Professional Conduct and Mentoring Survey (SLO 6b, 7a): Name of Student Mentor: Semester or Term: Click to Select Year: Click to Select Instructions to Graduate Student: Near the end of the semester or term, administer this survey to each undergraduate research student that you mentored. Instruct the undergraduates to return completed survey to Ryan Damhoff. Questions 1 through 5 are aligned with SLO 6b (professional development); question 6 is aligned with SLO 7a (ethical conduct); and question 7 is aligned with SLO 2a (Lab safety). Instructions to Undergraduate Student: Rate your research graduate student supervisor by checking the appropriate box for each of the following 7 descriptors: 1) The graduate student encourages me to take full ownership of learning activities and makes me assume responsibility for my productivity. Needs improvement Did fine Excelled Please provide feedback if you selected Needs improvement: 2) The graduate student creates atmosphere conducive to asking questions or to contributing to subject discussion in other ways. Needs improvement Did fine Excelled Please provide feedback if you selected Needs improvement: 3) The graduate student encourages problem-solving as opposed to memorization, i.e., helps me come up with my own answers by guiding me towards the goal, or prompts me to consider alternatives. Needs improvement Did fine Excelled Please provide feedback if you selected Needs improvement: 4) The graduate student encourages me to take risks, try different things, and not be afraid to make mistakes in pursuit of quality. Needs improvement Did fine Please provide feedback if you selected Needs improvement: Continued…. Excelled 5) The graduate student improves my ability to integrate knowledge from different courses or experiences, provides reflections on and transferability of the material learned. Needs improvement Did fine Excelled Please provide feedback if you selected Needs improvement: 6) The graduate student behaves and conducts research in an ethical and professional way and helps me develop foundations of such conduct in the laboratory. Needs improvement Did fine Excelled Please provide feedback if you selected Needs improvement: 7) The graduate student has educated/trained me in Standard Operating Procedures, PPE Hazard Assessments related to my research, and in emergency procedures. The graduate student consistently modeled safe laboratory practices and ensured that I was also compliant. Needs improvement Did fine Please provide feedback if you selected Needs improvement: Excelled