FY17 External Review Report Template

External Review – Report Template
The following template contains suggestions for the format and content of the External Review
Report. Of course, each external reviewer and department is unique and the report will reflect the
specific focus of the department’s goal for the external review and should not be forced to fit this
template. For example, a large department may choose to focus on one particular aspect (e.g.,
Career Services might decide to look at their internship program in depth), where a smaller
department might choose to have an overall review done.
[Department Name]
[Date of Site Visit]
[Reviewer Name]
[Contact Information]
Executive Summary
a. Brief history of the department
b. General overview of the site visit, including:
i. Purpose of site visit (e.g., providing a comprehensive department review,
providing a review of a specific aspect of the department, etc.)
ii. Schedule of meetings
Questions/issues the External Reviewer/Team needs to address:
a. Those, if any, brought forward by the Executive Group
b. Those, if any, brought forward by the AVP
c. Those, if any, as documented/suggested by the Internal Review chair/committee
d. Those that arise in the course of completing the External Review
a. Documents Reviewed
i. e.g., internal review charge statement, internal review report, other
documents as appropriate.
b. Meetings/Interviews
i. Content/Questions asked at meetings
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ii. Number of interviews and who/position
1. e.g., Department AVP, Director, Staff (which positions), Assessment &
Enrollment Analysis, others, such as close collaborative partners
(on/off campus and/or internal/external to SAEM).
c. Other methods used (e.g., web audit, questionnaires, etc.)
The report should specify
a. What were the findings, evidence, results, and data obtained from the document
b. What were the findings, evidence, results, and data obtained from the
c. What were the findings, evidence, results, and data obtained from any other methods
used in the data gathering?
d. What data support the specific recommendations? (These will be the most helpful in
building an action plan.)
Analysis, Evaluation, and Recommendations
In this section, please provide a complete analysis of all findings obtained, along with
any recommendations based on your findings and your expertise. If possible, enumerate
the recommendations in order of the importance you ascribe to them.
Appendices as appropriate
a. e.g., survey samples, supporting documentation for the issues reviewed or
recommended solutions.
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