DFTG 1405

Student Syllabus Cover Sheet
Revised June, 2006
Semester and Year –
Spring 2009
CRN (Course Reference Number), Course Prefix, Number and Title –
Technical Drafting
Course Meeting Days, Times and Location (Campus, Building, and Room number) –
Monday/Wednesday/Friday 8:00AM – 9:50AM
Peace 208 & Peace 212
Instructor’s Name – Jo Ann Lurker
Instructor’s Telephone number(s) – 979/532-6339
Instructor’s email address – joannl@wcjc.edu
Instructor’s webpage –
Instructor’s Office Hours and Office Location– Peace 210
MWF 10:00am to 12:00noon
3:00pm to 3:45pm
Tuesday 2:00pm to 4:00pm
Course Catalog Description – Introduction to the principles of drafting to include
terminology and fundamentals, including size and shape description, projections
methods, geometric construction, sections, auxiliary views, and reproduction processes.
Prerequisite: Credit for DFTG1409 or current enrollment; and TASP Reading met or
current enrollment in READ0307.
Credit: Four semester hours.
Instructor’s Grading System –
A= 100 – 90, B= 89 - 80, C= 79 - 70, D= 69 - 60, F= <60
(Details are included in outline)
Instructor’s Attendance Policy – As outlined in Department Ground Rules
There is no distinction between excused & inexcusable absences or tardiness.
Last day to “Drop” course with grade of “W” – April 13, 2009
1. Any student with a disability or other special circumstance requiring academic accommodations or other consideration in order to
successfully complete the requirements of this course should identify himself or herself individually to the instructor to discuss the
matter in a private and confidential manner.
2. Misconduct for which discipline may be administered at WCJC includes, but is not limited to, cheating, plagiarism, or knowingly
furnishing false information to the college (plagiarism and cheating refer to the use of unauthorized books, notes, or otherwise
securing help in a test, copying tests, assignments, reports, or term papers).