Chapter 7 - Evolution


Chapter 7

Evolution—The Theory and Its Supporting


-ideas change thru time: Lamarck to Darwin to Mendel…..

-voyage of HMS Beagle: Galapagos Islands…finches….

allopatric speciation- isolation of populations

-phyletic gradualism vs punctuated equilibrium

-Evolution- an explanation that ties disparate events together…

‘survival of the fittest’….bit of a misnomer…

-’Living fossils’ today: coelocanth and ginkgo

-Mass extinctions ….in geologic past

-Structure and function of limbs: homologous, analogous, and vestigial

-The Linnean biological classification: ….species…genus…

Evidence for


• Some of the evidence for evolution

– is provided by fossils

– such as this Early

Pleistocene mammoth

– known as Archidiskodon meridonalis

• on display in the Museum of Geology and

Paleontology at the

University of Florence in


What do We Learn from Fossils?

• The fossil record consists

– of first appearances of various organisms

– through time

• One-celled organisms appeared

– before multi-celled ones

– plants appeared before animals

– invertebrates before vertebrates

• Fish appeared first followed

– in succession by amphibians,

– reptiles, mammals, and birds

Advent of Various Vertebrates

• Times when major groups of vertebrates appeared in the fossil record

• Thickness of spindles shows relative abundance

Fossils Are Common

• Fossils are much more common

– than many people realize

• However the origin and initial diversification

– of a group is generally the most poorly represented

• But fossils showing the diversification

– of horses, rhinoceroses, and tapirs

– from a common ancestor are known

• as are ones showing the origin

– of birds from reptiles

• and the evolution

– of whales from a land-dwelling ancestor

Darwin and the Galápagos

• During Charles Darwin’s five-year voyage

– (1831-1836) on the HMS Beagle,

– he visited the Galápagos Islands

– where he made important observations

– that changed his ideas about

– the then popular concept called the fixity of species

• an idea holding that all present-day species

• had been created in their present form

• and had changed little or not at all

• Darwin fully accepted

– the Biblical account of creation before the voyage

Route of HMS Beagle

• Map showing the route (red line) followed

– by Charles Darwin when he was aboard


Beagle from 1831 to 1836

• The Galápagos Islands

– are in the Pacific Ocean west of Ecuador

The Galápagos Islands

• The Galápagos Islands

– are specks of land

– composed of basalt

– in the eastern Pacific

Darwin Developed the Theory

• During the voyage

Darwin observed

– that fossil mammals in South America

– are similar, yet different from present-day

– llamas, sloths, and armadillos

– that the finches and giant tortoises living

– on the Galápagos Islands vary from island to island

– and still resemble ones from South America,

– even though they differ in subtle ways

• These observations convinced Darwin

– that organisms descended with modification

– from ancestors that lived during the past

– the central claim of the theory of evolution

Why Study Evolution?

• Evolution

– involving inheritable changes in organisms through time

• is fundamental to biology and paleontology

– Paleontology is the study of life history as revealed by fossils

• Evolution is a unifying theory

• like plate tectonic theory

– that explains an otherwise

– encyclopedic collection of facts

• Evolution provides a framework

– for discussion of life history

– in later parts of the term

Misconceptions about Evolution

• Many people have a poor understanding

– of the theory of evolution

– and hold a number of misconceptions ,

– which include:

• evolution proceeds strictly by chance

• nothing less than fully developed structures

– such as eyes are of any use

– there are no transitional fossils -so-called missing links

• connecting ancestors and descendants

• humans evolved from monkeys

– so monkeys should no longer exist

Evolution: Historical Background

• Evolution, the idea that today’s organisms

– have descended with modification

– from ancestors that lived during the past,

• is usually attributed solely to Charles Darwin,

– but it was seriously considered long before he was born,

– even by some ancient Greeks

– and by philosophers and theologians

• during the Middle Ages

• Nevertheless, the prevailing belief

– in the 1700s was that Genesis

– explained the origin of life

– and contrary views were heresy

Evolution: Historical Background

• During the 18 th century,

– naturalists were discovering evidence

– that could not be reconciled

– with literal reading of Scripture

• In this changing intellectual atmosphere,

– scientists gradually accepted a number of ideas:

• the principle of uniformitarianism,

• Earth’s great age,

• that many types of plants and animals had become extinct,

• and that change from one species to another occurred

• What was lacking, though,

– was a theoretical framework to explain evolution


• Jean-Baptiste de Lamarck

– (1744-1829) is best remembered for his theory

– of inheritance of acquired characteristics ,

– even though he greatly contributed

– to our understanding of the natural world

• According to this theory,

– new traits arise in organisms because of their needs

– and are somehow passed on to their descendants

• Lamarck’s theory seemed logical at the time

– and was widely accepted

Lamarck’s Theory

• Lamark’s theory was not totally refuted

– until decades later

– with the discovery that genes

• units of heredity

– cannot be altered by any effort by an organism

Lamarck’s Giraffes

• According to Lamarck’s theory of inheritance of acquired characteristics

– ancestral short-necked giraffes

– stretched their necks

– to reach leaves high on trees

– their offspring were born

– with longer necks


• In 1859, Charles

Robert Darwin



– published

On the

Origin of Species

• In it he detailed

– his ideas on evolution

– formulated 20 years earlier

– and proposed a mechanism for evolution

Natural Selection

• Plant and animal breeders

– practice artificial selection

– by selecting those traits they deem desirable

– and then breed plants and animals with those traits

– thereby bringing about a great amount of change

• Observing artificial selection

– gave Darwin the idea that

– a process of selection among variant types

– in nature could also bring about change

• Thomas Malthus’s essay on population

– suggested that competition for resources

– and high infant mortality limited population size

Darwin and Wallace

• Darwin and Alfred Russell Wallace


– read Malthus’s book

– and came to the same conclusion,

• that a natural process

– was selecting only a few individuals for survival

• Darwin’s and Wallace’s idea

– called natural selection

– was presented simultaneously in 1859

Natural Selection—Main Points

• Organisms in all populations

– possess heritable variations such as

– size, speed, agility, visual acuity,

– digestive enzymes, color, and so forth

• Some variations are more favorable than others

– some have a competitive edge

– in acquiring resources and/or avoiding predators

• Not all young survive to reproductive maturity

– Those with favorable variations

– are more likely to survive

– and pass on their favorable variations

Naturally Selected Giraffes

• According to the Darwin-Wallace theory

– of natural selection, giraffe’s long neck evolved

– because ancestors with longer necks

– had an advantage

– and reproduced more often

“Survival of the Fittest”

• In colloquial usage,

– natural selection is sometimes expressed as

– “ survival of the fittest

• This is misleading because

– natural selection is not simply a matter of survival

– but involves differential rates

– of survival and reproduction

Not only Biggest,

Strongest, Fastest

• One misconception about natural selection

– is that among animals

– only the biggest, strongest, and fastest

– are likely to survive

– These characteristics might provide an advantage

• but natural selection may favor

– the smallest if resources are limited

– the most easily concealed

– those that adapt most readily to a new food source

– those having the ability to detoxify some substance

– and so on...

Limits of Natural Selection

• Natural selection works

– on existing variation in a population

• It could not account for the origin of variations

• Critics reasoned that should a variant trait arise,

– it would blend with other traits and would be lost

• The answer to these criticisms

– existed even then in the work of Gregor Mendel ,

– but remained obscure until 1900


• If a species is well adapted to its environment,

– most mutations would not be particularly useful

– and perhaps would be harmful

• But what was a harmful mutation

– can become a useful one

– if the environment changes

• Information in cells is carried on chromosomes

– which direct the formation of proteins

– by selecting the appropriate amino acids

– and arranging them into a specific sequence

• Neutral mutations may occur

– if the information carried on the chromosome

– does not change the amino acid or protein

– that is produced

What Causes Mutations?

• Some mutations are induced by mutagens

– agents that bring about higher mutations rates such as

• some chemicals

• ultraviolet radiation

• X-rays

• extreme temperature changes

• Some mutations are spontaneous

– occurring without any known mutagen


• Species is a biological term for a population

– of similar individuals that in nature interbreed

– and produce fertile offspring

• Species are reproductively isolated

– from one another

• Goats and sheep do not interbreed in nature,

– so they are separate species

• Yet in captivity

– they can produce fertile offspring


Speciation is the phenomenon of a new species

– arising from an ancestral species

• It involves change in the genetic makeup

– of a population,

– which also may bring about changes

– in form and structure

• During allopatric speciation ,

– species arise when a small part of a population

– becomes isolated from its parent population

Allopatric Speciation

• Reduction of the area occupied by a species

– may leave a small isolated population

– Two peripheral isolates evolved into new species

– Isolation might result from a marine transgression.

Allopatric Speciation

• Geographic barriers may form across parts

– of a central population’s range,

– thereby isolating small populations that speciate

Finch Speciation

• Darwin’s finches from the Galápagos Islands

– underwent allopatric speciation

– due to isolation of birds among the many islands

Berry eater

Cactus eaters

Insect eaters

Seed eaters

Mendel and the Birth of Genetics

• During the 1860s, Gregor Mendel,

• an Austrian monk,

– performed a series of controlled experiments

– with true-breeding strains of garden peas

– strains that when self-fertilized

– always display the same trait, such as flower color

• Traits are controlled by a pair of factors,

– now called genes

• Genes occur in alternate forms, called alleles

– One allele may be dominant over another

– Offspring receive one allele

– of each pair from each parent

Mendel’s Experiments

• The parental generation consisted of

– true-breeding strains,

RR = red flowers, rr = white flowers

• Cross-fertilization yielded a second generation

– all with the Rr combination of alleles,

• in which the R (red) is dominant over r (white)

Mendel’s Experiments

• The second generation, when self-fertilized

– produced a third generation

– with a ratio of three red-flowered plants

– to one white-flowered plant

Importance of Mendel’s Work

• The factors (genes) controlling traits

– do not blend during inheritance

• Traits not expressed in each generation

– may not be lost

• Therefore, some variation in populations

– results from alternate expressions of genes (alleles)

• Variation can be maintained

Genes and Chromosomes

• Complex, double-stranded helical molecules

– of deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA)

• called chromosomes

– are found in cells of all organisms

• except bacteria,

• which have ribonucleic acid (RNA)

• Specific segments of DNA

– are the basic units of heredity


• The number of chromosomes

– varies from one species to another

– fruit flies 8; humans 46; horses 64

Sexually Reproducing Organisms

• In sexually reproducing organisms


– the production of sex cells

• pollen and ovules in plants

• sperm and eggs in animals

– results when cells undergo a type of cell division

– known as meiosis

• This process yields cells

– with only one chromosome of each pair

– so all sex cells have

– only 1/2 the chromosome number

– of the parent cell


• During meiosis,

– sex cells form that contain one member

– of each chromosome pair

• Formation of sperm is shown here

• Eggs form the same way,

– but only one of the four final eggs

– is functional


• The full number of chromosomes

– is restored when a sperm fertilizes an egg

– or when pollen fertilizes an ovule

• The egg (or ovule) then

– has a full set of chromosomes

– typical for that species

• As Mendel deduced,

– 1/2 the genetic makeup

– of fertilized egg

– comes from each parent

• The fertilized egg

– grows by mitosis


• Mitosis is cell division

– that results in

– the complete duplication of a cell

• In this example,

– a cell with four chromosomes (two pairs)

– produce two cells

– each with four chromosomes

• Mitosis takes place

– in all cells except sex cells

What Brings about Variation?

• Evolution by natural selection

– works on variation in populations

– most of which is accounted for by the reshuffling

– of alleles from generation to generation

– during sexual reproduction

• The potential for variation is enormous

– with thousands of genes

– each with several alleles,

– and with offspring receiving 1/2 of their genes

– from each parent

• New variations arise by mutations

– change in the chromosomes or genes


• Mutations result in a change

– in hereditary information

• Mutations that take place in sex cells

– are inheritable,

– whether they are chromosomal mutations

• affecting a large segment of a chromosome

– or point mutations

• individual changes in particular genes

• Mutations are random with respect to fitness

– they may be beneficial, neutral, or harmful

Rate of Speciation

• Although widespread agreement exists

– on allopatric speciation

– scientists disagree on how rapidly

– a new species might evolve

– Phyletic gradualism

• the gradual accumulation of minor changes

• eventually brings about the origin of new species

• This view was held by

Darwin and reaffirmed by modern synthesis

Rate of Speciation

• Punctuated equilibrium

– holds that little or no change

– takes place in a species

– during most of its existence

– then evolution occurs rapidly

– giving rise to a new species

– in perhaps as little as a few thousand years

Styles of Evolution

Divergent evolution occurs

– when an ancestral species

– giving rise to diverse descendants

– adapts to various aspects of the environment

• Divergent evolution leads to descendants

– that differ markedly from their ancestors

Convergent evolution involves the development

– of similar characteristics

– in distantly related organisms

Parallel evolution involves the development

– of similar characteristics

– in closely related organisms

Divergent Evolution

• Divergent evolution of a variety

– of placental mammals from a common ancestor

• Divergence accounts for descendants

– that differ from their ancestors and from one another

Convergent Evolution

• Convergent evolution takes place

– when distantly related organisms give rise to species

– that resemble one another

– because they adapt

– in comparable ways

Parallel Evolution

• Parallel evolution

– involves the independent origin

– of similar feature in related organisms


• A cladogram showing inferred relationships

• Some of the characteristics used

– to construct this cladogram are indicated


Phylogeny is the evolutionary history

– of a group of organisms

• If sufficient fossil material is available,

– paleontologists determine the phylogeny

– and evolutionary trends for groups of organisms

• For example, one trend in ammonoids

• extinct relatives of squid and octopus

– was the evolution

– of an increasingly complex shell

Evolutionary Trends

• Abundant fossils show the evolutionary trends of

– the Eocene mammals family Brontotheridea,

• better known as titanotheres

• These extinct relative of horses and rhinoceroses

– evolved from small ancestors

– to giants standing 2.4 m at the shoulder

– developed large horns

– and the shape of their skull changed

– Only 4 of the 16 known genera are show

Evolutionary Trends

• Size increase is

– one of the most common evolutionary trends

• However, trends are complex

– they might reverse

– more than one can take place

– at the same time at different rates

• Trends in horses included

– generally larger size

• but size decreased in some now-extinct horses

– changes in teeth and skull

– lengthening legs

– reduction in number of toes

• These trends occurred at different rates

“Living Fossils”

• Several organisms have shown

– little or no change for long periods

• If these still exist as living organisms today

– they are sometimes called living fossils

• For example:

– horseshoe crabs

• closest living relative of a trilobite

– coelacanth (fish)

– gingkoes (tree)

• The absence of change for these organisms

– is not yet fully understood

A Living Fossil


– belongs to a group of fish

– once thought to have gone extinct

– at the end of the Mesozoic Era

A specimen was caught off the coast of East Africa in 1938

A Second Living Fossil

• Ginkgos

– have changed very little

– for millions of years

• They were found

– living in some isolated habitats in


– and have been transplanted elsewhere


• Perhaps as many as 99% of all species

– that ever existed are now extinct

• Organisms do not always evolve

– toward some kind of higher order of perfection

– or greater complexity

• Vertebrates are more complex

– but not necessarily superior

– in some survival sense than bacteria

– after all, bacteria have persisted

– for at least 3.5 billion years

• Natural selection yields organisms adapted

– to a specific set of circumstances

– at a particular time

Background and Mass Extinction

• The continual extinction of species

– is referred to as background extinction

• It is clearly different from mass extinction

– during which accelerated extinction rates

– sharply reduce Earth’s biotic diversity

• Extinction is a continual occurrence

– but so is the evolution of new species

– that usually quickly exploit the opportunities

– another species’ extinction creates

• Mammals began a remarkable diversification

– when they began occupying niches

– the extinction of dinosaurs and their relatives left vacant

Mass Extinction

• The mass extinction of dinosaurs

– and other animals at the end of Mesozoic Era

– is well known,

• but the greatest mass extinction

– occurred at the end of the Paleozoic Era

• More than 90% of all species died out

– We will discuss these extinctions

– and their possible causes later in the term

Evidence in Support of Evolution

• Darwin cited supporting evidence

– for evolutionary theory such as

• classification

• embryology

• comparative anatomy

• geographic distribution

• fossil record, to a limited extent

• He had little knowledge

– of the mechanism of inheritance

– and biochemistry and molecular biology

– were unknown at his time

Evidence in Support of Evolution

• Since Darwin’s time, studies from additional fields

– in biochemistry

– molecular biology

– more complete and better understood fossil record

• have convinced scientists that the theory

– is as well supported by evidence

– as any other major theory

• Scientists still disagree on many details,

– but the central claim of the theory

– is well established and widely accepted

Is the Theory of Evolution


• An idea can only be a truly scientific theory

– if testable predictive statements

– can be made from it

• No theory in science is ever proven

• in the final sense,

– although substantial evidence may support it

• All theories are always open

– to question, revision and occasionally

– to replacement by a more comprehensive theory

Theories Must Be Predictive

• By predictive, we do not mean that

– it can predict the future

• No one knows which existing species

– will become extinct, or what descendants

– of any particular organism, if any,

– will look like in 10 million years from now

• Nevertheless, we can make a number of predictions

– about the present-day biological world

– and about the fossil record

– that should be consistent with the theory of evolution,

– if it is correct

Some Predictions from Evolution

• If evolution has taken place,

– the oldest fossil-bearing rocks should have

– very different fossils than organisms of today

• More recent rocks should have

– more fossils similar to today’s organisms

• Closely related species should have similarities

– in a whole range of areas, not just anatomy

Some Predictions from Evolution

• Classification of organisms

– should show a nested pattern of similarities

• Neighboring plants and animals

– should be more similar to each other

– than to ones farther away

• A mechanism should exist

– that allows the evolution of one species to another

– fossils should appear in the fossil record

– in order of the organisms’ evolution


• Suppose that contrary to evolutionary prediction

– wolves and coyotes were not similar

– in terms of their biochemistry, genetics

– and embryonic development

– Our prediction would fail

– and we would at least have to modify the theory

• If other predictions also failed

– say, if mammals appeared in the fossil record before fishes

– then we would have to abandon the theory

– and find a better explanation for our observations

• Since the theory of evolution is testable,

– it is truly scientific

Biological Evidence

Supporting Evolution

• If all existing organisms actually evolved

– from ancestors that lived during the past,

• all life forms should have fundamental similarities:

– all living things consist mainly of carbon, nitrogen hydrogen and oxygen

– their chromosomes consist of DNA

• except bacteria which have RNA

– all cells synthesize proteins

– in essentially the same way

Evolutionary Relationships

• Biochemistry provides evidence

– for evolutionary relationships

• Blood chemistry is similar among all mammals

– Humans’ blood chemistry is related

• most closely to the great apes

• then to Old World monkeys

• then New World monkeys

• then lower primates such as lemurs

• Biochemical test support the idea

– that birds descended from reptiles

• a relationship also evidenced in the fossil record

Structures with Similarities

• Homologous structures

– are basically similar structures

– that have been modified for different functions

– They indicate derivation from a common ancestor.

• Analogous structures are structures

– with similarities unrelated

– to evolutionary relationships

– that serve the same function

– but are quite dissimilar

– in both structure and development

Homologous Structures

• Forelimbs of humans, whales, dogs, and birds

– are superficially dissimilar,

– yet all are made up of the same bones,

– have similar arrangement

– of muscles, nerves and blood vessels,

– are similarly arranged with respect to other structures,

– have similar pattern of embryonic development

Analogous Structures

• Wings of insects, birds and bats

– serve the same function but differ considerably

– in structure and embryological development

• Are any of these wings

– both analogous and homologous?

• Yes, bird and bat wings

Vestigial Structures

• Vestigial structures are nonfunctional remnants

– of structures in organisms that were functional

– in their ancestors

• Why do dogs have tiny,

– functionless toes on their feet (dewclaws)?

• Ancestral dogs had five toes

– on each foot,

– all of which contacted the ground

• As they evolved

– they became toe-walkers with only four toes on the ground

– and the big toes and thumbs were lost or reduced

– to their present state


• Classification uses a nested pattern of similarities

• Carolus Linneaus (1707-1778) proposed

– a classification scheme

– in which organisms receive a two-part name

– consisting of genus and species

– for example, the coyote is

Canis latrans

• Linnaeus’s classification is an ordered list

– of categories that becomes more inclusive

– as one proceeds up the hierarchy

Linnaean Classification

Most inclusive

• Kingdom

– Phylum

• Subphylum

– Class

» Order

• Family

– Genus

• Species

• the coyote,

Canis latrans

• Animalia

– Chordata

• Vertebrata

– Mammalia

» Carnivora

• Canidae

– Canis

• latrans

Least inclusive

Classification — shared Characteristics

• Subphylum vertebrata

– including fishes, amphibians, reptiles, birds and mammals,

– have a segmented vertebral column

• Only warmblooded animals with hair/fur and mammary glands are mammals

Coyote and Wolf

• Coyote (

Canis latrans ) and wolf ( Canis lupus )

– share numerous characteristics

– as members of the same genus

• They share some but fewer characteristics

– with the red fox ( Volpes fulva )

– in the family Canidae

• All canids share some characteristics with cats,

– bears and weasels in the order Carnivora

– which is one of 18 living orders

– of the class Mammalia

• Shared characteristics

– are evidence for evolutionary relationships

Evolution in Living Organisms

• Small-scale evolution can be observed today.

• For example

– adaptations of some plants to contaminated soils

– insects and rodents developing resistance to new insecticides and pesticides

– development of antibiotic-resistant strains of bacteria

• Variations in these populations

– allowed some variant types

– to live and reproduce,

– bringing about a genetic change

Horses and Their Relatives

• This cladogram shows the relationship among

– tapirs, rhinoceroses, horses and their extinct relative

– the titanotheres and chalicothers

– which are well documented by fossils

Horses and Their Relatives

• These might seem an odd assortment of animals

– but fossils and studies of living animals

– indicate that they shared a common ancestor

• As we trace these animals back

– in the fossil record,

– differentiating one from the other

– becomes increasingly difficult

• The earliest members of each group

– are remarkably similar,

– differing mostly in size and details of their teeth

• As their diversification proceeded

– the differences became more apparent

Never Enough

• Of course, we will never have enough fossils

– to document the evolutionary history

– of all living creatures simply because fossilization

– is an incomplete process

• The remains of some organisms

– are more likely to be preserved than those of others

– and accumulation of sediments

– varies in both space and time

• But several other kinds of evidence

– support the concept of evolution

– including biochemistry, comparative anatomy,

– genetics, molecular biology,

– and small-scale evolution of living organisms


• Jean Baptiste de Lamarck proposed

– the first formal theory of evolution

– to be taken seriously

– Inheritance of acquired characteristics

– was his mechanism for evolution

• In 1859 Charles Robert Darwin

– and Alfred Russel Wallace

– published their views on evolution,

– and proposed natural selection

– as the mechanism for evolutionary change


• Gregor Mendel’s breeding experiments

– with garden peas provided some of the answers

– regarding how variation

– is maintained and passed on

– Mendel’s work is the basis for modern genetics

• Genes are the hereditary determinants

– in all organisms

• This genetic information is carried

– in the chromosomes of cells

– Only the genes in

– the chromosomes of sex cells are inheritable


• Sexual reproduction and mutations

– account for most variation in populations

• Evolution by natural selection has 2-steps

– First, variation must be produced

– and maintained in interbreeding populations,

– and second, favorable variants

– must be selected for survival

• An important way by which new species evolve

– is allopathic speciation


• When a group is isolated

– from its parent population,

– gene flow is restricted or eliminated,

– and the isolated group is subjected

– to different selection pressures

• Divergent evolution involves

– an ancestral stock giving rise

– to diverse species

• The development of similar adaptive types

– in different groups of organisms results

– from parallel and convergent evolution


• Scientists are increasingly using

– cladistic analyses to determine relationships

– among organism,

– but they still show relationships

– using phylogenetic trees

• Extinctions take place continually,

– and times of mass extinctions

– resulting in marked decreases

– in Earth’s biologic diversity

– have occurred several times


• The theory of evolution is truly scientific

– because we can make observations

– that would falsify it

– That is, it could conceivably be proved wrong

• Much of the evidence supporting

– the theory of evolution comes from

– classification, embryology, genetics,

– biochemistry, molecular biology,

– and present-day small-scale evolution


• The fossil record also provides evidence

– for evolution in that it shows a sequence

– of different groups appearing through time,

– and some fossils show features

– we would expect in the ancestors of birds

– or mammals, and so on

The Galápagos Islands

Neutral Mutations

• Information in cells is carried on chromosomes

– which direct the formation of proteins

– by selecting the appropriate amino acids

– and arranging them into a specific sequence

• Neutral mutations may occur

– if the information carried on the chromosome

– does not change the amino acid or protein

– that is produced

Evolutionary Trends

• During evolution, all aspects of an organism

– do not change simultaneously

• A key feature we associate

– with a descendant group might appear

– before other features typical of that group

• For example, the oldest known bird

– had feathers and the typical fused clavicles of birds,

– but it also retained many reptile characteristics

• Mosaic evolution is the concept that

– organisms possess recently evolved characteristics

– as well as some features of their ancestral group

Remnants of Toes in Horses

• Normally a horse’s back foot

– has only one functional toe,

– the third

• Splints are small

– remnants of toes 2 and 4

– that remain as vestiges

• Occasionally,

– horses are born

– with one or both

– of these vestiges enlarged

Cladistics and Cladograms

• Traditionally, scientists have

– depicted evolutionary relationships

– with phylogenetic trees

• in which the horizontal axis represents

• anatomical differences

• and the vertical axis denotes time

• In contrast, a cladogram shows

– the relationships among members of a clade

• a group of organisms

• including its most recent common ancestor

• Cladistics focus on derived characteristics

• sometimes called evolutionary novelties

– as opposed to primitive characteristics

Phylogenetic Tree

• A phylogenetic tree

– showing the relationships

– among various vertebrate animals

Evolutionary Novelties

• All land-dwelling vertebrate animals

– posses bone and paired limbs

– so these characteristics are primitive

– and of little use in establishing relationships

– among land vertebrates

• However, hair and mammary glands

– are derived characteristics

– Only one subclade, the mammals, has them

Evolutionary Novelties

• If considering only mammals,

– hair and mammary glands

– are primitive characteristics,

– but live birth is a derived characteristic

– that serves to distinguish most mammals

– from the egg-laying mammals


• Three different interpretations

– of the relationships among

– bats, dogs and birds


• Bats and birds fly,

– which might suggest

– a closer relationship

– than to dogs

• Dogs and birds

– do not appear closely related

• Hair and giving birth to live young

– indicate that bats and dogs

– are more closely related

Galápagos Finches

• Darwin’s finches from the Galápagos Islands

– arranged to show evolutionary relationships

Insect eaters

Berry eater

Seed eaters

Cactus eaters

Insect eaters

– Notice that beak shape

– varies depending on diet

Various Possibilities

• In allopatric speciation

– a small population may evolve

– whereas the larger parent population may

• remain unchanged,

• evolve in some other direction,

• or become extinct

Styles of Evolution

• In both convergent and parallel evolution,

– similar characteristics developed independently

– in comparable environments


• Once an egg

– has been fertilized,

– the developing embryo

– grows by mitosis

Modern View of Evolution

• During the 1930s and 1940s,

– paleontologists, population biologists,

– geneticists, and others developed ideas that

– merged to form a modern synthesis

– or neo-Darwinian view of evolution

• They incorporated

– chromosome theory of inheritance

– into evolutionary thinking

• They saw changes in genes (mutations)

– as one source of variation

Allopatric Speciation

• A few individuals may somehow reach

– a remote area and no longer exchange genes

– with the parent population

– This out-migration can lead to the formation

• of a peripheral isolate that gives rise to a new species

– while the parent population persists without change


• Ideas about speciation

– commonly involve misconceptions

• One anti-evolution argument is

– “If humans evolved from monkeys,

– “why are there still monkeys?”

• This involves two misconceptions

– No scientist has ever claimed

• that humans evolved from monkeys

– Even if they had, that would not preclude

• the possibility of monkeys still existing

Modern View of Evolution

• They completely rejected Lamarck’s idea

– of inheritance of acquired characteristics

• They reaffirmed the importance of natural selection

• But since then,

– some scientists have challenged the emphasis

– in modern synthesis

– that evolution is gradual

Cladistics for Fossils

• Cladistics and cladograms work

– well for living organisms,

– but are trickier for fossils

• Care must be taken in determining

– what are primitive verses derived characteristics,

– especially in groups with poor fossil records

• Paleontologists must be especially careful

– of characteristics resulting

– from convergent evolution

Cladistics for Fossils

• Nevertheless, cladistics is a powerful tool

– that has more clearly elucidated

– the relationships among many fossil lineages,

– and is now used extensively by paleontologists

Coyote, Canis latrans

• 18 orders of mammals exist including order


• The Family

Canidae are doglike carnivores

• and the genus

Canis includes only closely related species

• Coyote, Canis latrans, stands alone as a species

Randomness in Natural Selection?

• But isn’t evolution by natural selection

– a random process?

• If so, how is it possible

– for a trend to continue long enough

– to account just by chance

– for such complex structures as

– eyes, wings, and hands?

Two Steps in Natural Selection

• Evolution by natural selection

– is a 2 step process

– Only the first step involves chance

• Variation must be present

– or arise in a population

• Whether a mutation is favorable

– is a matter of chance

• The natural selection of favorable variations

– is not by chance


• Evolutionary trends are a series of adaptations

– to changing environment

– or in response to exploitation of new habitats

• Some organisms

– show little evolutionary change

– for long periods

Lingula is a brachiopod

– with a shell, at least,

– that has not changed

– significantly since the Ordovician
