Topology of Definition T.1: Let x . If 0 the interval S ( x , x ) is called an -neighborhood (or simply a neighborhood) of x. A deleted neighborhood of x is a set of the form { y : 0 y x } . Definition T.2: A set S is said to be open if and only if for each x S there exists a neighborhood, N, of x such that N S , Exercises: Determine, with proof, which of the following sets are open: 1. (0,1) 2. {3,5} 3. n 4. X i where X i is open for each i i 1 5. X i where X i is open for each i i 1 (continued) Determine, with proof, which of the following sets are open: n 6. X i where X i is open for each i i 1 7. X i where X i is open for each i i 1 Definition T.3: A point p is an accumulation point (or limit point) of the set S if and only if for each > 0, the interval p , p contains at least one point of S other than p. Definition T.4: A set A is said to be closed if and only if it contains all of its accumulation points. Exercises: Determine, with proof, which of the following sets are closed: 1 8. : n n (continued) Determine, with proof, which of the following sets are closed: 3 9. sin x : x , 2 2 10. The Cantor Middle-thirds Set n 11. X i where X i is closed for each i i 1 12. X i where X i is closed for each i i 1 n 13. X i where X i is closed for each i i 1 14. X i where X i is closed for each i i 1 More Exercises: 15. Give an example (if possible) of a set S , such that S is neither open nor closed. 16. Give an example (if possible) of a set S , such that S is both open and closed. Theorem T.5: A set S is open if and only its complement is closed. We leave the proof as an exercise for the reader. Definition T.6: Two sets are separated if and only if they are disjoint and neither contains a limit point of the other. Exercises: Determine whether the following sets are separated: 1. Rationals, Irrationals. 2. Cantor Set, Complement of Cantor Set 3. Integers, {x : x ( z , z ), where z 2 Definition T.7: A set S non-empty separated sets. and (0,1) is connected if and only if it cannot be partitioned into two Make up a theorem of your own – proof required. Insert name ’s Theorem: A set S is connected if and only Definition T.8: a collection of open sets Oi iA is said to cover a set S S iA if and only if Oi . In this case, Oi iA is said to be an open cover of S. If B A and Oi iB is also an open cover of S, then Oi iB is called a open sub-cover of Oi iA . In particular, if B is finite, Oi iB is called a finite sub-cover. Definition T.9: A set S open sub-cover. is compact if and only if every open cover of S has a finite Exercises: Determine which sets are compact: 1. [0,1] 2. (0,1) 3. Theorem T.10 (Heine – Borel): A set S and bounded. Proof: Left as an exercise. is compact if and only if S is both closed