Stakeholder survey on the future of pre-accession assistance post 2013 Basic information about your organisation Please provide the following information about your organisation: Name Contact email (or, alternatively, a postal address) The type of your organisation: Business representation Private company Trade union Non-governmental organisation (NGO) Research institute or think tank National public administration/body Regional or local public administration/body Institution of the European Union International funding institution Other (to specify) If 'Other', please specify: {if NGO} Which is the main field of activity of your organisation (e.g. human rights, transparency, environment protection, equal opportunities)? {if National public administration} Are you a National IPA Coordinator (NIPAC)? Yes No {if European Institution} Which institution of the European Union? DG Enlargement DG Regional Policy DG Employment, Social Affairs & Inclusion Other (to specify) If 'Other', please specify: Are you a member of any of the following bodies? IPA Management Committee IPA Joint Monitoring Committee Monitoring Committee of IPA Component I Monitoring Committee of IPA Component II Monitoring Committee of IPA Component III Monitoring Committee of IPA Component III Monitoring Committee of IPA Component V Your organisation's country of establishment: Regional/local National European (multi-country) Global Does your organisation benefit (or has it benefited in the past) from EU funding under the IPA instrument, or under any other EU financial instruments? Yes No Please specify which projects and instruments (the 3 most significant ones): Does your organisation co-finance projects (also) funded by the IPA instrument, or by any other EU financial instruments? Yes No Please specify which instruments (the 3 most significant ones): Do you wish to respond to this questionnaire referring in your answers generally to all beneficiary countries or only selected ones? A. All beneficiary countries B. Certain specific beneficiary countries Please specify which countries: Albania Bosnia and Herzegovina Croatia The former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia Iceland Kosovo1 Montenegro Serbia Turkey C. Another perspective (to specify) If ‘Other perspective', specify which: 1 please (under United Nations Security Council Resolution 1244/1999) Future needs in beneficiary countries after 2013 The ultimate aim of EU financial assistance has been to support beneficiary countries' progressive alignment with the standards and policies of the EU, with a view to EU membership. To ensure performance of assistance in terms of its relevance, efficiency, effectiveness, sustainability, and impact/results, and taking due account of the scarcity of funds compared to needs, the successor to IPA should address the most significant needs, taking also into account that the funds available to the EU are limited. The period of reference should be the next Multi-annual Framework of the EU, i.e. a period of 5 to 7 years starting in 2014. Q1.1 Please indicate below the importance of different needs to be addressed in the beneficiary countries - either through financial assistance or through other policy activities. Please score from 1 (not a need) to 5 (highly significant need). A. Political criteria 1 (not a need) 2 3 4 5 (highly significant need) No opinion 1 (not a need) 2 3 4 5 (highly significant need) No opinion A1. Democracy, democratic institutions A2. The rule of law - Fight against organised crime - Fight against corruption A3. The promotion and the protection of human rights A4. Respect for and protection of minority rights A5. The promotion of gender equality and non-discrimination A6. The development of civil society A7. Reconciliation, confidencebuilding measures and reconstruction B. Economic criteria B1. Existence of a functioning marketing economy - Macroeconomic stability - Free interplay of market forces - Adequate legal system B2. Capacity to cope with competitive pressures and market forces within the European Union - Availability of sufficient human capital - The development of civil society - Availability of sufficient physical capital (incl. RTD, infrastructure) - Availability of adequate sectoral and enterprise structures (incl. support for SMEs) C. Ability to take on the obligations of membership 1 (not a need) 2 3 4 5 (highly significant need) No opinion C1. Adoption of or alignment with the acquis C2. Implementation and enforcement of the acquis D. Supporting structures and measures for compliance with the criteria 1 (not a need) 2 3 4 5 (highly significant need) No opinion 1 (not a need) 2 3 4 5 (highly significant need) No opinion D1. Public administration reform D2. Fiscal reform, improving domestic revenue collection D3. Cross-border cooperation measures D4. Investment needs in regional development D5. Investment needs in human resources development D6. Investment needs in to develop rural areas/economies to increase living standards E. Management of funds E1. Decentralisation of the management of EU pre-accession assistance E2. Preparing for the implementation and management of the EU's regional and cohesion policy, including Territorial Cooperation E3. Preparing for the implementation of the EU's common agricultural policy Other 1 (not a need) Other need (to specify) If 'Other need', please specify: Comments (optional): 2 3 4 5 (highly significant need) No opinion The overall European added value of pre-accession assistance The identification of a European added value is a key criterion for the justification for spending at EU level. EU pre-accession assistance should therefore focus on actions which beneficiary countries cannot do or finance themselves; which cannot be funded from other external resources; or where EU action can secure better results, e.g. through providing specialist knowledge. Q2.1 In which areas will pre-accession assistance bring the most European added value in the next period after 2013? Please rate the level of added value from 1 ‘the least’ to 5 ‘the most’ for each of the intervention areas listed. Transition Assistance & Institution Building 1 (the least) Strengthening of democratic institutions and the rule of law Promotion and protection of human rights and fundamental freedoms Promotion of gender equality and non-discrimination Promotion of minority integration, reconciliation and confidencebuilding measures Reform in the field of justice and home affairs, including the fight against corruption and organised crime Public administration reform, strengthening institutional capacity and the efficiency of public administrations Development of civil society and dialogue with the national authorities Removal of obstacles to social inclusion and support for inclusive labour markets Preparatory action to manage and implement Structural, Cohesion and common Agricultural Policy funds Strengthening of the market economy, economic reform and support for a sustainable economic growth 2 3 4 5 (the most) No opinion Modernisation of the regulatory framework and support for the adoption of the acquis Cross-border cooperation: geographical scope Cross-border cooperation between EU member states and beneficiary countries Cross-border cooperation between beneficiary countries Transnational cooperation with EU member states Cooperation between beneficiary and neighbourhood countries Cross-border cooperation: subject Promoting sustainable economic and social development in the border areas Addressing common challenges in fields such as environment, natural and cultural heritage or public health Prevention of and fight against organised crime Ensuring efficient and secure borders Promoting joint small scale actions involving local actors from the border regions Regional Development Upgrading transport infrastructure Environment measures Enhancing regional competitiveness Energy efficiency resources Human Resource Development Increasing adaptability of workers, enterprises and entrepreneurs Enhancing access to employment Reinforcing social inclusion of disadvantaged people Promoting partnerships, pacts and initiatives through networking Expanding and enhancing investment in human capital Rural Development Improving market efficiency and implementation of Community standards - Investments in agricultural holdings - Support for the setting-up of producer groups - Investments in the processing and marketing of agriculture and fishery products Preparatory actions for implementation of the agrienvironmental measures and local rural development strategies - Actions to improve the environment and the countryside - Preparation and implementation of local rural development strategies Development of the rural economy - Improvement and development of rural infrastructure - Diversification and development of rural economic activities - Improvement of training Comments. Please explain the reasons for the views expressed above and provide evidence to support the views. Particularly explain why EU would be in a better position to provide added value as compared to other sources of financing. The indicative amount of for pre-accession under the current financial framework is € 11.5 billion over the period 2007-2013, currently distributed between the 5 IPA Components (Transition assistance and Institution Building, Cross Border Cooperation, Regional Development, Human Resources Development and Rural Development. Q2.2 To what extent do you agree with Please rate from 1 (totally disagree) to 5 (totally agree). 1 (totally disagree) The current structure of IPA is appropriate for pre-accession assistance Sufficient synergies exist between activities under the different components of EU pre accession assistance The different components of EU pre-accession assistance should 2 the 3 following 4 statements? 5 (totally agree) No opinion be better coordinated More EU resources are required to meet Pre accession needs Pre accession needs could be met with less EU resources Comments. Please provide your arguments and evidence supporting your views in the box below: Future policy objectives of EU Pre accession assistance Q3.1 Please indicate how you think the relevance of the policy objectives will change for the next financial framework (after 2013)? Will they be… Much less relevant Less releva nt Remai n the same More releva nt Much more releva nt No opinio n Strengthening democratic institutions, the rule of law and human rights Supporting the adoption of or alignment with the acquis, preparing for membership and manage structural, cohesion and rural development policy funds Addressing the challenges of European integration through reforms in governance and the economy Contributing to sustainable socio-economic development Advancing regional cooperation Improving social inclusion and reconciliation and reducing poverty Other (to specify) If 'Other', please specify: Comments: please provide your arguments and evidence supporting your view in the box below: Coherence with EU priorities Strengthening the coherence between the EU’s actions and its overarching objectives and priorities is key in all EU policy areas in order to maximise the overall gains from public interventions and to ensure the sustainability of effects. Preaccession assistance is no exception to this principle, and will be aligned, to an appropriate degree, with relevant EU priorities falling outside the actual scope of enlargement. Beneficiary countries of EU Pre accession assistance, pursuing EU membership, may also be interested in aligning their policies with the EU priorities. Q4.1 Please indicate in your opinion to what extent future EU pre-accession assistance should align with the following EU priorities in the next financial framework (after 2013). Should future assistance be… Much less aligned Less aligne d Uncha nged More aligne d Much more aligne d No opinio n The Europe 2020 strategy (overall) - Boosting research and innovation (‘Innovation Union’) - Increased mobility of young people (‘Youth on the Move’) - More efficient use of resources - A competitive and sustainable European industry - New skills and jobs - Fighting against poverty Comments. Please provide your arguments and evidence supporting your view in the box below: Q4.2 To what extent is current pre-accession assistance linked to the challenges and needs identified in the enlargement negotiation process? Please rate from 1 (no link) to 5 (very closely linked). 1 (no link) 2 3 4 5 (very closely linked) No opinion Comments (optional): please provide your arguments and evidence supporting your view in the box below: Q4.3 To what extent is current pre-accession assistance aligned with national (beneficiary country) priorities? Please rate from 1 (no link) to 5 (very closely linked). 1 (no link) 2 3 4 5 (very closely linked) No opinion Comments (optional): please provide your arguments and evidence supporting your view in the box below: Q4.4 EU pre-accession assistance should identify different priorities for potential candidates and candidate countries. Please rate from 1 (completely disagree) to 5 (completely agree). 1 (completely disagree) 2 3 4 5 (completely agree) No opinion Comments (optional): please provide your arguments and evidence supporting your view in the box below: The policy foundations of programming Assistance under IPA is required to be in accordance with the general policy framework for pre-accession. This framework (initially through the European and Accession Partnerships) sets out short and medium term priorities for the beneficiary countries, linked to the political and economic criteria for EU accession (Copenhagen criteria). In the planning of assistance under IPA in the individual beneficiary countries, due account is also taken of the Country Progress Reports/Opinions and the EU’s annual Enlargement Strategy Paper. These documents have influence over the actual activities chosen and to be carried out in the beneficiary countries. Q5.1 When selecting the range of measures and activities to be undertaken in beneficiary countries, to what extent should programming decisions reflect the following strategic documents? Should these documents be… Much less influent ial Less influe ntial Uncha nged More influe ntial Much more influe ntial No opinio n Enlargement Package (including partnerships, strategy paper and progress reports National policy strategies for EU integration National Development Plans National sector strategies Comments (optional): please provide your arguments and evidence supporting your view in the box below: Q5.2 When programming pre-accession assistance, should more or less influence be given to the views of the following actors in the next financial framework (after 2013)? Signific antly less influenc e EU Delegations EU member states National authorities in beneficiary countries Regional and local authorities in beneficiary countries Business stakeholders in beneficiary countries Slightl y less influe nce Uncha nged Slightl y more influe nce Signifi cantly more influe nce No opinio n Civil society stakeholders in beneficiary countries Comments (optional): please provide your arguments and evidence supporting your view in the box below: Strategic planning Currently all pre-accession countries receive assistance under the Transition Assistance and Institution Building component (Component I) and under Crossborder cooperation (Component II), whilst Regional Development, Human Resources Development and Rural Development (Components III to V) apply only to candidate countries. The individual Multiannual Indicative Planning Documents (MIPDs) set out - on a three-year rolling basis, updated annually - the main priorities for all EC assistance over the coming years and form the basis for annual or (under Components III to V) multi-annual country programmes. Q6.1 To what extent do you agree with the following general statements? Please rate from 1 (completely disagree) to 5 (completely agree). 1 2 3 4 5 No opinion The MIPDs are sufficiently focused Sufficient emphasis is put in the MIPDs on achieving measurable results The MIPDs contain the right priorities The current strategic planning process of IPA is adequate to guide the programming process Comments. Please provide your arguments and evidence supporting your view in the box below. What could be done to improve programming? Q6.2 To what extent are the actions (set of measures) currently offered adequate to prepare candidate countries to manage and implement cohesion policy/rural development funds upon accession? Please feel free to respond to those areas only with which you are familiar, or to provide one answer for IPA in general. Please rate from 1 (completely inadequate) to 5 (completely adequate). 1 (completely inadequate) IPA in general Cross-border cooperation Regional development Human resource development Rural development 2 3 4 5 (completely adequate) No opini on Comments: please provide your arguments and evidence supporting your view in the box below: Q6.3 Is the current programming process adequate to deliver the intended results? Please rate from 1 (completely inappropriately) to 5 (completely appropriately). 1 (completely inappropriat ely) 2 3 4 5 (completely appropriatel y) No opini on IPA in general Transition assistance and institution building Cross-border cooperation Regional development Human resource development Rural development Comments. Please provide your arguments and evidence supporting your view in the box below. What should be done to improve the planning process? How could IPA assist? Q6.4 Would the simplification of administrative and payment procedures (including control mechanisms) be helpful? Please rate from 1 (very unhelpful) to 5 (very helpful). 1 (very unhelpful) 2 3 4 5 (very helpful) No opinion IPA in general Transition assistance and institution building Cross-border cooperation Regional development Human resource development Rural development Comments: please provide your arguments and evidence supporting your view in the box below: Q6.5 Are the management structures in place to manage the funds under the individual IPA Components adequate? Please rate from 1 (completely inadequate) to 5 (completely adequate). 1 (completely inadequate) 2 3 4 5 (completely adequate) No opini on IPA in general Transition assistance and institution building Cross-border cooperation Regional development Human resource development Rural development Comments: please provide your arguments and evidence supporting your view in the box below. What alternative measures should be added, if any? Q6.6 Is the decentralised management system currently employed under IPA helpful in building capacity for the management and control of pre-accession assistance? Please rate from 1 (not helpful at all) to 5 (completely helpful). 1 (not helpful at all) 2 3 4 5 (completely helpful) No opinion IPA in general Transition assistance and institution building Cross-border cooperation Regional development Human resource development Rural development Comments: please provide your arguments and evidence supporting your view in the box below. What should be done to prepare beneficiaries adequately? Q6.7 Would the incorporation of conditionalities in payments on the basis of performance criteria be helpful in improving the efficiency of IPA (e.g. withholding funds until financing agreement between beneficiary country and EU is signed)? Please rate from 1 (not helpful at all) to 5 (completely helpful). 1 (not helpful at all) IPA in general Transition assistance and 2 3 4 5 (completely helpful) No opinion institution building Cross-border cooperation Regional development Human resource development Rural development Comments: please provide your arguments and evidence supporting your view in the box below: Q6.8 Would financial incentives given to beneficiary countries for better programme performance be helpful in improving the efficiency of IPA (e.g. a performance reserve from which well-performing beneficiary countries or component programmes can receive additional funding)? Please rate from 1 (not helpful at all) to 5 (completely helpful). 1 (not helpful at all) 2 3 4 5 (completely helpful) No opinion IPA in general Transition assistance and institution building Cross-border cooperation Regional development Human resource development Rural development Comments: please provide your arguments and evidence supporting your view in the box below: Q6.9 Would an extended use of leveraging IPA funding to support strategic investments (e.g. blending IPA grants and loans from other donors) be helpful in improving the efficiency of IPA? Please rate from 1 (not helpful at all) to 5 (completely helpful). 1 (not helpful at all) IPA in general Transition assistance and institution building Cross-border cooperation Regional development Human resource development Rural development 2 3 4 5 (completely helpful) No opinion Comments: please provide your arguments and evidence supporting your view in the box below: Q6.10 To what extent are relevant stakeholders involved in the programming and implementation of the programmes? Please rate from 1 (completely insufficiently) to 5 (completely sufficiently). 1 (completely insufficientl y) 2 3 4 5 (completely sufficiently) No opini on IPA in general Transition assistance and institution building Cross-border cooperation Regional development Human resource development Rural development Comments: please provide your arguments and evidence supporting your view in the box below: Q6.11 Is the current level of beneficiary ‘ownership’ in the implementation of actions under the IPA Components adequate (active participation and commitment to results)? Please rate from 1 (completely inadequate) to 5 (completely adequate). 1 (completely inadequate) 2 3 4 5 (completely adequate) No opini on IPA in general Transition assistance and institution building Cross-border cooperation Regional development Human resource development Rural development Comments: please provide your arguments and evidence supporting your view in the box below: How could beneficiary ownership be strengthened? Options for Transition Assistance and Institution Building Under the next EU pre-accession assistance instrument after 2013, a range of mechanisms may be considered that could improve the overall performance of the assistance provided under Transition Assistance and Institution Building in terms of its relevance, efficiency, effectiveness, impact/results and sustainability. Q7.1 In your opinion, how might the following options impact on the overall performance of Transition Assistance and Institution Building (currently Component I) actions in the next round of pre-accession assistance (after 2013)? The structure of pre-accession assistance Significa ntly less influence Slightly negative Neutral Slightly positive Signifi cantly positi ve No opinio n Significa ntly less influence Slightly negative Neutral Slightly positive Signifi cantly positi ve No opinio n Significa ntly less influence Slightly negative Neutral Slightly positive Signifi cantly positi ve No opinio n Increasing the weight of regional (multi country) programmes Increasing the weight of national programmes Increasing the weight of cross-border programmes Programming Replacing the annual programmes with multiannual programmes Strengthening sector approach in programming Increasing access to other EU programmes Implementation Fewer restrictions on the use of budget support More systematic use of sector budget support Higher levels of cofinancing contributions from national budgets More flexible use of sector budgetary support Increased use of twinning with EU Member States Increased use of joint management with EU, Member States, or international organisations Greater use of decentralised management Comments. please provide your arguments and evidence supporting your view in the box below: Q7.2 Are there any other options to consider that could improve performance of assistance? Overall judgement Q8.1 Overall, what were IPA’s greatest strengths in your view? What has it done well? Q8.2 What were its greatest weaknesses? What has it not done well? Q8.3 Please provide your additional comments or recommendations in the box below: