 434 – Human Factors in Industrial Accident Prevention (3)
TECH 436 – Design and Administration of Industrial Safety (3)
TECH 484 – Energy Management (3)
Policy Perspective
Science Perspective
Capstone Requirements (6)
IDSP 441 – Environmental Management Systems (3)
IDSP 442 – Proseminar/Internship in Environmental Management Systems (3)
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Received by Undergraduate Coordinating Council—October 1, 2009
First Meeting/2009-10 Academic Year
September 10, 2009
SECTION A – Recorded for inclusion in the Undergraduate Catalog
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TECH 398W – Environmental Health and Safety (3)
TECH 496 – Industrial Project Management (3)
Department of Family, Consumer and Nutrition Sciences
Other Catalog Change
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Comprehensive Major in Family and Child Studies (B.S.)
Emphasis 3. Child Development
Requirements in School (48)
One of the following areas of study (9)
Parent/Infant Specialist (9)
FCNS 384 - Asian American Families (3),
OR FCNS 434 - Administration and Supervision of Quality Programs for Young Children from Diverse
Backgrounds (3),
OR FCNS 488 - Working with Ethnically Diverse Children and Families in the U.S. (3)
Leadership Studies (9)
FCNS 434 - Administration and Supervision of Quality Programs for Young Children from Diverse
Backgrounds (3)
School of Nursing and Health Studies
Course Revision
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Public Health and Health Education (PHHE)
402. COMMUNITY HEALTH PROGRAMS AND ISSUES (3). Provides … … factors. PRQ: PHHE 208
or PHHE 295 consent of school.
Other Catalog Change
Page 159, 2008-09 Undergraduate Catalog
Minor in Health Education (26-28) (29-31)
Received by Undergraduate Coordinating Council—October 1, 2009
First Meeting/2009-10 Academic Year
September 10, 2009
SECTION A – Recorded for inclusion in the Undergraduate Catalog
KNPE 262 - First Aid and CPR (2)
PHHE 406 – Sexuality Education (3)
TLCI 422 - Middle School Organization and Instruction (3)
Two of the following2 (4-6)
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