Master Syllabus (Generic Course Outline) NOTE: The intention of this master course syllabus is to provide a general outline of the contents of this course, as specified by the faculty of Wharton County Junior College, regardless of who teaches the course, when it is taught, or where it is taught. This generic outline is not intended to restrict the way any individual faculty member teaches the course. The master syllabus, therefore, should be general enough to allow for a diversity of individual approaches to teaching the course, while at the same time it provides guidance on what the course should cover. Division or Administrative Unit: Math and Science Course Prefix and Number: MATH 1314 Course Title: College Algebra DIGITAL DESCRIPTIONS STUDENT DESCRIPTION PAY-HOUR DESCRIPTION # Cr Hrs # Lec Hrs # Lab Hrs Lec Hrs + Lab Hrs = Total Pay Hrs 3 3 0 __3__ + [_0__ x ½] = __3__ Catalog Description: Includes systems of linear equations; selected topics on determinants and matrices; quadratic equations; systems involving quadratics, ratio and proportion, variation, exponents and radicals; inequalities; progressions; permutations and combinations; the binomial theorem; and selected topics in theory of equations and partial fractions. Prerequisites/Corequisites: TASP math requirement met. Text. College Algebra, by Sullivan, ‘99 edition Course Objectives: See attached Topical Outline (major areas of coverage): See attached Site Requirements (classroom & lab space, special equipment or workstations, etc.): Chalkboard and chalk. Recommended maximum class size for this course: 30 Prepared by: Name Date: ________________________________ Signature (Additional pages may be appended and the syllabus expanded as needed.) Master.syl (rev. 7-2-98) Wharton County Junior College Math/Science Division College Algebra (MATH1314) Course Objective: To have students be able to evaluate and solve problems from four major topics: A) Be able to do fundamental operations on algebraic expressions such as simplify, add, subtract, multiply, divide, or factor: 1) expressions with exponents, both integer and rational 2) polynomials 3) roots and radicals 4) complex numbers B) Be able to solve 1) any linear equation with one variable 2) any quadratic equation C) Be able to do basic graphing techniques such as listed in the topical outline of major areas of coverage. D) Be able to solve a system of equations Topical Outline: Major areas of coverage A) Evaluate an algebraic with any exponents, positive, negative, zero, or fractional exponent. B) Add, subtract, multiply, or divide polynomials with more than one term. C) Factor a polynomial by finding the greatest common factor, the difference of two perfect squares, or a trinomial, or declare that the polynomial cannot be factored, prime. D) Simplify, add, subtract, multiply, or divide roots and radicals. E) Add, subtract, multiply, and divide complex numbers. F) Solve a linear equation. G) Solve a quadratic equation. H) Evaluate a given function for a given value of x. I) Find the distance between 2 given points. J) Find the mid-point between 2 given points. K) Find the x and y intercepts. L) Find the slope of a line passing through 2 given points. M) Find the slope of a line when given the equation of the line N) Find the slope of a line 1) parallel to a given line 2) perpendicular to a given line O) Give the center and radius of a circle when given the equation of the circle. P) Write the equation of a circle when given the center and radius. Q) Tell which way a parabola opens. R) Find the vertex of a parabola. S) Identify an equation as being a linear, parabola, ellipse, circle, or hyperbola. T) Solve a system of equations. U) Evaluate a determinant. V) Solve a “story” or “word” problem. Course Grading: College Algebra In order to promote flexibility, individuality, and intellectual excellence, the grading system used by individual instructors is left to the instructors. There are mandatory stipulations. 1. Semester grades are A,B,C,D,F, and sometimes I. 2. Grades should reflect a variety of measures. 3. To help in the Departmental evaluation of College Algebra goals, a standardized departmental posttest is given and accurate scores are reported. (Weight of posttest in grading system is at the discretion of the instructor.) 4. Students receive a clearly worded, written description of the grading system included in the course outline. EXAMPLE: Unit test Project/Journal Homework Daily work/participation Final (60% is posttest + 40% added by instructor) *Semester grade 35% 18% 12% 5% 30% A: 92% - 100% B: 84% - 91% C: 72% - 83% D:64% - 71% F: LESS THAN 64% I: INCOMPLETES GIVEN ONLY FOR STUDENTS MISSING FINALS FOR LEGITIMATE REASONS.