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Received by Undergraduate Coordinating Council—December 9, 2010
Fourth Meeting/2010-11 Academic Year
November 18, 2010
SECTION A – Recorded for inclusion in the Undergraduate Catalog
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Department of Mechanical Engineering
New Courses
2010-11 Undergraduate Catalog
CIP code: 014.1901
MEE 454. ALTERNATIVE AND RENEWABLE ENERGY (3). Introduction to the physics, systems,
and methods of non-fossil fuel energy generation. Types of generation methods covered include nuclear,
hydroelectric, solar, wind, fuel cells, biomass, and other new technologies. Engineering design projects
analyze performance, scalability, and sustainability of alternative and renewable energy. CRQ: MEE 352.
of energy efficiency and conservation and the impact on the environment and sustainability in the context
of the structures, machines and devices that provide services and comfort for people and society, including
electromechanical power, thermal comfort, illumination, and other energy conversion processes. Selected
engineering design projects will exemplify and detail the energy conservation and environmental
sustainability practices including socioeconomic aspects. PRQ: MEE 340 and 350; or ELE 340 or ISYE
440 or TECH 379 or TECH 423.
Course Revision
2010-11 Undergraduate Catalog
MEE 340. FLUID MECHANICS (3). Introduction and fundamentals of fluid statics, integral form and
control volume analysis, differential analysis and potential flow, incompressible viscous internal and
external flow, and compressible flow. Design projects required. PRQ: MEE 211, MATH 232, and
MATH 336, and either MEE 209 or MEE 211.
Course Revision
2010-11 Undergraduate Catalog
mechanical engineering. PRQ: MEE 481.
C. Emphasis in Advanced Computing and Simulation
E. Emphasis in Sustainable Energy
M. Emphasis in Mechatronics
Department of Technology
Other Catalog Changes
2010-11 Undergraduate Catalog
Emphasis 1. Electrical Engineering Technology
Requirements in Department (70)
Received by Undergraduate Coordinating Council—December 9, 2010
Fourth Meeting/2010-11 Academic Year
November 18, 2010
SECTION A – Recorded for inclusion in the Undergraduate Catalog
TECH 175, Electricity and Electronics Fundamentals (3)
TECH 175A, Electricity and Electronics Fundamentals Lab (1)
Select two of the following (6)
TECH 393 – Structure and Properties of Materials (3)
TECH 415 – Applied Industrial Experimental Analysis (3)
TECH 417 – Design for Energy Efficiency and Green Materials (3)
Select three of the following (9)
TECH 426 – Electric Systems for Alternative Energy (3)
TECH 430 – Microcontrollers Interfacing and Application (3)
TECH 473 – Advanced Digital Design (3)
TECH 475 – Computer Simulation in Electronics (3)
TECH 479 – Special Topics in Engineering Technology (1-3) (3)
Select two of the following (6)
TECH 295 – Manufacturing Computer Applications (3)
TECH 409 – Internship (3)
TECH 418 – Biobased Fuels and Alternative Energy Applications (3)
TECH 419 – Energy Auditing (3)
Requirements outside Department (25-26)
CHEM 110 – Chemistry (3) and *CHEM 111- Chemistry, Laboratory (1)
PHYS 210 – General Physics I (4)
OR PHUYS 253 – Fundamentals of Physics I: Mechanics IV
PHYS 211 – General Physics II (4)
Other Catalog Changes
2010-11 Undergraduate Catalog
Emphasis 2. Manufacturing Engineering Technology
Requirements in Department (75-76)
Course work from the following (9-10)
TECH 314 – Tool and Die Design (3)
TECH 365 – Metrology (3)
TECH 415 – Applied Industrial Experimental Analysis (3)
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Received by Undergraduate Coordinating Council—December 9, 2010
Fourth Meeting/2010-11 Academic Year
November 18, 2010
SECTION A – Recorded for inclusion in the Undergraduate Catalog
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TECH 416 – Heating, Ventilating and Air Conditioning Technology (3)
TECH 417 – Design for Energy Efficiency and Green Materials (3)
Two of the following (6)
TECH 305 – Green Technologies (3)
TECH 401 – Ethics in Technology (3)
TECH 404 – Supervision in Industry (3)
TECH 406 – Facilities Management Technology (3)
TECH 441- Hazard Control in Industrial Operations (3)
TECH 442 – Work Simplification and Measurement (3)
TECH 444 – Production Control Systems (3)
TECH 482*- Industrial Safety Engineering Analysis (3)
TECH 484 – Energy Management (3)
Requirements outside Department (25-26)
CHEM 110 – Chemistry (3) and *CHEM 111- Chemistry
ENGL 308 – Technical Writing
OR MGMT 346 – Business Communication (3)
Other Catalog Changes
2010-11 Undergraduate Catalog
Emphasis 4. Industrial Management and Technology
Technology majors cannot use TECH 294 as a TECH Elective or for General Education Credit.
Technology majors cannot use TECH 245 for General Education Credit. A grade of C or better is required
in MATH 155.
Requirements in Department (67-71)
TECH 175-Electricity and Electronics Fundamentals (3)
TECH 404 - Supervision in Industry (3)
TECH 406 - Facilities Management Technology (3)
TECH 492 - Manufacturing Distribution Applications (3)
TECH 496 - Industrial Project Management (3)
Two of the following (6)
TECH 305 - Green Technologies (3)
TECH 402 - Industrial Training and Evaluation (3)
TECH 415 - Applied Industrial Experimental Analysis (3)
TECH 442 - Work Simplification and Measurement (3)
TECH 484 - Energy Management (3)
Received by Undergraduate Coordinating Council—December 9, 2010
Fourth Meeting/2010-11 Academic Year
November 18, 2010
SECTION A – Recorded for inclusion in the Undergraduate Catalog
TECH 492 - Manufacturing Distribution Applications (3)
One of the flowing areas of study (23-25)
Computer-Aided Design (24-25)
TECH 314 – Tool and Die Design (3)
TECH 414 – Computer-Aided Machine Design (3)
TECH 365 – Metrology (3)
Two of the following (6-7)
TECH 365 – Metrology (3)
TECH 409 – Internship (3)
TECH 420 – Computer-Integrated Manufacturing (3)
Electronics Technology (25)
Two of the following (6)
TECH 409 – Internship (3)
TECH 425 – Programmable Electronic Controllers (3)
TECH 426 – Electric Systems Applications for Alternative Energy (3)
Environmental Safety and Health (24)
Manufacturing Technology (24-25)
Two of the following (6-7)
TECH 427 – Testing Methods, Procedures, and Selection of Industrial Plastics (3)
Plastics Technology (25)
TECH 262 - Machine Production Processes (3)
TECH 311 - Computer-Aided Modeling (3)
TECH 344 - Materials and Processes in the Plastics industry (3)
TECH 345 – Plastic Molding Processes (3)
TECH 393 – Structure and Properties of Materials (3)
TECH 427 – Testing Methods, Procedures, and Selection of Industrial Plastics (3)
Two of the following
TECH 312 - Design Dimensioning and Tolerancing (3)
TECH 313 –Product Design and Development for Manufacturability (3)
TECH 314 –Tool and Die Design (3)
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Received by Undergraduate Coordinating Council—December 9, 2010
Fourth Meeting/2010-11 Academic Year
November 18, 2010
SECTION A – Recorded for inclusion in the Undergraduate Catalog
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TECH 365 - Metrology (3)
TECH 409 Internship (3)
Special Technical Study (23)
This area of study is limited … … adviser and department chair. Students in this area of study are exempt
from the 30 semester hour university residence requirement.
Requirements outside Department (20-21)
Other Catalog Changes
2010-11 Undergraduate Catalog
Emphasis 6. Energy and Environmental Technology
Requirements in Department (46) (52-53)
TECH 265 – Basic Manufacturing (3)
TECH 295 – Manufacturing Computer Applications (3)
OR CSCI 215 – Visual Basic (4)
TECH 305 – Green Technologies (3)
OR ENVS 305 – Green Technologies (3)
Requirements outside Department (33-35) (30-31)
CHEM 110 – Chemistry (3) and *CHEM 111-Chemistry Laboratory (1)
CSCI 215 – Visual Basic (4)
OR TECH 295 – Manufacturing Computer Applications (3)
ENGL 308 – Technical Writing (3)
OR MGMT 346 – Business Communication (3)
ENVS 304 – Environmental Law, Policy, and Economics (3)
ENVS 305 – Green Technologies (3)
OR TECH 305 – Green Technologies (3)
Total Hours of Emphasis 6: Energy and Environment Technology (88-90) (91-93)
Other Catalog Change
2010-11 Undergraduate Catalog
Minor in International Global Studies [note: title change needs approval by Pres. Peters]
Coordinator: Sarah A. Blue, Department of Geography
Received by Undergraduate Coordinating Council—December 9, 2010
Fourth Meeting/2010-11 Academic Year
November 18, 2010
SECTION A – Recorded for inclusion in the Undergraduate Catalog
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Requirements (24)
Foundation Courses (9-12)
Three of the foundation courses need to be from different disciplines (i.e., ANTH, GEOG, POLS, HIST)
Three or four courses from the following.
*ANTH 220 - Introduction to Cultural Anthropology (3)
ECON 330 - International Economics (3)
*GEOG 202 - World Regional Geography (3)
*GEOG 204 - Geography of Economic Activities (3)
*HIST 171 – World History II: Problems in the Human Past (3)
*POLS 260 - Introduction to Comparative Politics (3)
*POLS 285 – Introduction to International Relations (3)
Option (12-15)
Four or five courses from one of the following
International Global Business Commerce Studies1
ANTH 363 - Globalization and Corporate Cultures (3)
COMS 454 - Transnational Communication and Media (3)
ECON 330 – International Economics (3)
ECON 380 - Comparative Economic Systems (3)
2FINA 470 - International Finance (3)
HIST 470 - America and Asia (3)
HIST 486 – Poverty and Progress in Latin America (3)
JOUR 482 - International News Communications (3)
2MGMT 487 - Multinational Management (3)
2MKTG 367 - Principles of Global Marketing (3)
2MKTG 387 – International Study in Marketing (3)
2MKTG 467 - Global Marketing Management (3)
POLS 383 - Changing World Political Economy (3)
INTL 301/INTL 401 – Study Abroad Programs (3-6 credit hours with approval of minor coordinator)
Footnote: 1Recommended for Business Majors
2See catalog for prerequisites
International Global Politics Studies
ANTH 426 – Political Anthropology (3)
COMS 454 - Transnational Communication and Media (3)
GEOG 335X – Migration (3)
HIST 382 - Modern Latin America (3)
Received by Undergraduate Coordinating Council—December 9, 2010
Fourth Meeting/2010-11 Academic Year
November 18, 2010
SECTION A – Recorded for inclusion in the Undergraduate Catalog
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HIST 387 - History of Genocide (3)
HIST 425 - World War II (3)
HIST 435 - Stalin and Stalinism (3)
HIST 441 - African Diaspora (3)
HIST 469 - The Vietnam War (3)
HIST 476 – American Foreign Relations to 1914 (3)
HIST 477 - American Foreign Relations since 1914 (3)
HIST 482 - Mexico Since 1810 (3)
JOUR 482 - International News Communications (3)
POLS 285 - Introduction to International Relations (3)
POLS 360 -Government and Politics of Western Europe (3)
POLS 361 - British Government and Politics (3)
POLS 362 - Politics of Developing Areas (3)
POLS 368 – Governmental Systems in Africa (3)
POLS 371 - Politics in Southeast Asia (3)
POLS 375 – Middle East Politics (3)
POLS 376 - Political Violence (3)
POLS 380 – American Foreign Policy (3)
POLS 381 - The U.S. and Latin America (3)
POLS 383 - Changing World Political Economy (3)
POLS 386 – Global Terrorism (3)
POLS 388 – U.S. National Security Policy (3)
POLS 469 - Topics in Latin American Politics (3)
POLS 480 – International Law and Organization (3)
POLS 496 - Independent Study in Political Science (3)
SOCI 352 - Population (3)
SOCI 335 – Migration (3)
SOCI 363 - Sociology of the Military (3)
INTL 301/INTL 401 – Study Abroad Programs (3-6 credit hours with approval of minor coordinator)
International Global Development Studies
ANTH 302 - Asian American Cultures (3)
ANTH 408 - Peoples and Cultures of Mainland Southeast Asia (3)
ANTH 467 – Applied Anthropology (3)
ANTH 468 - Anthropology of Gender (3)
COMS 454 - Transnational Communication and Media (3)
ECON 330 – International Economics (3)
ECON 380 - Comparative Economic Systems (3)
ECON 402 - Comparative Labor Relations (3)
ECON 443 - Economic Development (3)
Received by Undergraduate Coordinating Council—December 9, 2010
Fourth Meeting/2010-11 Academic Year
November 18, 2010
SECTION A – Recorded for inclusion in the Undergraduate Catalog
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*FCNS 406 - Global Food and Nutrition Issues (3)
*GEOG 204 - Geography of Economic Activities (3)
GEOG 332 – Geography of Latin America (3)
GEOG 338 – Geography of Asia (3)
GEOG 408 - Tropical Environmental Hazards (3)
HIST 470 - America and Asia (3)
HIST 475 - The United States and Southeast Asia and the Indian Subcontinent (3)
HIST 486 - Poverty and Progress in Latin America (3)
SOCI 352 - Population (3)
INTL 301/INTL 401 – Study Abroad Programs (3-6 credit hours with approval of minor coordinator)
International Global Arts Studies
*ARTH 294 - Art History Survey IV: Arts of the East (3)
*ARTH 378 - Indian and Southeast Asian Art (3)
ARTH 379A – Far Eastern Art: China (3)
ARTH 379B – Far Eastern Art: Japan (3)
ARTH 384 - African Art (3)
*ARTH 385 - Pre-Columbian Art (3)
ARTH 386 – Art of Africa, Oceania, and the Americas (3)
ENGL 335 - Non-Western and Third-World Literature (3)
ENGL 474 – The International Short Story
ENGL 477 - Postcolonial and New Literatures in English (3)
HIST 352 – Popular Culture in Japan (3)
HIST 383 – Latin America Through Film (3)
MUSC 326 – Survey of World Music (3)
MUSC 431 - Music of Southeast Asia (3)
MUSC 432 - Music of China (3)
INTL 301/INTL 401 – Study Abroad Programs (3-6 credit hours with approval of minor coordinator)