July 2008

Northern Illinois University
Supportive Professional Staff Council Meeting
Thursday, July 17, 2008
Sky Room, 10:00 A.M.
Pat Anderson, Frankie Benson, Terry Borg, Steve Builta, Bobbie Cesarek, Kay Chapman, Jen
Clark, Neil Dickey, Dana Gautcher, Norden Gilbert, Missy Gillis, Deborah Haliczer, Jean
Jagodzinski, Meg Kramarz, Todd Latham, Julia Lamb, Steve Lux, Al Mueller, Cynthia Nelson,
Grant Olson, Scott Peska, Michelle Pickett, Donna Smith, Roselyn Snell, Michael Spires,
Michael Stang, Tim Trottier, Rachel Turner, Phil Young, Rita Yusko
Tim Griffin, Jay Monteiro, Angie Vargas
Sam Baker, Cliff Bottigliero, Dan House
Call to Order
SPS Council President Bobbie Cesarek called the meeting to order at 10:05 AM. Since
new SPSC members were in attendance, the meeting began with a brief introduction of
all present.
A. The agenda was approved with the following additions:
A. Business Enterprise Program/Supplier Diversity Fair 2008, Snell
B. Benefits Choice Period, Haliczer
B. A motion was made and seconded to approve the June 12, 2008, minutes with the
following change. Under New Business, Parking Garage Proposal, add to the end of
that section a notation that the SPSC came to a consensus not to support the
Parking Garage Proposal at this time. Motion carried to approve the minutes as
Attendance was taken and a quorum was confirmed.
II. Announcements
A. Business Enterprise Program/Supplier Diversity Fair 2008
Snell reported that the Business Enterprise Program was established to help small
business owners who are minority, female, or persons with disabilities. She
announced that this year’s Supplier Diversity Fair will be held on Wednesday,
October 1, 2008, from 9 a.m. – 12 p.m. in the Holmes Student Center Duke Ellington
Ballroom. Snell stated that the goal is to have at least two representatives from each
campus organization/council/committee attend the fair.
Mueller stated that Illinois Board of Higher Education (IBHE) strongly encourages
university participation in this program; this will be NIU’s third Supplier Diversity Fair.
The theme this year is “Building Purchasing Partnerships with Minority and Female
Business Enterprises.” Currently, NIU is looking into reaching out to NIU alumni
business owners as well as the City of DeKalb. Mueller also noted that currently NIU
is third in state schools working with this program behind University of Illinois and
Southern Illinois University. If you know of any businesses that may qualify please
contact Mueller. The state will verify all businesses to make sure they are qualified,
then Mueller and Snell will help the business to become certified.
B. Benefits Choice Period
Haliczer noted that Human Resource Services has been receiving many calls asking
about the second Benefits Choice Period, but there is still no news as to when the
second choice period will be held. Haliczer stated that it is being predicted that all
costs will be increasing such as co-pays, deductibles, and premiums, and that the
delay is related to the delay in the State of Illinois budget.
III. Committees of the Council
A. Awards
No report.
B. Communications
Lux stated that the communications committee met this morning to review the policy
and procedures for their committee. Cesarek reiterated that she requested this of all
the committees. The main purpose for this request is to help new committee
members and chairs to easily review and become up to date on the committees.
C. Constitution and Elections
No report.
D. Events
The events committee will be a new committee that will be effective as of today’s
E. Finance
No report.
F. Legislative
No report.
G. Technology Resources
No report.
H. Workplace Issues
Haliczer noted the report will be included with the SPSC Retreat report.
Vice President
Latham provided highlights from a couple of university committees. Regarding the
Parking Appeals Committee, Latham gave the Council an overview of the number of
parking appeals received for FY 2008. There were 2,613 appeals; 935 were
approved (ticket dropped--no fine), 873 were denied (ticket stands--fine remains on
account), and 805 were granted with compensation (fine reduced).
Latham reported that he attended the recent Athletic Board meeting. The FY 2009
athletic budget has been approved. He announced that Tom Krepel, assistant to the
president, is overseeing the NCAA certification process. Latham mentioned that the
board has reviewed a multipage document for Jeff Compher, associate vicepresident/director of athletics, and they have made a recommendation that has been
sent for review. Latham noted that athletic event ticket prices will stay the same for
almost all of the athletic events. Also, Latham announced that the board is looking
into having more family oriented sporting events with special discounts that will make
it more affordable for families to attend NIU athletic events.
IV. Old Business
A. SPSC Orientation Session
Gillis announced that there were 11 new members who participated in the SPSC
New Member Orientation. The abbreviated one-hour orientation appeared to be very
successful. Gillis noted that in October the members who attended this new
abbreviated orientation session will be asked if they felt it was helpful, if they feel
other items should be included, etc.
B. SPSC Retreat
Benson announced that the SPSC retreat held at the Kishwaukee Country Club went
extremely well. She stated that all items were first discussed as a large group and
then everyone was broken down into smaller groups to discuss some of the topics
further in order to provide more specific projections, etc.
Cesarek thanked everyone who attended and she stated that many major topics that
were/are important to SPS have been identified and she will look into addressing
these issues. Some of the topics were: mandatory supervisory training, salary
survey, and hiring practices/job descriptions.
Haliczer wanted to officially thank the planners of the SPSC Retreat Benson and
Perkins for a very successful event.
C. SPSC President Compensation
Cesarek noted that she is still working on putting together more information and
following up on this issue as previously discussed at the June 12, 2008, SPSC
D. New Structure for SPS Network
Cesarek noted that the attendance at last year’s program was rather poor. The idea
of changing the program from a full-day event to a series of SPS brown bag
luncheons has been discussed. She asked that the new events committee to handle
the issue further.
V. New Business
A. Committee Structure/Committee Sign-up
Cesarek announced that all current council representatives need to sign up for at
least one committee and that all alternates are invited to sign up as well. Cesarek
passed around a sign-up sheet and she will be in contact with any absent
representatives regarding signing up. She also asked that each committee convene
and elect a chair, and co-chair if need be, and come prepared with an outline of
some ideas for the August SPSC meeting.
B. Athletic Board – SPS Representative
Cesarek stated that they are currently looking for an SPS representative to serve on
the Athletic Board. Anyone who is interested is to notify Steve Lux by August 1,
Smith stated that there are four individuals who have expressed an interest so far.
She will compile that information for Cesarek after the August 1, 2008, deadline.
Two individuals need to be chosen, then those two names will be sent to President
Peters, who makes the final appointment.
C. Election of SPSC Officers: Vice-President, Secretary, Treasurer
Elections for vice-president, secretary, and treasurer were held with the following
results: vice-president, Latham; secretary, Donna Smith; and treasurer, Chemers.
D. SPS Sabbaticals
Lux reported on the sabbaticals workshop and noted that SPS sabbaticals have not
been used in great numbers in past years. He requested ideas as to how
sabbaticals can be promoted among SPS and ways to increase participation.
Lux, Haliczer, and Stang are looking into recommendations for alternate lengths of
sabbatical leaves. Stang has been researching how other Illinois universities handle
sabbaticals for their supportive staff/administrative professionals. Haliczer will be
writing a proposal with the help of the Sabbaticals Ad Hoc Committee, and it will be
presented to the Council. Then the Council would present the proposal to the
administration for a possible procedure change.
Haliczer reported that the 2009-2010 sabbatical requests are due by December
2008. Therefore, if any change takes place, it would not be until the 2010-2011
sabbaticals at the earliest. Olson reminded the Council that departments and
colleges have separate deadlines that are earlier than the December, 2008,
deadline, and SPS should keep those in mind as they prepare proposals.
E. SPS Network for Fall 2008
Council decided that this matter will be tabled until the new events committee has
had time to get together and work on some of the brown bag ideas.
F. February 14, 2008, Topic for Survey
Spires reported on an issue that came up with during his and Cesarek’s meeting with
Peters, Provost Alden, and Steve Cunningham. The administrators suggested at
that meeting that the group reconvene at a later date during the 2008-09 academic
year to see if it would be beneficial to take a small survey on reactions to the events
of February 14. Nelson noted that the provost’s office may be working on a similar
survey. Olson asked about decisions made regarding Cole Hall. Dickey stated that
the final decision, due to the overwhelming response from the NIU community, was
to remodel the lecture hall where the shootings occurred into something completely
different and replace it with a $3 million structure, and to renovate the other lecture
hall. Olson then asked Peska to elaborate on his new position and the Office of
Support and Advocacy. Peska stated that his office is working with the 300 students
and families directly affected by the shootings. They are coordinating with available
resources for counseling, advising, etc., and are coordinating requests for individuals
who are being asked to speak about the shootings and recovery efforts. His office
also serves as liaison with memorial committees and other campus and community
commemorative initiatives. He added that there has been no specific February 14
session for summer orientations, however, security information is being
communicated with incoming freshmen and transfer students. Peska reported that
his office is currently working with Employee Assistance and Faculty Development to
train faculty and staff on how to handle the upcoming semester and UNIV 101
instructors will receive information regarding available resources. Lux asked about
the recommendations of the memorial committee and Peska noted that they have
not met since May, 2008.
VI. University Committee Reports
There were no university committee reports
VII. Adjournment
The meeting was adjourned at 11:25 a.m.
Minutes submitted by Angie Vargas, recording secretary, and Donna Smith, SPSC secretary