START Monthly Meeting DATE: MARCH 17, 2011 LOCATION: SACRAMENTO HALL ANNEX TIME START: 2:00PM TIME END: _3:00PM__________ ATTENDANCE LOG MEMBERS PRESENT GRAVENBERG CURRY CARROLL DONATO-WEINSTEIN LOMBARDO WHYTE MEMBERS ABSENT CAROLIPIO SCOTT TANO OTHERS PRESENT AGENDA ABA CALENDAR ACTIONS Sarah Whyte reported that the ABA online calendar has been updated through the end of June to include dates for ABA governance structure activities, and dates pertinent to staff. These include START and ABA Staff Professionals meetings, along with the VP coffee, the spring social, and award program nomination and presentation dates. The calendar can be accessed from the ABA Home Page. SPQI SPECIALIST Sarah reported that interviews for the SPQI Specialist position begin on Friday, March 18 and will continue through Friday, March 25. The job description has been revised to expand web support duties, in addition to SPQI program support (which includes START and the ABA recognition program) and other duties. This was possible due to the reassignment of duties to the Vice President’s Office staff. 2011 STAFF PEER AWARDS Information on the Staff Peer Awards, such as nomination call dates and the deadline for submission (April 1-April 15) are posted on the ABA online calendar. This schedule provides flexibility for extending the deadline if necessary. Following the deadline, the selection team of last year’s recipients and other family representatives will need to meet (Sarah will facilitate) and awards must be ordered. Presentation of awards will be at the May 9 and 10 Staff Professionals meetings. START agreed that we should continue the practice of splitting presentations across the two days so that staff attending each day can participate in the award presentations. In addition to the Staff Peer awardees, Valued Staff Award recipients will be mentioned at each presentation. Gina Curry and Gina Lombardo agreed to assist the presentations by reading nominations for the award recipients. Sarah asked that START members help promote the nomination of staff colleagues within their families. Sarah will also send reminders. COMMUNICATION IN ABA Sarah informed START that at the most recent ABA Administrative Council meeting, Vice President Lee discussed the importance of maintaining communication with ABA division staff. He wants to ensure that everyone feels informed; and that even though the budget is uncertain at this point, they know that our campus has planned prudently for potential reductions and has identified funds for mitigating a portion of allocated reductions. VP Lee implemented the Message from the VP as one more way to communicate with staff. He will be sending these messages periodically, when there is information to share. And they will be posted to his website. To ensure that these communications address staff questions, it would be helpful to know what kinds of questions staff are asking about. START members discussed a variety of approaches for effectively communicating budget information to staff, which will be shared with the Vice President. Kem queried the team about including a budget update, similar to what was presented at the President’s Town Hall meeting, on the agenda for the upcoming ABA staff professionals meetings. She conveyed that the information was presented in an ‘easy to understand’ format for the lay person. Sarah suggested using the SP meeting venue to communicate the information because all staff will be in attendance. START suggested including information about CFS implementation in the VP Message for the newsletter. NEWSLETTER Newsletter is in process but delayed due to staff shortages and other matters. Completion anticipated by early April. OTHER Sarah reported that ABA Outlook Group lists have been updated by IRT, resulting in a few re-connects and changes to ensure that security access was maintained. Hopefully, the final list will provide a more accurate set of e-mail addresses for us to communicate with ABA staff. ACTIONS Gina Lombardo and Gina Curry will assist with presentation of awards at the May 9 and May 10 ABA Staff Professionals meetings by reading nominations for award recipients on the day they attend. Sarah will share START feedback on staff information questions with VP Lee RECORDED BY: _SARAH WHYTE 3/17/2011__